
As much as I ever could



10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-23-2013, 08:51 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2013, 09:01 PM by Epiphron.)

Love of mine, won't you lay by my side,

And rest your weary eyes,

Before we're out of time.

Give me one last kiss,

For soon, such distance,

Will stretch between our lips,

Now the day's losing light.

Two days.

Two days was all she had left before she was due to meeting Maverick, east of where she stood now. However, in the last week and a half, everything in her world had seemed to crumble and splinter before her very eyes. The girl knew she needed to maintain a strong, dignified, composure, and was succeeding rather nicely, but the turmoil that had begun to well inside was beginning to be too much to bear. No amount of pacing or moping in the privacy of her den had eased the pain that seemed to come from deep within her soul. Who knew she could hurt so deeply, in the very core of her being, anyway? Epiphron certainly had not expected this to be so hard. She had no time for crying, nor would she allow herself fits of anger -- no, she was not a child, and she let herself wouldn't act like one. Especially when she'd been given the opportunity of her lifetime. Had she not dreamed of ruling Valhalla one day? Part of her had always been sure she was capable of such a duty, but she'd convinced herself that her siblings, especially Chrysanthe and Syrinx, were much more likely to excel. If only she'd known, if only she had trusted her own abilities more..

Even when the volcano had erupted, destroying her home, her birthplace, she had not been afraid -- but the girl stood before the borders of Seracia, she was filled with uncertainty and hesitation unlike anything she'd ever experienced. Slowly the girl had tread far west until the scent of the pack reached her nostrils, strong like she'd ran into a wall of bricks. It was just as startling when the scent of Maverick reached her flared nostrils. A silent gasp would fall from her lips, her body freezing instantaneously. Fear grasped her suddenly, wracking her body, making her limbs quiver, a strange feeling for the serene female. She shouldn't be here -- no! She was within her rights, as an Alpha of a pack that was to be aligned with Seracia. No harm would befall her here. She wouldn't find herself in trouble for calling for Maverick, though she hoped so badly it was he that answered her pleading call, not the King or Queen. But even then, she had an excuse. No, not an excuse... it was her reality. If she was to rule Valhalla, and she would never refuse such an offer, she needed to make sure this alliance was one of permanence. That would work as reasoning if she ended up finding another creature -- she could claim she wanted to be sure the Prince was fit for her sister.

In reality, she knew she really ought to be doing just this, but she was unable to get Maverick out of hermind.. Perhaps seeing him again might bring her some kind of closure, but she knew herself better than that. She was sure he knew of the marriage to come in the near future, of the alliance that was being forged between the two kingdoms, perhaps even of her promotion. Her mind was clouded with confusion and worry as she lowered herself on her haunches. Muzzle lifted toward the sky, mouth forming a perfect circle as she summoned the boy to meet her here. Her call was strong but soft; only the slightest bit of emotion crept into her call. Maverick's reaction would be a surprise to her, but she knew she couldn't wait another day longer to see him, and surely not two.


04-23-2013, 10:08 PM

Feverishly he would wrestle about in his den. He'd turned in early tonight, even before the sun had graced the horizon for the second time today. The moon was slowly rising, but was scarcely visible due to the russet glow of the sun. An anguished groan slipped from his lips as he shook his head roughly, intent upon either making himself completely and utterly dizzy or forgetting her altogether. He doubted the latter would ever be possible. Her sister, why did he have to marry her sister? Could not the gods have shown favor enough upon the two of them to pair them together in this marriage of packs? Could not the universe have smiled upon them in this - their time of need? No, of course not, that would have been far too simple. Far too simple indeed. Maverick rolled from his stomach to his side, and then in turn to his back, where he lay in the most submissive state that he could possibly muster. Another groan would escape rusty lips as he allowed his kissers to hang agape, pearly white fangs gleaming in the sunlight that crept through the opening into his den.

