
help me find my style


04-15-2013, 03:47 PM

((one wolf please, spectators allowed if desired but just a spar thread so I can figure out if Ky is more a Sentry or a Warrior. I apologize for the crappy posts, will get better once I catch up on everything.))

It was dark and desolate here, a place where things came to die or be killed it seemed. He had heard that at times wolves came her be to be claimed or find packs but it seemed like such an awful place to try and find a home. Why not just got to packs or meet wolves elsewhere? A frown drew his brows together as he moved slowly through the blood thirsty earth. He had always been told never to spill blood in the same place, if you did then the earth began to desire it. Though he had not believed it at first he had come to, especially with all that he had seen... And this earth wanted more... It was almost tangible, you could almost feel it pulling at your paws, trying to suck the blood from you,

Slowly, steadily the male moved, shoulder blades rolling with his movements to absorb the impact of massive paws against the hard ground. Sharp green eyes roamed the battlefield though expression hinted at nothing. He couldn't tell if anyone was here, the stench of rotting bodies and old blood was enough to make one want to vomit. Kylar had been around enough death, but never around an area that had so much or around bodies that had been dead long enough to be half eaten by scavengers. It was a disgusting place here but his sister had pointed him in this direction for a spar and so the beast had slowly made his way to this god forsaken land. All to spar someone who's style he hadn't already memorized.

Slowly his trek ended, deciding that he was far enough into the land and in an area that didn't smell quite as bad as the rest. Head tipped back and a challenge was echoed forth, a request for a sparring partner. Hopefully someone would come. He didn't sit, not wanting to touch the ground any more then he had to. Instead he remained standing, head and tail low and eyes scanning the horizon.




04-15-2013, 04:35 PM

He was wandering along the edge of the field again. His bruises were gone from the last spar. His rip on the rump had scabbed over. He was strong and healthy. He paused and raised his head high, listening as a challenge was issued across the land. He waited a moment, and when no other wolves answered it, he sent a long reply, turned, and padded toward the challenger. This challenger?s call held none of the cockiness that Awaken?s had held. It was more mature in a way, that of someone more experienced.

His strides ended as he came upon the challenger. A large, large male, even larger than himself. The Challenger was Tortugan by scent. He was younger than Cormalin. But held himself with an assured strength that said he knew how to fight, and would be a powerful opponent for sure. Cormalin lowered his head in the formal greeting of a Challengee, then lifted it to study the male.

?Good Day. My name is Cormalin of Valhalla. You challenged for a spar? I can oblige you. Would you say four rounds? No serious injuries? And I?ll give you the first attack.? Mismatched eyes of blue and gold waited for an answer as Cormalin changed his stance to one of balanced readiness. His head was held level with his shoulders. He knew that this would be a more difficult spar.


Round 0/4

Defenses: Balanced stance, head level with his shoulders to protect his throat. Due to Kylar?s taller stature, this may leave his top unguarded.

Attacks: None, allowing Kylar the first move.

Injuries: None

(OoC: Quick edit to fix a typo in the stats section. Defenses was missing.)


04-15-2013, 04:57 PM

Silence greeted his call, for a long time it seemed he stood there alone, simply waiting for anyone to answer him or show up. For a time he withdrew into himself, listening to the thudding of his heart and the sound of his own breath, keeping himself calm and relaxed. He was positioned defensively almost naturally already, paws slightly spread to keep his balance, one paw back to allow him to launch. His head was kept low to keep his throat protected and tail was low to give less to grab onto. Of course more defenses would be set once the spar began, if it began. Though he was a patient wolf he was only so patient when it came to keeping himself company and remaining in on place out in the open. But finally a responding call echoed to him and ears twitched forward in the slightest show of interest. Well it hadn't been a terribly long wait at least... Head slowly lifted upon the approach of the smaller male but expression remained unreadable as he watched. Some often called the expression boredom but it was simply just the lack of using any facial muscles.

He listened to the offer that the Valhallen proposed and head cocked slightly. He was never one to attack first, a much more defensive fighter but he could oblige by that. But no serious injuries? "Greetings Cormalin of Valhalla, I am Kylar of Tortuga. I agree to you terms but ask that you hold back no blows for myself. I will do what I can to cause little damage to you but yes... I would prefer if you didn't hold back any blows for my sake." he said, voice a low rumble that seemed to build from somewhere deep in his chest before rolling up his throat and dropping from his tongue. Head was tipped easily in respect for his opponent, the fact he was from their enemy pack not bothering the massive brute in the least. He personally had no issue with them and his alliance with Tortuga was a simple tie to his children and to his sister.

Height weighed on this but he paid it no mind, weight was the only thing that mattered to the beast. He kept himself balanced as he leaned back slightly, crouching slightly. Neck crunched, ears pinned and eyes narrowed as a snarl slowly curled up his lips. He lunged, he streaked at the male, keeping low the ground and aiming his shoulder at the males chest, looking to put his head on the male left side though no teeth or snapping was used. If the hit landed and Cormalin didn't dance away from him as many smaller wolves seemed to, he would throw his body weight up in an attempt to fling Cormalin back if his balance was bad or hopefully lift him off his forepaws if possible.


