
Checking In



04-18-2013, 08:18 PM

So much has happened in the last couple of days. Loccian was able to get Bronze to join Seracia, something that made her really happy. She would be able to keep an eye on his healing progress which was going very well and had healed up really nicely over the days. She would come and change the herbs every couple of hours, sometimes leaving them open to let the wounds breathe. She was really enjoying his company, she had somebody she could talk to now and din't feel like a bother. Well, sometimes she would be he would always assure her that she was no bother. Besides him the pack got quite a bit of news, Lady Adette had split from the king and left Seracia, an alliance was being formed with Ludicael and they would be arriving in their lands in a matter of days, an alliance was also being formed with the nearby pack Valhalla by an arranged marriage between their beta and the prince, Maverick. The ranking system had been changed, Loccian being given a high up rank along with her brother. Kamala was named Duchess and Sir Gideon the Duke.

A heavy sigh escaped the shewolf's lips, standing in the entrance of her den, grey orbs looking up to the sky. The sky was blanketed in grey clouds and there was a slight chill in the air. She had no duties for the day, and her herbs were stocked up, so she had no need to go out to find more. That caused an idea to pop up, she could go see how Bronze was doing. It had been a week or two since he had joined and he seemed to be doing well, she should check on him and see what he thinks of the place, maybe strike up a conversation or go out and do something.

Loccian left her den, making her way between the large boulders, paws moving silently and grey gaze scanning over the entrances of dens to see if anybody was up. By the looks of it some were empty and others had sleeping wolves that were most likely avoiding the ugly weather. After a bit she moved away from the main dens, her tail flicking behind her as she made her way to Bronze's more isolated one. A few minutes passed and she was there, slowly making her way towards the entrance but stopped just before it. She cleared her throat, grey gaze looking inside to see his body curled up in the back. Br... Bronze? Are you up? She asked softly but loud enough so he could hear, not a yell, regular level. She didn't want to intrude so she stayed there standing in the entrance, head low, waiting.


Bronze i


12 Years
04-18-2013, 08:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-18-2013, 08:45 PM by Bronze i.)

His time in Seracia thus far had been pleasant. Most of his time had been spent alone, but a curiously large remainder had been spent with Loccian. The female seemed to grow quickly accustomed to his frequent silence, his often serious demeanor -- but he noticed how much it brightened her spirits when he smiled, or cracked a joke. She accepted the male for who he was, and such unconditional kindness made him slowly warm up to her. How she hadn't been taken by a male already, he really was not sure, but he knew he was grateful. The grey-furred beast was well aware of the small spot in his heart that had begun to be taken by her, whether she had tried or not. It had been so long since he'd had a friend, especially one like Loccian.

Since joining the pack, his strength had all but fully returned to him, making their travels much easier. Still he had yet to decide on how he would contribute to the pack, what duty he might ask for. His morning had been spent wandering near his den, only making a small dent in the vast lands he had yet to explore. The weather was not entirely pleasant, and he wouldn't be surprised if rain began later in the day. It wasn't long before he grew bored, and retreated to the depths of his makeshift den. He savored the silence of the place he had claimed as his own. It had been so long since he'd spent more than a week in one place, and he wouldn't deny how comforting it was to have something so constant and sure in his life, even if it was something as simple as a place to sleep.

His head would lower on his front paws as he curled against the cool rock, eyes closing as the silence washed over him. He really ought to choose some kind of duty soon, something to work towards, lest he become too accustomed to this lazy life. But for now he would succumb to the temptations of such a day, finding himself drifting slightly to sleep as morning turned to afternoon.

But the silence was broken gently by a familiar voice calling him. His head would jerk instinctively up, eyes averting to catch sight of Loccian at the entrance to his den. His living area was small... barely enough room for two full-grown wolves... but for now, it worked. Sleepy eyes would blink as he watched her, nodding toward the ground as though inviting her in. "I'm up," he assured her with a simple smile, shifting from his resting position to face her. "I was just resting my eyes. Good day for it, too." No, he was clearly taking a nap, and the disheveled fur around his face probably told that story loud and clearly.



