
Sevastian C�saire Arsenio



05-07-2013, 01:00 PM

Alias-  Sevastian C?saire Arsenio 
Gender- Male
Species- Kami
Origin- Birthed in the lands of Mizuha Sasu
Physical- 42'' & 200 pounds
Blood Type- AB-
Classification- Vetis - A demon of hell who corrupts and tempts the holy.
Religious Belief-Satanism
Occupation- King


dangerous & robust Hatred it is so much more than a feeling, o blissful incarnation, how you've danced your creative fingers over his flesh and blood. How you've crafted something only you could have. There is clear divinity in the work here, without failure, something so beautiful captivating, and mercilessly enchanting took hold of beige hue and draped it over the corpse of a lord. Taking the breath that should have been Adam's life would be given unto him, and he would receive it with boldness.

coarse & handsome As his eyes would open unto the sight of the new world, devouring it with a perfect taste, he would reveal a stare of xanthous invention. Captivating and beyond reckless compare he would begin to make use of this gift. His eyes; they would stare into a bottomless ocean of water, devouring, not the pool, but o the site he could see. Himself, and how flawless he was. Beige, almost earthen brown, in coloration, and creation would turn its discriminant eye upon him, for he was abusing their empyrean gift. Falling gentle into the loving embrace of sin, he would be stained.

energetic & incomparable Black, was drawn across his proboscis, tainting what was once so beautiful, and though he could not see it, as he moved to the waters that day, he would come to a sight more holy than that before. He would come to a sight that he found to be more bold, more decorous for whom he was, for a warrior should not have been so stainless. The King would further dote upon himself, and this time, punishment would present itself in the form of a woman.

efficient & skillful Beautiful was she, and so quickly did he fall into her arms of love, and so quickly did she pain the final tag onto his masculinity. As he slumbered, a broken, black cross, would be lain over his back. Expansion would only be to that of his mid-back, and design would be broken arms. For he, was the prodigal son haven fallen. He was the disaster that they had all forgotten to take emotion from, to grant the will to serve. His appearance, was their fault, his appearance grew more lustrous each time punishment overcame him.

seductive & flawless As he fell from his world of origin to this world of chaos, he fell into a state of obsession, a state that would tear his mind, scar, not just his psyche, but his physical design. He had already bore the size of a titan, yet now, he would usurp even that, he would feel the thickets of bursting thew push forward, gibbous and powerful. He had been granted not just a ghostly and metaphorical design, but now, everything was real, was touchable, and he was a beast, that would land in the sea in the dead of night, thunderously rising to enslave the righteousness of humanity. What thereof was left, anyways.


bitter & regretful A single word slips into his demonic mind and he curses the name. She had left him in turmoil, in utter confusion. She had been the wretched demoness to break his mind, to seal him into oblivion, and it was there he would wait, in tireless charge. It was there he would rest, allow his hatred to fester, to transform into something no longer emotional, but philosophical. He had become the embodiment of the sins, and the rage, that the creatures so longed to hide from him, he was remarkable, dangerous, and everything he had once dreaded becoming.

loyal & aloof Damnation would not become his only trade; it would not be the only gift he could grant. Eternally devotional unto her he would have been, had she eternally devoted herself unto him, and yet there was failure on her behalf, succession in his to move forward, to offer nothing but his love to another, for his loyalty, his adherence to one, would be unbreakable. She, however, would have primary notoriety over so many others. The other insatiable beings would be shunned, and in his cavalier existence he would forget to notice them, wrong, not forget...alternatively refuse.

vindictive & intractable He refused, so quickly, to allow her repentance and immediately she was slain, the deceitful whore, a corpse, dead, and within? his breast there was no regret. His morphed soul, fleeting, removing itself from him and laying him into a bed of treachery and insanity. The deeds were done and he was a man of faith in nothing but lies, a man whom would place hope in nothing more than the failure of this realm by which he was surely destined to command. Ethereal in his darkness, he stalks, a man of his word, only when it suits him, failing others as she had failed him.

absolute & privileged Even before her he had never needed her, he was flawless, standing upon his own legs. He had never needed her for morality or for his mind, for it had been crafted perfectly to that of the warrior that thrived within? him, pulled at his sinew and flesh, destroying him to clamber out and grant the world retribution for its sins. Deliverance, was commonly his name. The only one capable of giving pain equivalent to that of the pain of birth, he arrives, initially, as a mere contraction, and so naturally does he grow closer in time intervals and in extremity. Noting his perfection, his flawless honesty with whom he is, he?s sacred and undeniably timeless.

obsessive & all-knowing He knows that one can see the basis of his psyche progressed off of she, that ever-living harpy, and he knows the price that he has to pay for having almost fallen into her arms; almost shared his bed with her. Forever on his memory, until no doubt, another consumes him, he is eternally wounded by her, taken by the knowledge of the power they would have been, the perfection they would have controlled. He falls, slowly, more and more each day, beckoning in his serpentine hatred, not to be saved, but to drag others with him.


narcissistic & vain He plays a game with your mind, so bereft of perfection, and he grants you eloquence, the gift of gazing upon his creation. He, naturally, bends most to seclusion, worship of him, enabling them to withstand his presence to whisper sweet compliments unto his ears. He cares little unto the view you've cast upon yourself and will distort that view. Lovers in his site grow cursed, burning in his shameless need for attention, he destroys their love, their partnership and crafts them to fail. Women, his claim, divine for them until his claim has been set, he swallows men in the black hole that is resembling of his soul. He is constantly cursing the names that are not his that cross one's tongue. He's a sweet lover's lie, an guilty scheme, and an adulterer's tastefulness.

Out of Character? Lutara & I believe I've got everything down for the time being.