
Segolia to be adopted.


05-13-2013, 02:10 PM
Well guys it was fun when i had her, but i just lost interest for her. So here is the info for my Segolia.

Apperance:The appearance of Segolia Minsi is not that extravagant.To start off she is on the small size of the height scale. Only standing a merely Twenty-six inches in height and weighing only eighty-five pounds. Her eyes are what draws attention to her the most, or that is what she thinks. They are a dark purple color with a light purple tint in them.

Her fur consists of two main colors, Black and White. The colors are placed in a unique way. The black covers most of her body. It runs around her face covering the space from a bit above her eyes and down all around her face. Her front left leg(right if your looking at a picture) and her hind right leg (left leg if looking at a picture, are also covered black. The rest of her body is black besides her tail, right front leg(unless looking at a picture then it is right left), And hind left leg ( if looking at a picture it is the hind right leg). The top of her head and some of her body is white and it kinda looks like she was wearing a hat of some sort.

Personality: Segolia Has a kind heart and is easily persuaded in doing things. Her mental will is strong she is just easily over taken by others, if they make there argument convening. Even though she is like this, she dose know what is appropriate or not. If some one told her that she should let them bite her, even if they made it sound like a good thing, she will not fall for it. Segolia minsi is kind to all she meets, even if they are not kind ton her. In her mind every wolf deserves kindness.

She loves to help those who are hurt, and those who just need company. Sometimes you will see her helping random wolves if they are injured, or in danger. Even though she will help anyone who needs it her loyalty will always remain with the pack she is in. She may be small but can get a big temper on her if you trigger it, which will take some effort, since she hardly gets mad.

History:Pup: She was born in to a small family, it only consisted of her and her parents. Her life was great surrounded by a pack, that all loves her like she was everyone's child. The pack she was born in had trouble getting pups, due to the extreme weather that happens all the time. Most pups would not make it past the first three weeks of life, but those who did were treated like royalty. Segolia Minsi enjoyed them pampering her, i mean who doesn't, but she would sometimes refuse for others to help her when she got hurt. In stead she would fix up her wounds her self. She learned a lot by watching the pack's Healer doing her job.

She picked up a lot of skills that she soon grew to love a lot. As the days went by she soon found her self following the pack's healer around, trying to learn as much as she could. As the days went by Segolia soon found her self coming ton her year mark. This was the time in her pack that each pup was going to get a mentor.
Year 1: As her first birthday came marking her a yearling she was blessed with getting to studdy with the healer. This was everything she could wish for. She was going to learn to help others that needed it and she was so glad that she got that chance. As she studied with the pack's healer she gained much knollage and experience with in the first seven months.Along with learning to help others, her father tought her the basic skills. How to hunt, fight, and all that fun stuff. In her mind it was good to know this and she was thrilled.

The months went on and Segolia Minsi soon found her self coming to the end of her training. She had learned a lot from the months that was spend learning new skills. She had become a great healer, and with hunter and fighter, she was good, but her size made it a bit of a disadvantage. As the last month came she soon found her self becoming the new healer of the pack. This was out standing for her and she loved it.

Year 2: As she turned two she had already treated some wolves for minor injuries. She loved helping and would make sure that all was alright, and healthy. Segolia Minsi Also help delivered a litter of puppies, and in this batch three out of the five survived. She felt proud of her self that she was doing good for all. This life did suit her very well and she could not help but think of all the lives she helped, and those who will need her help in the future.

the days went by and many of other she had helped kept building up on her record. Then the day came when she was coming to the age of an adult in the packs mind. The time when she turned three. It was in a few days and she was thrilled. Now she would be concidered a true adult in the pack and she will honnor that with all her life.

Year 3: The day of her third birth day a powerful hurricane came crashing upon there land. One wolf after another was swopped up in the storm and vanished. Segolia Minsi Was one of those who the storm consumed. She could not remember what had happened before then but many of things raced through her head. This was it, she thought her life was over. That was when she opened her eyes and awoken on the shores of a new land. The land that the locals call Alacritis. Segolia soon found the pack of Seracia, and with a little bit of a conversation she soon became the pack's newest member.

Ok so that is all about her time to link all the tables and immages that go to her.
Table #1:
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Choose Wisely, on your next move!

Words go here!



Table #2:

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For Terohime <3



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Ok so post below with a rp example of her. thanks




5 Years
05-13-2013, 02:14 PM
Here ya go

Segolia padded onto the boulder. A slight breeze was riding her fur, her pawpads cracked under the icy rock. She searched through the tangled scents, picking her way through until she found the distinct scent of the mischievos pup.She followed the trail conscientiously. They were playing hide-and-seek, and guess who the seeker was? She found the pup minutes later, hiding behind a bush, tail wagging. Boo! She looked the pup up by the scruff and led him home.


05-14-2013, 08:35 PM
Ok Rina she is yours i will let Lu know that you have adopted Segolia. ^^