04-19-2013, 10:04 AM

Grey eyes accustomed to the change of lighting, watching the male stir inside. At her voice his head lifted, turning to her and inviting her inside. Her gaze looked around the place, she never really reaized how small it was. If she entered there was a little extra room but not much, had she been larger then she probably would not have been able to enter. Perhaps I could help him find a more comfortable den, this one is so small it barely fits another. She gave a slight nod to herself, she owuld like to find him a better den, even if he objected. This one was better fit for a youngster. Maybe they could do that in a bit, go for a small hunt or something then den hunting. Yeah, that sounded like a good, easy day.

I'm up... I was just resting my eyes. Good day for it, too. Her ears flicked forward at his voice, low and yet comforting for her. His whole being was comforting, his silent seriousness, his jokes, the conversations they had. It was all, growing very quickly on her in a way that she has never experienced before. She had taken a few steps into his den, keeping her head low until she was just before him, folding her legs and sitting down. A smile had formed on her dark lips as she got a better look at him, he said he was resting his eyes but by the way his fur was disheveled around his face told her he was indeed doing more than just "resting" his "eyes."

Resting your eyes. She chuckled lightly, reaching over and brushed her cheek against his fur that was ruffled up, pulling away to lick at a few stubborn spots before pulling back with that smile. The small touches they did do felt nice to the shewolf, brought a warm feeling inside of her that spread through her body. She wanted more of it, wanted to feel his flesh against hers. She couldn't do more than what she was already doing though, wasn't entirely sure if he liked the touched and wanted more, or if he only did the actions back because she had.

She cleared her throat, grey orbs drifting away fom him to look around his den. This is a small den for such a big guy, why haven't you looked for a bigger one? She asked curiously, focusing back on the male, her tail waving slowly behind her.


Bronze i


12 Years
04-20-2013, 11:37 PM

Slowly Bronze shifted to face the woman, shaking his head as though it would rid his mind of the tiredness that had begun to creep in, upon falling asleep. The sight of her was enough to bring his mind immediately back to reality, and his attention focus on her quickly. He saw the expression that crossed her face upon his explanation, that he hadn't been sleeping, just resting his eyes. She smiled, amused at his obvious lie. Still her scent was sickeningly sweet to his nostrils.. Loccian was still in heat, and while initially her hormones had made the girl irresistible to him -- he was a male, after all -- but the woman had truly grown on him. His dark eyes followed her as she crouched to enter, slinking in alongside him.

His time so far in Seracia had been pleasant, though he wouldn't deny that was mostly because of Loccian. The others surely had noticed him as well, but perhaps he ought to seek out contact with them? Maybe later. Definitely not today. It seemed very much as though rain might be coming in soon, for the skies were dark and gloomy overhead.

Loccian teased him aloud, causing him to grin a bit again. The expression was slightly embarrassed, mostly in jest, but he didn't pull away from her touch as she tried to flatten the fur on his face. It was beyond comforting to feel content so close to another, so comfortable with their touch. How long it had been since he'd had this, he really was not sure.

"I know... it is pretty small, isn't it?" He was aware of that, but it was better than nothing, as far as he was concerned. "I suppose I've been putting it off. Not too worried about it." He smiled, appreciating her concern. The mere fact that he was able to have a place to consistently call his own, a place of safety and refuge, was good enough for him. But Loccian seemed as though she had expected him to by now -- perhaps that was a good enough excuse to spend time with her. "Why, do you know of a better one, Loccian?" He smiled as he laid his head down on his paws, muzzle pointed at her as he gazed at her. The quarters here were definitely tight, and they were close, but he wasn't gonna argue.



