
Good First Impressions



7 Years
04-26-2013, 01:13 PM
Quote:After her enjoyable trip through the Whispering Caves, Tahlia had ventured further south. The tangle of trees and lush vegetation drew thicker shadows here than they did elsewhere across the land, and the prospect of shade and cool air when everything still managed to be hot and muggy was all the encouragement she needed to stick to this path. In fact, it was quite enjoyable. There was still a touch of warmth to the air - it was summer; there was no avoiding it entirely - but the leafy vegetation shielded her from most of the direct sunlight and drew heat away from her as she brushed against their smooth surfaces in passing. Even the earth here was cool and damp, the combination lowering the temperature she felt until she was quite comfortable. All good signs, she thought. If the land, even in the heart of summer, could be this delightful, then certainly that meant others had noticed and taken advantage of it as well? Perhaps I need not search very far.

Sunlight spilled ahead through the trees, and Tahlia stepped through it hurriedly, not wishing to let it warm her more than it would, but nearly paused inside its rays. Her nose quivered, sensing and sniffing at the air that had wafted near, teasing her senses with something new. Scents. Rich and thick, they coated the forest here, many of them, ones that blended seamlessly into each other and others that overlapped, strange and foreign. A territory, perhaps? But with two presences upon the wind, it was hard to say. Scuffling ground then? But that seemed highly unlikely too. No scents of battle and blood were present. If she had determined anything it was that the two scents co-mingled rather...peacefully.

Intrigued, and excited by the prospect of having possibly found a pack's territory, the russet and black she-wolf inclined her head back and parted her jaws, singing skyward for someone of the territory to know of her presence and find her. It was polite enough, but eagerness had her slightly more demanding than she ought to have been, and as she closed her jaws and ended her howl she shifted to present herself humbly before those that should greet her. She stepped out of the sunlight and sat upon the ground, curvy figure folding neatly as she settled her tail demurely at her side. Her ears tucked becomingly against her head, which lowered respectfully, and her muzzle turned downward with her golden eyes fixing themselves on the forest floor at her feet. Yes. This would do, at least until they arrived.

Seated and now drawing on what patience she possessed, Tahlia awaited one of the pack, hopeful and eager to learn from them what she could and, if at all possible, decide where she ought to go from here.


04-28-2013, 06:27 PM

ooc / this thread was created post-migration to the range, so I'm playing it as if Seracia is in the new territory ^^

He would strut through the territory like he owned the place, a smirk upon his face because - in fact - he did. Lime eyes would dart about the new territory. He had yet to learn every inch of it as he had known his previous delta home, but was already more pleased with it than the watery flat landscape that he had once called home. Father had made a wise decision in moving them, and though it had been somewhat abrupt, it had all gone without too much difficulty. The fact of the matter was, the King had done well to get them all here in one piece. Maverick was proud of his father. Half of him hoped that his brother had not made the move with them, but he wouldn't know until he ran into the sullen sibling. Now that the death threat was out in the open, the Prince wondered what measures the King would take in order to keep the peace. Maverick had been doing his part, by keeping an eye on his father. But he wasn't sure it would be enough. Truth be told, he wanted to be the one to defend his father's honor by fighting his brother, but the Prince knew that would be taking a step too far out of line. He couldn't start a fight with his brother, but he would finish one if necessary.

He lingered in the forest, bent upon looking for something to eat. He'd found prey to be plentiful here, and more widespread than their previous home. The water was pure freshwater now, and the land was hilly in places, and not simply flat. The barn, shed, and lean-to were interesting places to explore as well, and the Prince found himself highly interested in his new home. However, at the moment, he was more interested in the foreign scent that was drifting in his direction. The wind carried her perfume through the trees, whipping it in his direction. The forest grew more spread out and open as he moved, her howl only serving to quicken his pace. Someone was at the borders, the new borders. A smile grew on the Prince's face as he regally stepped onto the scene, strolling toward her with a dip of his head. "Good day madam, I am Prince Maverick - of Seracia." He rocked onto his haunches, tail curling about his dappled hips. "We recently moved here, our previous home was on the delta not far away. I do hope you haven't been waiting long?" There was a chance this wasn't her first visit, or that she didn't even know a pack lived here. He wanted there to be no confusion.




