


04-20-2013, 10:30 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

She paced the perimeter of the circular opening where she had once encountered Viridiana and where Kaien had summoned her during Tortuga?s regrouping, anxiety bubbling within her as she pondered over the event that was nearing. A pack meeting ? the second since Tortuga?s reformation ? was to take place here in but a few moments and she would not only be summoning the pack, but also planned to actually chime in this time around and would not allow Kaien to do all of the talking, though she expected he would assume the more dominant role when it came to the meeting. She was perfectly fine with that as the white witch had never had the opportunity to speak in front of a large crowd and was quite apprehensive to do so, but her stoic countenance would never reflect her internal terror. She would appear before the bulk of Tortuga as a courageous and brilliant strategist and nothing less than that. After all, not every creature within the pack had had the opportunity to meet her as a Vecaan; first impressions meant the world to the judgmental queen and she would ensure within herself the capability to ace it.

Once her thoughts subsided, she sauntered to the epicenter of the clearing, her shoulder blades rolling in their sockets with a feline-esque manner that accompanied her lumbering gait. As she breached her destination, she planted her haunches to the dirt, her metallic eyes shimmering beneath the moonlight as they surveyed the area that would soon be teeming with the haughty canines that had been branded with Tortuga?s scent. Tipping back her skull, her visage morphing as her lips pursed, she beckoned the brutes with an elongated and bellowing howl. They would show, and if they didn?t, they would have places reserved for them with the prison-keeper.


lame post is lame. but this is for the pack meeting, & all tortugan wolves must respond to it or risk demotion.

You have until April 27 to respond.

Okay I lied. You have until the night of 4/28/13 to respond to this due to the site updates.


04-21-2013, 12:22 AM
"A person who deserves my loyalty, receives it" -Joyce Manyard

The thin black wolf had been approaching the border when she heard a loud summoning howl from within the territory, and curiosity had her crossing into the territory to follow the howl. If the pack was meeting that was a good of time to ask for acceptance, wasn?t it? She slunk through the territory, towards the source of the summoner, moving carefully. As she moved she stuck to the shadows provided by the trees, and took in the territory. It looked eerily welcoming, and to be honest and frank, she loved it.

She neared the clearing quickly, her legs moving at an easy pace and hesitated at the corner. She was the first there, and the wolf who summoned the pack was either a high ranking wolf or the alpha herself. She wasn?t quite sure, and with that unsure thought she pushed through the brush and stepped into the clearing, She paced towards the only wolf that was there, and stopped off to her right side. She?d wait to be addressed there, obviously, this wolf or whoever addressed her would be able to tell she wasn?t a member, yet. She fully intended on changing that latter fact.

"Soilders when committed to a task can't compromise. It's unrelenting devotion to the standards of duty and courage, absolute loyalty to others, not letting go until the task has been done." John Keegan


04-21-2013, 10:48 AM

A summoning howl lifted the dames skull from her thoughts at her station at the border. So far it had been quiet accepting members into the pack. Rising to her paws, she began the journey to her Alpha. The call hadn't come from Kaien, so surely it was Morphine. She hadn't met the dame personally, but had heard the whispers that Kaien had made her secondary Alpha. Ebony shadow slide forward, shoulders rolling with each step, silent as ever. This was only the second meeting the pack had ever had since reestablishing itself. It didn't surprise her, most Tortugans could barely stand each other for extended periods of time. She slide into the clearing, noting a new wolf was already present. She was not part of the pack, but a new comer looking for acceptance. Brave wolf to just walk into the territory unannounced and walk all the way to the meeting. Sapphire gaze slide over to the Alpha, skull dipping in greeting before she took her seat. Nostrils flared when a familiar smell reached her nostrils. Maia, Her daughter was right behind her. Good, she wouldn't be late. She had high hopes for her daughter within the pack.

"Talk here."


04-21-2013, 10:54 AM

She had heard the call of her Alpha, black audits swinging forward. The young dame broke into an easy trot, elegant stilts carrying her all the way. Emerald eyes searched the clearing upon her arrival. A wold she didn't know, and didn't smell of Tortuga sat in the clearly. Eyes narrowed as she looked the wolf up and down. Her mother was already there as well. Eyes brightened with pleasure. Despite the disagreements the two had, and how angry her mother made her sometimes, she still loved her. She dipped her head in greeting to the white Alpha before she took her seat beside her mother. The two looked identical almost. Rich black fur, lean graceful frame. The only different was the coloring of attentive orbs, and the white the surrounded them on Maia, along the white rings that caressed her tail. Getting comfortable, she sat tall, tail wrapping around her paws. Even though she was still a pup, only a few months shy of a year, she had hoped the one day she would be someone great within the pack. Her young mind raced with all the possibilities of what she could do. What she wanted to do.



