


04-21-2013, 11:51 PM

((for Lu/ Collision, others welcome if they'd like though))

It was hot today, nearly cloudless so the sun beat down relentlessly on the fae's thick red coat. It was days like today that she cursed the goddess and what she had been 'blessed' with. She had never seen or met the brute who had apparently donated his seed and ran so there was no way to logically blame it on him. Luckily Vi did not always have to have a logical mind... Lip curled at the thought as she slithered her way down the mountain side, attempting to keep to the shadows as the sun continued to climb and the temperature continued to rise the closer she got to ground level. Though her equilibrium hated the altitude and hated the change in it even more when she left the mountain she was thankful for the cooler air in the higher reaches of the mountain. Down here seemed almost unbearable these days... She wouldn't imagine how it would be for her brother where ever the hell he had disappeared to. Probably the battlefield as she had suggested when he had requested a spar. Though she didn't mind ripping him up it got tiring battling the same wolf over and over again. Often their battles would end in pointless standstills and they would leave having learned nothing new of themselves or their fighting styles. Though the goddess had preached to them to keep their particular fighting styles secret and to only spar each other eventually someone learned their style. Ky had never had an unsuccessful kill, Vi had only had one... He still held that over her head on occasion even though it hadn't been her fault at all. If had been her third practice kill, a brute named Reks and she had seduced him and after he had finally fallen asleep had been about to kill him when the goddess had appeared at fury and rage, screaming lightning and wild. Reks had run when he had awoke and that had been it. The goddess had never explained why, had never needed to.

You NEVER question the goddess...

It was an hour past noon when she hit the bottom of the mountain and began moving west towards Lentajin, following the river that was finally beginning to carry life giving water back to their allies territory for a time before sliding further to the south. She had a direction but not quite a purpose yet, she knew what the end game was but not how to get there. Mind started to churn and mull over possibilities as well as going over everything Morphine had told her. She moved easily, a swift ground covering trot kept up throughout her entire trek. It seemed that only a small part of her mind was focused on where he paws were placed on the ground and yet she still hopped nimbly from rock to rock when needed and keeping at her steady pace when the ground was solid. The sun marked the direction she moved, continuing to sink lower towards the horizon she seemed to be chasing though her eyes remained thoughtfully on the ground. It wasn't until a sharp pain shot from her paw up her leg that she stopped with a yelp. Whole body seemed to be thrown up and then backwards while right forepaw crumpled into her chest like something had bitten her. Ears pinned and a soft whimper slipped from her throat as she twisted her paw awkwardly so she would see the bottom. It was a sharp clear stone, the edge apparently razor sharp seeing as it had embedded into her paw but it was large enough that she could grip it and pull it out. Orange eyes slid around and checked underneath her to see if there were any other evil rocks that would injure her if she laid down for this procedure.

Nothing. Thank the goddess....

But this whole land seemed to glitter with them, head cocked curiously and she decided to explore a bit more after pulling this wretched thing out. She lay down a bit awkwardly, holding her paw close as she did so but not close enough to get blood on her coat though it wasn't bleeding awfully. She lay with her hips flipped to the left, body seeming to fold around her wounded limb. Reaching down teeth grasped the confounded thing and swiftly pulled it out. There was another audible yelp as she winced against it. Vi rarely was one to show any pain and if she needed to she could turn tail and run on that paw. Even as she stole a quick glance around to make sure no one was watching and then ran the sharp edge along the top knuckle of her paw, cutting a small vein to blood would pour out even more. She flung her head to the side once done and spit out the shard. She stood once again, making it a bit harder then it should be. Vi tipped her head back and let out a rather pitiful howl, a mournful call for help. She could have easily walked it off be she wanted to get a feel of the wolves in this area and knew that Valhalla was close. And try as she might she couldn't get the male with the exposed bone jaw out of her mind. She wanted him, wanted to make her his. But there were more pressing matters on hand, she would deal with her instructions first and that meant starting here, starting near Valhalla and seeing who answered. She would be content with a rouge coming but ecstatic if a Valhallen showed up. Maybe her knight in bone armour would show up...
