
A battle of the mind.


05-09-2013, 12:09 PM

Pain, torment, sorrow, something that Tikaani knew all to well. She had lost all that meant something to her, she was abandoned by the one she felt the safest with.Nothing will be the same and the female knew that, she knew that her life will change from now on. She knew that the past will never be fixed, and nothing she can do will make her forget about what had happened. Everyday felt like a year to the female, and her mind never seemed to rest, no matter what she did, it was always buzzing with thoughts. Thoughts of her family, the family that she knew won't return to her. IF by some mirical they did, well forgiveness is something that the female was not willing to do.

It was a sunny day and life was going on as usual, everything was good and well. She watched the active birds, and rabbits, and all the other creatures that were running about. Tikaani laid down in the grass placing her head upon her front paws, she just laid there looking at the world. What was going on with her, why did she feel like she needed to run off a cliff. Her tail swayed violently as she laid there thinking about everything and anything. Nothing seemed to make since anymore, nothing. Tikaani closed her eyes and the image of her mother came to her mind, Even though others saw her as, well scary, she never did. To her, her mother was the sight of safety, hope, and love. Well she was then, now the sight of her sickened the female. Tikkani's eyes snapped open and she lunged to her feet.

A growl bubbled up and out of her throat, ears pinned to her head fur bristled."That good for nothing, bitch just left me on my own. I know i was not a child at the time, i am aware of that, but she left me with little to no training. I have thought myself some, but that will not do in life. It just won't" Eyes narrowed and her fur bristled even more, her growls got deeper, Tikaani begun to pace. She was frustrated, hurt, confused, and most of all Ready to end it all. Tikaani calmed down a bit, she knew that killing her self would not make things better, she knew that if she did learn to trust another she would want to make life worth wild.



05-09-2013, 12:33 PM
Paws made their way through the grass as the slight chill of the air was felt by the young brute. Autumn...then winter...then spring...then summer...repeat! A small smile cut across the males maw as he enjoyed his little amusing thoughts. Vladimir was all over the lands of Alacritis now. Like where had he not been? Here. But this place didn't seem as dangerous, as daring, as the rest of them. Perhaps falling into the Rio Grande was daring but he didn't plan it that way.

The smile faded as he thought about the same thing again. This mind boggling decision he had to make, so not worth the time. Would he be able to be mature now? Let go of his devious mouth? Sure he was a smart ass but that didn't bother him. the only thing that bothered Vlad was that he knew his parents would frown upon such an attitude. Where had a brute of theirs learned such language and attitude? thing is...he didn't learn just came to him naturally. Yet the thought of how he didn't want to disappoint his parents raged on in his mind. At the same time he wanted to change for the better but he wouldnt be changing for himself.

Why would Vlad have to change for his parents; wouldn't they just love him for him? Of course but then he was afraid...Vladimir Bellator afraid? Ha! Such a hilarious thought yet true deep deep down in his gut.

The male shook his head releasing the thoughts as his sky blue eyes focused back onto the horizon. Grass....grass everywhere. Whatever happened to the murky water, the gangly trees, the lava, the water...but nope...just grass. With a swift movement the wolf rook his ebony black claws and slashed at the grass.

And what if the grass were to die....then would the world die with it? No grass to feed the prey that they fed off of. Such a pitiful thing that they all relied on. Then a new scent had reached his another stranger. A shrug was given as Vladimir casually walked towards the scent. in no time his sky blue eyes settled on a dame who seemed to be pacing. the small casual devious smile appeared once more. Should he...or shouldn't he...

Come on maybe this dame just needed some fun....or was he risking getting his face slashed off. Oh well, he would see. So with a shrug Vlad went for it; his own way of fun.

"Heeeey whats all of this pacing for? You trying to make a path?" he said in a sarcastic friendly tone.

His head tilted a bit out of curiosity as he saw she seemed a bit upset.

"Ey(hey) you don't look so....happy right about now. Ya(you) alright?" he asked even thought it was none of his business.

"Oh, and by the way the names Vladimir Bellator, or just Vlad." he threw in remembering his manners...or the ones he needed to practice.


05-09-2013, 12:50 PM

The wind blew slightly through the air, it felt decent upon her pelt, and she did not mind it at all.Tikaani was content with just herself here, she wanted nothing than to tare into someone at this time. She was full of rage, full of pain. And she wanted nothing better than to take it out on someone. She rather have it to be that Bitch who left her, but Tikaani would settle for anyone. Heaven help whoever decides to cross her path on this day. Tikaani's appearance showed her personality also, all those scars, the blind eye. She was a perfect example of pain.

