
My Side of the Story- [Collision]


04-15-2013, 11:07 PM
It had been a long time since the lonely gentleman had been a part of a pack, more-so a family. Six long months, away from his family and away from the only wolf that he had ever loved, Blu. He couldn?t tell anyone why he left, the details were foggy even to him. The last details that he remembered from the life that he had once occupied were mere flickers. He had traveled a long way, and couldn?t begin to tell you where he had been. Occasionally flashes of his journey would invade his normally sound mind, and he?d lose himself in the horrors that he had experienced.

He looked to be a mere ghost of the wolf that had once proudly ran in the pack known as Valhalla. His fur was tight to his skeletal frame, and showed evidence of the hard life he had endured since his journey had begun. His eyes no longer sparkled with life, rather they were a dull reflection of what he used to be. He had turned six while on his journey, and the slight graying around his muzzle was starting to reveal the hardships he had endured and his age. His whole stance seemed to lack the confidence and the power that he had once felt, and if that wasn?t enough his mentality was even less stable.

His heart ached for the love that he had left behind, and the only thing that had drove him home was the hope to see her again. He hoped to apologize profusely, beg, anything to make her realize that without her he couldn?t see a point in living. She was the reason his eyes sparkled. She was his only reason to live. He had lost so much, and the pain that had once been mental had graduated into physical. There were moments when he hurt to breath. Moments when, he would curl up on the ground, and he couldn?t bring himself to stand up. He lacked the strength mentally and physically, to survive without Blu.

Throughout his journey, memories of his times with Blu, from the time that he first met the hesitant female, to finally having her open up to him, and show him just how beautiful she was. He loved her. If words weren?t enough he had helped saved her life, from her monsters of parents, if one could even call the demons, parents. They had abused the dame that he had fallen so deeply in love with, and that very thought made his body tremble with rage every time he thought of this.

Blu.. oh, Blu, where was his love now? Had she moved on? Had she found someone who wouldn?t abandon her without a founded reason?

He walked at a slow pace, panting as he went. The simple act of walking, exerted him. It was draining him. It took all that he had to put one foot in front of the other. Just another step, he told himself, it had become his mantra. His vision was unfocused, and he found himself leaning heavily against trees as his chest heaved. One more step?.

He had made it back to the old territory, where his home used to be only to see that it had been ravaged by a volcano. He had stayed on the fringe of the land, for a long while his heart breaking again. Did any of his family survive? It wasn?t until further away from the lands that he caught the faint scent of the packs that had called this devastated wasteland home. A small trickle of hope, light his heart and he followed it for days, until reaching the land that he finally stumbled upon.

A gentle summer breeze buffeted his ragged fur, and he felt his ears prick slightly. He recognized that scent, he was close to home. Home? The thought of home sent a gently spark through his worn and beaten body. Home? He lifted his head, and took a deep breath. The smell was stronger here, and he stopped just at it?s strength. Would the home that he had once lived in.. re-accept him? He sank shakily to his haunches, and lifted his eyes to scan the horizon. He sat there for moments, watching as the sun rose higher into the sky, and finally he let out a low and shaky howl with all the strength he had left. Then he prayed, prayed that someone would come. Prayed that it would be Blu. Prayed that he could come home.



04-17-2013, 04:42 PM

Ages and ages had passed since the man that had arrived upon the Valhallan borders was actually within' the lands. Within' Alacritia as a whole. When he had disappeared, yes, Collision was a man, however, he was no king, and he was no leader to anyone. Instead, he was merely the adoptive son of a Queen and her King. It put him in a wry spot, and regardless of the thought process he wanted to have, Chronos had not left during Collision's reign, and fact of the matter was, he was not going to be put to fault for something he had next to no control over.

Upon the loud call that resounded through the Valhallan atmosphere the lord would quickly prompt himself into action and swift paws would deliver him across the Earth. There was a grace and fluidity to his step that, even he himself, had thought was just something only certain wolves could have, and while that was true to a point, the regalia of it was a characteristic reflecting upon persona, not reflecting on anything less than the aforementioned. He could see the black man in the distance and with the attempt to attain clarity he would clear his throat and on swift legs he would deliver himself, and finally, he would halt before the lad.