At one point in time, he had wished he could grow up faster. He had wished his life was more elaborate and intricate.. like his father's. Now.. now he wished he could go back to that day and smite himself for even thinking such things. He'd brought this upon himself. How could he have imagined this though? How could any wolf imagine being in love with one girl, and then being betrothed to her sister? That was a scenario from a fairy tale, not real life. That's what his life was, a fairy tale gone horribly, horribly wrong. Front paws curled, toes touching his russet chest gently. Hind legs splayed outward in a completely undignified manner. He didn't care. He wasn't out in public, and even if he were - it wasn't likely the Prince would care at this point. He didn't care about much anymore, why should his posture be an exception?

A sound, a call - to be exact. Who came calling at his hour? More importantly, why did it sound so familiar? The sound was muffled by his den, but he was sure - sure - that it was Epiphron. You're going mad. He assured himself, lime eyes shutting briefly. There's no way in hell she's here. No way. Tail switched on the earth below him as he fidgeted slightly. Why would she come here? Surely she's heard.. He gave a sigh, shaking his head lightly. Maybe that's why she's come.. With a groan he would roll to his side and then his belly, pushing up onto all fours. Tail hung limply behind him as he ducked his head and slithered from his warm abode, determined to go and see for the purpose of proving himself wrong. He knew in his mind it couldn't be her, but his heart wouldn't leave him be until he checked.

The call hadn't been far off. Paws carried him expertly and automatically across Seracian soil, bringing him to where she stood in a matter of moments. Lime eyes widened in disbelief as he blinked twice to assure himself that she wasn't a figment of his imagination - a mirage. He didn't run to her as he once would have. Instead, the boy stood as still as stone, his only motion being his bottom jaw separating from the upper. "Epiphron." Disbelief and shock rolled off of his tongue. This had to be a dream, it just had to be. "You.. I.. what are you doing here?" Pain was evident in his lyrics, as easy to see as it was on his face, and the rest of his frame. His very stance appeared like that of a distraught wolf, one who didn't know which way to turn.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-23-2013, 10:34 PM

Epiphron had scarcely examined the land that lay before her. If she had, she would've been stunned by the vastness of the Seracian territory, for it reminded her remarkably of home. But the girl's attention was on things other than the scenery. In less than two seasons, the Seracia pack would arrive at her home for the wedding of Chrysanthe and Maverick -- then they would return to live here, as husband and wife, someday as King and Queen. Epiphron's loyalties lay firmly with her family, and the thought of betraying her sister had never crossed her mind. Epiphron knew her sister would grow to enjoy Maverick's company; even if love did not flourish, surely a strong partnership would. She ought to hope for the best for them, she needed to expected that they truly might fall for one another, but she was finding it impossible to imagine anything beyond their mutual coexistence. Anything more was simply too painful for the young girl to bear.

Her blue gaze searched the distance, wondering who exactly lurked beyond the horizon. Luck seemed to be on her side that evening, at least for this one small thing. If she'd been greeted by an unfamiliar face, the girl would've held her head high and refused to let the invisible crown slip. But the very sight of Maverick's approach made her posture slump considerably, as though a heavy weight had been placed upon her shoulders.

He knew. Epiphron saw it in his eyes, in the vacant orbs that stared back at her, so devoid of the fire that she'd sparked in them less than two weeks before. Even though he'd been angry with during their last reunion, still passion had burned behind his emerald stare, but it seemed to have been quelled by the solemn news of his upcoming marriage. Her own jaws parted slightly as she searched for the words to say. Instead, a mere whimper escaped her throat, a pathetic sound that said more than words ever could. This was all so completely out of their control, and both of them knew that questioning the choice of their families was out of the question. There was no need to cater to two lovesick children when something as important as this alliance was on the line.