Her ears pinned back as the sound of another filled her mind. Who dared to come here, she was not pleased with whoever this was. Then it spoke, first teasing, trying to make a joke out of things. Her ears pinned closer to her head, fur bristles, and teeth bared. She did not turn towards the brute, not one bit. She listened to the male speak some more, So it seems that this brute had seen that she was troubled, oh how cute. This just made her mad even more, she did not enjoy others trying to help her out. She knew it would only lead to disappointment.

Her tail swayed rapidly, and aggressively, as he continued to speak. He had gave her his name, what a move on his part, she now knew what to call him by, and advantage in her mind. Tikaani turned to the make, her scared up face and one good eye came into his view. The male was interesting, he had unique coloring and she did give that to him, the charming appearance to him.Tikaani still had her ears pinned to her head fur bristled, and teeth bared. She let out a deep growl "I don't care to know who you are, nor do i want to"

Everything about her screamed anger, and she was ready to tare him to bits. Tikaani knew that if she did not get close to anyone she would not be hurt again. She glared at him, her growls got deeper and deeper. Her lips pulled back as far as they can go she was ready to attack. Walking closer to the male she spoke once more Leave now, or i will make you" She snarled at the make. Tikaani lunged at him with her teeth ready to sink down in his flesh, if he did not move she would get him on the muzzle.




05-09-2013, 01:17 PM
Chrysanthe had not heard from the girl since the day that she met her. She worried for Tikaani, Tortuga was a sorry excuse for a pack, they would not care for her the way that she needed to be taken care of. Now - no matter how she was, it was too late to offer her love and affection and hope that she would be alright. The red faced girl could only hope that Tikaani's mother had done her job as such, and had raised her pup proper.

Whatever that may be for her - she sounded a bit abrasive from the way that the girl talked about her, but Chrysanthe was not one to judge someone's family life right off of the bat.

The growing female's nose twitched when she felt the wind blow by her, the other female's familiar scent drifting past her nose, and she froze. Was that really her? And she didn't seem to be alone either. The princess wasted no time following the source of the scent, and found her growling at a male that she had never seen before. Chrysanthe watched the two talk for a moment, surprised that the sweet girl sounded so enraged, but sighed when she realized what had happened.

At least at that moment, Terror had taken over.

Did anyone else know the girl's secret? Had she spilled the beans to her pack? To her mother? They were worthless when it came to defending their own, sure - but perhaps if they actually knew about Tikaani's issue they would help her with it.

Chrys barked when she snarled at the male, and even though Tikaani was ready to lunge for him, the beta wouldn't back down. "This is how you treat those that introduce themselves with kindness?" She spoke, and it was incredulous, that things had come to this. "What happened Tikaani? Why are you so upset?" She wasn't trying to help her at this point, just get some god damned answers. This poor bastard hadn't done anything to her, save for be in the wrong place at the wrong time. If she continued to fight him or he didn't move, she would step between the two and try to calm the girl down with what she assumed would have to be force.


05-09-2013, 01:28 PM
Right after he introduced himself Vladimir realized his presence was not welcome by the dame....then again when had strangers welcomed him? hmmm..once? twice maybe? Well he hadn't really run into that many other wolves so this was nothing right. Her face contorted to many gnarly looking faces as she stood up and swayed her tail back and forth. Snarls emitted from her maw as if she were a volcano about to explode.

Her ears seemed to pinned back to her head now....very aggressive as of now. Jeez what was wrong with this dame.

"Jeez badger got your tongue? sure don't got mine! " he said before she spoke in return.

Then the dame said how she didn't care who he was or even want to know. Jeez....tough crowd.

"Well it's quite alright I'm sure you aren't to enthused at the moment. Well I would just see it as knowledge personally. But why would you care." he said casually

Unmoved by her aggressive or threatening pose the young brute stubbornly stood there. Before Vlad could say whoa there she was on him. A small devious smile was plastered on his face as she snarled as he was pinned.

"oooooh attitude" he said before swiftly rolling out from beneath her. Then only did Vlad turn around and casually sit down on his haunches yet ready to spring back up.

Vladimir gazed at her with sky blue eyes....sometimes he wondered what made some wolves so angry. Her words rang in his mind. She had told him to leave or she would make him. The young brute let a small chuckle pass his lips.

