


05-10-2013, 07:30 PM

Cody frowned, her legs were covered in ick. She was in a little bit of marsh. She hopped in attempt to reach the land in which was a few feet away. Why the hell did she always get in these situations? Leg deep in muck! She finally reached land and looked like a damn mouse. Her fur watered down and covered in dirt water. She shook herself slightly and slowly padded through the forest. A thick wall of fog surrounded her being. Her tail flicked about as she passed a huge oak. Why was this little red girl here? Who knows..

She found herself before an even larger tree. It looked older then the lands themselves. She tilted her head as she eyed it. Just then her eyes spotted movement, a Rat. She narrowed her eyes. The russet fae crouched down, low to the ground. She then slowly padded towards the creature. Cody then launched, she just missed the animal. She ran after it, her tail flew behind her. Cody snarled and swiped at it but missed. She then tumbled over her owned paws and fell the the ground. She yelped and fell muzzle first into mud. Cody slowly got up and shook herself off but a thick coat of icky mud was still visible on her face.

" speech "


05-10-2013, 08:07 PM

He'd been wandering today, letting his paws carry him as far as they wanted to. His mind wandered too, and for much of his walking he did not pay attention to just where he was going. Out here in the land of the vagabonds, the King did not present himself as the monarch he was. Here, he had no title. Here, he was nothing and no one. Gerhardt almost wondered if it wouldn't be nice for things to be like this all the time. Life would certainly be simpler that way. But life wasn't meant to be simple, it wasn't meant to be easy. Gerhardt gave a sigh, head parallel to his spine as he maneuvered automatically through the forest. He noted a flurry of motion in the corner of an amethyst eye. A small, russet figure darted after something even smaller. Head snapped to attention, body pivoting to carry him toward the creature. It was the size of a pup, and yet was out here on its own.

The small wolf yelped and fell head first into the mud and dirt. Ouch. The King quickened his pace, slowing only when he'd neared her enough to be heard. "Are you alright?" A genuine look of concern clouded his face as he peered down at her from a few yards away, dwarfing her even at this distance. Despite her stature, she appeared to be physically mature. He'd never seen a wolf so small.



05-10-2013, 08:17 PM

A wrinkle of her nose would let a scent touch it. Her brow raised as her russet head turned to see a large male whom padded her way. She turned to face him, mud still covered her muzzle. She sneezed softly. The fae was indeed a tiny one, but normal for her breed. She was a red little speed demon, but she would never let anyone take advantage of her size. She was quick and knew how to use it. A large oaf like the one before her would never stand a chance against her. She would dart around like a little mouse and he would never keep up.

He asked if she was okay, a tilt of her head would indicate curiosity. "I will survive. These legs are easy to trip over. I lost my prey too. Damn." She sighed softly, orange orbs would beam up into his. She was a pretty little girl, despite the mud that covered her. A perfect Ethiopian Wolf.

" speech "


05-10-2013, 08:32 PM

Beyond the caked mud, Gerhardt noted the russet hues of her fur. They weren't unlike those of his son's though the two boys were far more red than she. The white accented her fur rather attractively, and he noted that she was a pretty little thing, if anything. She seemed no worse for wear, although she'd lost her meal. "I think there's a stream nearby, if you'd like to clean up a bit." He wasn't trying to suggest that she looked bad, he just wanted to offer her any assistance he could give. "I could help you find something else to eat?" He felt as if he should do something, though he wasn't sure what that something was. Tail wagged behind him to show her he meant no harm in his helpful words. He only meant to assist her, nothing more, nothing less. If she didn't want the help he'd be on his way, he shouldn't have wandered this far without alerting someone anyway. Seracia was in good paws, but they still needed their King around - though lately he wasn't so sure he'd been doing much good at all.

OOC, short.. sorry!



05-10-2013, 08:46 PM

She had come along way and so far this was the second being she has met. The Bear was the first, a scary creature. She stared at the male with a little smile, her eyes wide. They were bright with a certain enthusiasm that beamed. He mentioned a spring, she nodded slowly. She probably looked like a hoodlum. Her tail wagged behind her. "Lead on! I more then likely look a fool." She snickered softly, she kneaded the earth beneath her front paws. She would look at the male expectantly to lead the way.

He then offered her something to eat, she would shrug slightly. The fae was an excellent huntress and did not need his help. The girl would not deny him though, she was not the rude type. "That, my friend, is your choice. I can hunt later, after I get out of these forsaken woods." She would roll her shoulders with a gentle yawn. Her ears flicked about idly as she waited for the male.

" speech "