



04-13-2013, 01:17 PM

The alpha would remain on the borders, he had dismissed Chrysanthe, and his haunches were pressed heavily in wait of the traitor. He would be taken in and he would be dammed to lots of things he did not wish to do. He would not be alone. He would be restricted. He would not hunt. He would be fed the minimum amount. He was not an adravendi. He would not be treated like so.

He. Ah. Such a befitting nameless title, and the Imperator saw him deserving of nothing less than what he was getting. Golden eyes would stare out in the direction that Neo would return. the boy would come home, and he would have no choice. Valhalla had taken what was his. And they would be keeping it.


04-13-2013, 04:02 PM

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They would be surprised, she surmised, when she arrived first at the beckon of such a call. She imagined if they had anticipated her to come at all, she would come with teeth bared and a snarl ripping from her larynx, volatile and foolish enough to try and kill anyone that may chance upon her... they would be surprised. Eyes the color of ice glanced behind her, she knew Neo would be along shortly, she had left while he still slumbered, there were things she needed to do, things she needed to say, was it love that blossomed within the depths of her chest? Perhaps...yes... she thought so. The lines of love and lust were often blurred for the mess of a dame but this time she was confident.

Feeling were not something the ivory beast handled well, Neo had been no exception, but remarkably his love, his admiration, his dedication to her, had been what fueled her. What made her a better soul. He had healed the tattered fragments of her soul, had saved her from the hatred that she had allowed fester to long for creatures that no longer governed her. God damned humans. One more glance behind her... she could leave, retreat to Tortuga, lose herself in her poppies and her lust, become that heartless beast she had always been... but she owed him this. Neo was hers, regardless of what pack he belonged too. She sucked in a deep breath and pressed forward. Her tail would drop between her legs, her ears pinned to the back of her skull, head low. Submissive, her walk lacked even her usual saunter.

She approached the king of Valhalla whom had not called to her, but to the boy that had come to mean the earth to her and when she had reached a respectable distance she stopped, dipping her head further in a bow. Blue eyes, for once, gleaming with nothing but honesty. She hesitated for only a moment, head demanding she leave this folly at once and focus on her own God damned survival, but her heart demanding she stay and do something good for once in her worthless life.

"Roi..." She spoke first in French, her nervousness making her forget, but she was quick to correct herself in English. "King of Valhalla, Collision." Her accent was thick and heavy and she took a moment to gather what she wanted to say. "I come asking for something grave, but I beg of you to hear me out. My name is Luce, you were but a child the last time I lingered in Valhalla and I don't know if you remember me, but if you do, you will know I speak truth. My life has been a tangled mess of deceit, lies, lust, desire and sinful indulgences... I am a wicked, vile creature if there ever was one and I was content living that life until Neo. Neo is angry and misguided, yes and while I understand the ferocity and the aggression behind your actions, I know him too. He has a good heart and a noble spirit, he's trying his best to show those qualities and he's getting better. He has a real chance at a good life, he has an amazing soul and despite all of my flaws for some indiscernible reason he loves me. I don't deserve him, I never will, but he fixed me, showed me the power of love and I would hate whatever is left of my soul if I did not come here. I know I am no prize, nor would I surmount to the suffering that Neo has surely brought upon Valhalla and if you choose to take him back, that is fine, but I beg of you not to punish him. If you will allow it, I would take his punishment for myself and mine as well if you so see it fit. I wish to take his pain, his suffering, whatever you have planned I want to endure for him."[/b] Tears flooded the dames eyes and she struggled to compose herself. She hated emotion.

[i]"I don't deserve mercy and perhaps Neo doesn't either, but I beg of you please, Collision, do not take away his life, his spirit."
Luce fell silent, head down, eyes away. She prayed to Gods she did not believe in that he would offer her this. That for once, she could put someone else before herself and truly save someone and Neo... her heart thumped against her ribs painfully at the thought of what they had aligned for him, she loved him enough to sacrifice herself.




04-15-2013, 02:10 PM

He truly did not expect the surprise that would come for him as he stood in wait for the little boy to return home. He thought he was an adult and he was mostly a child. It was horrible, and he needed to be changed. Of course, if he had known that he would be shown the sight of someone else, well, things would have been far too interesting.