"I can leave if I want to, it's my right, no? And if you made me wouldn't that even bring you to become more upset? Of course my words are nothing to you for you will not listen. Of course I myself am stubborn as well. So why not fight fire with fire?" he said

"But as of now I have no intention of fighting nor a fight. " he casually said as he stretched for a moment casually.

Then did he notice the other dame,she smelled of Valhalla. That's where his sister were he thought. The dame spoke of kind words towards the dame before him. She was called Tikaani eh? Such a sweet innocent name for the femme that just lunged at him no? With a sigh Vladimir calmed himself and looked back and forth between the two. To be honest both of them seemed quite kind but maybe Vlad had the wrong perspective of Tikanni as of now.

So much for being a smart ass; this dame had to come along and ruin the fun. No, he couldn't act in such a way. What was this anyway? Vladimir was a bit confused as of now but he was sure it would pass...hopefully.


05-09-2013, 01:46 PM

Tikaani did not sink her fangs into the brute, she did manage to tackle him down. Her body language did nto change at all, but yet this brute could not seem to shut up. His smart ass comments seemed to make her even more mad, she felt him roll out from under her and sit down like this was all a joke. "Who the hell was this guy, he comes in with all this smart ass attitude. The brute spoke again this time of that is she made him leave she would be madder than what she started as. Tikaani growled at the bastard, she was not mad at him, he just happened to be the unlucky one to get in her path of rage.

Tikaani listened to him some more, he spoke of fighting fire with fire, than saying he has no intentions of fighting. The hell was wrong with him, this seemed like he was playing a game with her. Wait it kinda did seem like this was all but a game to that brute. Tikaani was about to attack him once more when the voice of an old friend came to her ears.Chrysanthe, it was, the female had not seen her in ages and yet here she was. Tikaani lowered her fur, and her ears relaxed a bit as she listened to the female talk. Tikaani settled down just a bit as she turned to face Chrysanthe, Her face was much more scared up and her right eye was blind, since the last time the two had meet.

She walked up to Chrysanthe, who had felt like a big sister to her. The female forgot that there was someone out there that did care for her a bit. For the first time in a long time, Terror had resided and Tikaani was back. Tikaani sat down and looked at Chrysanthe."I..I..I don't know what had come to me. T..T..Terror had been in control for a while now." She paused and tears fell from her eyes. Since that day her mother left she had never spoke of it till now. "I was abandoned by the one who i thought would never leave, But she did! I woke up to a empty den a few months back, alone." Tikaani spoke as she laid herself upon the ground. She had forgotten about the male for a second. The one that she had tried to hurt due to her rage.




05-09-2013, 02:10 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2013, 02:10 PM by Chrysanthe.)
The alabastar brute that she had stepped in to protect was a bit of a smart ass - rolling away from Tikaani and commenting on her attitude. Chrysanthe held back an aggitated sigh - maybe she should have let the brown female lunge at him proper without stepping in. But Terror was a bitch and would attack without reason and Tikaani wasn't the type to do something like that. Even if the snowy brute sort of deserved it for being a pain in the ass.

She rolled her eyes as he played the -it's a free world- card. That would get him into trouble if he wasn't careful. Sure, teasing younger females was one way to get his kicks but what happened when he came across someone that honestly wanted nothing more than to tear his pretty gray throat out? "If you want to fight fire with fire pretty boy, we can tango on the battlefield later." She said, just as casually as he had said that he had no intention of fighting. "I can be pretty stubborn myself." Chrys was not going to let him be obnoxious to Tikaani when clearly that wasn't what she needed at that moment.

The last thing that Chrysanthe was afraid of, was a fight. In fact, a fight would be incredibly relieving right now, she was stressed to all hell with this marriage thing looming in the not-so-distant future.

And as the brown female walked up to her, Chrysanthe wasn't sure whether to tense up or welcome the other to get closer. In the end, she noticed the other's posture change to something less irritated and something more... sad. That was the deciding factor, and Chrysanthe stepped forward to meet her, nosing the other female's cheek as she spoke to her. She then confirmed what she hadn't wanted to hear - Terror had taken over.

She had taken over after... after her mother had left her.

It took a few moments to connect the dots, but once they did, Chrysanthe immediately understood. Terror had taken over while Tikaani was at her lowest point - her mother had left her behind, left her with nothing but her anger and rage and this was what it had come to. "You're not alone now though, you have me - you always have. And there's an annoying boy to chew on if you really want to." She joked, but then paused, realizing that then probably wasn't the time. "I'm so sorry your mother left you - but she was silly to do so and not everyone is like that Tikaani." That damn hag. Leaving her daughter in the paws of incompetent lupine. "I don't care what pack you're a part of, or I'm a part of - you can always howl for me." She would comfort Tikaani and would fight Terror until she didn't have anything to be so angry about anymore.

