
How You Remind Me



05-13-2013, 06:37 PM

The man would seek her out this day. They had only properly met once before. She had been just as intriguing as Morphine had been to him, if not more so. Her intelligence and wit had caught his eye. A silver tongue like himself. Manipulative and cunning. Deceit and trickery was used to get what she wanted and Nnoitra found it appealing. So under the dark sky lit only by a few stars and a sliver of the moon the pale ghost sought her out. She would be found in her den. The night was frigid and already one's breath could be seen when under the correct lighting. Head peered into her den and his two-tone glacial gaze would search out her dark body in the confines of her den. There he stopped, unwilling to go any farther until permission was given.

"Loki Doll. May I enter?"

Vocals were hardly a whisper and were dark and husky. Her scent was intoxicating. He'd noticed it on his journey to seek her out, and it had only gotten stronger as he neared. It reminded him of Brina and then Ruffian as well. It had been fun times, but he was aging now. Still, he was not beyond a little fun. For now though he had merely wanted to seek out her company. Insomnia still plagued him. He was content to wander the territory alone, but this night he wished for pleasant company and light conversation.


Loki 1


6 Years
05-13-2013, 07:13 PM

Loki had twined her body around itself, coiling down and compacted her bodice into a tiny pull of obsidian. Her den was carefully hidden, lost in brambles, a tunnel beneath the earth that branched out into a large enough cave to comfortably fit four or five fully grown wolves. She enjoyed the space, the hidden alcove that was her refuse from the rest of the God forsaken world. Did she care that Kaien and Morphine were gone? No. Did she care that Nnoitra and Desdemona now ruled? No. She didn't care and she wouldn't care who flung the direction so long as they didn't meet a firey death. They left her alone and she left them alone. Life was good. The cleverly named Goddess of Mischief and Lies was content, coiled in her haven... but something would shift, a flicker, a scent in the air and for the first time in the year she had been here, her den would be discovered. The familiar scent of Nnoitra rolling over her in waves. She shivered. God damned heat.

He would purr to her in the sweetest of notes. A deep rumble and her ears would swivel forward, emerald green orbs snapping open, glowing in the darkness of her den, the dame would not move, her body coiled around itself, but a hum would filter through her vocals and her larynx would vibrate in a tone bathed in sin as she answered him. "When spoken so sweetly how can I decline?"




05-14-2013, 07:46 AM

Darkness enveloped then den and hid her from him, and yet he could be seen almost perfectly as whatever light could reach him illuminated his colorless coat. Her own vocals purred at him giving him permission to enter. If she could see his face she would notice a brief toothy grin before he entered. Paws brought him forward as he lay down near her making himself comfortable.

"How are you love? It's been a while, hasn't it?"

Head cocked sideways. He was surprised he'd managed to track down her den. She'd managed to find one of the most secluded spots in Tortuga. Had it been any other season he probably would have never been able to find her, unless she either showed him or deliberately brought him home with her. He commended her. She was a tricky creature.


Loki 1


6 Years
05-14-2013, 11:45 AM

Her heat was something she ignored to the best of her ability. Toleration was a more accurate word. Thor had left her utterly untrusting and she bore a hatred for something so intimate. She neither sought to relieve nor alleviate her burning need, she lingered in solitude merely to resist the barest of temptations... but now she was here, ebony pelt flickering only slightly as her ivory opposite joined her in her solitude. He would linger beside her, the moonlight just strong to illuminate his pelt, even in his elder age he was quite handsome.

"Time is a fickle thing, who determines where she flies? I've been well Nnoitra... yourself? Your new title suits you sweetheart, whats brings a king to a peasants doorstep?" Her words were alluring, dripping with seduction, she was at ease in Tortuga, the pack suited her far more than Valhalla ever had, she wished she would have made such a switch years ago. Loki enjoyed Nnoitra's presence, he didn't try to fix her or try to make her a better person... her merely accepted her slightly narcissistic ways and moved on. Out of all the wolves he could be attending at the moment, she wondered why in Gods name he had sought her.