04-22-2013, 07:42 PM

I know... it is pretty small, isn't it? The shewolf gave a small nod of her head, grey orbs scanning the small den with a smirk. It was very small for the male, but for her, being as small as she was, it was big enough if she kept her head low. Loccian didn't really like it though, she liked being able to move around and having her herbs in her den, filling it with wonderful smells that helped her to sleep on some nights where she was too tired to think about what was going on, too tired to let the memories of the past consume her. I suppose I've been putting it off. Not too worried about it. Her ears flicked towards him, bringing the shewolf out of her thoughts and focusing on a smiling Bronze.

Why, do you know of a better one, Loccian? The shewolf raised a brow, turning her head to the side in thought. Was there a better one that would better suit Bronze? Most of the good ones were taken, the main cluster being where the center of camp was. Was there some good ones on the outside of the center? Surely if hers was large enough for her to move comfortably and store herbs then there should be another somewhere near there. I think I do, your gonna have to come with me though. She finally spoke after a few moments of silence, motioning her head for him to follow before carefully scrunching her body so that she could turn around, making her way out of his den.


Bronze i


12 Years
04-23-2013, 06:52 PM (This post was last modified: 04-23-2013, 06:52 PM by Bronze i.)

The brute relaxed as she watched him, content for the moment to laze with Loccian. So much of his life had been spent in turmoil, in unrest and chaos... but now the possibility of a quiet, peaceful life in Seracia was growing on him. His tongue would loll from the side of his mouth, escaping his unhinged jaws as a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. Loccian had noticed how small the dwelling was -- it wasn't really hard to see, even from the outside -- and she was concerned, thinking he'd be happier in a more suitable den. She wasn't far off, either. But Bronze wasn't overly concerned. It'd been so long since he had a permanent home, one that he was sure would be there when he returned to it at the end of the day, that he wasn't going to take it for granted.

The male let a laugh escape his throat at her words. "Do I have to?" he teased, his question devoid of seriousness, instead ringing with a slight amount of playful jest. "If you insist, I suppose we could go hunting for a larger home for me..." Something akin to affection flared in his deep brown eyes as he watched her. The depths of his feeling for her he was unaware, but he was sure that she was a dear friend to him, and he was sure he wanted to spend more time with her. He supposed that was all that really mattered.

He lifted his large frame up on all hours, following after her. The male had to crouch slightly, but before long he was beside Loccian, eyes drifting over the cloudy sky. Who knew how long they had before it started to rain; they'd have to hurry ever so slightly, lest they get caught by a storm. "I'll follow, but you lead the way." It was not a demand, but another comment said with a slightly playful air, the same small smile remaining plastered on his lips.



04-24-2013, 08:55 AM

Tail wagged behind the shewolf as she made her way out of the small den, stopping a few feet from the entrance to quickly shake her body. She lowered herself down, rear up in the air in a long and relieving stretch before pushing herself back up and looking to Bronze. She had been having a good time with the male, spending most of her time collecting herbs or just walking with him, explaining some things about the pack and the lands if he had any questions. It was very nice, she finally had somebody she could talk to and spend time with, somebody she liked being around. If he had not been here then she would be alone, even with her brother being here but he had been very distant since the thing with Ghost choosing segar as he rmate then becoming pregnant with his pups. The thought of it caused a sigh to escape her lips, so troublesome. It was because of that she didn't think kindly of the shewolf, she was just trouble and seeking attention.

A voice brought her out of these thoughts, bringing a smile onto her dark lips, turning her head to look to the male with grey orbs, ears flicking forward to catch what he had said. Do I have to? His laugh brought a light chuckle from the woman. If you insist, I suppose we could go hunting for a larger home for me. She gave a nod of her head, tail held up behind her and head held high ith a smirk. I would like for you to be comfortable, even if you don't really care. It will be your home from now on after all. He then told her that he would follow but she lead the way, making her give a nod of her head.

Unless you decide to leave us later on. She voice grew soft at the mention of this, she definitely did not want that to happen. He had found a place in her heart, she felt something for him and if he left then she would be devastated. They had not known each other for very long but still, it felt as if she knew him for years. The closeness, the feeling she got every time she heard his voice, saw his pelt leave his den. Was it weird to think or feel this way?

