
Without You [Blu]


04-19-2013, 11:56 AM

?Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone- we find it with another.? ~Thomas Merton

Two weeks had passed since he had returned to Valhalla, and though he was content to be home, he hadn?t seen Blu and as far as he knew? she never made it out of Valhalla?s old home when the volcano erupted. His Blu? was dead. It was all his fault. He?d never stare into her golden eyes again, never hear her quiet laugh. Never see her work intently on the herbs that she was so knowledgeable about. He?d never see her again.

In two weeks, despite being home in the lush pack-lands his appearance had grown more ragged. His once gloriously thick black fur now hung from his skeletal frame in clumps, his fur now dull and patchy. He walked with his head low, tail dragging the ground. His cerulean orbs, that once sparkled with un-shed laughter and happiness, now stared dully ahead barely fixating on anything, a ghost of who he was.

His soul was shattered without Blu. The fact that he was responsible for her death had eaten him alive. Though he was saved Blu from her demonic parents, he felt as if she had saved him if only from himself.

He had disappeared to the opposite side of Valhalla?s territory, to be alone in his own misery. He hadn?t ate much, living on scraps of what he could find, but not really living. Existing was perhaps a better word for, and he existed only because he hadn?t found a way to kill himself yet.

The black brute staggered along a little used trail, his deathly looking frame blending in with the shadows of the trees in the fading sunlight. His head trailed close to the ground, close to the tips of his paws. At the edge of the trees, he collapsed onto the ground, his head resting on the dry ground. He had grown used to the aches of his body, but at the moment the pain seemed so immense.

It?s all my fault?. The thought raced through his head, the mantra repeating itself over and over again. ?Oh Blu? I?m so sorry.? He howled painfully, before resting his head again on the ground, willing the darkness to over-take him. I?m so sorry?

?We?re born alone, we live alone, we die alone. Only through our love and friendship can we create the illusion for the moment that we?re not alone.? ~ Orson Wells


04-20-2013, 01:05 PM
Just give me a reason
Just a little bits enough
Just a second we're not broken just bent
And we can learn to love again

The dame moved at an awkward, hindered gait. She had three legs, the fourth had been torn from her bodice by the teeth of her parents. She had long since learned to move with the remaining three limbs, but she was slower. She didn't move with the same fluidity and she had to rest often, but she managed. Luckily for her, she was a healer, strength and speed were not something she regularly needed.

She remembered the past year with an intense clarity, and all she wanted was to get home, get back to Valhalla... but she hadn't been able to do that. When the volcano erupted she hadn't been fast enough to escape the lava, the fumes burned the backs of her legs, her plume, her fur. She had been left behind because she could not keep up, so unsteady and unbalanced on her remaining three legs. She did not blame them for abandoning her. The eruption had become a matter of survival and Chronos... Chronos had vanished.

Her heart bled at that memory. He was helping her adjust to life on her three spindled limbs one day and the next... he was gone. Not a Valhallen soul knew where he had vanished too, and Blu could not help but blame herself. She had been to large of a burden too him. She had spent the last year in the presence of loners, a few kind souls who had helped her heal, helped her walk from the severity of her burns and for the past month or so, she had been steadily attempting to track Valhalla. It was her home, her only home. The only place she had ever truly felt secure.

It had taken a week or so to trace the scent and slowly but surely she had followed it down. She hoped they would accept her apologies, she hoped they would hear her out and reaccept her within their borders. She had served them unwaveringly for the vast majority of her life, but she had been gone for so long! Hope blossomed within her that perhaps Chronos had returned. She loved the ebony wolf but she had never had the courage to tell him. She hoped that he would somehow, against all odds be there, but she knew such a thing was unlikely. She was not that lucky.

She reached what she surmised was the border to Valhalla's new territory, she tilted her head back to howl, but froze, when a familiar scent caught her nostrils... a far too familiar scent and for the first time in a long time the tiny dames eyes filled with glimmering gold excitement. With an excited bark, she shot along the border, following its edge and being careful not to enter the territory. Could it really be him? Was he truly here? Had he come home?

