
Let Love Blossom


04-15-2013, 04:30 PM
Summer was here as it was the season that Thane and Ookami had been waiting for. The black and gray brute stood under a tree sheltered by the shade, His thick black fur wasn?t really on his side with the heat. The cicadas in the trees all around made their songs as the Sun beat down. It was very hot, but a beautiful day nonetheless. Thane sat on his haunches and set his aqua blue gaze on the horizon before him; he was on a small hill under the only tree on top of it. Before him was the forest which seemed to surround the hill. This place was like a secluded area; there were no other wolves in sight so the brute had this wonderful gaze all to himself.

But why be greedy; why not share this?this gift. So Thane lifted his muzzle to the air and called for his mate. She would enjoy this view; they both would together. The wolf stood there on the small hill shaded by the single tree waiting for his beloved to appear.

Birds flew by as they let out their songs of joy; the birds reminded him of Cyril. Where was that giant bird? A small chuckle escaped Thane?s lips as he remembered where Cyril was. He had grown hungry once again and wanted to go on a hunt; so the male had let his bird have the day off from following him everywhere. Though it was a good thing he and Ookami would have some time to themselves without Cyril budding in; he still felt as if that eagle was a part of him. Yet the wolf would not feel as alone when his beloved arrived.


04-15-2013, 04:51 PM
It was a wonderful day of summer as the sun beated down upon her pelt. This season brought more than a warm claimant, it brought a chance to have a family. Ookami was in season, and she knew every male with in a mile to two mile radiance could tell. Her tail flick as she continued to walk across the beautiful land of Alacritis. As she came close she herd the call of her love, Ears perked up and she begun to move at a faster pace.

She did not want him to have to wait for her any longer. She knew that they had been waiting for this day for a year now. Ookami was glad that the Alpha approved of them being together, and now they can start a family of their own. Ookami soon came in to view of Thane, he was sitting there so peacefully. Her strides were long and genital as she came up next to her beloved.

Ookami rubbed her head upon his, and licked his muzzle so gently before she took a seat right next to him. Her green eyes sparkled as the sun hit them. She was glad that they would get this time to get her. Ookami knew that thane could tell that she was in season. A smile came upon her maw as she spoke. "a lovely day, and view" She was extra happy today, and why wouldn't she be. There were a lot of reason to be happy.


04-15-2013, 05:12 PM
Aqua blue eyes settled on the beautiful dame before him. Her scent wafted from her as if she were made of it. The smell of her was so alluring and hard to resist. Thane nuzzled Ookami back after she had done so to his head and licked his muzzle. A simple touch was so treasured by the brute for it made him feel giddy inside. With all his might, Thane resisted the urge to give into her scent.With all his might, Thane did not give into her scent right away. He sat still an calm next to her and gave a smile to his beloved.

"Yes it is a grand day and view, but it is not as grand as you are; and it is all the better with you here." he said as he looked at Ookami.

So many memories flashed back into the male's mind; he remembered his past and everything about it. Then came the memory of that snowy night full of stars, where he had met Ookami for the first time. Memories of her teaching how to play and have fun flooded his mind as well. Others of their stay in her den as the snow raged on outside. Then there was the disaster when she had been swept up by a tornado. And yet Thane had found her, he would have died trying. Another thought came to mind as he had remembered of their mention of a family before. What would bring greater joy than that? nothing.

All Thane had now was her and he was ever so grateful. Without Ookami who would he be and where? The brute would be lost, still wandering as he tried to escape his mind. And she had even helped the flashbacks and hallucinations from his PTSD become less frequent. A smile was portrayed on the wolf's face as he averted his aqua blue gaze to the dame beside him.

"Sometimes I wonder what I would have done if I had not met you. But I am glad that I have." he said as he gave his beloved a gentle nip on her ear.

So Thane sat there awaiting her answer as he kept himself contained. Her scent was so enticing that he almost had trouble from keeping himself at bay. And yet the wolf did; he kept himself contained for the time being as he eagerly awaited to hear the words of his beloved reach his white lined ears.


04-15-2013, 06:24 PM
Ookami could feel the anxiety that seemed to be radiating off of Thane. He knew she was ready, but yet he did not give in to his instinct to do so. This made her smile at him. He was sweet, and she knew that this was the right one who she will be proud to father her children.

A smile arose across her maw even greater as he nipped on her ear. Ookami wanted him to, and it was time to play a bit of mouse and cat, then let him fulfill his needs. Ookami rubbed her whole body up against her mate, Her head ran from his neck to the top of his head where she playfully nip at his ear.

