
Drowning in a Pool of Regret


04-23-2013, 08:32 PM

Walking. So much walking. She had left Tortuga days ago. Or was it longer? She wasn't sure. Paws dragged with every step. Her pelt had dulled, ebony hairs covered with dust and dirt. Skull drooped, eyes weary. She was dehydrated and hungry. Legs barely supported her frame, shaking every step. Audits dropped, even as the sound of the ocean reached her. She only stopped when the dirt and grass became sand. Body collapsed, dropping to the earth with a thud. Lunges wheezed, sucking in much needed air. Muzzle rested on the ground, eyes drifted shut. Just a short nap and she'd be well enough to go home. Return to her children.

Belly contracted painfully. Her children. Muscles stiffened at the sudden pain. She didn't understand. What was happening? Breathing became labored, jaws parting to allow her to pant. She couldn't get home like this, it was too far, she was too weak. She tried to listen, to see what was around her, but all she could hear was the blood pounding in her ears. In an attempt to get to her feet, she rolled onto her belly, pulling her legs under slowly, and began to push up. Legs quivered, back hunched in pain before she collapsed once more.

So this is how she would die. Far from home, in the middle of nowhere, alone, no one knowing where she was. Her poor kids. Nostrils flared. Blood. Why did she smell blood? Disoriented gaze shifted around, searching, a low growl rumbled in her chest, warning anyone out there away. Once more, an angular skull rested against the earth, sides heaving. Eyes drifted shut, dehydration beginning to claim her, pain biting at her sides, leaving the ebony dame unaware of the fact she was going into premature labor, her body unable to take the stress anymore, struggling to preserve itself.

"Talk here."


04-23-2013, 08:44 PM


"Secret." The ebony beast stepped out of the shadows, his words trailing off. She was in pain, dehydrated, clinging to slithers of life. She reminded him of Newt and her condition during the drought. He surged forward, coming up to her but stopping a few feet away, the ocean breeze running itself along his large frame. "What's happening to you." His tone was soft, maybe even soothing. Was she sick? Something had happened, but he couldn't tell what. The reminder that she was pregnant with his pups made his stomach turn. He knew she didn't want his children. She hated him.


04-24-2013, 01:44 PM

He had tracked her since she had left Tortuga, nose to the ground and drifting silently a half a day behind the female he had not seen since giving her herbs and briefly as always at the pack meeting. She had waited too long since the conception of her new children to have the herbs he had given her work in the way she might have wanted. Now they would only harm both her and her baby. He had forgotten to tell her that, to caution her that there was only a short time in which she could use them. So he had followed, though the nearer they got to the ocean the more worried he got and the more he picked up the pace, unknowingly closing the distance between them faster then he had intended. It had been almost 5 days since she had left and she had slowed considerably and to his knowledge had never once stopped walking to hunt, drink or sleep. He had stopped for all, hence the distance between them but his concern drove him on.

He saw her as she dropped, heart seeming to still in his chest even as large paws carried him on. She should mean nothing to him, his children were his life because of the blood tie but she had nothing to tie her to him. Yet he broke into a lope, head lowered and focused solely on her. had she taken the herbs? Was this was happened when you took them too far along in the pregnancy? He had never had anything like this happen before, never cared enough about someone who needed him so. He loved his sister but she... She got him to do things for her but he was a pawn and he knew it, nothing more then a piece for her to move around. Secret needed him right now and he almost crumpled under the weight of sheer helplessness. What could he even do? There was no fresh water sources nearby and he could hunt or get some fish maybe but would it be soon enough for her?

A voice called for the woman as he approached and brakes were slammed on. Kaios... Kylar had only met him in passing at pack meetings and heard of him but it was unmistakable. Lips would curl back and the male began moving again, this time hackles were held high, adding even more to his massive size. Kaios was no small male but Kylar would castrate him if he even touched her. He moved slowly, much like a hunter stalking it's prey, sharp green eyes on the black male. "I suggest you either leave now or I will fight you for the right to castrate you" the younger male spoke, voice a low rumble. It was maybe the first time his voice had ever held any emotion, and it dripped with malice. He had Newt now, a new pack and a new home. He would have nothing to do with Secret or the pups she may or may not have chosen to have. Kylar placed himself firmly at her side, facing Kaios with head low and stance balanced. Ears were tucked firmly against his skull, eyes narrowed and tail tucked.


ooc:dunno if it will lead to a fight but this here for just in case
Rounds: 0/0

Attacks: None

Defenses: Hackles raised to make himself look bigger, head low to protect his neck, stance balanced and weight centered. Ears tucked and tail tucked to give less to grab onto and eyes narrowed to protect them.