The shadow, the thin, emaciated form almost made tears brim in the corners of her eyes, she wasn't emaciated, but she was definitely thinner. he was a ghost, a shell of the wolf he had once been, but he was still beautiful, still perfect in her eyes. She would recognize him anywhere... but he was in the pack territory and she was not reaccepted, but how she yearned to touch him. "Chronos? Chronos is that really you?" Her lyrics would fall in quiet tones but well loud enough for him to hear her. Her eyes were blown wide, tail hanging between her legs, but hope... hope and excitement spanning the length of her maw. She wanted to touch him, she wanted to kiss him, she wanted to tell him how much she loved him... but he was on the other side of the damned border and she could not move to embrace him.


04-20-2013, 03:24 PM
Emptiness, it's all around me
I tried to catch my breath
I'm barely surviving
And I can't go on and I come undone
And there's nothing left in me

~David Hodges ?My Side of the Story?

A ghost of himself, that was an amazing way to describe the once happy wolf. As he laid there, and howled again with his broken heart he couldn?t help but want to rip his own heart from his chest. Anything to stop the pain. Anything. The hole in heart was like a wormhole, sucking every happy emotion from him, sucking any shred of hope that Blu had survived that volcano. And you know why she didn?t make it? Because he hadn?t been there. She was strong, so much stronger than he was, but even the strongest among them needed help now and again.

Then like hope had a horrible way of doing a voice cut across the land, prompting his head to raise and look towards it. ?Chronos?! Chronos is that really you?? The voice spoke as if she couldn?t believe the state that the once powerful warrior was now in. The voice seemed laced with disbelief and hope. That voice? there was something about that voice.

He tried to focus on her, and saw golden eyes before his eyes adjusted. He stumbled to his feet and stumbled towards the border. His head higher than it had been in months. Hope was a deadly thing and the wormhole in his chest was wrenching it away from him with every step. It can?t be Blu?. You know it?s not. This is only going to make you hurt more in the long run. The wormhole screamed into his ear, but oddly it didn?t slow him or stop him. He kept stumbling.

He choked out one word, one audible word as he stumbled to the border. ?Blu?? His voice broke, as he spoke and looked up into the eyes of the wolf at the border.

Then I?ll see your face,
I know I?m finally yours
I find everything
I thought I lost before.
You call my name,
I come to you in pieces,
So you can make me whole.
~Pieces- Red


04-20-2013, 03:46 PM
Right from the start
You were a thief
You stole my heart
And I your willing victim
let you see the parts of me
That weren't all that pretty
And with every touch you fixed them

She had not seen Chronos in...a year? A year and a half? Perhaps longer? She had thought it to be a selfish, whimsical hope that she would ever gaze upon her precious companion again. He was gone, all of Valhalla had tried to convince her of such a fact, or at least those few who noticed her sudden change in demeanor. Chronos had been so much more to the tiny healer than she cared readily to meet. He was the only wolf she had ever willingly sought out, the only wolf she ever would.

Blu was a schizophrenic, unpredictable, scared of her own shadow more oft than not, she jumped at imaginary figures and winced when screams of rage reached her. She wasn't pretty, scars marred her flesh and her body she was missing a god damned leg and still... Chronos had never pushed her away, had never looked at her with pity. He was everything to her, and she loved him unconditionally for it and she probably always would. She wished she could have seen him just one last time and then... this phantom appeared before her.

Of Ebony fur and crystalline blue eyes, no matter how sunken and emaciated the form before her was, this was her Chronos and for a moment, she thought herself to have died, surely he would not have returned to Valhalla upon a whim? Surely this was heaven in an attempt to be kind, to present the only thing she had ever trusted her enough to love, even if it was but a phantom, but then his cranium turned, pupils dilating and spinning wildly and tears flooded her golden orbs. His voice spilled out naught but her name and damn it all to hell!

Fuck the border.

