
you know that I'm no good


05-15-2013, 02:44 PM

Quote:It was utterly sickening how day by day, he noticed how much he uncannily resembled his father in various ways. Morikiah had developed a sense of resentment towards himself for that, but an even bigger fuel of passionate hate burned red-hot for the man who made him this way. Irradiate golden eyes gazed into the obscure blackness of the still waters before him, the only thriving soul to stare back at him was his own lustrous eyes, vacant and destitute. Those eyes that demanded attention, but hid pain, anger, and frustration behind a forsaken mask of porcelain beauty.

Thinking to the children who presently survived under such jurisdiction as the Kingdom's he claimed home to, he was suddenly glad that he had been considered royalty, superior to the rest. They were lost children, the lot of them, suckling still at their brash, half-naked Christ like babes to bare breasts, needy and devotedly foul, and their bitterness outweighing their greedy affections only when necessity flashed its brawling mutiny. Forced from the loins of vagabond hags, they lived like writhing rats in dripping, festering sewers, their bodies slick with the filth of their sires, their minds and mouths filmed over with greasy, grotesque propaganda. In all truth it was a gutter, a grimy place where only the most barren and wretched of animals paraded themselves, bare-bones and waggling tongues, a kingdom of predators and prostitutes, whores and horrors.

Novus' sickly charms and wily pleasures existed only in the vilest of its cavernous carnage and Morikiah, permeated in defiant disgust of its' charlatan King, whose impulsive, cruel whip stained and completely tarnished the family name, had vanished. Never had he witnessed such crude, pointless violation, lacking anything of the beckoning nature, inviting only a reckless, hare-brained blood-lust to rile an already rabid rage. Never had he watched the possession of such furious gypsies, in their snarling mentality, ruled and raided by the only man who could outmatch them in sickness and cruelty. In the animal rivalry of his own sadism, Morikiah, ravenous and murderous, was no better. Born and taught with the killer mentality, he relished it, the hot-blooded creature marked as a victim beneath his grasp, the torture that was to come.. The wretchedness of its vermin infested waters likening something of horrific fascination to a starving, heroine-hacked mind had molded him into a similar replica.. the product of a madman.

ooc// open for all!

Gift by the lovely Nams. <3


05-24-2013, 05:06 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

ooc; hope you don't mind me throwing morphine in here<3

Forever unsheathed nails clipped the eroded terrain beneath her petite and supple body as she pounded the earth with dainty paws, earning a faint crunching noise as her paw-pads greeted the dirt and fallen leaves with each stride the wraith took. Still she lingered the region where the base of her former pack was currently located, as if bound to the area by chains and enslaved by an emotional attachment ? but her reasoning behind her static location was anything but involuntary. Her schemes that had just recently begun their course bound her near Tortuga?s domain, and the witch would be damned to navigate further from it lest dire complications manifest to force her from her ideal and temporary haven. So she?d remain, occupying the portion of the island furthest east until the opportunity arose to urge the climax of her plot onto the oblivious canine it revolved around and seize what was rightfully hers once more.

Heat no longer ensnared the air surrounding the woman and the temperatures had noticeably chilled, implying to the experienced wraith that autumn had entirely captivated the island and that the bitter winter winds were well on their way to torment the creatures of Alacritis that refused to hibernate; meaning that she, too, would have to confront the frigid temperatures in just a few weeks. The trees had already begun to be stripped of their crisp leaves ? some barren already with their former leaves sheeting the floor beneath them, contributing vibrant oranges, yellows, and reds to accompany the usual emerald of the grasses. The autumn scenery was beautiful; however, the witch hardly doted upon it as she was far too concerned with her affairs to even recognize her surroundings. Every day seemed routine: she would consume herself in personal thoughts and desires from sun-up to sun-down, journeying to different places of the eastern region with no destination set in mind, completely oblivious to the ever-changing world around her. Yet, the woman never succumbed to boredom or grew tired of the agenda she had set in stone ? her calculated schemes were far too interesting and constantly supplied her with the adrenaline of excitement that she so often craved.

But that morning, her routine would be shattered and tweaked as a masculine aroma impregnated the stagnant air and withdrew the wraith from the depths of her diseased mind, piquing her interest yet simultaneously indulging her in irritation with the turn of events. But, rather than choosing to ignore the stench and moving on, the woman pivoted in the direction it had emanated from, picking up her pace as her pupils darted for the source of the disturbance. As she neared a small body of water that appeared so miniscule it might have been the result of a heavy rainstorm, a dark and gargantuan figure encompassed her vision, oblivious to her newfound presence upon the scene, simply staring into the depths of the ominous water beneath him. Swiftly, she padded closer to the brute coming from his rear, her expression blank upon her lovely countenance and her stance completely neutral even as she maneuvered beside him, parking parallel to where he stood yet positioning herself a comfortable distance away from him, just in case he should prove to be hostile. She averted her gaze from the male, her metallic eyes just flashing back at her through her reflection to mimic his actions.

Does the being staring back perplex you, dear? she inquired through innocent tones, never allowing her gaze to stray from her own reflection even as she addressed her current company.
