



05-19-2013, 07:12 AM (This post was last modified: 06-07-2013, 07:42 AM by Epiphron.)
If anyones interested in adopting Orlaya [change of name as Sygolia sounds to familiar with another characters name] please just fill ou the following:

how many characters do you own:
how active are you:
A detailed roleplaying post:
The way you wish her to look:

History between the two-
They met when they were both only two;they fell madly in love until she was torn away by her father, the alpha. They both promised they'd find eachother and start a life where it only concerned them. She was carrying a litter of three but Siarvon still doesnt know if any are alive. The woman is seductive. Romancing a man as if there where no tomorrow. Could you blame Siarvon fallings for such a woman?[ if anyone adopts they can decide.Also history may be added if its discussed through pm.]

Orlaya appearance: [ You may choose the way she looks when adopted.]
Personality: Cheeky;easygoing;riddler; hearbreaker. [can also be extended.]

Extras: As there separated; she's scared that Siarvon will find another woman and move on. She's the jelous type and will destroy anyne in her path to get what she wants. That side, that side Siarvon has not yet witnessed.


06-21-2013, 02:35 PM
how many characters do you own: Two so far.
how active are you: I'm on every day.
A detailed roleplaying post: Azaya had wandered into pack territory after her talk with Aditsan. She had been so shocked that he knew Russian that she didn't notice the scent border and wandered over it. Now she stopped, smelling the scent. Then she shook her head, ignoring the signals. Maybe she could join and get away from the strange rouge Aditsan.

Why was she thinking so much about him? He was just a dirty, worthless brute, after all. Would she have to give an offering before she could join? TheRussian femme looked down at the six fish in her jaws. It had took a while to catch these fish, but she could give them up. She dropped three fish just inside the territory and waited behind it. Then she lowered herself and helped herself to the other three fish.

The small femme shivered from the cold. Her light coat of fur did not help her at all. After she ate, she found a small stream nearby and rinsed her paws off. The blood went down the stream. She lowered her snout before drinking and heading back.

She waited on the side of the border patiently. It shouldn't be long before someone came along.

The way you wish her to look: A black wolf, but she has a white front paw and a white spot on her eye. She has a aqua eye and a leaf green eye. The aqua eye is the one with the white over it.