She darted forward, barely crossing into Valhalla's territory and plowing into him. She coiled her head around the base of his shoulders, pulling her bodice to him as strongly as she was able. "Chronos!" Her voice came as an excited whimper. Whines, and cries of joy, happiness, love, sadness... they fell from her maw in a litany of cries. She bathed him in eager kisses and soft licks, her pink tongue scraping anywhere and everywhere she could reach. tears blended into the rough confines of his fur and her body trembled with the onslaught of emotions that coursed through her blood. She loved him, he was here, he was safe, he came back... and that was all that mattered.


04-20-2013, 04:06 PM
?Where there is love, there is life.? ?Ghandi

Blu, the most beautiful wolf in the world to him, had come back to Valhalla. In the heart-beats before she had jumped towards him, he tried to think of what to say and came up blank. He just wanted to touch her. When she jumped into him, his flimsy frame supported her extra weight for just a few moments before he crashed to the ground, wrapping her in his paws and licking her tenderly. He inhaled her scent deeply, memorizing it, and caressed her with gently licks, nips, and kisses. She was alive. She was real.

He pulled his head away from her, and looked up at her tenderly. He wanted to say so much, had so much to tell her. Words and promises that he never made before he disappeared; he could literally feel the void in his heart lift. That feeling alone was probably the most comforting and most powerful feeling, of course second to his love for the lady on top of him. Again, he buried his muzzle in her fur, before pulling away again to tenderly lick her muzzle. Finally he readied himself to speak.

?Blu? I?m so sorry? I?m so sorry? I love you, Blu. Do you hear me? I love you more than I love life itself and I can?t imagine living in a world that you don?t exist in. I want to spend the rest of my days with you. I want to spend every waking moment with you, because you, you beautiful wolf deserve that and so much more. I love you, Blu, I always have and when I thought I?d never get to tell you just how much I loved you.. I didn?t think I would survive.? He touched his nose down gently to hers, looking at her with his beautiful eyes willing her to believe him.

A small tear trickled from his black face as he opened his mouth again, ?You are my strength, and you are the strongest wolf I have ever known. You are so much stronger than me or anyone else, I love you. I?d give my life in a heartbeat to protect you?. I love you.? He felt so much lighter after finally sharing the words that had been on his heart since damn near day one. He loved her, absolutely. In such a way that was terrifying but he could jump from that cliff if she?d jump with him. He?d go to hell and back to follow her, after all, they were the kind of couple that humans wrote love songs about.

?At the touch of love, everyone becomes a poet.? -Plato


04-21-2013, 01:32 AM
You'd think that people would have had enough of silly love songs.
But I look around me and I see it isn't so.
Some people wanna fill the world with silly love songs.
And what's wrong with that?
Id like to know, cause here I go again
I love you, I love you.

Blu flew at the only wolf she had ever truly loved, her bodice crashing into his own, tangling with his warmth in a mesh of body heat, limbs, and kisses. She tumbled with him, her three legs unable to support both his weight and hers. She nipped him, licked him, bathed him in all the affection she had allowed to dwell in the confinement of her chest for far too long. It bubbled over and unable to speak a litany of lyrical whines and cries left her maw. She could not stop touching him, she never wanted too.

They tumbled and finally she rested a top him, body sprawled awkwardly over his own, his forelimbs coiling around her, keeping her there. God how long had it been? Did it matter? A day was too long, an hour without him ticked by, he was her everything. He returned her affections bathing her back in love and affection and desire, and everything. She felt his heart drumming against her own and she swore she would never be more happy, more euphoric, more... home, than she would be in his embrace.

He reared back, finally and she could not stop the whimper that drained from her vocals. She wasn't ready to release him yet. She was never ready to let him go. Never. Never. Never. Never, but his lyrics... they penetrated her ears, They delved into her audits and they froze her. Like a fallen king or the walls of Jericho he slew her. Broke her down and reshaped her into someone, something, that would crave him like oxygen, need him as much as she needed a feast and a drink. He would break her, but he would rebuild something magnificent.