04-22-2013, 05:31 AM

What is in with this land, so deadly, but yet bringing of life and hope. Ulrike made his way across the land of Tortuga, nothing was different than the day before. Same duties were executed as they always had been, His ears soon picked up the call of Morphine, beckoning all to come for a meeting.

Ulrike shook his head and carried his frame across the land. The older brute, of age soon to be seven, carried onward to find himself coming upon the meeting area.He did not run, nor trot to get there, Ulrike walked at his own pace. He will attend, but at the pace it takes him to get there. He is no longer a young pup, but still young enough to take up his responsibility as the leader of the warriors of this pack.

His tail swayed gently as he came in to sight of Morphine. She was looking quite well. "Hello again, Morphine, you are looking quite well today." He said with a slight bow. Ulrike was respectful to those higher rank than him, but he will never go all out and be totally submissive.


Rune I


5 Years
04-22-2013, 12:34 PM
Quote:He had wasted no time in setting off the moment the call had rang out through the territory, abandoning the small creature he had been stalking to make a good impression on the elders. The lanky, dull grey wolf padded along noiselessly, his head low and frosty blue eyes fixed narrowly upon the ground as he followed the scents and sounds of the pack. What was this to be about? Anything important? Anything that might intrigue a youngster like him? He knew he was still far too young to be of any real worth to the pack, a scrawny youth who needed to grow into his slightly too large frame, but there was no time like the present for learning. And, oh, did he want to learn. The mere thought of missing something, of failing to take in anything either of their Vecaans mentioned, urged his trotting step into a lope.

It was only when the clearing manifested itself out of the trees did he slow down, and, composing himself with little more than a quick breath, the serious looking youngster strolled into the meeting unsmiling. Rune's blue eyes swept over those present with swift efficiency, noting the white wolf at their center - the lovely lady Morphine - who had undoubtedly called their group together, another white wolf who had her ear, his mother and sister - who he presently walked forward to join - and another. Icy blue eyes narrowed vaguely on the stranger, disliking their presence and the blatant lack of Tortugan scent that was absent from their pelt even at this distance. An interloper at their pack meeting? He shot a quick glance at Morphine, just to see if the lady had noticed the bold trespasser in their midst or if she cared, and then gave his attention wholly to his family as he came up beside them.

"Mother," he greeted quietly as he stepped toward her with the faintest of tail wags. He did not smile, but there was a noticeable gentling of his manner as he came to stand beside her, reaching forward to touch his muzzle to her slender, petite shoulder before moving to seat himself beside his sister. "Maia," he stated to the miniature of his mother as he curled his haunches to sit at her side, his blue eyes finding her vibrant green ones that were so much like their father's. Briefly he set his gaze outward again, noting once more those present and then the stranger in their midst who seemed far too comfortable for his liking. He leaned somewhat toward his sibling, angling his lean muzzle so that his words would slip almost directly into her ear. "Who's the intruder?" Rune whispered curiously, certain that if anyone would know, if the news had remotely been hinted at, Maia would know it.


04-22-2013, 03:33 PM

The massive dame, lumbered at a startling forty-two inches into the pack meeting. her two toned eyes sought her mate, almost instinctively and a frown tugged at her maw when she saw he was not yet present. Her breath escaped her in a fluid snort and regardless she moved between the masses, musculature rippling like water as her impressive frame moved to sit between the demons of Tortuga. Her eyes would drift to the woman whom had called them, awaiting a command.

(((OOC: There have been way too many pack meetings in the last few weeks and Im out of muse for them my replies are gonna be embarrasingly short)))


Loki 1


6 Years
04-22-2013, 03:36 PM
The ebony dame slithered forward, green eyes glittering with irritation at the summoning. Couldn't they forgo this crap? What did she care about some heart to heart meeting? She did her tasks and she did them with proficiency, was that not enough? God damn sons of bitches. Couldn't keep well enough alone, everyone has to know everyone elses buisness. She almost snarled. She glided into the meeting of wolves, obvious irritation and disdain painted upon her visage. Their were too many wolves, too many faces. She hated such things.