7 Years
04-29-2013, 08:48 PM
Quote:She heard the quiet tread of the answering individual before she saw them, and the antsy she-wolf shifted restlessly in place before she could be seen, moving now in the hopes of not spoiling the patient appearance she gave off when they arrived. Her golden eyes remained downcast even as she heard them approach her directly, Tahlia's chest slightly tight with her desire not to mess things up before she could be given a chance, and discreetly she lifted her gaze for a quick glance at the wolf in question.

Her golden eyes blinked initially, too surprised at the young male's striking coloration to really hide her reaction properly behind politeness. His fur was just so bright, such a shade of red to inspire a touch of jealousy in the vain wolf, though she disliked the spotted pattern that adorned his rump. It took away from the color, she thought, and though she would have liked a moment to study his eyes and find out their shade she had already spent too much time looking and so lowered her golden gaze swiftly again in the hopes of not being detected, or at the least considered staring.

The moment he spoke, her lips began to draw themselves upward a the corners, hinting at a pleased, delighted smile. Such manners, such decorum. And a prince! Everything - everything - she had been searching for seemed to be confirmed in that single first sentence. Yes, she had stumbled upon a pack. And not just any pack; a pack at least similar enough to her old one to hold positions amongst it like "prince." The mere thought of royalty was enough to satisfy her, but even more encouraging was his polite greeting. If this was how their youth acted, then surely the rest of the pack was just as impeccably behaved?

She had to stop her tail from blatantly wagging and allowed it a pair of slow waves off of the cool earth as she dared to lift her eyes enough to peek at the red and white male. Ah! Green eyes! So suiting. Body exuding calmness while on the inside she danced in place, Tahlia merely smiled as Prince Maverick questioned her wait. "Oh no, not long at all. You have been very prompt, and I thank you for that," she answered sweetly, inclining her head a little toward the end to mimic her words. "I am Tahlia Carlier - of nowhere, presently." Gently as she introduced herself, the russet and black she-wolf tilted her head back to more properly regard the Prince, though it still remained in its lowered position out of respect. "This...Seracia. Does it flourish?" she questioned mildly, withholding as much of her intrigue and excitement as she could. Perfectly practiced manners were all that kept her from declaring the pack her home already, and she waited, hoping that her meagerly shown interest might still be enough to receive an invitation.


04-29-2013, 09:12 PM

She seemed nervous, or so he gathered by her averted vision. He had noted her glance at him which had lingered longer than normal - but he was used to such a look. Not many wolves looked like himself, or his brother, or his sister, and each of them got their fair share of long stares or even dropped jaws. It was not uncommon for many to even directly question as to their appearances, though this only served to amuse the trio. It felt so different, greeting a stranger here. In the old land three sides of the pack had been protected by water, but here, all four sides were open to newcomers. He was not used to having to keep watch in all directions - but he supposed it would only serve to keep him more busy, something that Maverick was sure he needed in his life to keep his sanity. With everything that had been going on, a bit of patrolling would do him good, and give him a sense of purpose in his mixed up world.