Luce? what the heck was she doing here? He knew that Neo supposedly had a mate but surely Luce was smarter than to act like some haggardly slut? Was she truly so blanched in her ways? It was quite grotesque. Neo was a child. She was practically his age. No, she was older. He remembered when he was with Guinevere as a pup and Luce was around. Why...what was happening? He only prayed that he was wrong about what was happening, and it would turn out as she stood before him and her lips parted that he would have his worst fears solidified. He was right. Luce had gone so far as to take a relationship she should have put a stop to and let it become a partnership. It made him furious. She was selfish. So, selfish.

Collision felt the need to point out that it was not himself that had challenged for Neo, oh not at all, he had no intentions of actually taking the boy from something that made him happy, however, there was a lot to consider. Chrysanthe had wanted her brother back, however, what she didn't know is that the boy was no longer family. He would be handled however Collision felt. His cold hard gaze fell onto Luce as her words drew close and he hardly blinked. What was there to say? Selfish, how horribly selfish this whole thing was. A light chuff would rumble from his mouth and he would turn his head towards her, What makes you believe I am so cruel as to steal his life? He has not taken the life of any Valhallan. Only their spirit. He has trespassed against us, Luce, and he will face retribution for his sins,? There really wasn't much else the alpha could say.

There were a few punishments in mind that the boy could face, and Collision was quite certain that he had settled on one that was most favorable. ? I can not punish you, because though he may love you, he?ll only push for more. He needs to learn a lesson, and if that means barring him from you, so be it, but you seem to be blinded by how amazing he is. To us, he deserves condemnation. He betrayed us,?


04-16-2013, 12:02 AM
He paced down the beaten path, following his mate's scent,leading him to his half brother. He had grown since he left Valhalla, he was fully matured now, an adult. He paced toward the wolf king, his eyes filled with hatred and devoid of remorse. "Leave us Luce." He said with a low growl. He wouldn't see his mate harmed, not for doing what he felt was right. Valhalla was now, more than ever a hell on earth to him, and he would see to it they would suffer for the pain they caused him, especially his "sisters". They had actively sought to it that all happiness in his life was taken from him and that he was made to suffer more and more in his pursuit of happiness. He would end them himself. Make them suffer as they had made him suffer. He didn't know how or when, but he would. He would make them all pay for the pain and turmoil they had caused him.

Words words words

This is speech


04-16-2013, 12:25 AM

She would remind herself consistently to bite her tongue and hold her temper, to reign it in and to tame it. She needed her head for this. She was clean, no drugs marred her bloodstream, hadn't since Neo had become her responsibility. She was getting better. She was trying to be better, not for her, but for him. She expected tooth, she expected fang, she had not expected tongue and it took a great deal of her willpower to be silent and too listen. "I have neither claimed you cruel or unjust, do not twist my words. There is more than one way to steal a life, death is not the only finality. His spirit, his heart, his soul, I understand he has done Valhalla wrong and perhaps his emotions are misguided, both on behalf of Tortuga and of Valhalla. His hatred is impenetrable, he will loathe every waking moment of his life and I... can not bear to know of his suffering. You would be doing him worse by keeping him chained than by taking his life."

She bit her tongue, hard enough to make it bleed, blood trickling from the corner of her maw as she forced her larynx to remain silent. She could do this damn it. She could, for Neo. "Teach him a lesson? What will you do? Condemn him to spend the rest of his life in a cage? Guarded forever until his body withers and decays? Please Collision, I know Neo is not perfect, but he does not deserve that life, he has not done such foul an evil. I betrayed Valhalla just the same. I want to take his atonement, please." She could offer the king nothing more. She was no one of power or prestige, she only had the love for a wolf that was slipping from her grasp.

Leave us Luce.

Her heart dropped to the floor, her head spinning to stare at the massive form of Neo. he towered over her, thick muscles and a strong build coming into view, it was he who curled around her when he slumbered and damn it all to the depths of hell she was a self abhorrent creature and she was not willing to forfeit him. "No... no. I promised I would keep you safe, I promised I would protect you. Please Collision, I beg of you." Her blue eyes were filled with fear, panic, and love, not all of her charm could help her now and she was powerless. She hated this, and she hated Morphine for failing him. Damn Valhalla! Damn Tortuga! Damn every God damned pack on this God forsaken spit of land!