What were true friends for?


05-09-2013, 02:52 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2013, 02:56 PM by Vladimir.)
The young brute sat there quietly as he listened to the conversation. The two of them probably thought he was a smart ass...probably. Well Vlad couldn't help it, it just came out. A sigh passed his lips as Vladimir busied himself by cleaning the grass from his fur. When he was done it seemed as perfect as before. The devious gleam in the males sky blue eyes was gone. He knew he shouldn't have said some of the things he had said....yet somehow it kind of kind of made sense in the long run, or not. Should he leave now? obviously this was something personal. Dark gray ears perked up as his mind was piqued with interest. Terror? Did Tikaani just say Terror took over?What was this dame like bi-polar? That would explain her mood before because now it had changed significantly.

Then a small smile appeared on his maw as the other dame threw in a few words at him. She jokingly offered a tango on the battlefield, hah! She even called him pretty boy, what? Vlad was no boy! he was a young brute! A small chuckle escaped his maw before the young male could reply. She even said she could be stubborn as well.

"I do suppose that would be fun; but as tempting as that offer is I must decline madam."

"I don't stay in one place for too long. Of course you see why; being a smart ass isn't too safe." he said with a small friendly smile.

Vladimir then turned his attention back to the grass as he kept on listening to the conversation. All of this mushy stuff and being there. made him wonder where his own family was. Of course his parents were somewhere and his sisters were both somewhere as well. Vlad missed teasing his sisters....or just the fact that he did because he loved them because they were his siblings. No mushy stuff Vlad! come on! with a small shake of his head Vlad turned his sky blue eyes back to the two dames before him.

did he hear her say Tikaani had an annoying boy to chew on? The devious smile reappeared as Vlad couldn't resist another smart ass reply.

"Annoying....perhaps, but I prefer smart ass. And you can chew on me as much as you want; just don't ruin this handsome face." he said in a friendly joking tone.

Vladimir then arose to his feet and made his way closer to the two dames. Perhaps this would be better if he was somewhat closer. Maybe this time he wouldn't get lunged at. With a shrug Vlad continued and sat down a respectful distance from Tikaani and the other dame.


05-10-2013, 09:03 AM

Tikaani stood up her posture was still and calm, she was a bit upset about what she did. Her tail swayed gently as she looked about to the male when Chrysanthe spoke some more to her about not everyone is like that. Tikaani nodded she knew that and she wanted nothing better than to fully believe what her "Sister" had said. Is things such as that true, she knew that Chrysanthe loved her still, and that she will be there for her. But is she the only one that could ever love her, truly love her? Tikaani was stuck in a cage of uncertainty, A place that was dark and gruesome. She did not speak for some time as she stood there thinking about those who she had hurt in the time of her torment. Her green eye looked at the male who just seemed to want to be alone. Well she did just try to kill him, even though he did nothing wrong to her.

Turning back to Chrysanthe Tikaani spoke in a quiet voice "I guess your right Chrysanthe.Not everyone is going to abandon me. For example you haven't." She smiled at the dame, Tikaani was glad that she will always have her adoptive big sister there for her. She needed some type of family to lean to when she needed comfort. Her attention drew to the male who got up and proceed to walk in their direction. He spoke Oh geez he sure was a pain the the ass, but Tikaani knew that, the way he was will never change. She looked at him her eye stopped upon his pelt. She did not want him as a chew toy, not anymore. "I am sorry for what i did back there." She spoke with an apologetic tone in her voice. She really did mean what she had said.




05-20-2013, 06:02 PM
She nearly snorted at the male as he chuckled at her and then chickened out of the prospect of a real fight. Ah well, his loss - she was an excellent opponent at the very least. She wasn't surprised that he was a rogue, his talk back wouldn't be appreciated in Valhalla. Yet at the same time, she wouldn't kick him out for it, it was almost interesting for a few moments at a time. "It sure isn't, if I was my brother you would have gotten your ass kicked." She hadn't seen Syrinx in a while though, what had he been up to she wondered?

Tikaani was more important than her halfhearted musings though, and the other female straightened herself out, looking a bit calmer than he had moments before. She hoped that in the end, that she was more help than harm to the girl - she could use someone there for her, and Chrysanthe was more than willing to be the female to do so. She nodded at her quiet statement - she wouldn't be abandoning the girl, not now, and not ever. "There are plenty of great wolves out there. You'll find them, I promise."

