
what will the world offer us? [PUPPY THREAD!]


05-11-2013, 09:32 AM

Tiny paws pushed at the broke earth just outside the den entrance. Those violet eyes watched everything. Small ears swiveled as she took in all the odd sounds. She was a monster of a pup, the biggest of the three, and yet she was so frail. Her small tail thumped once as she stole a glance behind her. She wondered if she walked out the den if anyone would notice. Their mother seemed to be able to slip in and out of the shadows as if she was apart of them so why couldn?t she? Her ears fell back as she heard a warning growl and she let out a small sigh. She wanted to explore and not stay locked up in the den with her brothers.

She padded towards Salamander. Mother had begun to feed him odd things. She was curious as to why she only fed then to him. When she had tried to eat some her mother had scolded her, so why did he get to eat them? She grumbled as she looked at her brother. A tiny anger bubbled in her gaze as she dismissed him and turned towards Bas. Her tail wagged as she crouched down gently on the ground and moved her butt to pounce on him like a feline would a mouse. She let out a vicious snarl! Or rather an odd squeak but it had sounded mean to her! She jumped on her brother and tugged at his ear. He was her favorite. He was handsome and protective and everything a girl could want.

She growled and giggled as she played on her brother. Her violet eyes lingered on her mother for a moment but she turned and continued to paly with her brother. She wasn?t the type to tease with words but more so with her strength. She wanted to surpass her mother?s reputation and be the fiercest warrior to ever have walked the earth! She would hunt them all in the darkness and corner them till they begged for mercy and she would steal it all away! She would be a nightmare for others to fear pissing off, well, at least she dreamed she would be.



05-11-2013, 09:52 AM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2013, 10:19 AM by Salamander.)

[Image: RntRO1p.png]

He had been sleeping, laying on his side, tail laying over his back leg and head stretched out. He has been doing it a lot since his mother began feeding him strange things, funny looking plants and because of it Sal was feeling strange. He found himself not being his usual playful self, trying to wrestle with his siblings or lead them away from mother for an adventure. Something in him was making him shy, to stay away from his siblings and sit on the sidelines with mother. Watching.

Slowly his eyes opened, blinking a few times before finally being able to focus on the den around him, his home. Jaws parted, eyes closing in a large and long yawn. His ear flicked at the sound of small paws against the cool ground, opening his eyes to see his sister standing before him with a not so pleasant look. She didn't seem to like him since mother had begun feeding him things, often going to their brother Bas to play and such. Which is what she did, turning away from Sal ad going to pounce on her other brother. They were the biggest of the three, Sal being the runt of the giant's litter.

With a sigh the pup lay his head on a paw, his violet orbs staring out of the den, watching the rain fall, listening to it drum against the den and forest it was located in. Something about it was soothing for the pup,

ooc: If you aren't going by the map weather then he is just staring out the den.


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
05-12-2013, 09:08 PM

It had only been a pawful of times since he had wandered from his mother's den, but he was eager to experience more of the world. The sunshine that bore down on his dark pelt always felt so pleasant, an enjoyable contrast to the bitter autumn air. But this particular day was much more frigid, with sheets of rain coming down onto the earth and drumming soothingly against the den's roof.

Ameiva seemed keen to explore, despite the gross weather, but Salamander seemed more inclined to stay to himself. He, too, had tried to sneak some of the herbs that their mama liked to feed Sal, but had been scolded as well. Basilisk had no indication of the kind of reputation his parents had. His mother was kind and protective and oh, how he loved her; their father was a bit more distant, though Bas seemed to love him just the same. He was supposed to, wasn't he? Violet eyes watched Sal as he laid his head on his paws, the quiet boy watching the rain from a distance.

Before he realized it, Ameiva had crouched like a cat and attempted to tackle him to the ground. Though they were both similar size, he had been taken by surprise, and she sent him tumbling. As soon as the boy regained his composure, he glanced up at his mother, noting the approval in her eyes. A slight smirk graced the boy's young face, slight excitement shining in his strange bright eyes. "Come outside and play with us, Sal," he commanded his brother, tail flicking behind his body. Although his voice was light and non-intimidating, it was still a demand, and Basilisk really had no idea why he would object.



05-17-2013, 02:27 PM

Violet eyes watched the trio enjoy a little playtime. It seemed her daughter was the watchful type. Always studding things and she was so curious. Yet she seemed to start shunning her brother Salamander since the day she began feeding him the herbs. Part of her felt guilty for ostracizing her child from his siblings but the taske needed to be done and she was curious what the affects of the herbs she was giving him would bring. She didn?t want all of her children affected and so she had reprimanded them firmly but gently not to touch his herbs. Her tail flicked behind her as she watched the rain dance around outside. It was gentle enough and warm enough that they could play in it just as Bas had requested.

?Maybe if you show a little assertiveness then they will play with you.? She suggested and began to move towards the mouth of the cavern. Soon enough they would be taking trips to other packs together and she wanted the pups to flourish with their own identities not be contained in the den like prisoners. ?If you play outside it can only be for a while. Though its not raining much if it soaks your coats threw you may catch colds. So the moment you feel yourselves shivering its back in the den to warm up and eat.? She said, her gaze shifting at the excited glance Syn had given her. It was as if she had offered the child the world. Her mind was settled for now but the demons haunted the back of her mind. The puppet master was dormant for now but she could feel it stretching out in her limbs and keeping a close eye on her moods.