05-14-2013, 04:04 PM

Her tone was always the same it seemed. Dripping with poison, but this one more intriguing. Her intelligence never failed to amaze him. She was much like himself, which was probably why he was so captivated by her. Every words was void of any idiocy. He could simply carry a casual conversation with her and it would carry intelligence that would thoroughly confuse half the idiots he had come across in his travels. Ever her words now amused him. She was pleasure to be around, and yet he wondered why he sought her out.

"Ah my dear, thank you. Your praise is appreciated, and yet your words are disheartening. Can a king not converse with his subjects? Especially with company such as yours. You truly are marvelous to be around. Far more intriguing than should be allowed. Much better than the rest of our species."

A chuckle left his larynx and faded to a soft purr before he shifted his position to let his legs splay out to the side. The soft purr of his voice was maintained as he continued.

"I sought you out for your company, and ah, for a favor, if you're willing of course. Your heat scent drug me to you tonight love, and gave me an idea."

Voice carried a more serious tone and the smile had faded from his lips. He was being blunt about the whole thing, there was no beating around the bush. It would be pointless with her, and he'd spare her and himself from such antics.

"I am aging rapidly, and I fear that I am almost past the age to procreate. With no mate, and no real interest in anyone I fear I won't have any lineage to pass on my genes too. My kids that Brina bore were failures as well as mistakes, but regardless, another litter would be welcome. Would you do me the honor of bearing children love? I can't think of anyone with better lineage than yourself. I've grown rather fond of you."

It was odd to be asking for children. The ones with Brina had indeed been an accident and unwelcome, but he wasn't opposed to the idea. He wanted kids to carry on his lineage. Especially since he was indeed aging. He wanted smart kids, and who better to have them with than the wolf who was named after the norse god of mischief? No one, save for Loki herself.


Loki 1


6 Years
05-14-2013, 05:50 PM

Most did not linger about in Loki's presence, stopping for pleasantries when it was demanded, a quick dip of a head or a nod of hello, but the venom that so often spewed from Loki's jaws, often chased many away, she was not a friendly, open creature. She didn't enjoy and exchange of pleasantries and she didn't trust anyone... aside from maybe Fenrir. She talked circles around most and by the time they realized the words that fell were insult, the obsidian dame had vanished. She liked her solitude, Nnoitra was one of very...very few whom she could tolerate longer than a few scarce minutes. It was the only reason he had been permitted into her haven.

His tones would reach her, the praise and flattery stroking her ego like a soothing balm, a smile would curl across her lips and she would shift only slightly, forelimbs stressing out before her while the rest of her sprawled out on the rocks. When Loki sprawled, she really sprawled, she had never grown out of the phase of thin, lengthy limbs and proportions. She was a lithe, thin thing that was much longer than she was broad, when she sprawled out, it was impressive to see how much room her thin build could take up. "By all means, do continue your flattery, I never tire of hearing my own strengths echoed back to me. You are welcome to my haven whenever you wish if that is your desire, an intellectual conversation is welcomed on occasion, my company, however, is less than pleasurable or so I am told." Hey honeyed voice would purr back to him, emerald eyes following his movements carefully.

Her ears swiveled, swinging in the ceaseless blanket of night as he would mention an idea, followed quickly by the scent of her heat, it did not take her clever mind to piece together what he would ask her. Synapses connecting firmly in her brain she would tilt her head to the side, regarding him silently. She remained silent, allowing him to speak, she would grow swollen with child, she would grow heavy with his seed. If he wished for her to do this he better have something in it for her. Loki had no desire to swell large with babes.

"Now I see the root of your flattery. Tell me sweetheart... why would you seek me to carry the product of your seed? Surely every bitch from here to the borders of Tortuga would line up to take your litter. What ideals swirl through your brain? You are not one to make an impulsive decision, what reasoning lingers behind your choice?" Clever she neither agreed nor declined his offer. She knew better than to blindly agree to a decision of such caliber, did she want to be a mother once more? Did she want to raise another handful of pups? her mind swirled with possibilities as she awaited his answer.




05-14-2013, 07:33 PM

Her words didn't give him an answer. She would question him as to why he had chosen her. Pester him about his decision. She knew he had reason behind it. She was smarter than the average female. Had he chosen anyone else he was positive there would have been little to no questions. They would have just thrown themselves at the opportunity to carry his seed. She on the other hand, this was another reason he enjoyed her presence, and had chosen her for this job. She thought before making rash decisions, just like he did. She was intelligent and he liked that about her. For now though he would continue to feed her ego as she suggested.