"Don't worry about me being here..." she started in low tones, knowing very well the source of his confusion and worry. "I'm sorry, I just needed to see you." Slight shame painted her pretty face, her head bowing in an attempt to avert her gaze from him. The Valhalla girl searched for the words to say, but she came up with nothing. Pained as would redirect towards Maverick, taking a single step forward before stopping suddenly, as though she was being held back. Though the wedding had yet to happen, this boy was practically Chrysanthe's already. The Seracian prince was off-limits to her and whatever displays of affection she felt overwhelmed to lather upon him. "I... I've been promoted, Maverick. I'm Alpha female of Valhalla." The words were clumsy and unfamiliar, and the words were spoken bluntly with little hint of pride. Yes, she certainly was proud of that, but that feeling was masked currently by something that seemed curiously like heartbreak.

There was so much more to be said, but her lungs clenched painfully in her chest as she took in a deep breath of air, willing herself to remain steady on all four paws, grounded and calm.


04-24-2013, 09:25 AM

He was sure he must be dreaming. Why else would the girl who could only exist now in his dreams be standing before him, at the edge of his territory? He only wished he could wake up, he could banish thoughts of her from his mind. He owed that much to his fianc?, the girl he hadn't even met yet. He owed it to his father too, and all of Seracia, and Valhalla. Suddenly he wasn't sure he could bear this enormous cross on his shoulders. Ears flickered back, lying flat against his skull, his tail hung limp - so unlike the usual poised position it would have taken had he intercepted anyone else at the border. Eyes blinked twice again, as if the repetition might somehow make him realize this was only a dream - that she wasn't really here after all. It had to be the case, why else would she be here looking for him?

To say goodbye.

It hit him like a ton of bricks, and his heart skipped a beat, head reeling though he stood strong. She told him not to worry, told him she needed to see him. How beautiful that would have been to hear a few weeks ago, but not now. Not now. "I just didn't expect.." He couldn't finish a sentence, couldn't formulate the words to somehow convey the storm that raged on the inside. Eyes sought the spot between his front paws, remaining there for longer than they should have. She stepped forward, he could see her shadow move toward him, but stop abruptly. Any minute now, any minute now she'd disclose the elephant in the room and they would be over forever. Any minute now she would say something about the wedding, something about Chrysanthe, and he'd lose all hope of sanity.

To his surprise, she uttered more news he had yet to be told. She had been promoted - to Alpha. Pride swelled in his chest - and utter happiness for he knew this was something she'd always wanted. But why then were her words so hollow? Why were they so strained, so pained? He knew why. "Congratulations," he would say with less than enough enthusiasm. The boy managed a quick wave of his tail before it curled against his hind limb. "What uh.. how did that happen?" If he could keep the topic off of himself, off of the things to come, he might somehow spare even a moment of happiness with her - though he doubted that would be possible at this point. He made no move to bring her into Seracia, made no move to her side. Part of him was afraid if he did, she might vanish altogether. He was still betting this was all a dream.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-28-2013, 08:56 PM (This post was last modified: 04-28-2013, 09:00 PM by Epiphron.)

I used to hold you like it's all that I had

Now begins the falling out, we are like a passing fad

Your mouth would crack a smile if I were spoken of

'Till tonight you never thought

you'd lose this epic battle with love

It seemed as though all of the blood in her body had suddenly rushed to her head; it felt as though her heart was pounding inside her skull, dull but noticeable, as she gazed at Maverick with eyes brimming with unreadable emotion. The muscles in all four limbs twitched as though her body wanted her to move closer, but her mind silenced the pleas of her body. Epiphron would not betray her sister. Chrysanthe was likely one of her dearest friends, and yet somehow she was proving to be her greatest enemy in a sense. But that was merely an afterthought -- they were bound together by blood, and that bond was something that Epiphron would never destroy. Not for any boy, despite how strong her passion for him was. Despite how much she loved him. And as she watched him in uncomfortably silence, it became very obvious, suddenly and painful, that the feeling in her stomach that was both exhilarating and awful and euphoric all at the same time, was indeed love.