"Stop... stop apologizing Chronos. I love you, have loved you for so long, when you vanished my heart broke, my purpose for life, it vanished with you. You took my heart and my soul with you wherever you journeyed. You were the drive that got me through my injuries, you were the strength that helped me survive. You are so much to me. My earth, my moon, my stars. I love you, I will always love you, don't ever apologize to me, I just want you back." She pressed her cranium against his own, pressing the tips of their noses together. She wanted him now, forever, always.

Tears spilled from golden orbs, but a smile would paint itself upon her maw, chocked laughter oozing from her lips. She waited until he had finished speaking before finally, she kissed his maw, her pink ribbon, escaping her mouth to scrape the remnants of tears from his cheeks. "Ask me... ask me to be yours forever so I can say yes."


04-21-2013, 01:50 AM
?It is difficult to know at what moment love begins; it is less difficult to know that it has begun.? ?Henry Longfellow

Laying there in the grass, with Blu sprawled across him all his thoughts of anything else slipped away. Looking up at her, and onto her beauty he could almost forget to breathe. When she spoke, the words were like heaven dripping from her tongue, like honey, like water falling onto the parched land. When she tenderly licked his face, his heart soared, and her final question make it stop in wonder.

She wanted to be his? Forever? To one day have pups with, to have a family with? She loved him? She loved him. He flashed back to the time without her and remembered how empty he felt. He still couldn?t remember what had happened and until he could it would bother him, but with Blu he could find happiness and peace. Things that only she could give him.

With Blu?s help he could come back and be the same powerful wolf that he was when he had vanished, for he knew of no better healer than Blu to help him. But his own well-being wasn?t what drove him, it was that aching pit of love in his chest. His love for the three-legged wolf now sprawled on top of him. Oh god, how he loved her.

?Blu, I don?t know what kind of life we will have.. all I know is that I want you in mine. Will you be my mate? I don?t ask anything of you except for forever.? He looked into her golden eyes, getting lost in the glimmer of them and it was almost like he could feel his own self strengthening. He waited for her answer, his heart hammering his skeletal frame.

?One is love because one is loved. No reason is needed for loving.? Paulo Coelho


04-21-2013, 02:08 AM
She wished he would never leave, that she would never have to leave the warm embrace of his hold. That she could be forever a part of him, she would follow him anywhere, would die for him willingly, would kill to be his own. She would follow him to the deepest ravine, the quietest of beaches the fiercest of deserts, anywhere he wanted to be she would follow, if only his willing slave. She loved him with every fragmented piece of her and that would never change.

She would give him anything and everything he had ever wanted. A companion, a best friend, a lover, pups? She almost blushed at such a thought. Tiny little suckling's, her belly would swell with his brode, each of those products being made for a union of love. She would tremble at such a thought. She wanted them, if only to bring him the family he had lost.

She took advantage of his surprise and his shock, to dip her head and nuzzle his fur, brushing the thick black coat and burying herself within his scent, his body... unsuccessfully merging them into one being through the power of osmosis. He filled the gaping wound in her chest with little more than a touch. He had returned... for her, or so it seemed. Just as she had done for him. All he had to do was make it official and she would never so much as leave his side. She would be glued to his hip for as long as he would have her.

"You have a crap memory Chronos. I am yours, I have been long before you knew it. I always will be, I love you more than life itself. I would gladly walk to deaths door if only you are beside me. Forever. I love you." Her lyrics would come soft and gentle, breathed across his flesh in an airy tone.


04-21-2013, 04:44 AM
?Love is the only sane and satisfactory answer to the problem of human existence.? ?Erich Fromm

The rumble of a chuckle escaped his maw, as he heard the words that she spoke. Crap memory, eh? He?d remember that one. He buried his black maw into her fur, breathing in her scent again, and wrapped himself if that was even possible around her frame. He wanted to be as close to her as possible, so close that they were one. He took in deep breaths, and pulled his head back to gently lick her face, neck and everything that he could reach.

"You're never going to be alone, from this moment on, Blu. I promise you. I'll always be here, as long as you want me..." He spoke quietly, and then just stared at her. Taking pictures in his mind, of this moment, the moment when he poured his heart out to his love, and heard her admission of love for the first time.

