
What're you looking at?



9 Years
Extra large
04-13-2013, 07:24 PM
FOR: Feather (Ros)

She had seen it from a distance, the large object poking out from the top of the trees. The moment Zanire saw it she knew she had to investigate. The large creature lumbered through the forest, nose twitching at the scents slipping into her nasal cavity. Snow crunched beneath her large paws, head hanging low, left right, left, right. Violet eyes scanned the area around her, nobody seemed to be out today for her to engage in a conversation with. Nobody to spar with. Well, in a way she was kind of glad. She didn't really want to mess around now that she thought about it, just wanted to explore and see what she found.

At last she left the treeline after a good thirty minutes, standing there examining the large object rooted into the cold, hard earth. This must be the thing mother spoke about when I was younger. She thought, looking it over, from what she remember her mother called it a ship. Something humans use to use to move their things across the great water. This one was quite large, but Tolay had told her that they could be bigger. The humans wanted a lot of stuff, so they needed bigger ships to move them.

Zanire lumbered forward, coming up close to the ship, giving it a sniff, stopping every couple feet in inspect a new patch of twisted metal. She would even stand up on her back legs, feeling the wall against the pads of her feet, a shiver running up her spine. By now it had begun to rain, small droplets for now, quickly collecting around her light colored fur.




04-20-2013, 10:06 PM
Boohoo. I'm so lazy. xD


Feather snorted, her fur flat against her back, hackles slightly raised, and head low. Her recently dull cerulean gaze was bright, and her ears were perked forward. Her upper lip was curled up slightly to display her yellowed teeth, and her claws barely left marks in the snow as she trotted briskly towards the large smooth-skin thing that stuck out of the ice in the distance. The rain that pelted at her face as she moved barely bothered her, she just shook herself to get rid of what was collecting on her fur.

She had been upwind of the large creature near the smooth-skin object, so she hadn't scented the bear yet. She kept on going, unaware that she was heading straight for the animal she was unfamiliar with, yet of which species she had heard horrid stories of. Shaking herself once more, the wolfess paused for a moment to lift her head and take a deep whiff of the cool, frigid air in this part of Alacritia. After finishing, she lowered her head again, a placid look upon her face, her whole body relaxing into a comfortable lope.

The run excited her senses, and she felt alive, as the ground whizzed by, and all she could see were her alabaster paws seeming to blend together as she sprinted hard and fast. Before she knew it she was nearing the smooth-skin contraption, and gradually beginning to see the large animal that was surveying it. She skidded to a stop, scraping her claws uncomfortably against a small outcrop of ice, and she lowered her head quickly, slitting her eyes and deeply breathing to slow down her heart rate. She tilted her head in curiousity, before realization dawned on her and she widened her cerulean orbs. She didn't like the looks of the beast in front of her, not one bit...

She wasn't sure though, if she should confront it and see if it was friend or foe, and she quietly tried to back up, yet unfortunately stepped wrong on that same outcropping of ice and yelped, holding her back left paw up above the ground. She pinned her ears against her skull as she silently yelled at herself inside her head for being so loud, and feared that the creature would look towards her and possibly attack. She didn't know if it was kind to injured wolves or not, and she hoped for the best.



9 Years
Extra large
04-22-2013, 10:01 AM

She had been inspecting the object before her, sniffing here and there, using a large paw to put her weight into a piece of twisted metal in an attempt to make it move or break but without much luck. The beast walked along the large object, the rain starting to get heavier slowly, causing her to shake her massive body every couple moments. Suddenly a noise caused her ears to flick to the side, head swaying to the side, forepaws pushing against the ground, lifting the front half of her body into the air as she turned, landing back on all four with a light thump. Violet orbs fell upon an animal not far away, a wolf. Her upper lip lifted to reveal her teeth, a low rumbling roar escaping her jaws. A warning.

Lately it seemed like wolves were just popping out of nowhere, surprising the beast because they usually made sure to make her aware they were nearby but only passing. Were wolves here wanting trouble? No, those who had surprised her meant no harm and from the looks of it this wolf seemed to be one of them. Her ears were back on her head, a paw lifted off the ground. She held no signs of aggression towards the large beast, for now she was friendly.

Wolf be calm, me no harm. She spoke the wolf's language but it was broken, the result of it being her second language. Massive paws began to carry her forward, lumbering towards the shewolf. Paw hurt? She stopped just a few feet away from the wolf, motioning with her head towards the wolf's paw that was lifted off the ground. She held a calm and relaxed posture, even plopping herslef onto the ground in a sitting position with her head held out and shoulders hunched. It would be obvious by now that she was not aggressive like most bears that were surprised, but that was mostly due to her living with wolves most of her life. Only recently being separated, so she could tolerate wolves more than most of her kind.