04-22-2013, 03:58 PM

The soft trickling of the tiny waterfall outside of her den was the only sound that echoed in her den. The massive den was impressive, easily fitting several wolves and yet only one lingered. A tiny, lithe thing that had compacted itself in a ball, a silver, gleaming ball of stardust whose only sign of life was the steady rise and fall of its chest. Her back was turned to the outside world, blocking the whims of everyone and anything from her view. Her mind was a dangerous thing at the moment, a ticking time bomb just waiting to burst. Her Neo was gone. Lost to her and reclaimed by the most foul group of wolves she had ever had the displeasure of meeting, but had Tortuga done a God damned thing? Even after everything Neo had risked to be here? No. They threw him away like trash and Luce was livid.

Her emotions entangled themselves, flipping from rage to depression, from fury to tears. Haywire and scattered, such emotions she never felt the likes of, assaulted her now and she was afraid to move, afraid that she would relapse, sink so far into her poppies in an attempt to numb all these God damned feelings that she would simply overdose and die. She was afraid she would do something foolish, like traverse into Valhalla and demand her son returned. She was afraid she would rip Nnoitra to shreds and his God damned son of an false King because they stood and did fucking nothing to save him! Fury flooded her veins and her bodice trembled. Trembling with the desire for revenge, the desire for blood, the desire for retribution... and so she stayed compacted in her den, her own little piece of heaven and she had not moved. For hours... days... she cared not. Time mattered little.

But her bubble, her contained peace was shattered by the ear splitting howl of the bitch Morphine. For the first time in days icy blue eyes would snap open, pupils dilated from the sudden acceptance of light. Her lips coiled back over her teeth and a snarl befitting a demon of hell erupted from her larynx, echoing through her den like something vile. Her head would lift, facing the world outside, vicious hatred replacing the blood within her veins. Her legs would gather beneath her and the emaciated form would rise with unusual grace, muscles groaning as they shifted and bones cracking as they were forced to move. She stalked through the forest, eyes narrowed in a glare with enough hatred to make the foulest of souls wince. Hackles rose, claws dug into the moist earth with every provisioned step she took and her bodice was lowered in a stalk. The seductive saunter? Gone. Thoughts of lust and seduction? Vanished. She stopped at the edge of the tree line, not wanting to enter the mass of the pack. Her lips were curled, poisoned over glittering white fangs, hackles raised and ears pinned back against her cranium. She would kill anyone who dared approach her. Emaciated or no.



04-22-2013, 04:25 PM

Kaien was finishing his rounds of patrolling the border when Morphine let out the call for the pack meeting. Silver audits pricked forward and a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips. He'd allowed her to make her appearance first. This would be Tortuga's second meeting and her first chance to make an impression on those who hadn't recognized her as the Alpha ruling by his side. He was very appreciative for her help. He had yet to talk things over about redesigning the ranks. He would need her help with it, but he had ideas in motion that would hopefully help boost activity within the pack. He was also hoping that the members would put out ideas that would help improve things for the pack. Some obviously didn't like how things were being run, so he would give them an option to speak their mind. They also had a lot to know about recent events and together he and Morphine would address the multiple problems had been facing.

Powerful form sauntered forward to the familiar place where they had first regrouped and held a pack meeting. It seemed this would be the common spot where they would all meet. He would have to start calling the pack together more often. This whole once in a blue moon shit had to stop. The pack needed to be more active or else they would all suffer. He refused to see the end of Tortuga because of his account. All the loyalties to Nnoitra was fine, but if they had opinions about that then they needed to be voiced properly, not complaining about how his surrogate father was better. Nnoitra had obviously passed things along for good reasons. He wouldn't have passed the throne over without good reason.

He reached the others and found Morphine, Ulrike, Secret, her two children (Which he hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet), Desdemona, Loki, a new wolf that had the balls to pass the border upon the call, and then Luce who hung on the outskirts. He knew why she was pissy, but she would have to get over it. It wasn't anyone's fault that Valhalla's bitch of a Beta had challenged for him and that Nnoitra had passed out due to some unknown illness. If she really wanted Neo so back she could go challenge Valhalla for him. Things were too tedious for it and Valhalla and Tortuga were on the brink of war. He wasn't worth it at the present time. Not while things were so chaotic.

The large brute took his place at Morphine's side and held himself as her equal, not her superior. He wanted the pack to see her as his equal and should they not give her the proper respect they would be reprimanded immediately. He wondered who all would show. Their only Beta hadn't shown up. If her activity didn't bolster then he would being promoting some and demoting others. But all of this would be addressed soon. Very soon and hopefully tasks could be assigned to help things.