Suddenly she like she shouldn't have came here at all. What would've happened in the King of Seracia had met her? She was not nearly as strong as she made herself seem to be, and she wasn't sure how long she could linger in Maverick's home without feeling like she was on the verge of a breakdown. Would she have appeared as though she was an Alpha female to Gerhardt, or just a lost child? Would she have jeopardized the alliance that would soon be solidified by the union of Maverick and Chrysanthe?

The ivory-furred creature could only watch him for a few moments, never daring to fully meet his gaze. She was afraid of what she might find lurking within those beautiful green depths. Her congratulated her, his words empty and lifeless. So unlike him. A soft sigh escaped her dry throat, a whine threatening to leave her lips. It took all she had to contain her distress, the emotion that threatened to overtake her. A single red-furred paw moved beneath her, her weight shifting from one side of her body to the other. All strength she once had seemed gone from her body now. Tail hung limply behind her, and her head seemed to hang slightly below her shoulders. Perhaps what she was so afraid of when she gazed into Maverick's eyes was that he'd be perfectly content knowing their future had essentially been destroyed. She was afraid he might be fine without her. Maybe even better. But briefly the girl would gaze up as he spoke.

"I don't know," she replied simply, her voice miniscule even in the silence that seemed to hang over them. Part of Epiphron wondered if he hadn't expected it to happen... if he didn't think she was fit for the role... but she was unable to even let such snarky comments leave her mouth. "I guess Collision thought I was the only female fit for the role right now. His wife is not in good health, and... Chrysanthe will be coming to Seracia soon, as you know." That was all the bitterness she could manage, as Maverick certainly knew this, but her voice was void of much of anything, let alone anger or irritation.


04-28-2013, 09:39 PM

He stopped loving her today

They placed a wreath upon his door

And soon they'll carry him away

He stopped loving her today

He wondered, just then, if he could ever feel a pain like this and live to tell the tale. This was excruciating, and he was sure he could not stand it for long. Why couldn't she just do it? Why couldn't she just look him in the eye and say goodbye. They needed to end this, it was plain in their eyes. Love was in their hearts, but love for family far outweighed even the feelings he possessed for her. His father wanted him wed to another girl, and there would be no adjustments for his own personal comfort and happiness. Chrysanthe would no doubt be a good wife, and he would be a good husband to her. She deserved that much. But in reality she deserved more. She deserved a man who loved her for her, and loved her before they got married. Maverick knew he could never be that man. Oh sure, he might grow fond of her, but fondness was not exactly how he pictured his marriage to be. He dreamed of love, adoration, devotion, all the things he felt for Epiphron this very second. How could he ever transfer that to her sister? Why would he even want to?

He had no options. There was no chance of him being able to shirk this burden from his shoulders, and there was no chance he would ever want to not be Prince anymore. This was the hand he'd been dealt, and now he had to play his cards however he could. "I didn't mean that the way it came out, I was just.. surprised is all." She'd said it, Chrysanthe was coming here. "Yes I know." He was sure she wanted to hear something else, but he could do nothing at the moment but confirm the knowledge. "I -" He paused, trying to formulate the best thing he could say. He drew a blank. "I didn't know about this.. if that.. if that helps at all." He wanted to know he had not hidden anything from her, had not been merely toying with her until it was time to take her sister as a wife. He loved her, and would always love her. Nothing and no one could ever change that, try as they may.

"I don't know what to say." Voice was blank, void of emotion or feeling. He had nothing left, would allow himself nothing but a mechanical tone. He could not afford to lead her on further, and could not afford to allow himself to fall further in love with her. Another day he might've embraced her, kissed her, and invited her in. Yet today was not that day - was far from it, in fact. Today he would stand perched on the border, almost willing himself to leave and end the pain here and now.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-29-2013, 01:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 01:46 PM by Epiphron.)