Loccian shook her head, trying to shake off these thoughts. She didn't want them now, didn't want to think about them. She just wanted to spend some time with Bronze, talk, find a den, maybe do something before it started to rain. With that sh elifted her head to the sky, grey orbs running over the darkening clouds that were by now the coloring of her gaze. She sniffed the air, moisture, but not much. It was probably raining farther from here and would be upon them in about an hour. That would be fine, she was sure they would find something by then and even gather some bedding material for Bronze.

Alright, let's get going before it starts to rain. She flashed a smile at him before turning and walking away from the main cluster of dens, paws moving silently over the soft earth, silently. Her tail waved behind her, ears flicking to the side at various little noises but not taking her eyes off the possible den sites before them. So Bronze, are you enjoying your stay here so far? She asked curiously, casting a glance over her shoulder at him for a moment before turning it to the side and ocming to a stop. She moved close to the hole, could fit a medium sized wolf so she moved forward and stuck her head inside to get a look at how big it was on the inside.


Bronze i


12 Years
04-26-2013, 05:43 PM

It wasn't difficult to follow along behind the female, eventually making his way to her side. There was no need to be lead her around, nor was he content to follow; he would refuse to be allied with anyone who didn't treat him as an equal. And he certainly viewed Loccian as such. It only took a few moments for him to lope alongside her, his thick grey tail swaying in rhythm behind his colossal frame. No smile adorned his rugged features, no sounds of joy escaped his throat, but that simple movement alone than his words ever could.

While the male knew he ought to meet some of the other wolves of Seracia, other than Loccian and Gerhardt, he was content for now to remain in the shadows. Slowly he had been growing restless, feeling far lazier than he was used to... he'd heard Loccian mention something about some kind of event coming soon, and thought perhaps he could use his strength in some productive manner soon. Possibly he'd use the gathering to meet some of the other wolves of the pack-- or perhaps not. Meeting Loccian and conversing with her regularly seemed to invigorate the brute's tired mind, and he was certain that doing the same with others would provide a similar outcome. His heart had been considerably lighter since he'd met the female, and he wasn't intending on reverting back to his old state of mind. Not willingly, at least.

A slight smile tugged delicately at the corners of his lips. The expression never ceased to make his weathered fa?ade lighten, suddenly appearing years younger than he was. "I'm lucky that someone's looking out for me," he teased gently, though was being honest as well. He would do perfectly well in his small den, but certainly would be much more comfortably in a larger one. "And don't worry... I have no interest in leaving, Loccian."

Silence fell comfortably over the duo as they wandered. Loccian knew the land far better than he did, and he let her guide their travels. "I am liking it," he assured her gently. "Seracia is certainly a pleasant place, as much as I've seen."

Paws carried him onward, alongside her. He came to a halt when she did, though kept his slight distance as she peered into the den.
"So what's your verdict?"



05-01-2013, 02:13 PM

I'm lucky that someone's looking out for me... And don't worry... I have no interest in leaving, Loccian. She had brought her head out and looked up to the male with a smile, her grey orbs falling upon the smile on his lips. It was nice to hear him say that, to know that he enjoyed her help, her assistance and because of it, if she was assuming it was why, he had no interest in leaving Seracia. It made her feel good, actually, great to know this. Even though she did feel important here, Loccian just didn't feel too good about herself a lot of the time. It was just something that went on with her since leaving her birthpack.

Just the thought of her birthpack caused the shewolf to shake her head, she didn't not want to dwell on it, didn't want the memories to come flooding back. She was with bronze and didn't want to experience unpleasant feelings, only pleasant ones. So when he said he was liking it and Seracia was a pleasant place so far, she gave a nod of her head before pulling away from the den with a flick of her tail. This one seemed decent but once you stick your head in it's as small as yours. She said with slight laugh.