04-22-2013, 05:02 PM

Vi's head lifted slowly at the call and she let out an audible groan as she cast her gaze back up the mountain path she had already descended. Why now, why today... She had been just about to strike off again on a little recon for the ice queen herself when her lady's voice rang clearly through the warm summer air. There was no cursing or grumbling as there would have been had it been the king who had called her back up the mountain but there was a slight weariness to her trot as she slithered her way back up the way she had just come. If only Valhalla and Tortuga were closer, it would make this sneaking around and deviousness a lot easier but noooo. On opposite ends of the bloody island it seemed. But it nothing else it was keeping her in shape and keeping her busy, something she hadn't bothered doing since the volcano, not until she had spoken to Morphine. The female had given her the kick start she had needed, the drive and motivation to get things done and even a task. A pretty little task doing something she so dearly missed. But it would take time, she knew that tensions were high and that things between Valhalla and Tortuga had never been easy so she would approach the task as delicately as possible. Well at least the task Morphine had assigned her, not so much the task she had begun herself, collecting the darling young bitter thing she had met in the snowfalls. His name still eluded her but soon she would know.

She was already late, she knew it when she took the last few bounding steps up the path to where it started to plateau. This was where they had made their home and she was finally beginning to enjoy it, her balance issue seeming to sort itself out the more she went up and down. There had been times she had almost hurled but it was getting better. Slowly but surely it was getting better... It barely even bothered her as she broke into a lope, ears tipped forward and head held high as she moved towards the pack meeting. She could smell the wolves gathering, a few familiar as they were long time members and a few that she knew from the first pack meeting. But one... A rouge? Was she recently accepted or was she trespassing? Sharp gaze was turned to Morphine for guidance as the red female approached, casting a glance questioningly to the rouge that had entered as if asking the queen if she wanted Vi to deal with it. Easy smile was turned to Kaien next, head dipping politely as she slipped around them to sit beside yet behind Morphine. She held herself with ease, head tipped to listen but eyes cast on the group before them. Where the hell was her brother? Frown creased her forehead but crown was kept respectfully lowered below both Kaien and Morphine's head. She held rank but she showed no sign of attempting dominance over the pair. She and the queen had spoken and Vi would let things lie for now.



04-24-2013, 12:00 AM

The day had barely begun to pass in the summer month and the heat spread through the valley like a wildfire. The orange eyed wolf made her way back to her small den-site she had chosen just off of a grassy knoll that she had dug out herself. The den was big enough for two wolves, or for herself to stretch out, and it had a small opening for her to fit in. Eventually, she would have to widen it a little as she was still growing some, but for now, she was just right for it. When Gabriella heard the call, she had just slipped in to the entrance of her den, and she immediately backed out and listened. A meeting was it? Letting out a sigh, she dropped off the rabbit she had caught for the day and knew that eventually it might go missing if she were gone too long, and went to where the meeting was being held.

Other wolves had already arrived when Gabriella approached the gathering. Some faces she recognized, and others she had not. Her pack-mates, as they were called, all were silent when walking in minus those greeting one another from time to time and awaiting patiently for the start of the meeting. Morphine had called the meeting, a wolf Gabriella had not yet met before the last meeting, and she looked at everyone else. Kaien she for sure recognized with no problems. Then, Gabriella noticed a rogue, one who came prancing in like it was nothing and she eyed the trespasser with a cold stare. Who said that a loner could come here all willy nilly and no second thought as to what the consequences were, Gabriella looked to the leaders for direction.

"Well, well. Looks like we either have a very brave wolf who made a stupid decision, or a very stupid wolf who made a very brave decision."

The venom laced on her tongue as the large bodied Gabriella stood and faced the loner with her neck partially lowered and her tail even with her spine, and her legs poised for launching upon command. The orange eyed female watched the loner with such a locking stare, it was as if she was peering into the very soul of the trespasser. Gabriella often wondered what compelled wolves of such a lack of intelligence to wander into another packs land all willy nilly with no second thought as to what the consequences might be, and wondered if they ever thought of their own death should they dare to cross the line. Gabriella wondered if the loner might ponder its death, should it realize the position it was in.