Epiphron's brows furrowed as something akin to frustration contorted her features. She was so used to feeling unbreakable, but her veneer had cracked, and tears threatened to fill her eyes. Slowly she felt less and less in control of her emotions, though it was entirely different from the passion she'd felt just two weeks prior. It was something quite different. Passion mingled with anger, but she contained the rage that seemed bound to spill eventually. This had not been Maverick's decision, and he displayed no kind of eagerness towards the thought of the arranged marriage. It would do no good to punish him; he was as innocent as she was. Nobody was at fault here. She would not even blame Collision -- she would be childish to whine and thrash about like a child in spite of her promotion to Alpha. The girl had much more dignity than that. She briefly wondered if she hadn't been promoted if she would've had the courage to eventually fight for Maverick -- against her sister. No, she knew over time her feelings for Maverick would dull, the pain slowly subsiding into a faint ache in the center of her chest. This too, would pass, but she was worried about surviving through the worst of it to that point in time.

He assured her he hadn't known about his betrothal to Chrysanthe, and while she had expected the news to make her feel slightly better, it didn't. She hadn't suspected he'd been toying with her emotions, using her. Not at all, it had never once seemed like that.

"My sister will be a good wife," she said softly, her voice cracking slightly. Chrysanthe was a strong girl -- no, she was a woman now -- and Maverick would not be disappointed. She wondered how he would react when he first met the girl, when he saw their strange similarities. Their features were polar opposites; would Maverick be reminded of her every time he gazed at Chrysanthe? Or would he grow fond of her, far more than he ever was of herself? While her sister was not necessarily the most beautiful creature, her strong personality and unwavering loyalty made up for it tenfold. "And you better treat her like a Queen." She had no doubt that he would do just that, but she said it seriously, as though she would never forgive him for mistreating her.

In any other situation, she would've been teasing him by stating the obvious, would've cracked a smile. But her face was still twisted in a slightly pained, confused expression, her eyes dancing from the ground to Maverick, never daring to linger too long.

"I don't either, Maverick." Her eyes fell on his own, staying far too long for her own comfort. She thought she might be sick, that was how intensely her stomach clenched and her heart beat in her chest. The feeling was unpleasant, but she couldn't run quite yet. She needed some kind of closure, if such a thing was possible. "I just... needed to be see you. I'm sure I'll see more of you in the future. I just... wanted to make sure things are okay." She was the leader of Valhalla, and Maverick would be the King before long, she assumed. They would be forced to speak, to make decisions, to act as though everything was okay when it was anything but.


04-29-2013, 02:05 PM

He hated this feeling. He was surprised to find that he could feel everything at once, pain, suffering, excruciating agony, and yet he was still able to feel void of everything he'd ever known or felt before. He felt everything and nothing all at the same time. He was sure this was what death must feel like - though the boy knew he was being overdramatic. He'd always known that a love between he and Epiphron would not come easy, and part of him had expected it to end at some point. But not like this, never like this. He'd imagined they would fall in love, and eventually - mutually - decide to end their relationship for the better of the pack. It would have been noble, honest, honorable, and just, and yet that moment of maturity in their decisions was ripped from them both, stolen away. How could they ever recover?

He hoped she would not blame him, though he knew that if she did it would only make their parting that much easier. Still, he could not handle her having bitter feelings toward him. She seemed so broken, so fragmented that he was sure she would never be the same. He knew for a fact he would never be the same as he was. This situation had grown him, matured him into the man he would one day be. He only hoped that man was half of what his father was. Any other boy might be furious that his father would use him as a bartering chip in building an alliance, but this boy saw only good when it came to his adopted sire. Gerhardt had not chosen Chrysanthe for Maverick, he had merely accepted an offer given by Valhalla. It was they who wanted the marriage, and Gerhardt had only agreed. Maverick would have done the same - at least he thought he would. This was politics, plain and simple. An alliance with Valhalla was something that any pack would be a fool to refuse. Seracia needed this, and Maverick would do all he could to see that it came to fruition.

