
Shadow of the day


04-11-2013, 07:33 PM
Laying quietly basking in the warm sun. Her ears pinned to her heard cautiously listening for any sudden sounds. The only sounds obvious was the movement of the grass and the wind whisping through her fur. The faint chirping of the birds throughout the land was relaxing, and she almost fell asleep, but then rose to her feet and began to venture north. Dedicated to just walking ahead aimlessly with no real reason she just kept walking. She felt bored and she didn't want to go back to sleep so she just decided that today she would go on a an adventure and walk through forests, and plains, and explore the lands of Alacritis. Perhaps she would even meet someone today. She wanted friends, she was lonely and nobody to rely on. Nobody to care for her. The air curled through her nose ans as it did she caught the distinct scent of another. This wasn't a wolf but it was a rabbit. She crouched down, and began to search fro where this scent was coming from. A sudden rustle in the bush beside her made it more obvious this hare was in the bush. She pounced onto the bush with no aim whatsoever, and it must have been her lucky day because she had caught the rabbit. Grabbing it's neck and pulling of the meat, she ate around half of it, and left the other half just there. She hoped that another wolf who was young and lot who perhaps needed food could have that piece of meat she left. She began to jog forward again and look around. Hopefully she could find a friend.