He was content to lay there quietly for a while, just breathing in her scent and taking in the feel of her. He loved her, and right now that was enough. Moments passed, until he finally rolled the pair of them over gently, so that they could both stand without being to tangled in one another. His leg was still stretched over her form, and he stretched his head to gently nuzzle her shoulder.

?Have you spoken to Collision?? He asked quietly, finally verbalizing the words that been circling his racing mind. What if Collision didn?t accept her? He would leave with her no doubt, though he didn?t think that the king would turn her away. Either way, he didn?t want her to be in too much trouble, since she had just barely crossed the border to be near him, surely, no one could fault her that?

He hated to be the rational one who had them crashing down from the small piece of heaven that they were experiencing but he knew he had to broach the topic of her re-acceptance. He didn?t want his love attacked should she be caught trespassing by anyone. He?d have to defend her and though he would do it gladly, that would make a mess of their home.

?Love is my religion- I could die for it.? ?John Keats


04-22-2013, 04:49 PM
They were a tangled mass of fur, flesh, limbs and tears. She would be his, forever, the rest of her days, as long as her scarred body still breathed she would be his! She could scarcely believe such an impossibility was coming true! He pulled his head back, tongue bathing her in love and affection and anything else she would ever want. She returned his affections with just as much enthusiasm. Bathing him in everything, anything. She wanted to be his, thats all she had ever wanted and now... she would be.

"I don't ever want to be without you Chronos. I'll never stop wanting you. You are my best friend, you have saved me from so much. I love you." She murmured between her reverent kisses. her saving grace had come home and if she died right here, she would be content, trapped in the embrace of her dearest friend. She memorized him, she had before but time had dulled the image and now she took the time to worship every nook and cranny his body possessed. He seemed as content as she to bask in this embrace until the end of time but alas, he had to be the voice of reason and finally he broke their small reunion, reminding her why she was at the borders.

"No I...I haven't seen anyone since the eruption. I wasn't quick enough, they left me behind, they had too. The lava..." She could still feel the steam burning the hair from her body. the agony of the burns and how badly it had crippled her for so long. "I was burned, badly, a few rogue wolves took care of me, nursed me back to health, it's taken me this long to find Valhalla. You are the first familiar face I have seen..." Here she buried her maw in his chest to hide her shame. "And I got too distracted by the sight of you to remember I was supposed to speak with Collision first."

She did not think she would be denied. She had been loyally under Cairo's reign since their home had been Ciroc. She saw no reason for them to deny her, unless they saw her absence as treason... but she hadn't been able to walk, even amongst them she would have been nothing but a burden, surely they wouldn't punish her for that... right?


04-23-2013, 01:07 AM
"In a relationship, each person should support the other, they should lift each other up." -Taylor Swift

His heart swelled when she looked at him, erupted when she smiled, and those pieces melted when she spoke. He loved the feel of her, the smell of her, everything about her. He loved how she looked when she spoke about herbs, how she looked when she was thinking. He loved her. Adored her. However he couldn?t shake that nagging concern about what Collision would say about how Blu had crossed the borders without seeking permission. He sighed gently and touched his maw to hers gently.

?Why don?t we call him, darling? I?m sure Collision will understand.? He spoke gently, and punctuated his words with kissing her muzzle gently. He truly believed the king would understand, but couldn?t silence his nagging concern. A smile tugged at his jaws, as he looked at her and pushed himself shakily to his paws. Just looking at her gave him strength, but he had a long way to go until his emaciated form would once again radiate the once happy and powerful form that he had, had before he left.

He took a deep breath and spoke again, this time not about the subject of pack acceptance. A cocky smile lit up his maw, and he gave her a teasing look and asked, ?How do you feel about pups, love?? His voice was gently teasing, and hid the traces of a smile. He could see them now, growing old while watching their children grow old and become powerful warriors. The thought alone made his smile grow even wilder.