She assured him that her sister would be a good wife. Maverick had been worried about that. Had it been Epiphron the boy would have been overjoyed. He knew her, at least a fair bit more than he knew her sister. He hadn't even met his future wife! Still, he trusted Epiphron's words, and nodded in agreement. "If she's anything like you she will be." Some part of him hoped she wouldn't be like Epiphron. It might serve as too much of a reminder. Perhaps she looked different, acted different. It would certainly help him forget the sister he could never have. As she offered him a stern order, Maverick's ears flattened. "You know I will." It was hollow, but confident. He would do nothing but treat Chrysanthe like she deserved. Hopefully she would do the same for him. Who knew.. maybe they'd even grow fond of one another, though he doubted that would be possible with his adoration of Epiphron.

"Things have been better, but they are okay. I just wish..." I wish it would have been you. How easy that would have been to say, and yet so hard. Voice caught in his throat and he chose not to continue, but instead graced his green eyes upon her cerulean. He knew he should have continued, should have somehow promised her that his love for her would never fade, but that would have been a lie. How could he allow it to grow and flourish when he was to be wed to her sister in a little over a season? It wouldn't be fair to anyone.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-29-2013, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 08:05 PM by Epiphron.)

How she wished she could revert back to the state of a child, where whining and crying and throwing a fit would've been much more accepted. Not that Epiphron had ever been that kind of pup, but things would certainly be a lot easier if such a thing were acceptable right now. Epiphron had never been one to show much emotion, especially the kind of thing she was feeling now. As her gaze locked with Maverick's, the pain she was feeling was undeniable.

"She's a lovely woman," she said softly but seriously, her train of thought stopping there. Lovely in which way? Chrysanthe was certainly a stronger female than her, and certainly rivaled her in intelligence, among various other things. "You will not be disappointed." Perhaps she and Maverick would grow to care for one another in their own way; certainly they didn't need passion to make their relationship work. Over time, she would see Maverick less, but would it be painful to reunite, on the few occasions she was sure they'd have to face one another? Either way, Maverick was lucky to be betrothed to Chrysanthe. Of everyone in Valhalla, she was certainly a good catch.

"I wish... too." She didn't need to finish her sentence. She mumbled a reply half-heartedly, her voice miserable and small against the strong silence that seemed to linger over the pair. All she could do was let a quiet whimper fall from her lips. The girl wanted so badly to embrace him just one last time, but they were in the open, far too visible to wandering eyes. And yet the sun still set further below the horizon, the visibility slowly dwindling as evening set in deeply. The Valhalla Alpha would take another small step forward, still not enough to close the gap between them, but the movement was obvious. "I... I'm sorry I came. I shouldn't have.."


04-29-2013, 08:22 PM

He tried to picture his life, his future with an unknown bride. He imagined the wedding, standing in some beautiful meadow with flowers all around, and Chrysanthe strolling toward him - beaming from ear to ear. He imagined Collision and Gerhardt, how they would smile over the ordeal as the two said their vows. How everyone would cheer as the newly wedded couple would emerge as husband and wife. How everyone in Seracia would be so happy to see them strolling about their home, how one day they would have kids, and stand as King and Queen of this beautiful land. How their kids would grow and prosper, and one day take the throne for themselves. How wonderful it all would be, and yet.. how unsatisfying. He couldn't imagine not being satisfied with such a vision - it was all he'd ever dreamed of. And yet, he didn't want it if it meant being with a woman he didn't love. Oh sure, others would assure him that he would grow fond of her, and perhaps even fall in love somewhere down the road. But at some point he would have to dive in without that love, that pure unadulterated affection, and he was not sure if he could do it.