"I would love to take you out of Tortuga and show you myself - I can teach you what I know about fighting and pack life. The wolves in Valhalla would love to have you - we're not the type to turn our backs on anyone." They were a family. She wouldn't mention her wedding to Tikaani just yet though, because honestly she wasn't sure how. If she fought for her and took her into Valhalla as her adopted younger sibling, who knew how long that she would be in Valhalla before Chrys had to go to Seracia. "We're a family - like you and me." Her tail gave a good thump, as she said it aloud - they were as good as sisters now, the brunette girl wouldn't be able to get rid of her even if she wanted to.

When she apologized to Vlad, she couldn't help but lightly chuckle, shaking her head. "Don't say sorry to him - didn't you hear him? He prefers to be called a smart ass." Chrysanthe was only joking though - and didn't mind at all that he moved a bit closer to them. "You're lucky my sister is kind - if she was still upset with you I'd be chewing on that handsome face of yours." Pretty boy was a mess - but she found herself relaxing into a friendly banter with him.

"If you could learn to control that sass of yours, you wouldn't be a bad pack member either." The beta could see him functioning in Valhalla, but if he really had no control of his mouth then he would probably make the wrong higher up angry sooner than later. "You're a handful, but you seem to be decent Vladimir."


05-29-2013, 04:03 PM
Dark gray ears turned towards the conversation while the brute's head turned away while he seemed aloof in the conversation. Vlad knew this family stuff may seem a bit personal but he couldn't help but to listen. All of this talk of family stuff and helping each other made him kind of happy for the two dames. While Vladimir didn't even know where his own family was. It had been a while since he had even seen his parents and had a soiree with his sisters. Were they even still alive? Dumbfounded, the male averted his deep sky blue eyes to thy ground. He still wondered if anyone from his family even missed him or had even tried to look for him.

The male was about to stand up and leave until the dame Chrysanthe joked about Tikaani's apology. He let a small smirk appear on his maw but did not let a word pass his lips.Then she called him "pretty boy" what an odd name which was meant to be slightly offensive but he sort of liked it. It kind of fueled his mind to give off a return answer.

"You can chew on my face all you want; I'm still the same, handsome face or not." he replied with a small friendly smile.

Then she said he would probably make a decent pack member and all that...decent? That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to him in a while!

"Gee....thanks, honestly that's one of the nicest things ever said to me in a while now."

"Then I may just have to bite my ass and tell it to not be so smart if that may help. But for the thought of a pack I think I'll wait and see if I ever regroup with my family. But I'll be sure to keep your offer in mind, thank you"

Vladimir sat quietly again thinking of what he just said. That was kind of nice he guessed; maybe with a little work he could be a little more polite every time he dare open his mouth.


06-05-2013, 09:32 AM

[Image: w9brbr.jpg]

Walking onto the new landscape was a a big step. she was a evil mortal indeed. stubborn and arrogant but the most loving women if friendships would be produced, yet at the same time prepared to drip every last drop of blood if they don't appeal her type of fit she was in a pack the members was all respected not the stereo typed torture of a rank even though if would gain respect it seems all had this wandering in on the feminine pistons was holding the rest of her body that drifted with its own womanly motions the women would hush fully whisper in a soothing tone 'Im Yvonne a new member of'" after the women would shut her lips and await a canines reply for their a dress towards her.

whilst the wait happens she would sit on her haunches the skeptical spine would swiftly flex pushing out the womanly breast coated in the russet veil of a bride that would drip down the rest of the curves and womanly build. indeed the view was magnificent but inside was a soul rattling in a prison the women could slightly feel the heat that was drifted of mild conflict and would flicker the tulips that lay on the temple navigating past sounds or slight movements that was around the habitat after the plumage would waft on the foliage below drifting the crisp leaves along the rusted soil. a sigh would display from the frost bitten air, direct sapphire eyes would depart their sockets flushed by eye lashes seductively along their base coat a enhancement of beauty a smile would creep and shiver along the facade boldly showing the tender cheek bones. the tension was thrilling; engulfing pleasing the women yet she would not show it just plead the innocent kind that she was apparently. the family gossip was all she wanted to here a wolves history as hers would be sealed and locked away unless addressed after a friendship gain for now she was overflowing with passion and pleasure of mixed emotion of hate tension and making up perhaps.