Table by Pann, Image by Amanda


04-24-2013, 01:27 PM

He wasn't sure what he was doing anymore, having been frequenting Tortuga less and less ever since the incident with Secret and Kaios. Though his visits with his son were fairly frequent it wasn't often that he saw his other children or his pack. He had been trying hard to keep a close eye on Secret while giving her space at the same time to make her decisions. Today in particular he had found Vixe fairly early in the morning and stolen him off, taking him from Tortuga territory and down to the river that connected them to Lentajin to teach his son to fish. It had been a quiet trek, both lost in their thoughts so they had walked in silence. Instructions had been limited as you what to do but Vixe had caught a few fish quite triumphantly. Kylar had instructed him to throw them back and keep fishing as to not waste food. He knew that there was a chance most of the fish would die downstream but it made Vixe happy so he had carried on. Near the end his son had caught quite the massive fish for his size, a good 30 pounds probably and had asked his dad if they could bring it back for his mother and siblings.

They had been on the search for Secret, Rune and Maia when the howl for a pack meeting was called. Kylar would lift his head, ears pricked before tilting his head and motioning for his son to follow. The mammoth of a man drifted easily towards the gathering of wolves that had already come together. Head dipped neatly towards Kaien and Morphine before he moved towards Secret. A soft smile was shared before he settled between her and their children to listen. 90% of the time things that were mentioned here did not effect the brute in any way shape of from. Honestly he was only here anymore because of Secret, their children and his sister. But he would attend and sit as always, listen to what had to be said and then drift off once more. Maybe spend some time with Maia or Rune this time. The thought of them made his head tip towards then, flashing a wink to show he knew very well that they were there.



04-24-2013, 02:04 PM

The day with his father had been somewhat fun, though he had seemed distracted, nodding and smiling along the few times that Vixe had tried to strike up a conversation. But once they had gotten to where Kylar was taking them it had been more fun, getting some brief instruction on how to fish before being sent out in the water to catch them. He had caught 6 in total but in the end had only brought one back with him, a big one that he planned to flaunt in front of his siblings but in the end share with them anyways. His neck was sore from carrying it by the time they had gotten half way back up the mountain,nose starting to drag slightly and eyes growing heavy. But he said nothing to his father, not wanting to disappoint him or bring about another round of mocking.

They had been searching for his mom and siblings when Morphine had howled. Though he knew almost no on in the pack besides his mom, dad, aunt and siblings he knew about them. He heard his parents talk about them sometimes and a few times Vi had come around and he had caught bits of her and his dad talking about their new queen and about Kaien. He could not put the names to the faces as they approached so stood for a moment, fish in mouth, watching the new comer as his father moved to sit beside his mother. Maia and Rune had already fallen in line beside their mother and after another moment Vixe moved to fall in line as well. He dropped the fish but all thoughts of teasing his siblings were gone as he watched the newcomer/trespasser and waited to see what Maia had to say about the matter.


04-24-2013, 03:25 PM

It had been some time since the warrior had met up with any of the alphas. As far as he had known, Kaien was the only alpha he knew. He had met the king upon his first arrival in Tortuga, where he had been presented with the rank of warrior. They were supposed to meet Kaien once again for Demonio?s request to become Desdemona?s mate, but the king had never responded. Demonio never took it to heart. He knew the king was busy with pack business so the ivory brute took no offense to the lack of response from his king.

It was just another day, out hunting to see what he could bring home for his woman. He?d been in the middle of a hunt when suddenly the call of a woman he?d never heard much less met before erupted into the atmosphere. It was unknown, except for the fact that it was female, yet the tone of it sounded commanding. Clearly the woman calling was someone in power. Had his king taken a queen? Or had Tortuga come under a new rule? Unable to deny the call of what sounded like another alpha and with his curiosity peaked, Demonio abandoned his hunt to answer the call of the unknown woman. Had Desdemona too heard the call of the woman? He was sure she had; it was hard to ignore. Powerful limbs propelled the brute forward, taking him in the direction of the call, eager to find out why the tortugan wolves were being called.

It seemed like no time had passed before he had arrived, his dual colored gems coming across the visage of his woman. He strode to her side, presenting a gentle kiss to her cheek before settling beside her, his attention on the wolves gathered around him.

Talk like this



04-26-2013, 03:03 PM

The girl had finally made it home safely. Valkis' scent was washed away from her pelt and she decided she had had her fill of wandering for the time being. She would suffer the consequences of her actions later. That is if there were any. Surely her father wouldn't scold her too badly for leaving for so long, right? She was considered grown at a year of age, wasn't she? She was still young, but she could take care of herself.