Head would nod to him in greeting and nothing more than a deep chuff would rumble from his diaphragm. He had certainly come a long way, however, Chronos himself was as stoic as time had allowed. There was a wonder some sort of development, and though Collision did not know what to expect from the blue-eyed vagabond, he would be welcoming. So long as Chronos did not walk in expecting everything he had once had back. Collision was in power and there was a different order to things, a fresh start for members new and old. He would begin at the bottom of the totem pole and work himself up. Just as everyone else had. That was, if he had come to attempt re-acceptance.


04-17-2013, 05:09 PM
He did not wait long, no, that was one thing he clearly remembered about his home. The patrols were frequent and visitor?s weren?t kept waiting. He lifted his head at the approaching figure and was surprised to see Collision, once the heir to Valhalla, and now apparently the alpha. The other wolf halted before him, and Chronos dipped his head respectfully. What had happened to Cairo? How much had changed in his home in the last six months? Would he even be accepted?

The black gent, took a deep breath before looking back up at the larger wolf, a slight smile apparent on his jaws. Time had treated Collision well, and apparently these new lands had been kind to his family if looks were much to judge by. Again, he mentally cursed his ragged appearance, he hated how his fur clung to his boney frame. This was no way to appear in front of an alpha.

?Collision, you look well.? Chronos said quietly, in a friendly but broken tone. Nothing was the same in the black wolf, even his once friendly tone had a hollow edge to it. He was puzzled to the change of hierarchy, and desperate to know if Blu had made it with the pack to their new home, but that would have to wait. Chronos would have to know if he still had a home here. He wasn?t sure what to say, and was pretty sure this wasn?t a totally normal situation. He figured polite conversation may help his case a little, maybe.



04-19-2013, 01:05 AM

t had been a long time since the man had stood before someone like Chronos. If there was something that collision could admit to it was that, well, Chronos was a wolf that had been an elder of Valhalla. For lack of relevance. He was a figure that had once stood in a place of power in Valhalla, and while Collision recalled him, the thought was still a bit obscure. Just where had the man been in all of the time he had disappeared? Having fun with someone else? Had his life outside of Alacritis been better? A thousand and one questions swarmed through the king's head and he looked at him with curiosity.

A light compliment danced through the air and Collision found himself rumbling out a light piece of laughter. Well? That was most definitely something new that he had not had the pleasure of hearing for quite some time. Letting the words roll off he cleared his throat before the dark male.

"I'm not gonna stand here and put you through routine, Welcome home," A smile would dance across the king's lips and he would tilt backwards, pressing his muscular thighs against the topography and he would torque his head lightly in mild curiosity and inquire, "If you would, however, please, enthrall me of your journeys elsewhere,"


04-19-2013, 04:48 AM
The black brute?s ears gently flicked at the sound of the new alpha?s rumbling laughter, and they pricked forward at his next words of welcoming him home. Home? He was getting to come home? The flicker of happiness was quickly replaced with the dull throb of his aching heart. He had to find Blu. ?Thank you, Collison.? He spoke quietly, and dipped his head respectfully the king. For a moment, he felt relaxed, however it seemed that Collision was curious as to his where-abouts in the past six months.

A small sparkle returned to his once bright blue eyes, and it quickly flickered and dulled again, when he thought of the last few months. He readied himself to speak, taking in a deep but shaky breath. ?Honestly, that?s a question I want to know the answer to myself.. The last thing I clearly remember is hunting herbs with B-Blu.. then it all goes dark. I remember finding myself alone in the snow in the winter, and I guess that?s the next part of it that I remember. I realized I wasn?t in any territory that I knew of, and began tracking my way home. I ran into a few rouge wolves, few of the were friendly.? He spoke in correlation to some of his new scars, ?I made it to our old lands? only to see what it had become, then by luck I caught a strange scent and realized it was Valhalla wolves. I followed it, and ended up here.? He grew quiet for a few moments, looking down at his paws.

He looked suddenly back up to his alpha, sadness glimmering in his eyes. ?I don?t remember? I just don?t remember?? Chronos was scared. He hated not being able to remember what had happened to him, honestly, it terrified him more than anything. He drew his tail around him, and closer to his body. He feared what he had done that he couldn?t remember and what he possibly had become.