
Unexpected Friendship



9 Years
Extra large
04-13-2013, 02:25 PM

Large paws crushed the plants that got in the way, a lumbering beast moving through the forest. Violet eyes scanned the trees, the vegetation, the canopy. Rays of sunlight breaking through the green sky, creating patches of light on the earth below. It was a nice day, the temperature was perfect, not too warm and not too cool, and a cool breeze slipped through the trees to keep you from becoming too warm.

Besides the heavy steps of the beast there was also another sound coming from it, almost as if something had been dragging along. She pulled her head up, the dragging stopping for a moment then quickly starting up again, coming from a small half eaten fawn hanging from her jaws. The scent of fresh blood hung in the air but Zanire did not care, it wasn't like somebody would come running up to her to steal it. Come on now, she was a bear, they wouldn't stand a chance against her.

At last she came to a stop, dropping the fawn on a large stone beside a pool of water from the falls. Her head moved to the left, violet eyes scanning the forest, to the right, scanned again. She even sniffed the air and once she was convinced nobody was nearby she turned back to her kill, plopping herself down, holding the animal down with a large aw and dug in.

ooc: Sorry for the crappiness, should get better.


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04-13-2013, 08:30 PM

The odor was pungent, a peculiar aroma of carnal flesh and stomach churning rot. Though the odd fragrance tickled her nostrils, the fae was consumed in hungers burning desire that needed to be satiated. The blood, it left a trail of stained crimson on earths dark soil, some of it still fresh and bright; the other sunken into the dirt leaving it a musky purple and stank like carrion. Naomi was a little lady, growing thinner as she had been sent on her own. Her coat clung to bones that shook nervously as instinct lead her on this course of danger or triumph.

The groves in the earth swallowed her own dainty feet, the scores abnormally large for any creature she had ever seen before. The silver woman held the temptation to flee, to run and run as far as her sculpted legs could carry her. She was intruding, but she was so hungry. Sensibility was void in this moment of time as she followed the steps of only gods knew what.

it's for a chance at food she declared in her thoughts, more or so a solid conformation to this idea she concocted rather than to herself. How foolish she had been to not pay attention during those hunting lessons! And she was left to subject to the lowest of the low, stealing a meal.

Naomi could hear a plop and then the exciting sound of teeth ripping into soft meat which her stomach craved. Boldly (or stupidly) she pushed forth into the coverage, waiting for the other to leave so she could have her fill.

ooc. this is bad, i promise they will get better



9 Years
Extra large
04-13-2013, 09:04 PM

ooc: Hover for translation

She was lost in her meal, teeth shredding meat, the smell filling her nose and blocking out anything else around her, ears twitching at the sound of flesh being torn and bone being crunched between powerful jaws.

A shifting of vegetation caused the beast to pull her head back, lowering her front half down a few inches before pulling her hind legs out and pushing against the ground, shifting her weight onto her back legs. Standing on all four she was taller than a larger than normal sized wolf, but now that she was upright she towered over just about any animal that might have tried sneaking up on her at that moment. Like this, she would seem more intimidating than she already was. Identifiez-vous! Her voice came out as a warning growl rumbling from the back of her throat, eyes narrowed, falling upon the sight of a white wolf with oddly colored eyes.

In most cases, someone of her kind would have run the wolf off because she had her catch here and it snuck up on her, but Zanire had been helped and raised by wolves. With the contact she had with them, it caused this bear to be more friendly towards them than she normally would. With that she realized that this wolf would not understand her language, she would have to use the one Arya had taught her. With a twitch of her nose she looked the shewolf over, coming to the conclusion that she was not here to steal her food or attack her, if she was she would have done it instead of obviously making noise.

Stupid wolf, you are. This language was still something odd for her to speak, and so, to wolves it would be broken, not very fluid but still understandable. Her eyes grew a bit softer the longer she stood there, deciding the wolf was no threat what so ever, so she dropped down to all four with a heavy thud without breaking eye contact. Meet different bear, they attack, not like you kind. Bears did not like wolves, they were annoying with their howling and spraying their smell everywhere, even attacking bears in numbers to take their kills.