"Only the broken-hearted, know the truth about love." -Mason Cooley


04-25-2013, 02:16 AM
She could have stayed intertwined with his bodice until her final breath left her body. She loved him so, every breath that left his lungs, every soft word that he cooed to her, every gentle kiss he laved upon her cheek, it made her tremble with the ferocity of emotion that struck her. It crippled her and made her something unique, something that would crave only him, always him until the last breath left her body. There were no words in this language or the next to describe the love she felt for him. It was an all consuming raw emotion, he was everything, without him she was empty, with him she could do anything. He empowered her. he was both her greatest weakness and her greatest strength.

His request she did not answer, she nuzzled into him one last time, breathing deep his scent and offering one last languid kiss up his neck and to the tip of his chin before she reluctantly pulled back from the seductive warmth of his bodice. She rose back to sway on her three remaining legs and tilted her maw to the heavens. A howl, loud and powerful shot across the winds calling forth whatever high ranking wolf might be close enough to hear. She lowered her head, stumbling slightly, she had been wandering too long, the pain of the uneven weight distributed to her left side was beginning to take its toll, she would need a few days of rest. His next words, caught her by surprise, but just as quickly it was gone and she walked forward, tucking herself beneath his chin, leaning into his chest.

"If my belly grows swollen with your pups, than I would be delighted." She purred against the soft underside of his maw. Licking him gently, she was afraid of meeting the Valhallen general, afraid that they wouldn't remember her, afraid she would be denied. What would she do if she couldn't come home? Chronos was her home, but Valhalla was a close second, they had tried to protect her, had done their damndest. What if they found her not worth the time or effort? Blu trembled but she did not hide, she had to be strong, she had to be ready for whoever would burst through the foliage.


04-25-2013, 08:55 AM
A feeling of warmth spread throughout his body as he looked at his Blu. A feeling of possessiveness washed over him, he?d have to make sure everyone was aware, that she was his. He stretched his muzzle towards her, and gently licked the side of her face, letting out a gentle but rumbling growl. As she threw her head to call one of the high ranking members of Valhalla, he drew himself up to a sitting position to sit beside her, and he nervously watched for whoever would arrive. He let the sound of her call wash over him and reveled in the sound of her sweet voice.

He looked at her when she spoke about mothering his pups, and a deep chuckle escaped his jaws. Blu would make a lovely mother, and one day soon he wanted to be the father of those pups. Maybe the next time her heat cycle rolled around, they?d be ready for it. Maybe. Affectionately, the brute bumped his head against her body, and took in her scent. He just couldn?t get enough of her. The time that had lapsed between them was just too much. He looked forward to hearing the words of her acceptance and going forth with her to find them a den. Then he wanted to curl up next to her, and sleep for an eternity, he knew he?d be nightmare free as long as she was there. She was his light. His only reason to keep on living. She was his.

Aislyn I


Extra large
05-13-2013, 06:32 PM


"What are you doing within my borders?" The ivory woman hissed, words dripping from her mouth like venom, ears flicked back, defenses raised. She didn't care if she was intruding on some sappy love scene. She had stepped over the border, and Chronos, the lad she had become beta with long ago, was doing nothing about it. It sickened her. Old pals or not, this was a pack, with a defined border. If she would have called things would have been different, but as of now, she was seen as an intruder. "As of now you are an intruder. Chronos, why didn't you call for a higher ranked member when you came across her? Old friends or not, she is trespassing. Any other case and she would be enslaved." She looked at him when she spoke, eyes narrowed, muscles flexing beneath her ivory pelt. This was not acceptable.


05-13-2013, 07:02 PM

Blu would jump at the sudden snarl, a hiss like the crack of a whip, instinctively hiding herself in Chronos fur. She was a timid, shy thing, she was missing a leg, and clearly not a threat to Valhalla's safety if her slight emaciation and size were anything to go by, she understood the woman's hatred though....that is until Blu recognized her. Blu had been with Valhalla, since their time on Ciroc and she had seen the woman before her many times... Blu was slightly surprised that Aislyn hadn't remembered her... then again, she was a timid shy thing, she didn't tend to leave a strong impression. gathering what little courage she had left, she padded forward, golden eyes flickering up at the ivory wolf before her. "Aislyn... it's me, Blu. I was a healer here for years, I was burned, badly in the eruption, it's taken me this long to come home." Blu's head was lowered, tail tucked between her legs, submissive, but willing Ais to remember.