Off to another! She arked a little too happily, bounded forward much like a pup would when excited. She wasn't though, just being a little silly to push her memories away, and to remain in a decent mood. If we can't find a better den, who knows, maybe you could share with me. She cracked with a smirk, turning her head to look at the male over her shoulder, a charming smile spreading over her lips. She was only playing but somewhere inside of her Loccian was kind of hoping they would not find a den and that he would be fine with sharing with hers since it was big enough to hold two Bronze's. She waited for his reaction, eyes narrowing slightly as she danced towards another den.


Bronze i


12 Years
05-02-2013, 02:12 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2013, 02:15 PM by Bronze i.)

The calm that had fallen over him seemed unshakable. There was something unmistakably soothing about Loccian's presence; the brute didn't need to feign interest in her, didn't need to hide any emotion... the mere actuality of his existence seemed enough to please her. She made no effort to delve into his mental life, to pry information from his past about him. Being around her was easy and comfortable, and he intended to keep things that way for as long as possible.

Her excitement was infectious, and his tail wagged gently behind him in silent appreciation. The woman mentioned that perhaps they could share a den, which brought a very faint smile to his lips. Certainly it was because she was in heat that she was being so flirtatious; she certainly hadn't been so forward the first time they met. While the proposition wasn't an entirely bad one, he wasn't so sure if she would feel the same way in the next few weeks. Or if he would, either. He let a gentle chuckle escape his unhinged jaws, though offered no further indication as to whether he thought that was a good idea or not. He knew all too well the strong effect of hormones on a woman when she was in heat, and had no doubts that once the period ended, she would likely act much differently towards him. Surely the girl was not really attracted to him.. he was twice her age, had sired five children, likely even grandchildren by now. He wasn't overly kind, nor affectionate -- what did he really have to offer?

Wanting to make sure she was right, when Loccian stepped back, he slid his head into the opening, noting that it was quite small. Definitely not what he was looking for. He bounced after Loccian as she turned to go, a slight bounce on his step, following alongside her with the same playful air she had.

"You wouldn't want to live with me," he retorted gently, though grinned again in jest. "I'm a light sleeper, and tend to snore, or so I'm told." The light expression on the beast's weathered muzzle made him seem much younger, and Loccian's presence contributed to that state of mind greatly.



05-02-2013, 07:37 PM

He did not answer her at first, just listening and following behind her. Loccian was okay with that, she wasn't really expecting him to say anything or agree with it, which is why she gave a light laugh when he told her she would not want to live with him because he was a light sleeper and tended to snore. I don't mind, besides, you wouldn't living with me either. She commented, bounding off to another den but spending more time at it, looking around the entrance and squeezing inside.

It had gone silent for a few moments but then her head suddenly popped out with a smile. This one would be perfect, you could fit two of you in here standing up. She told him, sliding out to let him examine the den. I have night terrors... squirm in my sleep and stuff, I'm surprised nobody has commented on it.

ooc: Not sure if we both need to end the thread.



Bronze i


12 Years
05-02-2013, 08:49 PM (This post was last modified: 05-02-2013, 08:49 PM by Bronze i.)

Without hesitation he padded after her, eager to see where their wanderings took them next. It wasn't long at all before they came to a halt, and Loccian found another potential living space. The woman peered inside, eventually crawling into the depths of the den to explore it.

It only took hew a moment before she poked her head out, stating it was perfect for him. The grin was returned, though he felt his stomach sink slightly... he would not be sharing a den with her after all, but it was probably a good arrangement in the long run. Any decision she made regarding wanting to live with him would likely end up being something she regretted. He wasn't always so pleasant, wasn't always so filled with such a strange calm...

With a quick wag of his tail, he slid into the den alongside her. There was more than enough room for him, and plenty for Loccian, if she chose to keep him company. Though part of him doubted she would be spending the night with him ever again, unless they founded themselves stranded somewhere again... and that was highly unlikely.

"I'd learn to deal with it," he teased very lightly. "I like this one. Good choice." He would be more than content living here, and Loccian's den wasn't terribly far away, either. Though this one maintained the solitude he preferred, not so close to the main dens.

-exit Bronze- (only the most awkward ending post ever xD)