Injuries: None


04-24-2013, 08:27 PM

Pain riddled her body, stomach clenching every so often. Instinct took over, forcing her to push after each contraction. She vaguely found the pain familiar. Surely it was too early for her to be going into labor? She hadn't been carrying the pups that long had she? Somewhere beneath the confusion dread and panic began to spread. No no no. This couldn't be happening. Another contraction, another push. A growl bubbling softly in her throat.

Secret. Who was calling her? Eyes drifted open, only to meet the amethyst gaze of a large ebony beast. His face took a moment to register before ears flipped back, pinning against her skull, lips lifted faintly in a weak snarl. Kaios. She needed to get away from him, or she would be good as dead. Whats happening to you? The hell if she knew. Jaws parted in an attempt to tell him to leave, but no words formed. Body stiffened. Another contraction another push.

I suggest you leave now. The malice laced words faded away. She was so tired. Eyes only fluttered open once more when she felt the presence of someone standing near her. A familiar scent teased her nostrils. "Kylar." his voice spoken in barely audible tones. He always seemed to show up when she was in some sort of trouble. She got the faint idea that he was keeping tabs on her, tracking her on occasion. Another contraction. This one strong enough to push her upper body off the ground, skull turning to lick her sides, wanting nothing more than the pain to go away.

The small lifeless body went unnoticed as it lay quietly on the unforgiving earth. Laying back down, breaths came in short rapid pants, her pelt matted and dirt, its usually shine lost. Tired eyes drifted between the two brutes that stood on either side of her. Dehydration still beat her down. Salmon tongue made a brief appearance to caress her muzzle. Water. It sounded so good. But she couldn't move, her legs useless. Exhaustion swept over. How long had it been since she slept? Or ate? She didn't know.
"Talk here."


04-25-2013, 10:02 PM


She pinned her ears, snarled, gave the obvious signs that he was not wanted here. He observed her closer... was she in labor? Signs of contractions, sweating, pushing here and there. All the signs of labor. He was about to say something, maybe even come closer when another voice filled the air. His ears perked forward, head swinging to meet the owner of this voice. Kylar. Secrets baby daddy. "Leave? How can I leave when your girl is about to give birth to my child?" Lips curled into a devilish smile, ears folded flat, muscles tensed. So, he wanted a fight? He would get one. The large brute began to charge, furry blinding every part of him. But... he stopped. Everything had broke, the earth beneath him had shifted, but reality came back. Before him, laying lifeless on the cold earth, was his child. The only child Secret had conceived with him. Everything froze. What had she done... She had done something! How could she! That fucking bitch! That cock sucking whore! A vicious snarl ripped from the mans throat, lips curled tightly to reveal sharp canines and incisors as he snapped in her direction. She would pay for this, she would regret what she had done. Amethyst eyes snapped back toward Kylar, every bit of hatred showing in his gaze. Had he been a part of this? They would both pay for this... but not now. Not today. He couldn't risk his reproductive organs fighting some man who had mated with his first whore. No, he would do the most repulsive thing he could think of. He would eat the child. Claws dug into the earth as he darted toward secret, swooping the lifeless pup into his jaws by its head as he galloped by. Jaws crunched down as he snarled viciously, brain and guts from the premature pup spilling into his mouth, and seeping out the opened corners of his mouth. If anyone was going to claim this life, it would be him. He needed closure, he needed to know the pup was really gone. And this was how he would do it. Jaws chomped down on bone as he chewed the body in his mouth, blood and organs rupturing, his head shaking from left to right in his fury. Then... he swallowed. It was pretty rough going down, but it needed to be done. He wanted Secret and Kylar to see it. He was a heartless beast with veins filled of ice. He would eat his own child... Imagine what he would do to Kylar if he ever got him alone. Toungue swiped across inky lips as he cleaned up the crimson coloring around his muzzle, lips curling into a smile that reached unnatural proportions. "Process that Tortugans." Before either could respond he took off at full speed, heading toward his new and forever home. His wife was there waiting for him, his subjects were ready to follow his every command. He didn't need deal with Tortugan scum. If Kylar wanted that cunt, he could have her, for good.

