
with arms wide open


04-21-2013, 03:04 PM

Well just heard the news today,

Seems my life is going to change,

I close my eyes, begin to pray,

Tears of joy stream down my face.

With arms wide open,

Under the sunlight,

Welcome to this place,

I'll show you everything,

with arms wide open,

With arms wide open.

It would have taken a blind wolf to miss the swelling of Ocena's stomach. The life that moved within her made the shewolf appear almost comically disproportionate, her stomach stretched to fit three lives inside of her frame. And it had been a stretch, but the time had come for her to bring these lives into the world. A den had been carved out not too long ago, in the early days of her pregnancy, off to the side of Glaciem territory. And it was to this den that Ocena made her way, slipping from the heart of her pack's lands to the more deserted expanses. Here, there would be less of a chance of a wolf stumbling across her during the birth of her children.

And it was lucky that the female managed to squeeze herself into that den, for the pains were beginning to come faster. The time was coming nearer, and where Ocena should have felt delight, there was only pain, rushing with each contraction as her body moved to push her children into the world.

The time passed in a haze of pain and discomfort, but finally, finally, three little pups cried their surprise and shock to the world. They were large, for pups, and one loving eye passed over the trio with a gentle smile. One seemed to take mostly after her, black and white in pattern like Gargoyle's. The other two had inherited a mixture of their parents colors; the two males were both large, though one was larger than the other. The main differences were that the larger one had more tan on his tail and less on his chest and hind legs. The larger one was nuzzled slightly as Ocena curled protectively around the three. "Avalon," She breathed, her voice heavy with exhaustion as the three moved to suckle, nipping and pawing at her stomach. "And Galileo," Her muzzle pressed against the smaller male there, a pleased smile crossing her features as she turned her attention to the female in turn as well. "Orica." With that, the female let her head lower to rest upon her paws, her one good eye focused on the three pups. The presence of any others was more or less ignored; Ocena had eyes only for the three that had been brought into the world, products of herself and Gargoyle. They were all beautiful, of course, though only time would tell if any had inherited the partial blindness that had shaped Ocena's life.

Names had been discussed with Gargoyle, of course, and had been settled on a little time ago. Avalon and Galileo had both been options for the males, and Orica had been their favorite for a female. Her tail thumped exhaustedly against the earth, and Ocena fought to keep her eyes open, unwilling to let them slip shut. As exhausting as it had been, she wasn't ready to let these three out of her sight just yet.

They would have good lives, of that Ocena was sure. With Gargoyle as a father, they would want for nothing, and Glaciem would be good to them. There would be many other pups; Keki was pregnant, and so was Crusade. There would be children for her trio to play with, and as time passed, they would be great wolves, Ocena was certain. There was potential held in these tiny frames, potential that surely all could see. Or perhaps that was just a mother's love speaking, coloring her view of these children with rose tinted lenses. That was always a possibility. But the exhausted female knew only joy in that moment. The doubt that had always tainted her life had been chased off in the warmth of this moment. For a time, she drifted in a haze of pure contentment and love.

If I had just one wish, only one demand,

I hope hes not like me, I hope he understands

That he can take this life and hold it by the hand,

And he can greet the world with arms wide open.


Gargoyle I


04-22-2013, 05:48 AM


Ocena's time had been coming closer and closer. Gargoyle was all a mess of emotions -well what counted as such for him anyway. There were times when he couldn't think straight for all the excitement and plans he was making. There was so much he wanted to do with them... them... his pups. His and Ocena's pups. Whoever they were, they were going to be brilliant. They were going to be strong. And they were going to have the best childhood Gargoyle could possibly give them.

There was fear too. Sometimes... not quite as often.

He knew the bloodline they carried: They had such saints as Clash and Crusade and Ocena, and such demons as Gargoyle and Target. He would have to be careful with them, so very careful.

But on this fine summers day, Gargoyle wasn't obsessing over the pups (for once) he was out hunting - attempting to see if he could find an arctic hare that was in perfect condition. He planned on bringing it back to his lovely wife.

But a surprise waited for him today. On the way back to the cave, a scent drew him aside.

Ocena. And blood.

Of course his first thought was worry, shock - what had happened to her? And then his mind conjured up the imagine of his mate, filled up like a balloon - more than likely... it was time.