"You are wise my dear. More intelligent than most and fit into the higher class of beings like myself. You use your brain unlike the majority of fools that walk upon this earth. Any spawn of yours are likely to turn out the same, especially if both parents are alike in that aspect. Another addition is you truly are a lovely creature. Tall, slender, pitch black, and with darling green eyes. Children of yours would surely be beautiful."

Words were blunt and truthful, but this time he made sure to throw a little extra at her. Bolster her confidence and feed her ravenous ego. He couldn't help it, but none of what he said was lies. He wouldn't trick her. She wasn't someone he wanted to piss off. He intended to fully win her over by what was real, not with falsities.

"If you were to comply any children born would be chosen as Tortuga's next rulers if they show potential, which I'm sure they would, and I certainly wouldn't leave you to raise them alone. If anything as soon as they were weaned I would take them on by myself if needed. I would just need you to give birth to them, obviously, because I'm not female."

A light chuckle was given at his last words. It was no fun if there wasn't a few humorous jokes thrown out there. He couldn't help but lighten the mood a bit. He wasn't one for letting tension run in the air, or even giving it the chance to. Of course this subject was a tedious one. Regardless he had a feeling she would comply. His reasons were justified and he would offer her any reward she wished in return.

"In return I offer you anything within my power to give in return for this favor."


Loki 1


6 Years
05-14-2013, 08:14 PM

She did not thirst for power, she did not thirst for blood, she did not thirst for lust and she did not thirst for blood... Loki's mind was a ticking spidery wed of sticky lies, manipulations and promises. She craved for nothing but her own selfish ambitions. Her loyalties were questionable and her words even more so. Emerald green would glitter in the darkness, intrigued by this new twist in life's story. Did she wish to carry hit litter? His spawn? She would not abandon the pups as soon as they were weaned if she did. Despite her emotional attachment to damn near everything, she was not devoid of that motherly instinct, she loved her pups and she would love these if she agreed... granted it had been many years since she was last bred too and she was climbing the years in age, but she had no doubt that she could accomplish such a task.

"Ah, how sweetly you stroke my narcissistic tendencies. Such sweet spoken words for the witch you wish to carry your seed." She would purr in response, tail flickering absentmindedly as she considered her answer. "Tell me before I allow you my body, what other stipulations come with such the high honor of carrying the King's heirs?" She wanted to know the details, the stipulations to such a monumental offering, would she be pried away from her pups? Would they know her for only a short while? She wanted to know the full levity of the entire situation. She was not so fast to readily agree.

"Power does not appease me, nor prestige, nor honor. I need no respect and I require no tokens..." Her words would slither from her larynx like the sweetest sin and her bodice would move finally rising as she dragged herself up and onto her feet. She padded over to him, lowering her maw to brush his cheek affectionately. "I was named after the Norse God of Lies and Deceit for a reason. Honor does not bind my mind, power does not enrapture me. You need owe me no favor, save for the lack of my participation in this upcoming tournament, I have no desire to be a second, my lower rank will suffice." She would pause here give a moment to adjust. "The last time I took a gent within my body he left me and my pups abandoned. A coward in his own right. If I do this for you, I will raise no bastard children, you will be mine and I yours. You will take no other to your bed or so help me king or no I will dismember you with naught but my teeth. You will help me raise the spawn you place within my womb and you will lay beside me as they are born, so I may damn and curse you to my heart's content... do we have an accord?" Her tongue would escape onyx lips, coiling around one of his ears and teeth tugged just border lining on the edge of pain.




05-14-2013, 09:28 PM

The male would lay and listen to her words. First asking him the stipulations. He remained silent though and she would continue to lay down the ground rules. A smile threatened to break out upon his visage but it remained hidden until she was done. He allowed her to grab his ear until it almost hit the point of being painful. Only then did he let the grin break lose. God she was a fiery female! It was actually kind of hot. A turn on so to speak. It was something he liked in the girl. Her spitfire nature and carefree tongue was alluring to him. Very alluring. He would nod his approval though before continuing to speak.