-Exit Kaios-

OOC: Okay, So I hope neither of you see this as pp. No one plays the pup, so it was free territory right? Plus, I wasn't about to have him lose his baby making jewels lol. I want more bebehs from him ;)


04-29-2013, 09:44 AM

Her voice slipped up to him, quiet and weak but other then an aud twitching back he showed no hint of hearing her. His focus remained solely on Kaios, hackles raised and lips curled back in a malicious snarl. He had been looking for a reason to kill Kaios for quick some time and this might be it. Sharp orange gaze was narrowed, daring Kaios to attack and take Kylar up on his challenge. Kaios's words hissed out and Kylar almost lunged at him but instead there was another groan of pain behind him and he stole a quick glance at Secret, worried that it might be it for her. Her body lifted off the ground slightly and concern drifted over his features. He tried to keep his attention divided, watching her and watching the amethyst eyed brute that had done this to her. If he attacked Kylar would still have enough time to reset his defenses and keep the male away from Secret. But then a lifeless form hit the ground behind her and Kylar's gaze softened. He wanted to turn to her, lick her face and comfort her but Kaios was still here. He was already moving by the time Kylar turned back to face him. Teeth would flash out to lash at the male, more to keep him away from Secret then to do any real harm. But Secret was not the males target.

Kylar would hop over Secret, keeping her protectively beneath him and sliding a forepaw beside her face so the weak woman wouldn't have to see what was befolding before them. So she would have to see the monster who was eating her child. Kylar would watch with a solemn expression as Kaios devoured the child, crunching on it's body and remaining where he was. Words would be hissed out and Kylar sighed, watching the brute as he disappeared back to his new home, to Lentajin. Every instinct told him to chase him down and rip his intestines from his ass before he could even get to his home but that might cause unwanted problems for his sister and their alpha's. Head tipped back, a slow howl echoing from his vocals, calling to his sister that he knew was in the area working. He would see if she could stay with Secret for a time until she was fit to travel before going to start the process of hunting Kaios down.

But for now he needed to deal with Secret. He needed to get her somewhere safe ad somewhere near water. He stepped back so he was at her side, her smaller frame looked tiny in the sand but he sighed and reached down to nuzzle into her neck for a moment. "We have to go, walk if you can, if not I'll drag you" he said, tone now a threat, simply a statement. There was fresh water not far away, just before the sand and closer to the trees. He could find rabbit somewhere and she could drink and rest while he hunted. If Vi got here sooner rather then later then she could hunt for Secret. He would reach down, jaws closing gently around her scruff as they had almost a year ago around the scruffs of their children. He would heave her off the ground, neck muscles straining against her diminished weight. If she could collect her paws beneath her and even attempt to walk he would hold her beside him, allowing her to lean on his shoulder and continue supporting her weight if needed. If she remained limp he would drag her like he would drag a deer, her body sliding across the sand beneath him as he walked awkwardly towards the stream.


ooc:I'm k with it as long as SAF is. Even more reason to kill him later :P Saf, hope you don't mind me PPing a bit? If you do just shoot me a note and I'll change it right away :)


04-30-2013, 04:33 PM

Words barely register. What were they arguing about? She did however notice the thundering thud of paws rushing towards her, and the ebony mass they carried. Muscles tensed, a growl bubbling in her throat. The brute had scooped something up in his jaws. Eyes strained to focus. Her puppy. Lips curled back, legs scrambled beneath her, trying to push herself up. Kylar stepped forward, trying to block her view. But it was too late. The crunch of tiny bones was deafening. Disbelief flickered in her eyes. The pain quickly gave way to unreined hatred. He would pay. She swayed. Legs unable to support her any longer. All she could do was watch as her lifeless child was devoured by the heartless monster before he turned and fled.