Epiphron continued to praise her sister, but it did little to abate the Prince's fears. Lovely as she may be, she was not the woman he loved - and she never would be. Could he ever see his bride to be as just who she was, and not the sister of the girl he loved? He wouldn't be disappointed. How little she knew. Every moment without the one he loved was a disappointment, every second without her, a loss. Oh, he would get to see her every now and then, when business called, or politics were demanded. He was sure during those times his love for her would reignite, and once more he would begin the painful process of forgetting her. He wondered if he'd ever fully forget her, ever fully forget the love he felt when he so much as thought of her name. "I'm not sure that's true." He would utter almost halfheartedly. It was no use to try and woo her any longer. The game was over, and he had lost.

She mumbled something, but it was lost to pained ears. He only focused when she stepped closer, narrowing the gap between them. She apologized and he shook his head with vigor. "No. I needed this, we both did." He would not take an apology from her. He knew what he had to say next, though he was not sure his body would allow him to do so. "We needed to be able to say - to say goodbye." He paused, a sigh slipping from his lips. "You know how I feel about you, but I can't go against my father. If this is what he wants.. I've got to go through with it." He tried to make it sound like an obligation - which indeed it was. Not a hint of happiness went with his speech, because in reality there was none. How could he be happy about this?




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-29-2013, 08:50 PM (This post was last modified: 04-29-2013, 08:53 PM by Epiphron.)

As much as Epiphron prided herself on being a realistic and level-headed, she couldn't help but feel vaguely disappointed. Had she really thought this would make everything okay? No, but she thought it would assuage the pain ever so slightly -- but if anything, it'd made it worst. Maverick was suffering as well, and it was obvious, despite the lack of emotion that he was displaying. Surely she hadn't been naive enough to think this would fix the situation they'd found themselves in; they both had duties far greater than this, far more important than the love that they shared. She vaguely wondered whether her father would've chosen Valhalla over Guinevere, but she found no answer, as hard as she searched for one. But in a way, this was different. She had no choice to make... it'd been made for her. She could fight the decision, but that would just make everything worse.

She should've listened to her brother. As soon as affection had begun to blossom, she should've quenched those feelings, rather than diving in headfirst, like a stupid lovesick child. Still she had felt hopeful, for something, perhaps for a future, but that had been an illusion. There was no way they could be together now, unless they both respectively left their packs and ran off together. But such things didn't really tend to happen -- the consequences would be far too dire for her to even dream of doing something so ridiculous.

"Goodbye..." She mumbled softly, not a declaration she was leaving, but something else. A laugh seemed to leave her throat, but the sound was filled with pain and heartache. It seemed silly to say goodbye when they would certainly be seeing one another again in the future. Perhaps often, if Chrysanthe bore Maverick's children. Epiphron would want to be part of their lives. The mere possibility made tears well in her eyes, despite how hard she struggled to fight them back. She felt irrevocably alone, and her strength seemed to drain from her body with each second she spent with Maverick.

If this was goodbye in a sense, it was so in a very particular way. From this moment on, they would see one another in an entirely different way -- or so she would have to try. They could never be friends. It would hurt too badly. Another whimper escaped the girl's throat, and she felt abruptly ashamed for being so pathetic. She'd only met Maverick a handful of times. It wasn't anything permanent. Neither of them had made any kind of commitment, despite their vocalized desire for one another. It wasn't a permanent goodbye, but this would signify the end to whatever relationship they had forged. When they met again, it would be as strangers, as nothing more.

Epiphron knew she shouldn't embrace the Seracian Prince, but her body's desires seemed to outweigh her better judgment. Swiftly the girl moved forward to him, her muzzle nudging beneath his throat. He seemed to have grown since they met. He would make an impressive King someday. Her nostrils flared as she inhaled his scent, knowing this was very likely the last time they would ever touch like this, or even make physical contact at all. He would belong to Chrysanthe, and Chrysanthe alone, and she knew that even by doing this she was in some way crossing a boundary, but she couldn't leave without a final embrace.