"I would have never suggested it to you if I hadn't had any intention of being a part of helping raise the children. Also had assumed most mothers would be alone during the whole birthing process, but if you wish for me to be there I will and then you can curse me to the deepest pits of hell and anywhere else you see fit. As far as laying with no other women I had not intended to, but I shall hold you to the same standards doll. If I am to have no other than you aren't either. You will be mine and only mine, and might I rip out anyone elses throat who tries."

It was an odd thing, devoting himself to one female. Before he had only slept around, until Brina had gotten pregnant and then he'd had a mini panic attack and had become dumbfounded as to what to do. He'd vowed to never sleep with a woman again, and yet here he found himself not only committing himself to Loki, but asking her to bear his children. Very out of character for him, but he had good reasoning behind it. Tortuga would not be without new life and he would have spawn to carry on his bloodline. He'd make sure of it.


Loki 1


6 Years
05-15-2013, 03:37 AM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2013, 03:38 AM by Loki 1.)

Loki was a great many things. A vengeful bitch, a vindictive nightmare, a wretched soul... she had been called near every name in the book but none suited her quite like Loki. The God of Mischief, Lies, and Deceit. That name would spin true on her worst and her best days, impossible to tell when she lied and when she spoke the truth and near impossible to lie too her. Very few could match minds with the Goddess. She was rare, a brilliant mind amongst the damned and in her waning years she had sought Tortuga because of its lack of prying eyes. They didn't bother her, she didn't bother them... save for Nnoitra, but he was a welcome visitation. He had a mind and despite her cynicism and narcissistic ways he found her alluring. He would have too if he yearned for her womb to carry his offspring. She didn't find him unfavorable and he wasn't bad on the eyes. She didn't love him and he certainly didn't love her, but they could tolerate one another and if tolerance and an easy friendship was all that he asked of her, than she supposed it would be doing her fair share of pulling Tortuga's weight.

"I have been a mother once, I wouldn't mind becoming one again." That, was no lie and her tones almost visited a whimsical like property, but just as quickly it vanished. "Oh my poor future lover, you smile when you should quiver in fear, hell hath no fury like my tongue in pain." She would grin here, returning his twisted sense of humor. "Make no mistake, this marriage is two sided. If another comes within several feet of my bodice I will have no problem tearing them apart, you would be left to snarl at a corpse." Loki may not look it, but the dame packed a nasty punch, her teeth were thin sharp, her feet quick and limber, she could hold her own well enough. "Then I agree to your devious plans, won't the good people of Tortuga be scandalized when they realize you have been wed? I do live for scandal." She offer him the last glaze of her tongue, soothing the bite she had almost made upon his ear before stepping backwards.

She swung her tail to the side, to coil around her right haunch, she broadened her stance and presented her body to him. She would careen her head around to look at him. "You have the rest of the season to get me pregnant, thats near two months? Won't you be lucky?" If he was going to devote himself too her than there was no reason, she should live with this burning throb for the rest of her heat. If she was going to swell with child anyway, she better damn well get some pleasure out of it.




05-17-2013, 10:37 AM

He chuckled at her first words. He truly did believe she had quite a tongue when in pain. He would take her seriously. He certainly wasn't going to quake in fear from her though. The man didn't fear much and he believed he could take whatever Loki had to offer. It was sort of a challenge almost. Her words were comforting though. It was almost a forced marriage, but at least he'd enjoy the rest of his days, especially since it was a wolf he could tolerate. He didn't love her, and probably never would, but he could stand to be around her and that was what mattered most.

"Ah love. I will take whatever curses that can come from you slippery tongue. I'm sure I've heard or seen worse in my life. As far as the rest of Tortuga us concerned they will get over it, else a hormonal mother comes after them."

He would throw a wink as she let go of his ear soothing it with a lick. He rose to his paws. He did have the rest of the season to get her pregnant and he was positive it would happen. He'd gotten Brina pregnant, this would be no different. He was older, but he was still in shape and could certainly produce spawn. He moved closer to her face pressing near her own as he almost whispered into her ear.

"Don't worry doll, I won't fail, and I'm quite sure you'll enjoy it as well."

Nose would then nudge her gently in a manner to get her to rise as he would attempt to begin their consummation, to finalize the deal they had made.

-fade to black?-

[ooc: I honestly suck at writing mating threads xD It's awkward for me, so I hope that will suffice :P]