Eyes flicked to Kylar as he nuzzled her neck, speaking softly to her. We have to go. Where? She didn't want to go anywhere. A half hearted growl vibrated her tiny frame as his fangs gently closed around her scruff. Body trembled, leaning heavily against the massive brute. Legs moved stiffly, trembling with every painful step. Eyes flickered to the place Kaios last stood, where only a few drops of blood stained the ground. Skill dropped low, a pitiful noise coming from her fraying muzzle. She would never know anything about the child. Was it a boy? A girl? Ears flicked back, laying against her skull, face turned slightly away from Kylar, hiding the pain that glittered her expression.

She said nothing. Every few steps she would stumble, eyes would drift shut, body trembling. She couldn't keep up, but her pride refused to let her be dragged. How far where they going? She wanted to stop. She wanted water, something to eat, some place to sleep. Thoughts jumbled together. Kaios. Kylar. Her children. Kaios would pay. Why was Kylar helping her? He had no ties to her, he could have left her there, he didn't have to be in their kids life. But here he was.
A sigh slipped from her lips. She stumbled, only Kylars grip held her up. Haunches dropped to the ground. Sapphire gaze lifted wearily to meet emerald eyes. She couldn't, wouldn't, go any farther.

OOC- I don't have a problem with this, sorry for the delay, weekend of stage coach:) "Talk here."


05-01-2013, 11:02 PM

She was weak, stumbling and struggling as he hauled her along. He didn't know where Vi was or how long it would take her to get there but his mind didn't stray from the tree line and the stream he had crossed not far beyond it to get her. He didn't slow or waiver even as her stiff legged march faltered and she slumped against his grip. He half dragged her the rest of that way before finally allowing her to slump to the ground in front of the stream. It cut easily through the trees and the grass was a nice change from the grass. He leaned down, attempting to nose her legs into a more natural position so she would be more comfortable if she couldn't do it on her own. He had put her close enough to the creak that she could roll her head over to the edge and drink if she had the energy. "Drink Secret, slowly but you need it." he said softly as he stepped over her and sat behind her so she could lean against his considerable mass. He leaned down and began to groom her neck slowly, trying to work the matts and burrs out of her coat. "What did you get yourself into..." he whispered softly, frowning as he paused and lay down beside him. He didn't want to leave her here, so far away from anyone who could protect her.

Then again apparently he was the only one who could protect her. He had left her in Tortuga for a few weeks under Kaiens protection and look what had happened. Kaios had force bred her and then claimed her as his mate before running off with his second mate. And then to top it all off Secret had seemingly decided to starve herself to be rid of this child. Or maybe she had taken the herbs after all and poisoned herself, he didn't know and part of him didn't want to ask what she had done to herself. He sighed and leaned over to continue grooming her. If she didn't drink he would splash water on her in hopes that some would trickle down into her mouth but he didn't even want to leave her long enough to go hunting for her. He would have to wait for Vi to show up.


ooc:I'll post with Vi after this and she and Secret can chill :)


05-02-2013, 09:39 PM

She didn't get a break until he brought her to a small stream. He attempted to help her get comfortable, but there was no helping. Her body ached. Everywhere. The sound of trickling water registered vaguely in her mind, along with Kylar's urges for her to drink. It wasn't until cold water hit her face that she realized it. She flinched back at the sudden coldness before she leaned forward, dry tongue making an appearance between parted jaws. It almost hurt the first drink she took, burned her throat. She lapped up water, trying to remember to drink slowly. Leaning back against the massive wolf that sat behind her, eyes drifted shut as his tongue softly cleaned the mat fur on her neck. Audits twitched at the sound of his voice. Though she was certain he was talking to himself. She didn't bother to answer. She didn't know the answer. What had she gotten herself into? She had lost her puppy, watched its bastard father eat it, while laying on the edge of death. She never intended to lose her child. She tossed the herbs Kylar had given her shortly before she left Tortuga. Her entire journey kept her lost in her thoughts. She never felt the pains of hunger, thirst or exhaustion. The dame was by no means suicidal. She would never do that to her kids. Speaking of which, she hoped where okay, gaze drifted back to Kylar, questions in her eyes, mind trying to process words. She needed to get back to them. At nearly a year old, they were capable of caring for themselves and were safe in the territory, but the three rarely listened to her when she said to stay in Tortuga. Worry creased her features. Her brain wanted to get up and go home, see for herself that they were safe, but her body wouldn't move, simply sagged against Kylar. A soft agitated sigh escaped her lips.