She was well spoken, he noted this upon her first line of speech. She introduced herself as Tahlia Carlier. A surname, how unusual. He had a surname, a hyphenated one, in fact. But many wolves had since dropped their last names out of lack of use. Maverick was pleased to see she was not among those who had. She seemed interested, and her question only served to further the Prince's enthusiasm with her presence. "At my last count I believe we were comfortably harboring sixteen wolves. Since then, three whelps have been added to our number. We are not the largest pack around, but certainly not the smallest either." A hint of pride lingered in his notes as they tapered off contentedly. Seracia had grown tremendously since the days of his youth, and he had high hopes that they would continue to grow. "We are a Kingdom based pack, driven mostly by respect and honor. We strive to work together for the good of the Kingdom, and do all we can to ensure that everyone can live the life they desire." Words were practiced, rehearsed, and came off smooth and eloquent - much like anyone would expect of a future monarch. Tail sashayed from side to side gently in good nature. Eyes would glance over the woman's frame appraisingly. She looked somewhat like his mother had, though a bit smaller. Her coat was of three colors, just like Adette's and Gerhardt's. Her eyes were of bright gold. A smile grew on his face as he drew his vision from her, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.




7 Years
04-30-2013, 06:39 PM
Quote:Sixteen wolves. It sounded similar to the familial group she had originated from. The similarity made her smile and filled her with hope that she might actually fit in and settle well amongst them, or at least better than she had within her ex-husband's family. Those wolves, so numerous and so many, had been too caught up in the loss of their own, too concerned for the widow he left behind, to let her move on, to let her forget the imbecile who had gotten himself killed before his time. Here, however, was a fresh start, a chance to finally get the life for herself that she thought she deserved, that she rightfully should have gotten all along. "It sounds lovely," she answered complimentary, her smile taking on a wistful quality. Just a little more, a little more, and she could possibly be one of them.

His practiced phrase was the icing on the theoretical cake and all Tahlia needed to solidify her decision of joining their kingdom. His words - do all we can to ensure that everyone can live the life they desire - ran through her mind and nearly made her sigh aloud with relief, though she stopped herself just before she could. Yes. This was definitely the most perfect place for her to settle, the best place where she could hope to be happy. "Most ideal," she commented with mild enthusiasm, still doing her best not to appear overly comfortable and eager to dart right into the heart of their territory and see everything she could for herself. "And...are they a welcoming kingdom?" It was, she hoped, a polite way of inquiring after the possibility that their borders be more lenient and open to newcomers than outright asking. Discretion was always something she strove for, and she would have hated to be seen as presumptuous by those she wished to join. Tahlia smiled politely with her golden gaze set upon the ranking youth, eager and hopeful and trying not to let it all show.


04-30-2013, 06:52 PM

He wondered if his father would be as proud of his eloquent description of Seracia as he was. Maverick had been practicing his socializing skills, and knew he would only get better with time. He hadn't started off bad, either. A smile lingered on his face as he awaited her response, knowing that it would come as soon as she had processed what he had had to say. 'It sounds lovely,' she would compliment with an airy note to her tone that made him wonder if perhaps she belonged here. She appeared very well put together, and her method of speech was smooth and eloquent. Perhaps she did belong here. 'Most ideal,' she would comment with a bit of enthusiasm. The smile grew in width, painting his face in a handsome light. "Extremely so, Miss Tahlia." Words were kind, with a note of enthusiasm that the boy had not yet learned to hide. He was still young, after all. Tail whipped behind him as he struggled to control the appendage. Quite often it had a mind of it's own.

It was then the Prince would step out on a limb and do something he normally wouldn't do. "If you are interested, I could offer you a look around." It could be a risky move, but Maverick found that knowing the land was a key decision in choosing to live somewhere. If she didn't like the terrain she certainly would not be happy here, despite the social scene. He didn't want members to come and go as they pleased - as a few had already done. He wanted members who would stay. This would be his Kingdom one day, after all. With a smile he would pivot to allow her to enter. "Not to worry, there will be no hard feelings if - at the end of our tour - you choose not to join our ranks." What harm could it be to show her a few of the key features of Seracia? It wasn't as if they had any big secrets. And so, the boy would wait for her to join him on the inside of the border, ready to show her around and assist her in learning all she could about the Kingdom he hoped she would become a part of.




