


05-10-2013, 08:50 PM
okay, wow, this came out a lot bloodier than I anticipated xD

Black Betty had a child, damn thing gone wild!
The deer darted between the trees. Its footfalls were not altogether silenced in the dark forest. Leaves crunched beneath its thin hooves, and vines were quickly pushed from its path. The animal was slender and well-suited to the confines of the forest, but fear was the mind-killer. The doe ran as fast as her limbs would allow, fleeing from the phantom in the inky depths behind her. A plan would not formulate itself in her mind ? she fled for the sake of flight. She crashed and trampled the foliage which barred her escape, tangling herself and untangling herself in snagging vines.

Kalypso was not far behind. Clinging to the shadows of the night forest, she was not as much interested in the kill as she was in the chase itself. The doe she had spied was young ? merely an adolescent and fresh from mother?s teat. The merle queen had applied pressure gently to the animal, shepherding her to the depths of the forest where there was nothing but shadow and clinging vines. The woman had moved through these woods earlier in the day and had committed its paths to memory. Waterways crisscrossed the trees here. They were dangerous in the sunlight, and far more dangerous in the darkness of night.

Splash. Bleating caught the woman?s ears as she offered a wicked smile to the shadows around her. The trapped animal sloshed in the mud before her, having gotten itself deeply stuck in the very soft earth of the mangrove swamp. The doe?s thin hooves could not distribute her weight well enough, causing the deer to sink in deeper and deeper as she struggled. Kalypso moved forward with graceful strides, causing the animal to struggle further. Alouette, gentille alouette. A leg came up from the sopping mud, flailing as the deer struggled. The shade?s jaws found purchase on the skinny limb, silver teeth shining in the moonlight. Kalypso yanked on the animal?s leg, pulling it out of the mud. But the act was not from the kindness that existed in the woman?s heart. The deer began struggling, blood seeping from the lacerations that had developed under Kalypso?s crushing hold. But the wolf used her weight to keep a powerful hold on the beast. Muscles in the doe had already been weakened by the sucking mud, they were becoming even more so as the wolf held her.

A sick, snapping noise filled the silence of the night. Alouette, je te plumerai. Bleating turned to screams in the crushing night. Blood soaked into the muddy banks, turning the waterway into a crimson stream. The woman used her weight to tear the limb all the way off. The doe had passed into unconsciousness from a combination of the pain and blood-loss. Notes of the song were hummed in Kalypso?s contralto voice, the words only coming from her mouth as she placed her new bully stick on the ground. Je te plumerai les pattes. Et les plattes. Et les ailes,

The merle butcher moved towards the front of the deer, its nose just barely adjacent to the water?s edge. Each gentle exhale sent ripples of brown water sprawling. Et le cou. Teeth dug into the jugular of the animal. Kalypso let one swift bite relieve the animal of its miserable end. A choking cough rose up from its windpipe ? the last breath of a meaningless existence. The woman dragged her kill from the banks of the water, the silver moon serving as her only companion in this dark swamp.