
No longer bound to this place.


04-22-2013, 05:49 AM

A meeting was being held in Tortuga, one that she was required to go to. Yet she finds her self no where close to that spot. Was she running from her past? Or trying to find a new future? Nothing made since in her mind, all she knew is that she was no longer part of Tortuga. Yes she was born there, but she never felt like she belonged. Even as a small pup she felt like an out cast, all she had was her family.Now that they are gone, there is no one holding her back.

Her paws lightly tread across the rocks that rested among the ground.She knew the risks of doing this, she knew it all to well as the risks that this holds. Tikaani was ready to do what was needed to be done. Her eyes scanned the land as she continued to move, not stopping once bit. The weather seemed to fit with her at that time.

It was dark, very windy, and even rained now and again. Her ears were pinned to her head as she listened all around her for any indication that someone was near. She had meet someone from another pack, someone of the name Newt. Tikaani remembers as to how nice this female was to her. She saw Tikaani, as a living thing. Newt looked at Tikaani like she mattered in the world, and that is how she always wanted to feel.

Coming out of her thoughts Tikaani begun to climb up the hill for a bit. She wanted to get a better look of the ground, to see if any others were following her. Her tail swayed gently as her paws carried her further up the rocks, her mind was racing, and shouting. 'keep on running girl'


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04-22-2013, 07:57 AM

The man followed the young girl. He was aware that her mother was gone and that she'd been secluded from everyone for a long time. She was also to blame. Tortugans weren't always the most social beings unless approached. She could have easily come and talked to anyone in the pack. He and Kaien weren't such monsters either. Even he had a soft spot for kids in the cold twisted heart. He would have been pleased to talk to the girl.

Now the question was, Where was she going if she wasn't going to the meeting?

Silver paws soon became a blur as he raced after her. If she was leaving then she would not be allowed to do so. Tortuga had lost too many members already, especially to Lentajin. Plans of an alliance meant nothing. They still needed members to keep their pack functioning and Tikaani was young. Too young to make decisions properly. They needed the young life, because as of yet they had no pups being born. If she was just going on a walk, well then she'd be in trouble for running away from the pack meeting. He would talk to her.

He could smell her ahead of him. She was on the hill and it left him with no way to sneak up on her. Shrugging his shoulders he loosened his muscles in case he had to chase her. He plastered a soft smile on his face. It was very believable. Seven years of practice had done him a lot of justice.

He attempted to approach her. Hopefully she wouldn't run. Two toned blue eyes gave her a look of empathy.

"Tell me child, why are you not at the pack meeting with the others?"

His voice was nearly a whisper as he talked to her in sweet soothing tones. This was special case. One he would tread lightly with.



04-22-2013, 08:19 AM

It was dark among the land, and the wind had grown silent around them. Tikaani's ears pinned to her head as the sound of another came in to hearing range. Her tail begun to sway viciously as she was not pleased with this, not pleased at all. Inhaling she took up the scent of Nnoitra, one of the pack's higher ranking members.

Tikaani knew what the reason as to why he was here, to stop her from leaving was the best answer to all this.She knew that she was alone in this pack, and knew that she could have talked to someone, but she simply did not want to. In her mind she was only born in to the pack, only stayed due to her mother, and now she was gone, no ties were binding her to this place.

Tikaani's ears pinned even closer to her head now, a small growl escaped her throat, she did not care who it was that approached her. All she wanted was to leave, and decide something for her self. She knew from the first moment she was here that she will not belong. She might as well become a loaner, Tikaani herd him speak in a soft voice. This was unusual, for Nnoitra, very unusual.

She turned to face him, her eyes shined with pure displeasure of the presence of Nnoitra."The answer is quite simple." She spoke "I am leaving. I know you already knew my answer to that Nnoitra." she spoke as she looked at a plat form a foot down below her that ran around upon the ground below.

Tikkani was leaving, if it means fighting to do so shall be it. After all the two year old had reached her full height and weight, and the two were evently matched in that section. Her body language spoke, exactly what her eyes spoke. She wanted nothing to do with that male, and wanted to leave. If the male would not let her go, she will take on plan B.


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