05-13-2013, 07:12 PM

Little time passed, and brought with it the arrival of Aislyn. To be frank the comments of the wolf he had at one time become beta with shocked him, but his shock quickly turned to fury. He let the beta finish, his normally soft blue eyes icing over as he stepped to stand protectively in front of Blu. His hackled raised, and a snarl escaped his maw.

?It would do well for you to remember who she is, Aislyn, and to remember that this pack abandoned her to the grips of that volcano. She is no intruder, she is my mate and a well respected member of Valhalla. It isn?t her fault that you left her to die.? His sentence ended with a spat, his lips coiled up to reveal his canines.

He could have understood a rebuke for crossing the border, but surely anyone with half a brain would understand why it had occurred. Blu was never blatantly disrespectful, even now the pair stood close to the border. If Aislyn wanted to send them away, he?d first call Cairo or Collison. If that alpha wouldn?t hear them out, yes, they would turn their back on Valhalla. He didn?t need this.

Chronos wasn't a wolf to be blatantly disrespectful, but he'd be damned if anyone would speak to Blu in that manner. Not after all Blu had done, and all he had done for his so called pack.


Aislyn I


Extra large
05-14-2013, 06:16 PM


She watched the woman shy away, which wasn't exactly expected, but she wasn't surprised it happened. She could be fierce when need be, another reason why she made an excellent beta. She spoke, making Aislyn think over her words. Blu... Why couldn't she remember her? She went back in time, memories replaying over and over, searching for any trace of her... and nothing. She couldn't remember her, not even during meetings. A smile flicked over her features. She couldn't remember, but she would act like she did, for the woman's sake. "Blue. Forgive me, my memory escapes me at the worst times. I remember you now, and you are more than welcome within the borders." Pools of vivid blue scanned the woman's body, noting the missing leg and scars from the eruption. She had been battle beaten by the volcano. How could they have left her? Surely she couldn't have gone unnoticed. Then again everything had went to hell at that time, making a head count on every member almost impossible. So many wolves had gotten separated during the eruption, many of them ending up dead. Words cut through the air as Chronos made his move, hackles raising, teeth baring toward her. How dare he. The ivory dame snarled, lips curling, ears pinning, muscles tensing beneath her coat. "Last time I recall you abandoned your pack during the eruption while I alone tried to keep a head count on over 30 wolves. Many went missing, got separated, even died, and you want to but that burden on me? You act as if I can control nature." Words dripped down like venom. She was livid. How dare he say those things? She was beta for a reason, and if he needed a reminder of that, she would gladly give it to him, old age or not. "Doesn't seem like I alone was the one who "left her to die". Where were you when she got lost during the eruption?" She took a step forward, eyes narrowed, tail flagged up, defenses set. "Do not forget who you are speaking to. I am the beta, and if you need a reminder of that, i'll be happy to dish it out." Last time she checked he couldn't handle the responsibility, and not only bailed on his pack, but Blue as well. If they came back in search of a home, she would not welcome them with open arms if he continued to act this way, especially toward her.


05-15-2013, 01:10 PM

The three legged dame was a timid gentle thing and she had been with Valhalla since her second year. They protected her, shielded her from the elements, the threats, they had failed to keep her from her parents, but Chronos had been there. Chronos had saved her life when her parents had torn her hind leg from her body, Chronos had fended off not one, but two of the most wretched wolves in existence and thank to him, she would never need to worry about them again. They would have killed her, had Chronos not saved her life.

Valhalla had not helped her during the volcanic eruption and on three limbs she had been no match for the ever flowing lava and she had been wounded greatly. It had taken a few kind strangers and almost a year for the tiny dame to return. She couldn't and didn't blame Valhalla for all the evils that seemed to befall her. her parents had long since been a torment and the volcano had left everyone in shambles. She held no ill will towards the pack or anyone in it. She just wanted to come home. She just wanted to be with Chronos.