04-19-2013, 01:00 AM

here were so many things being left out in the open that Collision wasn't entirely sure how to respond. Yes, he was quite certain that Neo would be punished in a manner most volatile, however, he also knew that if he didn't handle things right the true manner of Valhalla would be at stake. They were not wolves of cruel intent, and they were most certainly not wolves that wished to merely cause disrupt among others. His eyes watched Luce, and for just a moment, he felt a bit bad for the woman. Bad that as a figure she was being denied just the right to protect him, to look out for a kid she had taken as a lover? Quite the Oedipus complex if one were to ask him.

Ears would flutter back as the kid's words rang in his ears and his vision fell upon Neo. He seemed so stone cold. No, he was stone cold. His eyes flashed to Luce, asking her silence if but for a moment so he could gain inquiry from the young boy. "You needed to leave to be the center of attention. You have to be the king of the world, and why? Being king is a pain in the ass. The only difference is, that ass is a bit more royal," He was, at least, being honest.

"Valhalla will be your home until we have decided on a punishment for you, and I must say, my mind is heavily set upon castration, it wouldn't mean your life," his words slipped out and finally eyes were turned back upon Luce. Castration...he said it as though he was discussing the weather, and when he realized how easily he had said it, there was a deep regret in his eyes, a regret that no doubt Luce was watching unfold. "I'm sorry, Luce, but there is nothing I can do for you. I can not allow you visitation, because I can't risk matters with Tortuga getting worse," That was pretty much all the Valhallan King had to offer.


04-19-2013, 02:14 AM

The dame had attempted everything within her power to try. She had returned to a pack she loathed, with her tail tucked between her legs, for the singular creature that she cared for more than herself... and she was powerless to save him. There was nothing she could do for him, and it killed her, twisted her stomach in knots and desperately she glanced between the two. he would not accept her as a tribute, she knew that.

The punishment, or at least the probabilty of such a thing, made the color in her face and her eyes drain. The damsel swayed on uneasy legs and her heart hammered at her rib cage. She never cared if she had kids, but the chance should not be deprived of him. He would not accept her in his place, but perhaps she could convince him of something else. "You will not take me in his place, he will be Valhalla's slave, is that not enough? If someone must take the title of traitor it should be me. It was I who lured Neo away, I who poisoned his mind against Valhalla, if you allow me nothing else, allow to take the worst piece of his return. Tear my womb from my belly. Make me infertile. Do you not have children Collision? Would you not do everything within your power to see them safe? Neo is everything to me, regardless of what he has or has not done. Please allow me to leave your border knowing I have done everything in my power to see him well."



04-20-2013, 08:21 PM

He let Collision talk, disinterested in what he had to say. He had no intention of answering his question, he'd never understand. Bullies like him never did. He wasn't seeking attention or recognition, he was seeking happiness, and he was being punished for having found it. "Luce. It's fine. Go home." He said quietly. There was no reasoning with people like Collision, all he saw was a piece of meat he could shove around and throw blame onto. He wasn't afraid of him, he meant nothing to him, Valhalla was nothing but a hole in the ground and there was not a doubt in his mind Collision would drive it to ruin.

Words words words

This is speech



04-25-2013, 12:24 AM

The lord would cast his gaze onto the frame of the white woman and he would be quick to shake his head, denying her request. However, he had changed his mind. He wasn't going to be that man. He was going to get to the bottom of a lot, and if he succeeded, well, perhaps then he would figure things out as he needed to, "He will not face castration, Luce, I promise you that so long as he has good behavior, I'll let him go back to Tortuga unharmed," It was a hard pill to swallow, but, Neo was once his brother, and something had cleared thrown his mind off.

"Go to the meeting, Neo," His eyes turned back to Luce and he avoided contact with her, "I would offer you the ability to see him...but...I can't trust you won't run back to Tortuga, and clearly, things are not on good terms," His gaze was unwavering as he stared at her with a bit of readiness and complete and total wishing that he understood things. Wishing that he was doing things his mind, though, he was. How could he be doing anything wrong?