
Looking for the Big Dipper


05-07-2013, 12:59 PM

Most of Finn?s day had been spent in the cool shade of a mangrove tree drifting in and out of a peaceful sleep. There had never been a time when Finn believed too much sleep could be a problem, but with the sun setting and his eyes still wide open he was beginning to see why napping the day away may not have been the best of ideas. It was with this newfound nocturnal alertness that Finn had decided to explore the surrounding territories of Ludiceal.

His stride had a refreshed bounce in it, and his tail waved high like a banner. He had never been one to venture out in the moonlight, but the cool breeze of the night was far more welcoming than the heat of the day. Soon Finn could hear a rush of water in the distance which caused his mouth to run dry and his tongue to swirl across his lips. He hadn?t realized how thirsty he had become with every added step. The small grey wolf quickly adjusted his path to the direction of the sound.

It didn?t take long for Finn to merge from the trees and plant himself at the water basin. The falls overhead wildly came down, coating Finn?s fur with sprinkles of water. He ducked his head to the pool and took a few sips before leaning back and looking up to the sky. The stars were pretty tonight.