
Hurts like heaven


04-11-2013, 08:12 PM
Exploring the plains aimlessly, walking through fields of emerald green grass was Calantha. Looking around the area for no real reason, she just wanted to explore. She felt joyful, and playful. Perhpas she would look aroun and see if she coud find a friend today. As she kept walking she came across a scent. A familar scent, that was leading west. She ventured further west and as she began to get closer to the stranger she realised this scent was not familar but it was rather odd. Was this wolf male or female? She couldn't really tell but she got bored asking herself the same questions so she just decided to approach them. Once about 10 meters away from them the smell became more destinct and she began to notice that it was a male. The figure of him was ahead but she now didn't know whether it was sfae to go up to him. She sat quietly and thought about it for a second, and she decided that she mayaswell just go up to him. She came all this way so there is no real point just turning around and leaving now. Cautiously she moved a bit closer to the male and quietly whispered. " Hi. I'm sorry have I disturbed you". She sat patiently waiting for his response just looking forward. She didn't want to say anything more incase she had bothered him and saying something more would just excell the situaion. On the other hand the could just be a nice guy willing to be her friend though. So there she sat silently.