Walking infront of him she rubbed her hind end closer to thane's front side. Her ears pinned to her head as she smiled. Pulling away she turned to him and licked his face. "Let's play a bit of mouse and cat game. I will run and if you pin me or corner me you win" She smiled.

Ookami already knew he was kind like she needed him to, but she needs to know if he was cunning enough to find a cleaver way to pin her or corner her. If he completed the little test she would be satisfied even more with the mate she had picked.

Ookami gave one more tease and took off ina sprint. Her ears pinned to her head as she dashed across the ground. The game had begun, would her beloved pass or fail the test.


04-15-2013, 08:10 PM
The brute's aqua blue gaze followed the dame as she drew near and nuzzled him. His dark fur stood on end and bristled as he tried to contain himself. His smile grew as she playfully nipped his ear in return. Thane's breath caught in his throat as she neared him even more than before but yet he controlled himself and stayed put.

What was this sorcery, was she tempting him? If she was then it was working; the brute's fur bristled as he cherished the touch of his mate once more.

Only when Ookami pulled away did he feel a sense of loss by the absence of her touch. A game she suggested was it? cat and mouse? He had to corner her? How could Thane possibly pin her or corner her here.

The black male sat there dumbfounded as he thought of a way to do so. As she then took off running did a small smile appear on his maw. They were on this hill with a beautiful view...and what comes up must come down. With a swift movement Thane ran after her as fast as his legs could carry him. With each upturn of dirt did he come closer to the dame he desired and loved ever so fiercely.

White lined ears pressed against his head as he ran to gain speed. Suddenly when the hill started to slope down did Thane leaped at Ookami and wrap his forelegs around her. When gravity would take then down they should go rolling down the hill together. When they would near the bottom Thane would pin her down with both of his paws on her chest to hold her there. And the brute would say "We both win in the end don't we."

If she were to somehow escape his grasp would he continue his chase after his beloved.


04-15-2013, 08:21 PM
Ookami was running as fast as she could, She could hear her mate running after her. Thane was gaining speed fast, Ookami hit the top of the hill and started to run down. Then the sound of Thane's paws stopped, What was he doing. Ookami did not turn around to look, she kept running. Her ears moved in all directions trying to get thane's position.

By the time she did it was to late, his forearms had came down upon her and she collapsed under his frame. Rolling down the hill entwined, Ookami was laughing. As they came to a stop upon the bottom of the hill, Ookami had a huge grin upon her maw. Did she make it easy on him, maybe, but that was because she loved him to much to see him loose.

They landed with Ookami on her back and Thane on top of her.Her green eyes looked in to his blue ones, She could tell that both of them were filled with joy and love. Her ears perked foreword as Thane spoke. She smiled and nodded in agreement, We both did win.

"Yes we did" She said as she stood up and licked his muzzle. "You have passed the game" She said as she nuzzled him with her hind end. Ears pinned to her head she braced her self so she was able to support his frame.


04-15-2013, 08:36 PM
Thane loosened his grip as Ookami then stood up. His smile never ceased as she licked his muzzle and backed up the statement that they have both won. No words were spoken as he took in her scent once more as he lay his aqua blue eyes on his mate before him.

"You are very alluring, did you know that?" he said with a small chuckle and a smile.

Then as she braced herself for his frame the brute rose up upon his hind legs onto her. As Thane began he whispered "I love you Ookami..." to her as he proceeded.

-fade to black-


04-15-2013, 08:42 PM
Walking next to Thane Ookami nuzzled him with a smile upon her face. She was full of happy,and it showed greatly, her tail was swaying rapidly as she walked and her ears were up and alert. The same word keep running through her mind, and that word was puppies.

She looked at Thane and smiled some more, She was so excited to become a mother, and she could only hope that Thane felt the same way. "We are going to be parents, Parents Thane" She said nearly taking off in a jump with excitement.

She walked with thane, she was so thrilled with all of this that she never lost that smile upon her face. Walking off in to the distance Ookami's mind was flooding with possible names for the offspring that she hoped she was carrying.

[Exit Ookami]


04-15-2013, 08:49 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2013, 08:50 PM by Thane.)
It brought great warmth to the brute's heart that he saw Ookami happy. When she was happy he was happy; and when she was sad he was sad. But Thane would be there for her and the pups they would hopefully have. With this came great responsibility and Thane was ready for the challenge.

He nuzzled Ookami again before she seemed to walk with a spring in her step.

Aqua blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight as he walked alongside her with smiles upon their faces. This was only the beginning to his new life with Ookami and the life they had together.

This had been a grand day as predicted before.

-Exit Thane-

-end of thread-