
They See Me Trolling


04-22-2013, 06:46 PM
Birds sang in the trees as they went about the forest. The morning dew was still on the shards of grass at the riverbank for the for the water was a bit lower than usual. closer to the part of the Rio Grande where it poured out into the Ocean there lay a wolf upon its sands.

"Ah, o astfel de dimineață bogat."(ah, such a rich morning) the wolf said as he stood up and let out a yawn.

Dark gray ears perked up as blue eyes scanned his surroundings. Where....was he? Oh, yes....Vladimir had been wandering before falling asleep as he surrendered to the abyss of sleep. The coma at night that brought ones eyes shut so tight! Why should the lad give up and fall asleep when there was so much to do and explore?

A small smirk appeared on the young brute's face as his blue eyes set their gaze upon the shallow riverbank. What lay barely in front of him were all sorts of treasures hidden by the high waters. There were clams, mussels, oysters, and an opportunity indeed! to give into greed of a breakfast that was much in need.

With a swift flick of his tail the young wolf nearly jumped on the shells as he started to pick them up one by one in his jaws. Eventually Vlad had managed to accumulate a small pile of the creatures before settling down once more to crack one open.


His thoughts were now stirred on which thing to crack open first. Should he start with the clams? or the mussels? or the oysters? Eventually all thoughts ceased as Vladimir took a mussel into his jaws and cracked it open as he ate the soft salty inside.

His head rose as company may be nearby; perhaps someone would be lucky to saunter by for a quick meal. Vladimir was sure not going to eat all of this so why not have a little soiree?

His head rose up to the heavens as he let out a howl, a welcoming one for once suddenly the young brute felt quite friendly at the moment or was it just him maturing? Certainly later he would be back to his old argumentative state. But for now why not enjoy a simple breakfast with another?


04-23-2013, 07:35 AM
Awaken walked along the shore of the huge river, sniffing about and looking up every so often at the crows overhead. He liked to see the crows as his friends, but they were only really around because he feeds them all the time. It was more like they were all mooching off him wile he just watched them because he thought they were pretty.

?? the ebony brute looked down to see afew hole in the ground were crabs burrowed and began digging them up and tossing them in the air, enjoying watching them dive and fight for the crabs he threw, untill one little bugger pinched his nose. He yelped lightly in surprize pulling back and shaking his head for a moment. He the scooped it up and pitched it up too out of spite.


04-25-2013, 09:04 AM
Dark gray ears perked up as a few noises were heard behind him further down a bit. When the wolf finally turned around he saw another wolf throwing up food to the crows. Why would he waste food on those birds? They could get their own food!
A sigh was given out until Vlad decided he shouldn't really care.

"Hey you!" he shouted out in English

"Why don't you just eat those pesky birds. But if crows aren't to your liking then I have some clams, mussels, and oysters here if ya want any. Besides, this is way more than I can all eat by myself."

Blue eyes glared at the brute behind him as his patience was narrowing down.

"Well? ya gonna hurry up and join me?'" he said before finally trying to cool down.

Vladimir looked at the birds with interest in his eyes; those birds were kinda cool but he wouldn't admit it to the stranger.

"Oh and whats your name? mine is Vladimir Bellator." he threw in.

the young brute turned back to his pile and took a tasty looking clam as he cracked its shell open with his teeth and ate the tasty inside.

The wolf's tail flicked back and forth across the sand as he was focused on his food for now; but waited for the other wolf to join him and have a soiree of some sorts.


04-25-2013, 04:35 PM

? ?Awaken was focused on the crows untill one divebombed him. He spun around and snatched it off it's wings. The crow let out a squak as Awaken gave a violent shake and killed the ebony bird, the trotting to the other wolf.

?" Feast for kings, crows and seafood. " Awaken chuckled, his teeth shoving in a non-threatening smile as he set the bird down. Name's Awaken... Dont really know about a last name.

Awaken's ebony fur pulled lightly away from his body with the cool breeze of the sea, the salty tang stang at his ?nostrils. The light heat felt forghein to him, as he was used to the bitter cold of the north. The new world he'd found himself in was just so versitile. Warm beaches, icy plains and sunny forrests never ceased to amaze him as he explored this world with a great fascination. Not only did the geography make him ponder, but the wolves would baffle him with their diversity. Since hed been here hed seen acts of beautiful kindness, and acts of brutality and violence. He'd seen wolve rise and fall in the short time he could remember of this place, and of the time he could decifer from reality and screwed up dreams.

Awaken's emerald eyes scanned into the water, silver glints of fishscales catching his optics. He turned to Vlad, as an idea came to his head.

?" Want to try to catch some fish?" He asked, his paws striding tward the bank, and he began to dig. Afyer about two minutes he'd dug a small pool and a canall to the calm, motionless water. The pool filled with water and fell still.?

"If we wade out there and herd them to the trap the cant get out and then we've got fish!

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


04-25-2013, 04:50 PM
Vladimir was pleased that the brute had caught one of the pesky beasts. Indeed it was a feasts for kings; so today Awaken and he were the kings! Blue eyes then watched Awaken dig a line and mention how it would trap the fish.

the young brute didn't really like the fact that this other wolf knew better than him. A small grunt was given as the wolf decided he would try the old-fashioned way before giving Awaken's way a go.

"Well what about just fishing without being all smart about it?!?!" he spat out

With a humph the young brute made his way back to the river and patiently waited for a fish to catch his blue gaze. When one came in sight his left paw went behind the fish as he quickly slashed his right paw through the water a ways in front of the fish. The result was a fish spazzing on land for air. A small smile or smirk appeared on the brute's face but he then went back to get another one. The second try wasn't so successful. With one slash of a claw Vlad's balance faltered and he ended up in the shallow of the river soaking wet.

"Damn..." he muttered as he sat in the water with wet fur.

The wolf's blue gaze looked up at Awaken as his face then started to form a smile. Laughter passed his lips as Vladimir still sat in the cool running water's.


05-20-2013, 07:59 PM

Awaken gave a snort to attemot to prevent from laughing. This, saddly, ended in failure. He burst out in laughter at his friend as he fell over in the water. "you alright, king?" He mocked as he trotted closer. He dipped his shoulder offering him help back up.

he looked back to the school of silvery fish as they strayed near his trap. Some swiming right in it and then being unable to get back out. "Thats why i 'get all smart about it"

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)


05-21-2013, 08:44 AM
Vlad gave a snicker at Awaken who showed him why he was smart about it. As his friend gave a shoulder to help him up the little devil gave a kind smile before having it be replaced by a devious one. With a swift move Vlad pulled Awaken into the Rio Grande with him.

the water was shallow here but Vladimir could swim. His deep sky blue eyes focused on the brute and he laughed. Vlad splashed him with the water before standing in the water with it dripping down his fur.

"smart may seem smart but can't predict smart." he said with a snicker