7 Years
05-01-2013, 10:00 PM
Quote:Miss Tahlia. How sweet! Her face brightened into a full smile at his word choice to let him know that she appreciated his chivalry. It had been too long since she had partaken in a conversation like this, spoken with another well versed individual who knew how to hold a conversation properly. It only made her that much more eager to meet the rest of those who called the Kingdom of Seracia home, to finally claim to be one of them if it was at all possible. She felt like one of them already, and her golden eyes shifted discreetly away from the red youth to glance approvingly at the territory as if able to see it all from where she sat.

Surprising her, Prince Maverick offered to show her the territory, and not quite able to hide her open interest Tahlia turned her head perhaps a little too quickly to look his way, her ears perked and expression attentive. "Could you?" she asked with subdued eagerness, her smile once again returning in full. This was wonderful news! What a better way to become acquainted with the territory - and possibly its members - than by taking a guided tour?

There was no hesitation from her as she rose to her paws when the Prince turned, not wanting to be left behind or to lag at any point during the guided tour. He modestly included that, should she choose not to join Seracia, it would not be held against her. She allowed a light, smooth chuckle to slip from her smiling lips as she stepped toward the youth in expectancy of him leading the way for the two of them. "I hardly think that will be an issue," she stated jovially, her tail swaying gently, "I am already quite taken with your home. I only expect this tour to solidify my feelings toward it."


05-02-2013, 01:08 PM

The boy took no note of his words. They weren't unusual or unlike anything else he said on a normal day. Here in Seracia things were different - but to the Prince they were ordinary. This was how he conducted himself toward anyone, and this is how everyone else conducted themselves toward him. It was just the way things were. Sure, some wolves took it farther than others, like his father, but overall there was a happy sense of respect and kindness - and chivalry. He wondered what he might show her, what she might be most interested in. Seracia's new territory held several unique features - things that other wolf territories might not normally be able to boast about. He would show her those, and point out anything else along the way. The nearest feature he intended to show her was the machinery shed. It was nothing special to the outside eye, but inside it was his wonderland. Maverick found himself getting lost in it often, examining the tractors and other machines and equipment that loomed just inside. The yellow tinged building stood at attention just beyond a shallow hill, and the boy began at once when she agreed to go with him.

As they traipsed she mentioned that she was already leaning toward joining Seracia. He was confident this tour could do nothing but encourage that decision. He nodded, "I'm sure it will do just that. You'll find that Seracia's new abode is quite appealing." Boasting was part of his job, and the boy did it well. He was a rather proud creature by nature. "To our right you'll see the larger of the two forests in Seracia. In the middle of that one is a big meadow where prey like to feed. It's also a good meeting ground, I expect father will hold our pack meetings there." Lime eyes would sweep over the treeline curiously as they went. He might've thought to take her to the meadow, but decided against it.

As they scaled the shallow hill, Maverick slowed his pace slightly and glanced down at the shed before turning his vision back to her. "Down there is one of my favorite places to explore. It's some kind of shed with big machines in it." Boyish naivety would ring in his tones, but in truth most wolves were naive about such things. Maverick knew nothing about humans or their lifestyle, only that this land had once been owned by them - according to rumor. He picked up his pace, meandering down the hill with a purpose in his step. He would show her the inside, but not for long. If she joined she could explore more later, he just wanted to highlight the cool places in Seracia. When he reached the shed he slithered through the door, which stood ajar just wide enough for a large wolf to maneuver through. He moved forward enough to allow her ample space to enter - if she chose to. He knew some wolves that were leery of closed spaces.




7 Years
05-03-2013, 12:23 AM
Quote:With Tahlia in tow, Prince Maverick set off across the territory's border. Smiling, the russet and black wolf followed happily behind and to the side of him, feeling the finality of her choice as she passed into Seracian land. This was it! She was sure to be a Seracian now! Oh, how wonderful it would be to start fresh, to make a new name for herself that didn't involve the term "widow" anywhere in it. She had yet to make up her mind whether she would eventually tell of her story to these wolves, though the questions eventually, she supposed, would arise. But for the time being it was no concern. She was content merely to be considered among them, and looked forward to the moment she received a formal acceptance.