Round 1/4

Defenses: Remained balanced, stance stable, ears back to give less to grab onto, eyes squinted to keep them protected, head parallel with his back to begin but lowers as he charges to keep his throat protected. Tail tucked to also give less to grab.

Attacks: Lunged at Cormalin, trying to push his shoulder into the males chest, starting low to the ground then lifting himself in an attempt to throw Cormalin back or lift him off his forepaws if the hit lands.

Injuries: None

((edit to add rounds, attacks defenses ect.))



04-16-2013, 10:30 PM

Cormalin nodded at the introduction, and then it began. Kylar charged forward toward him, coming in low. Instead of dodging, Cormalin braced and met the impact with his claws dug firmly into the soil. Even with his bracing, he was pushed backward, claws scraping through the ground, leaving ripped earth behind them. He felt his front claws lose some of the hold they had on the ground. He thought quickly, then made a decision.

As the shoulder drove him further back, he reared quickly and pivoted on his hind legs, swerving left. Haunches coiled and launched him forward clear of Kylar?s attack. His front paws came to the ground and he spun to keep his opponent in front of him. It seemed speed would have to be used instead of strength in this spar. Or both. He charged forward and attempted to slam his chest into the left side of his opponent, to unbalance him, or knock him to the side a step if possible.


Round 1/4

Defenses: Bracing to take the first attack?s impact, then rearing to swerve away from the pressure and launch himself away from Kylar. Then turning to face Kylar.

Attacks: Charging in for Kylar?s left side, intending to slam his chest and weight into him to hopefully unbalance or knock him to the side a step.

Injuries: Bruising to the brisket/chest. No others.

((OoC: No problems on your part, my brain just wasn?t working right. Plus someone I REALLY don?t like just walked into the house.))


04-19-2013, 03:43 PM

The male didn't fight like many who faced the behemoth, he stood his ground, bracing against the impact. It jarred his shoulder, hitting something more solid then he had intended but even as his momentum was suddenly slowed drastically the brute dug in. Claw marks were visible as Ky tucked his head and continued to shove the male back. Why was there no teeth? No attack against his horribly exposed shoulders and neck. He wanted to feel pain, he wanted his flesh to part around this males jaws and the hot, wetness of blood running through his coat. But he got none of that, none of his wishes were granted, only the staring of muscles as he continued to attempt to force the male upwards without latching onto the male's leg. One forepaw was always stretching forward and balance just in case Cormalin decided to back up quickly or bail hard to either side and leave Kylar with nothing left to push against. Balance remained as centered as possible seeing as he was pushing almost completely with his left side.

Suddenly the opposing force was gone, forepaw caught his weight as he was tossed forward a bit when Cormalin threw himself to Kylar's right. With his head down he had not noticed the bunching of muscles, only the slight decrease in pressure when the male reared up and then the lack of it when he fled. Balance was regained quickly as the black male fled, the monster of a wolf turning sharp gaze to him. Already the male had spun and was charging, Kylar dropped his left shoulder, bracing his front end against the impact. He took a step forward at the last moment, allowing Cormalin to collide heavily into Kylar's lower stomach and hip area. The momentum carried his haunches easily, allowing his face to swing towards the black male. There were few who could move the mountain of a male, not only was he tall but he was built stocky with muscles lining his shoulders and haunches. Legs were well proportioned with his body so he wasn't overly fast or overly slow, simply good for being a defensive fighter.

It seemed like he might have to use teeth to egg this male on. If it was going to be simply a pushing and shoving mass Kylar would end up attempting to sit on the opposing brute. He didn't think about it, simply allowed teeth to reach out for whatever flesh he could find. Whether it be shoulder, back, flank or tail would depend on how far Cormalin had traveled with Kylar's swinging haunches. If he had stopped then teeth would search for neck or shoulders, if he had carried on his jaws would attempt to find a grip on his tail and bring the brute to a stop. All the while paws remained planted, tail tucked with eyes narrowed and ears pinned to his skull. Neck stretched out as much as needed to find the hold he was searching for, not concerned about it's defense.


Round 2/4

Defenses: Remained balanced, stance stable, ears back to give less to grab onto, eyes squinted to keep them protected, and tail tucked to also give less to grab. Neck stretching out as much as needed so unprotected.

Attacks: Allowed Cormalin to hit Kylar's hips and then let the momentum carry them so that they would stand parallel. If Cormalin stopped when they hit then Kylar would try and bite his neck or shoulder, if Cormalin continued running as Kylar`s hips moved then he would try and grab hold of his flanks or tail depending on how far he traveled.

Injuries: Slight bruising on his hip.