Gargoyle shouted for Asheni - not even realizing that the shout was half muffled by the rabbit in his jaws - and the next moment he was sprinting across the tundra.

He found the cave soon, and smelled the honey scents of milk and newborn puppy fur. His puppies. There was a hesitation - only slight - as he stood at the entrance to the den. But then the Chief ducked his head and wormed his way in.

The den had been more designed for Ocena's safety and comfort - it hadn't needed to be big enough to let a tiger in. Why hadn't Gargoyle considered this before. He got stuck partway in, but he didn't care. DIdn't even try to squirm. "Ocena..." he said in a whisper "They're beautiful..." His gold eyes, were warm, even glowing. Three lovely little lives. His legacy. Glaciem's future. HIS babies.

Gargoyle's eyes were moist, but he didn't seem to notice that either.

It took him a while to notice anything but the pups, and when it did - it was his mate's face, the face of an angel, which was hanging lovelying over the little darlings. "Ocena - how do you feel?" He'd dropped the rabbit in the den on the way in - if she was hungry she could eat, or, "If you're tired love, get some rest. I'll watch them. Nothing's getting in past me." He glanced back, trying to wriggle his rump. "Literally."

Of course he wanted to be over there to cuddle with Ocena - but there'd be time for that soon enough (as it was summer and the ground was soft he could always dig and enlarge the den) but now it was miracle enough just to lay then with his head on his massive paws and the colorful little bundles squirm about.

Still he didn't notice the tears, one or two had fallen down his cheek fur. But he wouldn't have minded even if he'd seen. He was a calm collected creature by nature. But that didn't mean he didn't feel. His trouble in the dark days had been seeing emotion and attachment as weakness - that's what had started it all. But he'd learned. Ocena had opened up his heart in a way he wouldn't have thought possible before. And he had three new lives to guard and care for.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


04-28-2013, 01:26 PM

Gargoyle's appearance was not unexpected, and Ocena lifted her head slightly, a smile crossing her features as the massive male found himself stuck in the entryway that she had carved out for herself. "Gargoyle," She breathed a greeting to the massive male, exhaustion coloring her tones, "They must take after their father, then." She teased lightly, wagging her tail wearily. It had been a long day, and it had not ended yet. Still, while Ocena was exhausted, just seeing Gargoyle had her heart picking up pace in her chest as she shifted her weight slightly, reshuffling her body to allow Gargoyle a better view of his three children. They mewled a little at the upset, pawing blindly until they found Ocena's stomach again. Sharp pains pricked at her stomach as they found teats, but she barely noticed in the blissful haze of exhaustion that dominated her.

Nostrils flared to take in the warm scent of the fresh hare, but even the demands of her stomach faded in importance at the thought of sleep. This had been exhausting, and at his mention of rest, a weary smile crossed Ocena's features. "Oops," Ocena had to laugh, a soft sound in the warm air of the den. "Next time I'll make sure the entrance is a little bigger. It wouldn't do to have Glaciem's mighty Chief get stuck more than once, huh?" Teasing him lightly, Ocena found the omnipresent smile that Gargoyle always drew from her widening across her features. There was just something about him.

It was the tears that drew her next words from her maw, as the female stretched slightly forward, ignoring the squirms of her children to butt her nose lightly against Gargoyle's. She retreated a few moments later, resettling herself around the three darling children, "Are you all right, Gargoyle?" The words were soft as she examined the tears glittering in his fur. They were like perfect gems; the most obvious sign of emotion that she had ever seen in the massive male that she had come to love so dearly. "I'm surprised Frisk didn't try to worm his way in here." He was a mere afterthought in that moment, not really a driving force. Not with three children curled against her stomach and Gargoyle sitting so close to her.

Letting her head come to rest on her paws, Ocena yawned massively, feeling her eyelids grow heavier as the time began to pass. It was warm inside this den, with the combined body heat of the pups, herself, and Gargoyle, and the warmth had lulled her into a slowing of her thoughts.


Gargoyle I


05-02-2013, 07:36 AM


His mate didn?t even bother answering how she felt. When had she ever cared about her own self. She saw the tears that touched Gargie?s cheeks and immediately thought of him. ?Are you alright, Gargoyle?? she asked. Was he alright? ?Ocena-? No he wasn?t alright! What was he? He looked up into his mate?s eyes. ?I?m a father!? Him! A father! He never would?ve believed it. Yet there they lay ? his sons and daughter. Oh he wanted to hold them, take them into the warm fluff of his chest fur and snoodle them. What a tenderness they inspired from him. The unreadable glaze over his eyes was completely disappeared. His every heartbeat could be seen in those yellow depths.