As he led her, he spoke of the forest that they passed beside, quite thick and hardy. The she-wolf's head turned and her golden eyes surveyed the dense treeline with interest, wondering how far in the meadow that young Maverick spoke of was. Perfect for pack meetings, he said? That was certainly a good thing to know. Making a mental note to herself to become more familiar with the location when she had a moment to explore on her own, Tahlia marched after the Seracian Prince up the side of a small rise, and slowed as he did, listening all the while as he continued to speak. Her brow quirked curiously as he mentioned his favorite location, not certain she fully understood, but rather than question it she let him lead her down the hill and toward the structure that stood at its base.

It was not very large, though it did hold a sort of hauntingly unnatural quality to it that gave her pause. Maverick, however, seemed perfectly comfortable with the place, casually strolling around its side. The she-wolf followed at a more sedate pace, her golden eyes slightly wary as she regarded the structure. So strange, so unnatural. Her nose twitched as she scented it, and noticed the opening her young guide had walked through. She could just make out his dark red figure standing within the building, invitingly looking her way. Not wanting to disappoint, Tahlia put on a brave face and smiled as she stepped closer, peeking her head inside with a look of cautionary interest while she let her golden gaze slide across what she could see of the interior and machinery. Pushing herself a little more, she took another slow step and then another until she stood just inside, craning her neck a little and sniffing at the air. "What are these things?" the she-wolf made herself ask, tentative but intrigued. She had certainly never seen anything like the creations that rested in here, strangely smelling and eerily still. But if it was safe enough for a young prince to frequent then she could brave it for the time being as well.


05-03-2013, 06:59 PM

He wondered if she would come in. He knew more than a few Seracians that weren't comfortable going inside the buildings. A third of the barn had fallen in before the pack settled, and the shed often creaked when the wind blew, but so far Maverick had not let any of that bother him in the slightest. As he stood in the darkness - allowing his eyes to adjust - he would smile as she slithered in behind him. He moved to give her a bit more room. Her expression made him smile. She would inquire about the machines and Maverick chuckled slightly. "We're not really sure, but my father was told stories by an old wolf one time about two legged creatures that built stuff like this. The wolf said they were called humans, we figure that this stuff was left behind when they died out." He craned his bodice forward, slipping between two pieces of machinery. Scaling the side of a yellowed one expertly, the Prince would emerge on top of it, resting his rump in the seat. "They are harmless as long as you watch out for the pointy bits." With a light grunt the boy leaped down from his pedestal and back onto the dirt floor, returning to her side once more. "This is my favorite place to explore. It goes back about twenty five feet from here." He wasn't sure she'd care about that bit of information, but the boy gave it anyway.

"Let's see... I know what I can show you next." With that he would slip back through the doorway and into the sunlight. Blinking to adjust his eyes to the ample amounts of light, Maverick would wait a moment for her to exit the shed. When he was confident she was with him once more, the Prince set off again at a casual pace. He would edge around the side of the shed and stop in its shadow. "That over there is the cropland. We assume that's where the humans grew their food. According to stories, they ate both plants and meat." Muzzle pointed to the now wild cropland, which was gnarled in places and bare in others. Tall crops grew in the far reaches of the land, and the shorter ones grew more inland. The plants were only planted on every other row, but the empty rows between had since become weed-ridden. He would give it a last fond look before turning back to Tahlia. "Sorry if I'm moving too fast, I tend to be a bit of a wanderer by nature." He would say as lime eyes sought to meet hers.