Aislyn would speak and Blu would smile gently, her lips pulling up and the smile matching her gaze as the anger fled the ivory faes maw. "Its alright, no harm done, you were just protecting Valhalla and I don't usually leave a strong impression." Blu's tones were light hearted, already forgiving the alabaster dame... but then all hell broke loose and suddenly Chronos was before her, snapping in her defense and Aislyn was snarling in return. Her initial instinct was to flee, to run, to bolt, her schizophrenia temporarily blinding her and rendering her useless. She quivered, shaking where she stood as she stared in mystified horror at the venom that was spewed between the two.



05-17-2013, 02:28 AM

He had never been so infuriated in his life, and he wasn?t sure where it was stemming from. Whether it was his own frustrations as to his mental instability, or Aislyn?s original comment to Blu- he couldn?t be sure, but he was pissed. The ivory beta?s words rang true. He hadn?t been there when the volcano erupted?. and he felt immensely guilty for that- for the new damage that had been done to Blu. He hated that he couldn?t say what had happened to him. He hated that he couldn?t remember leaving, and why he had left.

Even though Aislyn had welcomed Blu home, he still couldn?t quell the fury rising in his chest, though he knew it would do him no good to attack his beta over his own incompetent memory. He tried, unsuccessfully to calm himself down, and took a deep breath before raising his head challengingly to the beta before him. His stood in front of Blu, shielding her, and glared at the beta before him for a few moments before dropping his aggressive stance and turning to face his mate.

He knew fighting with the beta of Valhalla, would do no good for him or for Blu. He was in no condition to win a fight, and he wasn't a violent wolf He also knew that he had to leave now and get a handle on himself. He could feel another flashback attempting to over-take him, and he knew he had to get away, quickly.
Gently he nuzzled Blu's ear, leaning down to lick her muzzle gently before turning away from the pair and stepping across the border. Stopping just on the other side he gave Blu a long look, and opened him mouth to speak.

?Perhaps you?re right Aislyn, though I don?t remember you being so arrogant about it. Perhaps I should just leave again, as you so kindly pointed out, I seem to be good at leaving." He would pause here for a moment, and take a breath before finishing. "Remind me of your status, Aislyn. I could care less. You seem to forget I was once a beta too. Rather than asking why I left you assume it was my own selfish choice, you couldn't be further from the truth.? Letting out a huff, he stepped forward a few steps before turning to look at his mate. ?Blu, I?ll be back by dawn. If you follow my scent you?ll find where I?ve been sleeping, it's your den as well now, darling. I love you?? With that, the black wolf disappeared over the border, still fuming but feeling his heart shatter a thousand times with every step.

-exit Chronos unless stopped-


Aislyn I


Extra large
05-18-2013, 10:14 AM


Things were getting heated. Here she was, about to throw down with Chronos, the man she had become beta along side with years ago. He was the one at fault, she was merely defending her home. You know, that thing he didn't do? He abandoned them all and still had the nerve to blame her for a few lost souls during the eruption. His head raised to a challenging position, and she took this very seriously. She took a step forward, lips curled so tightly around her fangs that every single canine in her mouth seemed to show. If he wanted a fight, she would give him one he wouldn't forget. She would tear him a new asshole, then stick whatever was left inside it. But, just as quickly had the fire ignited it had gone out. He receded and spoke. The beta listened to his words, and of course, he turned away, leaving the scene. Typical. She watched him walk away, and she did not speak a word. She was too fired up to speak to the bastard. She turned to Blu, who was surprisingly still standing there. "You're more than welcome here, but him, he needs an adjustment before he may step foot in Valhalla. I know you have to power to do it, so fix him. Until then he will not be allowed here. I'm sorry Blu, but disrespect is not handled lightly, especially toward me. He may have forgotten everything I have done for this pack, but I haven't. I will not be spoke to that way." With that she turned away, not waiting for an answer. She needed to get back to her pup anyways. -EXIT-