


05-13-2013, 01:18 PM
She would slide, slinking through the trees with practiced ease. The body of an assassin, trim, fit, poised, beautiful. Her coat a rippling blend of ivory and obsidian. Her two toned gaze was analytic watching everything, observing, memorizing. Silence and solitude had always suited the dame after the death of her beloved, she merely wasn't the same after such tragedy. Her two toned eyes would flicker, seeing, but not really seeing the forest around her. A soft huff would escape her, s she continued to track the scent. This was her job, her sole mission in life, tracking came nearly second nature to her now. Her two toned gaze would dart behind her, to ensure she had not been followed... she was an expert at masking her scent, she didn't think someone could even if they tried...not that it truly mattered. She was just a bit more inclined to have this conversation away from politics. She was no slave, Valhalla had not placed her in shackles.

His scent grew stronger and the assassin narrowed in, her claws, as always, bathed in a fine mist of white oleander threatened to poison anything they came into contact with, luckily, an assassination wasn't on her mind, in fact, it was quite far from it. An old, old, friend whom had known her for far too long. She had no intent of harm. She would catch a glimpse of his ivory pelt between the trees. With a soft huff she would announce her presence, alert him to her presence. Without hesitation and without fear she would glide to him. Her eyes drifting shut as she brushed her pelt against his own, ending with an affectionate nuzzle beneath his right ear before she would pull away to sit. It was the first time ever, in their long history that she had willingly touched him. "Had I known you would reclaim your rightful throne, I never would have left." Her tones were deep and soft. Her rump lowering to the earth she surveyed him silently. "How have you been Nnoitra?"