7 Years
05-07-2013, 07:16 PM
Quote:Machines. Two-legged creatures. Humans. It was a fantastic tale, one that held just as much mystery as many others she had heard as a child. Could it be true? Could there really have been some animal to come along and make these things and leave them in here to sit idle and gather dust? But it had to be true, didn't it? And her guide seemed to find nothing about it the least bit intimidating or cause for concern. With practiced ease, the Prince leaped up the side of the machinery and seated himself toward the top, speaking to her from where he sat. As much as she wished to inch closer and more thoroughly examine the metallic structures, she couldn't quite bring herself to be as bold as her guide was and hung back as he hopped down without a care. "So strange," she replied quietly, almost to herself. There seemed to be plenty in this small enclosure to explore all on its own, but still wary she knew it would take her a time to feel as comfortable around it as Maverick did.

The youth's mind seemed to be in overdrive as he was already thinking of where to take her next, and coming to a decision he left the dark interior of the shed and stepped outside into the light. With once last glance over her shoulder, Tahlia followed, blinking rapidly as the sunlight hit her face. They traveled only a short distance, just around the side of the shed, before Maverick stopped once more and set his vibrant green eyes upon a stretch of peculiar land. The russet and black wolf narrowed her eyes slightly as she peered out across the cropland, distinguishing from what grew there naturally and what had been made to grow there by these humans. It was different and rather interesting, and she was curious to wander out and see whether she could identify any of the plants herself.

As if realizing his rush, the Seracian Prince apologized and Tahlia turned her head to regard him as he glanced her way. She smiled. "Not at all. I hope to have plenty of time later to see the details for myself," she responded with confident reassurance, though added with a modest shrug, "supposing I am allowed to stay, that is."


05-09-2013, 11:51 AM

He stared out at the croplands skeptically, wondering if the tales he'd heard were even true. How could two legged creatures possibly use all of these things and actually create food? Food wasn't created, it was born. Food ran, food had to be chased, and killed, and eaten. That was life. He was beginning to think whoever had relayed such tales throughout the years was a fool. Eyes then turned back to her as she excused his rushing behavior. Most wolves knew that his youthful exuberance often resulted in a fast-paced lifestyle. "We'd be a fool to refuse you. Would you like to join, then?" He felt as if he already knew the answer, but it was improper to assume such things. He genuinely hoped that she would join Seracia, she seemed like just the right type of member for the Kingdom.

The cool autumn wind blew against his side, reminding him that the summer was officially over. He was thankful for this, but wondered if it meant they would return to their old home. Maverick liked this one even better than the delta-paradise, and intended to stay here. Would his father want to move everyone back? It wouldn't exactly be practical, nor would it help the pack's stability. Besides, Ghost had just delivered, had she not? Surely Gerhardt wouldn't move three newborn pups and their mother. No, Maverick was convinced they would stay here, at least a while.




7 Years
05-14-2013, 03:03 PM
Quote:And there it was. Finally. The proper, highly anticipated invitation to join the Seracian pack as its newest resident. Tahlia felt her heart lift. She had known since the beginning that she would fit in well, that she would be most happy here, and while she had been confident to get that invitation to join there had always been a small sliver of doubt. Any little thing could have truly spelled the end for her time within their pack's boundaries, but the young Prince Maverick had seen it to fit to ask her after all.

And all she could really do was smile. Restricted, her tail manage to wag slowly and carefully behind her as she grinned at the bright red wolf, meeting his green eyes with her own deep golden ones. I would be absolutely delighted to," she stated happily and with a polite and grateful dip of her head. Her new start was finally beginning, and with it so many new possibilities were opening up for her. She could see it all again, feel the excitement at the prospect of starting over with a new family, new friends, and a new future. One that was not troubled by the past that she had fled in search of something better, something she deserved. Everything just seemed so much brighter.

"Am I right in supposing that this will bring an end to our tour?" she asked, cautiously curious. She didn't want to run the poor prince off so soon, but he did hold a high position within the pack, one that surely came with its fair share of responsibilities, and not all of which, she was sure, involved getting newcomers acquainted with the territory. "I would hate to keep you from pressing matters if you have other duties to tend to," Tahlia added with a sheepish sort of smile. If he did need to go, she was sure of her ability to find her way around the pack lands fairly easily. Everything was all so unique and interesting and different from the next part; she had every confidence in her ability to differentiate between them.