OOC- okie dokie:) sorry for the short reply :(
"Talk here."


05-03-2013, 09:58 AM

White paws pressed against the ground tenderly, moving with dancer like grace as she floated on the sound that beckoned her. She moved with no worry, not rushing to get there but not taking her time either. Long legs propelled her across the beach easily, a half a days travel at a walk from her brothers location. She had been on her way to visit the Delta that the kingdom pack had once lived on but the deep baritone of her brothers voice called her and direction changed without a second thought. Red lady didn't think about it too much, moving along the beach wearing that sly smile and nothing more. Eyes took in her surroundings, sharp but lack luster and emotionless. She could fake a feeling, fake caring but today she didn't need to, didn't need to plaster on a mask and pretend in her brothers company. Not that she really cared enough to pretend around most of her pack anymore. If they didn't already know what a cold hearted bitch she was then that was their problem, she was done painting on a kind, cheerful mask around the cold blooded murders that made up the majority of their train wreck of a pack.

Shoulder rolled, head carried high but tail drifting behind her almost parallel to her spine. It was obvious the female carried a rank but the stench of Tortuga didn't cling so strongly to her sleek coat anymore. Her current task required that she frequent the west of Alacritis now rather then wander around home. This was the closest she had been to home in weeks, her last visit had been during the pack meeting in the summer. Though she doubted that she was missed, not that Kaien ever noticed her, and Morphine knew where Vi was. She had never felt any overwhelming urge to talk to her brother about it, she would call him if and when she needed him and that was all. He was just yet another pawn she could use and push around the chess board in the game she was playing.

She slid onto the scene, silent as the breeze, sharp gaze taking in her brothers hulking mass and the matted, disgrace of a women that lay crumpled beside him. "Whats going on?" she grumbled, not too impressed that Secret was here. Vi and she had never completely gotten along, never truly liked each other but had never completely disliked each other either. She slowed and halted a ways away, standing tall as if she could look down at her monster of a siblings. How they were related it was hard to tell, Vi being the only red wolf in her family that she knew of. Sometimes she wished she had known their father, known who had so captured the attention of the goddess. But she could never know, would never know...


05-03-2013, 08:33 PM

Sleep was a wonderful thing. She dozed quietly, the rhythmic movements of Kylars tongue lulling her to sleep. Until a familiar voice reached her ears. Before her kids, Secret hadn't seen much of Vi, and still didn't see much of Vi. Lifting her head, sapphire eyes looked up at the red dame. Why was she here? Eyes narrowed. She didn't want to be around the woman right now. Not that they had any big problems with eachother, it was just more preferable to be apart. If Kylar left her with his sister.... She hardly trusted the woman to help her make the journey home, if she even wanted her help.

It was hard to believe that the two were siblings. They were complete opposites. Not only in looks, but in personalities. She shifted her weight around, turning her hips to the side, leaving her chest pressed against the earth, still remained tucked against Kylar. If he called for his sister he must have something planned. But what? The world around her was still foggy, dehydration only slowly slipping away, but was far from gone. Hunger gnawed at her belly. She would not allow another to care for her like a helpless pup. Kylar only could because she trusted him, but as for his sister... Not so much.

If she could only sleep for a night or so and eat, she would be good to go. She could return home to children and perhaps find out what trouble Kylar is planning. She wasn't stupid, even in her current state. She rarely ever saw the two siblings together, and now here she was. Narrowed gaze drifted to the brute, her stare pinning him with questions. Her demands where interrupted the growling of her stomach and a yawn that parted her jaws.

Ooops forgot this wasnt finished. Now it is!
"Talk here."