But letting Maverick press back into her would be too painful, and so she pulled away quickly and attempted to maintain some semblance of composure. Never had she failed so miserably at anything in her entire life; the tears had fallen down her cheeks and her ears were flattened against her skull in embarrassment and unsureness and pain and every emotion in between.


04-29-2013, 09:29 PM

He could scarcely believe he'd ever allowed himself to get this far in love with a girl he barely knew. The fact of the matter was, he should have shunned his feelings from the beginning and there would be significantly less of a problem now. When he'd met her he'd been a child. He should have known that his love would grow, what other option did it have? It had been his decision to fertilize it, to water it and to allow it to blossom, and now he feared he'd let it go too far. No, he didn't just fear it, he knew it. He should have broken these ties long ago, but how was he to know things would go so haywire? For all he knew he could have ended up with Epiphron and lived happily ever after until the end of time. That was a childish way to think. No, Maverick had known all along this would never work, he'd known long ago that his book of life would be written for him. He'd known it the day he'd been named Prince. This was politics. This was his life.

She mumbled a goodbye, and he couldn't help but wonder if there was any worse word to hear at a time like this. He didn't want to say goodbye, but his mind kept telling him to. He had to end things, had to sever whatever this was that they had, so that he could start fresh and clear with Chrysanthe. His bride-to-be deserved that much and more. His father would want it that way, Collision would want it that way, and therefore.. the prince of Seracia wanted it that way. He had no other choice, no other option. "I guess the next time I see you we'll be - we'll be related." The next time he saw her would be the wedding. The next time he saw her he would say his vows and become her brother in law. The next time he saw her, she would be off limits for good. The next time he saw her he would have to try his hardest not to be in love with her.

A decent wolf would have embraced her. A decent wolf might've even invited her in. Maverick had lost all decency. As she moved toward him he froze in his spot, neither pressing into her nor recoiling from her touch. This might be the last time - no, it would be the last time - he ever touched her like this. Sure, a familial greeting would be offered, even a brush of the cheek if it wasn't too difficult, but he would embrace her no more. She pulled away and he made no move to go after her, made no move to move away either, not for a moment. For a moment he just stared into her eyes, lime locking onto cerulean, before he could gaze at her no longer without risking falling apart altogether. In one last glance, he offered her the only words he could. "Goodbye Epiphron," and with that, the Prince pivoted and strolled into Seracia, his heart crumbling with each step.

Exit Maverick.




10 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-30-2013, 03:28 PM

Epiphron was foolish to even hope that this story would have a happy ending. She'd known it from the start, that they wouldn't ever be together the way she wanted them to -- they'd talked about it, albeit vaguely. Unless Maverick stepped from his throne to join her in Valhalla, they were doomed from the start; but the girl did not blame him, for she too was unwilling to abandon her family. No blame would be given here, even to the Gerhardt and to Collision, who had chosen the fates of three children.

She could only hope that the next time she saw Maverick -- for the wedding, most likely -- that the pain would subside. That it would give way to joy for her sister, for the alliance of their packs, for whatever the future might have in store for them. She would have to put her feelings aside, for the future King of Seracia would be her brother-in-law in barely over a season. Truly, she had no other option.

It would've hurt worse had Maverick attempted to return the embrace, to hold her and comfort her and even try to keep her from leaving, but it hurt far more than she had expected as he did nothing at all. Part of her had hoped, a very small part, that he would beg her to stay, that he would confess his eternal love for her, but the reality of the situation was much more difficult to face. She straightened herself slightly, clinging desperately to any semblance of composure she had left, even sniffling a bit as a few tears fell down her cheeks. But even that did not stop Maverick from giving his final goodbye and turning on his heels, heading from whence he came. Love, in fact, could not conquer all, and it had ultimately failed them. No final words left her mouth as the girl turned, her pace quickly increasing to a near sprint as her heart felt as though it shattered into a million pieces, too many to ever put back together.