05-17-2013, 02:40 PM

There it was! Permission! God she was so excited she could hardly stay still. Her violet eyes flashed with hope and adventure as she tugged at her brother?s scruff. She frowned for a moment as he invited Salamander to come with them. She all but scoffed at the idea. Why bring the fairy fart along? All he ever did was mope around and cry. She shook her head and padded towards the opening of the den. Her gaze shifted over the dripping rain. She stuck a paw outside and felt the water kiss her coat and she giggled. It was cool but not freezing.

She turned her attention back towards her brothers and laughed as she bolted out the den door. She could almost hear the growl that would follow. Oh they could go play but they couldn?t play far away. She sighed as she looked around the outside world. The red barked trees towered all around them like silent sentinels. They protected them from harm. No one would dare wander the world of Giants!

?Bas!? she called, she made sure to purposely forget to mention sal, ?Look at the Gaints!? she said with awe as she began to sniff around the trees. She could smell both mother and father and the pack as a whole. They were still such a small pack but they were growing all the time. She wondered when she?d get to watch the wolves fight. Mother was always so into fighting and she was itching to battle. She turned around to see where her brothers where and her gaze shifted towards Sal. A dark smile crept over her lips as she began to walk slowly towards him. Her tail danced behind her as she pranced in the rain and she growled at him. ?Maybe if you weren?t such a baby you could be strong like father.? She said wickedly. She cared not about his feelings, she only cared that mother seemed to baby him and that seemed to crawl right under her skin.



05-18-2013, 07:45 AM

[Image: RntRO1p.png]

Violet orbs watched the rain fall, coating everything in the liquid. He paid no attention to his siblings as they wrestled, didn't want to join in. Ever since his mother first started feeding him the herbs he had been experiencing swings in his mood, one moment he would be fine and playing with his siblings, if Ameiva let him, then the next moment he would run from them and isolate himself, mood dropping drastically. He didn't like it one bit, it made him feel strange, like something bad was happening with him and it made it worse that he didn't know what and that his mother seemed to enjoy seeing this happening with Sal.

A voice broke his thoughts, commanding him to come outside and play. Ears swiveled to the side, eyes following to fall upon Bas. He watched him for a few moments before looking away, tail flicking behind him. He was in one of his down moods because of the herbs, and so he just wanted to lay inside the den but then mother spoke up, telling him that I was a little assertive then his siblings would play with him.

As she went to the mouth of the cavern he glanced back over at his siblings, lifting his head off his paws as mother said they could play outside but once they start getting chills and shivering then they must come back. Taking what she had told him the boy gave a nod of his head, pushing himself up and giving a quick shake of his body. In those few moments his sister had taken off outside, Sal's gaze then turning to Bas.

He turned away from the den, keeping his head low as he padded towards the mouth. He stopped to peer out into the rain, ears flicking left and right at the drumming sound it made with everything it came into contact with. His ears perked up when his sister spoke, of course ignoring Sal, but he paid no attention and stepped out, flinching at the cold feeling of raindrops against his back. It felt nice though and so he didn't stop, large paws carried him out into the rain, only stopping at the base of a large tree. He lifted his head up, eyes squinting as he tried to look up and see the tops but the constant raindrops finally caused him to lower his head.

Maybe if you weren?t such a baby you could be strong like father. The growl of his sister caused Sal's ears to fold back on his head, turning to look at the sick smile she was wearing. He wasn't trying to be a baby, it was the stuff mama was feeding him, making him feel happy now then sad in a matter of seconds. He couldn't help it, it happened whenever. He was getting mad at how Ameiva was treating him, being mean and saying stuff like that.

Your just jealous because Mother is giving me stuff and not you! He growled back, his fur bristling and tail lashed behind him. He knew that would get to her, knew she was jealous. This time though he would say something back instead of just sitting there and taking it, the herbs having an influence on his mood now, causing him to become more easily irritated and wanting to fight.


Basilisk I


3 Years
Extra large
05-20-2013, 09:43 PM

Newt's voice reached his ears, and he turned and nodded seriously in her direction. Mother's word was law, simple as that -- Basilisk had no reason to argue with her. Play until they were cold, then she would feed them. With little hesitation, the large pup padded after his sister, wishing Sal would join them but not feeling terribly upset if he didn't.

Purple eyes widened, marveling at the sights as he slid from the protection of the den. The rain was cool, soaking his fur slowly, not quite chilling him to the bone, but he knew he would get very cold if he spent long out here. "They're almost as big as daddy!" He teased, snorting a bit, knowing very well that the tall trees were much bigger than their father. Basilisk lifted his own snout to sniff at the bark, blinking as rain threatened to invade his eyes.

He turned to watch as Ameiva teased their brother, a very faint scowl lining his features. But the boy was silent, thinking Sal could fight his own battles. Truthfully, Basilisk wasn't nearly as inquisitive as Ameiva, and didn't over-think things like she seemed to. Without thinking much, he turned to prance after his sister, attempting to tackle her to the soaked ground, nipping at her ear briefly.