05-09-2013, 11:35 PM

Red clad lady slid onto the scene cautiously as always. For a time sickly green eyes remained on Secret as she drank, making sure she didn't talk too much. What had happened? He was pretty sure Secret had tried to kill herself... "I don't know... Secret had a still born and Kaios ate it and ran." it was as brief as he could get, not wanting to get into gory details as he remained looking at the older female who had taught him more about life in the past few months then he had learned in his whole life. He wanted to take her pain away, he wanted to chase off all her monsters and fears. Those all seemed to be summarized by one wolf... Kaios... Even as she flipped her hips over and stared cautiously at Vi and then turned her questioning gaze to him he smiled softly. She would just have to trust him... "I have to go... Vi. Hunt for her, get her home safe. Secret, get well so you can get back to the kids, they'll be missing you by now..." he said, looking at each as he addressed them, placing a gentle lick atop Secret's head as he stood. Would she come home? Would this be the last time he saw either of them? He walked slowly to his sister, gaze hard as he met her gaze and held it. "I have to kill him Vi. Please respect that..." he said so only she could hear. She would know what he was talking about...She always seemed to know what he was thinking even without words. She had been suspicious as soon as she had walked onto the scene. But then again maybe it was just a woman thing...Secret seemed just as insightful on these things...



05-09-2013, 11:51 PM

She would stand, careful but attentive. It had been a while since her brother had asked her to do anything and for some reason she missed it, she missed being needed by him. So as his words slipped out her gaze hardened, first looking to Secret as if questioning her what she was thinking. Leaving Tortuga was where she went wrong firstly but in her current state it was obvious she was severely malnourished. Had she done this on purpose? Vi would never ask, it wasn't the time nor the place and neither were that close... So she remained silent as Kylar spoke his simple commands, telling her to hunt and care for this woman and telling Secret to get better. Bitch. How dare she take all of her brothers attention! The urge to lift her hackles and rip the woman's throat out ran strong in her but outwardly she remained lax, standing easy and expression impassive. But her brother stood, walking towards her and her tail licked easily at her heels. But whatever true emotion had been stirred by the moment was stilled, she felt something cold grip her heart at her brothers next words. Would she ever see him again? Would he leave her with this woman and then go off and get hismelf killed? She didn't know but she didn't ask, expression remaining impassive even as panic slowly rose within her breast. She felt her heart flutter oddly even as she forced a smile and met his gaze. "You've grown up so much. Go... I'll keep her safe. I swear it..." she said softly before reaching out to press herself into his chest. An oddly tender motion as she held herself there for a long moment before backing up. She wouldn't cry...

Slipping around him she walked slowly towards the black female, short breaths the only hint that she was anything but easy going. She felt as if her heart might burst in her chest, she felt like her stomach had dropped and that she could no longer breath. Though they rarely hung out, spoke or did normal sibling things just the fact that he was around was comfort enough. "I know this isn't ideal... But bunnies? Or are you in the mood for something else?" she asked, trying to keep her voice as even as possible. Had Secret told him to do this or had she really effected him that much? What was she to him anyways? It was his children he should be thinking about after all... Not the bitch who had birthed them. It was because of her that she may never see her brother again and she couldn't even beg him to stay. There would be none of that in front of Secret.


05-09-2013, 11:57 PM

He knew she would keep Secret safe no matter what, her word was all she had really. And though she was a lying, deceitful, sometimes petty wolf when she got that look he knew that he could trust her. Even if she didn't understand it this was her task now and she would see it through for him. She spoke easily enough, but he knew her better, those words were choked out and his expression softened as she pressed herself into his chest. Massive neck arched around her, enveloping her in a hug as he sighed softly. She would be fine without him if it came to that... It was her who finally pulled back from the embrace, he leaned forward to place a tender kiss upon her forehead just as the goddess had once done with them every night. For a moment he watched as Vi moved to Secret, quiet before he turned and shook his massive skull. He couldn't stay to see if there were any objections, he had to get going. Thick legs began to churn, throwing the beast into a lumbering lope, paws beating a steady rhythm as he headed back towards the west, back towards the mountain that towered in the distance.