05-14-2013, 04:55 PM

She would answer in the affirmative, and Maverick gave a smile and a dash of his tail. It wasn't so often that he got to meet someone so perfect for Seracia, and to have that wolf join under his close attention. It was nice, and it reminded the boy - if only briefly - why he loved being Prince. For a while he wondered why he held the title at all. He'd been so despondent over the betrothal that momentarily he'd thought of shirking his duties and dismissing the crown, but his heart would never allow such a thing to occur. Despite what his mind might tell him, Maverick was just the lad for this job.

"Welcome home, Miss Tahlia Carlier." He would bow his head gingerly, pouring on as much charm as the duty demanded. It wasn't hard to be charming for the lad, it came naturally. He'd been groomed for the Prince job since before he could remember, so he was ready for each and every responsibility that came with it. She inquired if this was the end of the tour. The boy glanced her way, pondering if he had anything else to occupy himself with. The answer was of course no, and so he shook his head momentarily. "The speed tour, perhaps, but I can hang around a while and help you get adjusted if you'd like." He offered a genuine smile, pleased to be offering his services to a brand new member of Seracia. There was, perhaps, no subject that needed him more than her at this moment. "Pressing duties are more my father's sort.. at least for the moment. I won't linger too long in case something else comes up, but I can answer any questions you might have." He could at least do this much. He hadn't really explained things as thoroughly as his father might, but he was still learning after all.




7 Years
05-15-2013, 02:40 PM (This post was last modified: 05-15-2013, 02:47 PM by Tahlia.)
Walk | Talk | Think

Home. It was not a term that she had ever anticipated hearing so soon after finding herself in this new, intriguing land. It had been in the forefront of her mind, something that she was constantly striving for, but she had expected her trials and travels to take her far and wide before being able to settle comfortably somewhere that she found suitable for her needs. Who would have guessed that she might stumble upon it so soon? The smile upon her lips was genuinely happy, her heart soaring knowing now that she was a part of this wonderful little haven known as Seracia. She would do just fine here. Somehow, she knew Prince Maverick was right in welcoming her as he had.

He surprised her by answering her inquiry in the negative, admitting that nothing so pressing awaited him that he needed to leave her quickly. Tahlia's golden eyes blinked surprisingly at this news, though she made no comment about it. Her thoughts, however, were curious. No duties that needed to be done? Either the pack was truly efficient or their members were given a lot of slack to do with as they pleased. Or perhaps the young prince is merely ahead of the game. He did seem well schooled in his manners and conduct, a well rounded youth well on his way to becoming a properly adapted king. Maybe it was his own advancement in his studies that enabled him this free time.

Questions. Oh, did she have questions. Where were the prime locations that the pack members could be found? How mild or severe was the weather usually in these parts? What was the rest of the royal family like? Were there any particular customs or habits of the pack that she should be aware of? What sort of things might she do to help the pack and become an asset among them? Each important in its own right, but none of them so important that she felt inclined to bombard Maverick with any of them. Although, one did pass through her mind that seemed relatively important. "Hm. I do have one, I think," she stated thoughtfully, pausing a moment before turning to look at the Seracian Prince curiously. "Is there a particular place that the pack has chosen to den at?" the russet and black wolf asked, figuring that if she was to make herself at home here then finding decent sleeping quarters would have been a good start.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


05-16-2013, 09:34 PM

His father would be so proud. Tahlia was the perfect member. He'd only just met her but already he had a feeling she would go far. Maverick had half a mind to promote her now, but he had no control over ranks yet. One day he would rule it all, and do things his way. Not that Gerhardt did things the wrong way, just not exactly as Maverick would have them done. For starters, Maverick would never betroth his son to someone he didn't love. In all honesty, the Prince hadn't given much thought to how he would run things when he was King. He knew it wouldn't be for a while, and he knew there wasn't really that much to change - perhaps he didn't need to think about it just yet. He blinked twice, ignoring the thoughts of the future and exchanging them for thoughts of the present. Yes, that's what he really ought to be focusing on.