But once more Ocena spoke, and Gargoyle?s head shot up. ?Frisk! Gods above ? I completely forgot him! He was hunting rabbits with me ? but when I caught your scent-? Oh dear. He?d totally forgotten. Soon as the whiff of newborns had reached him, everything else had been whipped from his mind. It had gone utterly blank in the thoughts of his mate in trouble or in labor.

Gargoyle?s claws skidded against the earth as he struggled to push himself backwards. He managed it but only with a shower of dirt and grass from the top of the hole. He shook his head vigorously and looked about.

Sure enough, the mink had followed. Years of tagging alongside wolves had kept Frisk in good shape? but he was no athlete. As the little brown critter came bounding up the side of the hill, his tiny tongue hung out and his sides heaved. Soon as he caught sight of Gargoyle, he collapsed. Too tired to spit curses.

?Just a moment,? Gargoyle asked of his mate and then loped down the hill to the mink?s side. He picked the ferret up, not as he would a pup by the scruff ? but as he would a snake ? by the back. He let the mink flop in his jaws as he sprinted back to the mouth of the den. ?Got ?im.? The Chief said. (though he probably ought to have known better than to tlak with his mouth full)

Scrunching back down and in ? this time being able to get a little closer ? he have left the mink climb out of his rows of fangs and toddle wearily over to Ocena.

The mink collapsed dramatically across the she-wolf?s paws, too wearied to notice anything else in the world. ?He just left me behind!? he gasped up into those red and blue eyes. ?I think I?ve killed myself trying to keep up with him. The worlds going dark??

?That?s because you?re underground, idjit.? He got no sympathy from Gargie.

?Goodbye Ocena?? Frisk sniffed. ?You were the only one who was ever nice to me? I only wish I?d gotten to see you pups before I passed.?

Gargoyle groaned and thumped his forehead against the dirt.


~Don't want to let you down, but I am H.e.l.l.b.o.u.n.d.~


05-02-2013, 02:34 PM

Tail wagging easily, Ocena resisted the urge to giggle at the words of Gargoyle. Her answer was serious, even if she was amused by his words, however. "We're parents..." She shook her head slightly, careful not to jostle the tiny creatures nestled against her stomach, "I never thought it would happen." She never would have thought herself capable of bringing children into the world without fearing that they would be born with her disabilities. But she knew now that this didn't make her any less of a wolf. Any partial blindness wouldn't make her children any less of wolves, and she would destroy any wolf who might insinuate that.

Giggling a little now, Ocena smiled as she watched Gargoyle spin into an immediate panic at the mention of his companion. "Be careful!" Ocena called after Gargoyle as he began his hasty retreat, forcing back a laugh by focusing her attention on her young, licking at the female one. Her hastily stifled laughter erupted, however, as Gargoyle bounded off after his companion, and though Ocena was careful not to disturb her pups, they still mewled and pawed at her stomach at the jostling.

Sobering swiftly at that reminder of the life that clung to her, Ocena kept her head held high as she waited for Gargoyle to return, carrying Frisk in his jaws. It seemed the mink was all right. Of course, Ocena had never doubted that. He was a survivor. Nothing ever seemed to keep the mink from bouncing back. Of course, worry flickered in her mismatched eyes as the mink stumbled to collapse onto her paws, and she leaned down to nose at the creature gingerly. "I'm sure he won't leave you again," Ocena soothed, glancing at Gargoyle in amusement, "And as for seeing my pups, well, if you can manage to get up, you can see them, Frisk." Glancing towards the trio with a loving smile, Ocena shook her head slightly as she looked at Gargoyle.

Their family was complete, in that moment. Gargoyle, her children, Frisk. Sure, Glaciem was her family, but the ones in the den with her right then were the ones that mattered most to her. It might have been selfish of Ocena, but it was all true. She adored Crusade, loved her pack, but Gargoyle had saved her, and she had saved them. That was not an easily broken bond, and it wasn't one that the rest of Glaciem truly held a candle to.