The sound of Morphine's voice reached her ears and Xen finally set off to follow the source. She came upon the others. It seemed as though she was a little late. Eyes went immediately to the wolf who smelled like a loner, but she kept her mouth shut. It wasn't her place to say anything. Instead she sauntered over to her father and sat near him and waited for the meeting to begin.

"Speech" "He speaks"


04-27-2013, 06:19 PM

The cry that reached his ears was more annoying than it was demanding. A pack meeting, how very droll. With a loud hungry yawn the small creature, no less deadly than any other beast of his kind, rolled onto his feet and stepped out of the mountain side cave, kicking away the bones of dead creatures he had neglected to clean. Another long day in Tortuga for Grinner.

Slowly the thin east descended the mountain and approached the meeting grounds, his eyes half open with sheer boredom radiating from every pore on his body. He greeted no one, and expected no one to greet him in response, he was after all, too good for any of them.



05-07-2013, 03:04 PM

Thank you Lube ♥

Gradually, Tortugans young and old flooded the circle until the scent of the pack became nearly intoxicating in her nostrils, but one scent that mingled with the familiar was entirely foreign and stuck out like a sore thumb. Her pupils danced across the sea of faces until they fell upon the foolish rogue who had obviously mistaken the summoning howl for her pack as an invitation to join, her expression morphing to one of disdain for the oblivious canine. Was the creature so daft as to cross the borders she had clearly marked to indicate a pack occupied the mountainous territory already? Yes, yes she was. But the white witch was not alone in her disapproval for the other; that much could be deciphered from the questioning glances she had received from some of the members. But their desires to see the stranger off personally would go unfulfilled as Morphine stepped from her position, her pupils locking onto the unknown woman?s own and her tail flicking in the direction she had started off in as a beckoning signal to follow her while the rest of the pack settled into the area and waited for the meeting to begin. She?d draw the girl away from the crowd until they were out of earshot from everyone else, pausing towards the edge of the circle and turning back to address the female if she had chosen to follow. If it?s urgent, I advise you to wait for me at the borders. This is a meeting for the pack and the pack alone; what must be said is not to fall upon outside ears. Her voice was hardly audible but she was in close enough proximity to the other for her to hear. If you wait, I will meet you there to hear you out once the meeting reaches its conclusion. Understood? Whether or not the other would respond and comply to Morphine?s wishes, the queen would nod and pivot to face the crowd once more.

For those of you who are unfamiliar with me, she began with a vague tone as she maneuvered through the bodies back to her original position. I am your Vecaan next to Kaien. I am Morphine. A brief smirk flickered over her countenance as her gaze shifted from face to face in an attempt to sound more personal to each individual present. The distinct visage that was none other than that of Luce?s ? it was tainted by rage and captivated Morphine?s attention more so than the others, and soon, she knew where to begin and the anxiety bubbling within her slowly began to disappear. But, no; you weren?t summoned here today to meet me... rather, you were summoned for instruction, knowledge, and discussion. See, Valhalla has taken not one of our own, but two: Neo and Cyanide. One of the two ? Neo ? is valued here as he is a useful asset to our pack, however, the other has a bounty over her head for treason. She will be taken care of ? they both will be, in fact. They both will return to this pack, but by stealth rather than other methods... You all are more than aware of Valhalla?s numbers that tower above our own by far. To provoke Valhalla means to insinuate further negative feelings towards us that could lead to a war ? a war we are not prepared for. Thus, I warn you all now only once: do not do anything to provoke that pack. I reiterate that we are not ready for war ? you all may be seasoned warriors but Tortuga is far too small to win based upon experience. She spoke the truth; whether or not the canines holding a rank in the pack were bloodthirsty mongrels that would stop at nothing for a kill, Valhalla would still manage to reign victorious because of their numbers and allies? numbers. Tortuga?s numbers were dwindling and would surely fall at the paws of the other packs, and neither Morphine nor Kaien wished to see the pack fall. So it wouldn?t; she?d ensure that.

On that note, just in case worst comes to worst, I advise all of you to begin training for combat. Spars can and will be organized for members of all ages to participate in. Not only are they an excellent way to prove your worth in battle and grant Kaien and I an insight on who deserves to be placed in higher combat-based positions, but it?s also useful to prepare you for all the different tactics that your opponents could use on you. She looked over the crowd once more, granting them room to pipe in case they needed to, for she didn?t have anything else to say on that matter. She then shifted her gaze to her counterpart who had commanded her to organize this meeting, allowing him the chance to state anything else that she had missed with a small grin.