The Prince rocked back onto his haunches, allowing the side of the shed to block the sun from his russet coat. He looked a bit more natural in this light - or as natural as a wolf with a dappled rump could look. She did have a question. He tilted his head ever so slightly to show he was indeed listening. He wondered if the movement would accent his youth, but didn't pay much attention to that idea. His tail swept the ground evenly behind him, tracing the variations in the smooth and rough parts of the grass beneath him. "The pack doesn't have a particular place, we tend to spread out across the grounds. I know several sleep in the barn. I usually spend my nights here in the shed, and father alternates between the lean-to and a den in the forest. There are several dens in the open, in the forest, and all three structures still have room for another wolf. It's basically wherever you feel most comfortable." He would nod his head to show he was finished. Boy, he was becoming long-winded like Gerhardt, wasn't he?




7 Years
05-19-2013, 12:13 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

She found it curious that the pack did not have a sole location that they congregated and used as their sleeping quarters, although with the size of the territory and the peculiarities about its structures that made it up she supposed it made sense. There were certainly enough options to suit any and all of the pack's members, depending on how comfortable they were with the strange creations that stood upon the pack grounds, or how social they were toward the rest of their kingdom's inhabitants. But it did leave her with a decision to make. Where will I go? Tahlia pondered over it quietly to herself as Prince Maverick finished informing her of her options, a thoughtful, "Hm," the only response she would make. The forest seemed like the most comfortable option, but it would ultimately be a matter of finding that suitable den site. She would need to begin scouting soon.

Finding the rest of her questions to be reasonably saved for a later time or learned of through her own explorations, the russet and black she-wolf fitted another smile upon her face and turned it toward the Seracian Prince. "I would like to thank you, Prince Maverick. You have been nothing but gracious and helpful since I have arrived. I feel at home already," she admitted complacently, her tail swaying gently with the sincerity of her words. She could hardly wait to begin exploring the finer details of the pack lands and becoming acquainted with her pack mates. Everything to happen so far assured her that nothing but good could come of living here, and she was excited to see the future begin to take form because of it.

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier


05-29-2013, 01:05 PM

Maverick could feel the weight of responsibility weighing down his shoulders as she spoke to him, thanking him for his helpfulness. The Prince offered her a genuine dip of his head, knowing he really must be taking his leave. "It was my pleasure, Miss Tahlia. Should you need anything else don't hesitate to ask." With that, the Prince gave a final nod of his head and flicker of his tail before pivoting away from the woman. She would more than likely want to explore her new home, and Maverick needed to alert his father to the addition. All things had their place, and the Prince's was elsewhere.

Exit Maverick




7 Years
06-08-2013, 02:23 PM
Walk | Talk | Think

Politely, the young prince received her praise, and she smiled happily that he should be so formally proper. Honestly, she could not think of a better home for herself and could not imagine that any of the remaining territories in the area could even remotely compare with the structure and upbringing that was associated with the Seracia. They suited her as none other could, and the curvy she-wolf found herself eager to delve into every nook and cranny that the lands harbored in an effort to become familiar with it all. Maverick excused himself gently from her company, Tahlia returning his nod with one of her own. "It was a wonderful pleasure meeting you, Prince Maverick," she answered, waiting a moment as the red dappled youth turned and padded away, watching him for only a second longer before she, too, took to her feet and began padding across the territory in her own direction, eager to begin exploring the forest and finding herself a den in which to rest later.

-Exit Tahlia-

Sincerest Regards,

Tahlia Carlier