
the king returns


07-20-2013, 04:33 PM

His body ached as he paced slowly across the Seracian border. Amethyst eyes hung low despite his recent victory in battle. He didn't take pride in harming his ex wife, even if she was mentally disturbed and out to ruin his entire life. He had a feeling he'd done quite a bit of damage to her leg - more than he'd actually intended to, but some part of him couldn't deny how good it had felt to vent some of his frustrations. It hadn't felt so good to have Adette's weight on his back, ripping away at his scruff. He knew a lot of fur and flesh had been lost where she'd latched onto him, and the blood that had trickled down the sides of his neck and back had been testament to the damage she had caused. Gerhardt knew he'd need one of his healers to clean up the wound before it began to fester, but he didn't quite have the strength or the drive to call for one. Someone would find him soon enough, for now he just wanted to rest. The King rocked onto his haunches, and then further until he was lying down. He twisted and rolled onto his right side and heaved a sigh of relief. It felt good to be off of his paws in a land where he felt safe. His mind wandered, shifting to what he could recall of the fight. Much of it had been instantaneous - instinctive. He hardly even remembered who had been there to cheer him on. Robin hovered over his head, casting a shadow across his face. She landed near his head, clicking her beak affectionately. "It was a battle well won, Gerhardt." The King sighed, rolling his eyes. Sure doesn't feel like it. The battle hadn't even been that long, but the King knew it was mental exhaustion that dominated him now. Adrenaline still pumped in his veins, keeping the physical pain at bay - for now. His scruff still bled and ached, but not as badly as it would in the morning if he didn't see a healer fairly soon.


Pontifex I


07-20-2013, 04:46 PM

He'd heard the rumors about the King going to fight his ex-wife. She appeared to have been missing for quite some time and had apparently returned, quite mentally unstable apparently, to challenge Gerhardt for the right to his freedom. The esquire worried a little about his King, since after all he was the man who ruled over Seracia, but at the same time he knew the King was a capable warrior. He had after all been able to dispatch the bull at the bull hunt. As much as Pontifex had wanted to be there to support his King, he knew it was much wiser to stay back in Seracia. If the King wasn't home to protect the lands, at least someone had to be there. And so the esquire had stayed, patrolling the borders, listening for any news that would arrive concerning the challenge from the ex-wife.

Grey and black paws carried the esquire along the borders of Seracia, another routine sweep for intruders and or loners looking to join. So far, he hadn't spotted anyone, but a passing breeze changed that. The familiar scent of Gerhardt hit the man's nostrils, but there was sickening taste to it; blood. The King was hurt. Powerful limbs stirred the man into a purposeful gallop, golden gaze searching for the amethyst eyed man's figure. There. Gerhardt was lying on his side, his companion eagle hovering just above him. The putrid stench of blood became more prominent as the esquire approached, golden gaze dancing over the man's figure. Sir, how may I be of assistance? There was no use in asking if he was alright when it was pretty obvious that he wasn't. He just needed to be told what to do to best help the King and he would do it.

Talk like this


07-20-2013, 04:53 PM

The dark-furred fae had found her way across Seracia pretty well the past season. Spring had brought new life into her bones and the warm weather made her want to enjoy the outside world even more. So many doors had been open since she had joined the well known pack, giving her joy in knowing that her choice had been the right one. Now, as she padded across the familiar grasslands, she wondered if there was anyone else nearby. Seracia was big, after all, and considering the size, she hadn't seen that many wolves lately.
It was the scent that first caught her offguard. Aeil hadn't seen Gerhardt in weeks, not since he had walked with her to the Seracian borders. Having his familiar scent hit her nose was indeed a surprise to the femme. She then padded in the direction from where the wind had carried it, eager to see the man whom had welcomed her into his kingdom.
As she got closer to the source, she then had another scent slide across her path. Mixed with the iron-like smell of blood, she knew that there was another wolf nearby. Her pace quickened and her eyes finally met the King, his comrade, and the unknown male. Aeil's eyes widened at the sight of Gerhardt and his wounds, blood slowly dripping and resting in his fur. She padded straight towards him, met his gaze, and softly said, "Oh, Gerhardt..." The sweet fae nuzzled his crown before sniffing and looking at the damage that had been done from the fight. It wasn't as bad as it could have been, but there were still plenty of pain that could manifest from them. "What happened?" She asked, navy blue eyes peering into his own before looking up at Pontifex. Aeil didn't recognize him, but a gentle nod was given and she flicked her tail behind her form. If there was anything she could do, she would.