Instead of questioning the wolf she would just let it speak, see what it wanted, if it wanted something at all. Most approached her because they needed advise or help, and she would usually help them, did this wolf hear about her? Je doute qu'elle a fait ... Je ne m'inqui?te pas vraiment non plus, tant qu'elle ne prend pas mon poisson. Looking over her once more the bear finally turned away, swinging the front end of her body to the side, large paws moving over to where she had left her meal. With a paw she pulled the carcass close, turning around so she could face the wolf, plopping herself down with a heavy thump on her rear. Violet eyes focused back on her as she sat there, a paw laying on the deer, waiting to see what she wanted.


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04-15-2013, 05:48 PM

The earth would seem to spin as the fear of the expected crept along the contours of her spine, freezing the gilded woman in place without any intake on moving her glued soles. She was afraid, the lucid pheromone wafted from her being like an obvious locator to her oppressor. There was a roar that ended in a contempt --a groan almost -- the language so feral and angry the petite lupine refused to leave the coverage of her shrubbery. And then another sound, feet pushing off the earth and another roar. Blood pounded in her eardrums in tandem with her fleeting heart, she had done it, managed to be alone and get herself killed. How wonderful. With a burst of hard pent up courage (mostly fear) she crawled from her safety to slowly and delicately pad within view.

?F-f-forgive me? she stammered over quiet words that trembled on her lips. She had never seen a creature so powerful and large, and naturally, it frightened her. Amethyst eyes found themselves glazed over in horror as she watched the beast pull and tug the flesh from the deer's body like one would a berry from its stem -- effortless. The young lady could not resist the shaking in her legs accompanied by the convulsion of her body. Her fox-like ears fell atop her crown, her silver and white tail nearly consumed between her thighs. But she persevered, taking the chances of mercy with this bear as opposed to being killed instantly upon her hidden revenue.

?Naomi Tenbrook, miss. That is what I am called,? the cherub murmured; gaze pivoting from jaws of the larger animal and longingly at the wonderful deer at her paws. ?p-p-please miss, I followed you from the delicious scent of your meal, I thought you of my kind. I mean you no dishonor when I ask -- would you hold pity on those lesser and unfortunate then yourself? I have been without food for so long, I haven't the slightest clue as of late when I last enjoyed a meal...? she felt awful becoming the beggar and depending on someone other then herself as a provider. A gentle grin graced her features, "I am guilty of not training for what I should have. I am not much, nothing nearly as big and strong as my brethren." and she was right, it was hard being on the smaller side, taller animals would not understand.

Naomi stood quietly; patiently awaiting her company's descision and praying that the she-bear have mercy for the meek and bless her with a stomach full of meat and a chance to happily rest.



9 Years
Extra large
04-18-2013, 08:56 AM

F-f-forgive me And ear flicked forward at the stammering wolf who pushed forward from her hiding spot, fear washing off of her like water. It was then that it was made very clear that the small wolf was not there to do any harm, she just found herself in the wrong place at the wrong time. Still though, she would be spared but only because the large beast had been friendly with her species in her past. If she had been any other bear she probably would have struck the wolf immediately, not understanding or even taking the time to ask why they were there in the first place. She was scared, large ears fell upon her head and tail rucked between her legs.

Naomi Tenbrook, miss. That is what I am called. Violet eyes watched her closely, noting how her gaze went to her jaws then fell to her kill. Lips pulled back the slightest at this but not much, showing the shewolf she was not pleased with where her gaze was settling. What she chose to say caused a low growl to rumble in the back of her throat, the shewolf asking to be spared then asking for her to hold pity on those unfortunate, offering her meal for her instead of herself. She didn?t remember the last time she had ate, this caused the beast?s gaze to look over her body, a small animal that looked like skin on bones.

It was then that she went silent, the beast clearing her throat and holding her head high. Heureux, lucky. You are. The large claws on her massive paws drummed against the head of her kill as she watched the wolf. Zanire, be nice to Miss Naomi. No cause I feel bad, me good with you kind. Wolf help Zanire, Zanire help back. She spoke in a kinder tone, almost as if she was talking to a friend. She reached down, jaws clamping down on a decent sized chunk of meat and pulled, ripping it out. She then looked back to the wolf, Naomi, tossed the meat to her that landed just inches from her paws. With an approving nod of her head the beast lowered herself down on her belly to lay beside her kill, using a paw to pull it over and in front of herself before digging back in.
