
Teach me these kind words of which you speak


05-10-2013, 09:42 AM (This post was last modified: 05-10-2013, 09:43 AM by Vladimir.)
ebony black claws clicked against the stone ground of these beautiful singing caverns. Good thing these weren't the lifeless caverns; that's where he heard that a wolf had been found dead from a few rumors here and there. Poor bastard probably killed himself, with a slit to the throat! Or not, he could have gotten lost in the cavern. But then he hadn't quite died "inside" the caverns. Vladimir shook his head, don't think about such things.

a sigh passed his lips as Vladimir set himself down onto the cool smooth stone of the cavern. Thoughts, just one battle in his mind. To be himself....or to be the wolf others wanted him to be. To be who he was happy to be...or to let others get to him...or well him get to others. Agh! so many decisions to make even though it was just one! How could one feel like so many?!?!

The young brute needed help; he needed someone to teach him to be kind and have all these nice manners. Of course Vladimir had his parents for that but where were they? He didn't know but he needed someone now. Would someone come to his aid and teach him kind words and manners?

Vlad stood up and rose his muzzle to the ceiling of the caverns. He emitted a tremendous howl beckoning for someone to stop by. The male then stayed on all fours and walked over to a puddle. When his sky blue eyes fixated on the reflection; Vlad smiled at it. Who he saw was Vladimir Bellator, or just Vlad. Whomever he was to either wolf the reflection still pleased the young brute. Handsome was his face with an interesting combination of whites and grays. Everything being complimented by his sky blue eyes.

How can one brute who seems so handsome on the outside be so ugly on the inside? Or was Vlad really so ugly on the inside? He was just a smart ass after all.

"Damn this ass of mine; why must you be so smart." he said in a joking tone as he spoke to his ass."

Vlad let a chuckle pass his maw as he laughed at his own form of amusement. Oh how sad no one else found him so amusing; they only saw him as the bastard with the smart ass mouth. Why wouldn't they look at the actual brute? Accept him for who he was?

As the young male waited for someone to even join him at all he wondered what needed some work. His manners...yes, his character....maybe, his attitude...definitely a yes. Another sigh was let out as Vladimir stood still letting his sky blue eyes stare at the mouth of the caverns.

"Vlad...Vlad...Vlad, when are you going to give up my friend." he said to himself.

Vladimir knew he needed discipline, so he was ready to receive it. However physical discipline was not in mind; Vladimir needed to be taught. Would anyone help this young brute, understand him even?