07-20-2013, 05:28 PM

The spring air normally would have smelled heavily of flowers, and faintly of wild grapes that grew in the croplands. But on this particular day it smelled of blood - the King's blood. The day was almost spent, with evening coming on soon, followed quickly by night. The King let out a groan as he watched the bird soar upward and land in a nearby tree, perching so that she could overlook him at all times. Amethyst eyes slowly closed as he tried to rest and conserve energy. The ebbing ache in his neck was slowly growing, morphing into a stinging pain. Pontifex came, his scent giving him away far sooner than his words did. The King's eyes slitted back open, almost sorry to let the man see him this way. He only suffered a moderate wound, but his emotional exhaustion was extensive. I would be most grateful if you could find a healer. Seracia wasn't the largest territory around, but he certainly didn't fancy the idea of wandering over every inch of it looking for Loccian or Themisto. Amethyst eyes met golden, remembering the day he'd accepted Pontifex into the Kingdom. How skeptical he had been of the man on that day, and how marvelously the esquire had proven himself. Another came, this time a female. A smile wrinkled his maw - laced with a bit of pain as she uttered his name with concern. Aeil, such a kind soul. Her gentle nuzzle of affection was graciously received. Aeil, he remarked with a note of friendly affection. Your King has been to battle with the former Queen. The former Queen also being his ex-wife. Oh how his nose wrinkled at the thought. He had loved her once, but no longer - not after seeing her in such a wretched state of insanity. It then occurred to him that he really didn't know the extent of the wound on his neck, as it was on a place he could never hope to view on his own. How bad is it? He would question either of them, though he suspected Pontifex would be going any minute to retrieve a healer for him - at least he hoped.


Pontifex I


07-21-2013, 02:50 PM

The King didn't have any mortal injuries, or at least any that would threaten his life, but the wound across the back of his neck was pretty bad. If not treated soon, it could become infected and fester, then possibly turn into something more life-threatening. The esquire leaned in closer, audits flickering forward with attention as the King requested he off and find a healer. Right away sir. I will return swiftly. And with Pontifex turned on his heels, bounding away into the heart of Seracia, searching for one of two healers he knew about in the entire pack; his sister Loccian or the King's relative, Themisto. Ebon lips were pressed together, summoning, urgent call raising into the air as he moved through the territory, hoping to run into one of the healers soon. He needed them to come tend to the King now.

Talk like this



07-21-2013, 03:08 PM

The man hadn't been up to much lately. In the mornings he woke up, scavenged for herbs, took a bath in the nearest body of fresh water (he is very into personal hygiene), ate a snack or two, fished for more herbs, then returned to his lonely den once the sun went down. His daily routine got boring and lonely at times, the only company he had was a few squirrels and skunks he found in the forest. He enjoyed their company at times, but some days he ran into the grumpy ones, and got either attacked or sprayed in the face. But, he was used to it. At this time he was making his way out of the territory to take a peaceful bath, but something stopped him dead in his tracks. A distressed howl rang out across Seracia, and from the sounds of it they needed a healer. Now. Hesitation did not cross the mans mind as he took off toward the scene. A part of him hoped something had gone wrong so he could practice his healing skills, but a big part of him hoped it was nothing. Perhaps a woman giving birth, or a puppy with a head ache.

His heart sank as an injured and downed Gerhardt came into view. Something surley had happened, but of all wolves he hoped it wasn't the king. But it was. As he came closer, a few feet now, he slowed down to a steady trot. He stopped besides Gerhardt and did not say a word; he merely went to work. He examined his wound, the first one being his neck since it was still bleeding. Then he looked over the rest of his body, and after seeing no further damage he nudged the kings cheek ever so slightly. "The wound isn't very deep, which is good. Any further and you could have lost your life, or mobility. Damage to the spinal cord isn't something to take lightly." His eyes continued looking over the wound. Blood was slowly seeping out and matting into his fur, so he would need something to stop the bleeding and prevent blood clots. Something for pain would be needed as well.
"I will fetch something for the pain and prevention of blood clots. There are two options: Turmeric, which is merely an anti-inflammatory that also helps to improve circulation and prevent blood clotting, or there is Valerian, which is a pain reliever, but also a "downer". It will regulate the nervous system and relieve insomnia, tension, irritability, stress, and anxiety. I'm not sure how you received these wounds, but I have both herbs in my den not too far from here. I can retrieve either or."
He waited for Gerhardt's answer before he took off. He didn't want to give the king a drug that would impair him for a few hours without his consent.

Italian Accent Speech



07-21-2013, 05:43 PM
Due to recent plot changes (Gerhardt killing Adette) and Andy's early posting of this thread, it is now considered closed. Characters involved will not have any recollection of the events that came to pass in this thread, nor will it be considered to have ever occurred.

Sorry for the confusion.