-exit Kylar-



05-10-2013, 02:22 PM

Kylar had answered for her. His words cut through her like a knife. Ears flattened against her skull, wincing. What she had seen couldn't be unseen. The brute gave both dames instructions before gently licking the top of her head. He had changed so much since the first she had met him at the borders of Tortuga. And here he was today, setting out to fulfill some task. But what was it? What did he have planned? She had no idea, he hadn't spoken a word of it to her. But she could only guess that it had something to do with Kaios. The watched the brother and sister share a goodbye, speaking softly to one another. Something was wrong. But before she could ask Viri, approached her and Ky took off.

She looked up at Beta as she made her way closer. This certainnly wasn't an ideal situation. A ghost of smile tugged at her lips as she couldn't help but agree. "Thats fine, thank you." Her words were raspy but still strong, gaze unwavering. She could only imagine what was going through the dames mind. She definitely didn't intend for any of this to happen. She didn't want it to happen. She had simply left Tortuga with the intentions of spending a few days to herself. But in her travels, she became so wrapped up in herself that the hunger pains never got to her, she never felt the exhaustion taking over. She didn't want to kill herself or her child for that matter. She had other lives depending on her for her to take her own life, she needed to return home and care for them.

She didn't feel as though she owed Vi an explaination. Kylar, yes. But not his bitchy sister. After all the two women didn't exactly care for eachother. But none the less, the two kept their thoughts to eachother, only speaking when necessary. Tonight she would eat and rest, and tomorrow she would start the journey home. Whether or not Vi agreeed. "What is he planning?" her question came rather suddenly, but she knew her instinct would be right and if anyone would have even the slightest idea it would be his sister. Expression became expectant. She wouldn't tolerate being lied to or left in the dark, it wasn't only Kylars life that his decisions would affect. Their kids would be devastated if anythin happened to their father.
"Talk here."


05-10-2013, 02:51 PM

Only once before had she felt so helpless and sick to her stomach. Right before the natural dam had broken and released all the melt water of spring. The sheer horror and panic that had settled over her felt like a bomb had been dropped right in front of her. This feeling was something akin to that, not nearly as bad but still almost crippling. Secrets short response to her question only briefly pierced the veil of dismay that settled around the younger red she wolf. The further away her brother seems to get the heavier the weight was that settled upon her shoulders and the more her posture seemed to reflect the suddenly desolate expression that adorned her normally expressionless features.

Bunnies... She had to hunt. Maybe food would help her too? She could hope, she wasn't about to starve herself as Secret had. But as Vi turned towards the west to hunt Secrets question stopped her. Teeth ground together to stop herself from screaming at the woman, telling her that it was all her fault. Instead she stood for a long moment, frozen in place and staring blankly ahead. "He's planning on killing Kaios... For you..." she said, words soft but still cold and detached. A tremor slid through her body, rage racing through her like a drug. It was a wonder she didn't turn around and try and rip the woman's throat out. "You seem to have made a big impression on him" she said, words emotionless as she walked towards the forest. She broke into an easy lope, nose hitting the ground as soon as she was out of sight.

-exit Vi unless stopped-


05-10-2013, 03:07 PM

Despite the lack of emotion on the womans face, it was clear that she was upset by something, only urging on Secrets suspicions. She hoped that she would be wrong, but Vi's words hung in the air. Meeting only shocked silence. Jaw dropped a bit, her residing once more in what seemed to be a permant position against her head. The hell he was. He had damn near lost it! Before she realized it, she was once more alone, the dame gone off to hunt. Her mind raced. She was stuck her, while Kylar ran off to play hero. A growl rumbled from her chest. Shakey legs pushed her up into a sitting position. He had taken her a week to get here right? There was no way she could start the trek back now. Frustration bubbled in her.

He couldn't do this! He was still young. She was nearly 8, she knew she would never fully recover from this. Their kids were not even a year yet. She wouldn't allow them to be orphaned so young. She tossed her head back and let loose a howl. Her angry song cracked like a whip. She knew he wouldn't come back, but he would hear her. He hadn't gotten that far yet. Slowly, the ebony wolf laid herself back down against the earth. Resting her head on her paws, she glared at nothing in particular and waited. Whether she waited for Kylar, for Vi or for sleep she wasn't sure. But she didn't stay away long enough to find out. Eyes drifted closed, sleep finally claiming her.

-exit Secret via dream-

"Talk here."