
Dreams Are Made Winding Through My Head


04-11-2013, 11:38 AM

As a young boy Fenrir had failed to truly explore the land of Alacritia. When he'd first traveled to the land, long before the rest of the packs had migrated here, he had headed straight to the south. There he had found a pack and had joined them. He'd been one at the time. Now he was four come autumn, and yet he still had yet to explore any place but his old homeland. Sadly it had been wiped out by a hurricane. Now there was nothing left but a small sandbar.

He had come to the conclusion that it was time to get to know the territories of the land he lived on. He figured it would be beneficial for him in the future. Getting to visit some of the packs wasn't such a bad idea either but that would have to wait for another day.

He wasn't that far away from where his old pack had been. He hadn't managed to travel that much farther north when he came upon the rugged old place. It was in shambles. All that could be seen of the old house was the foundation. The crops still grew but they were wild and had lost any of the formality they had once retained. It was considered rabbit food to Fenrir, but regardless is was intriguing.

What captured his attention the most was the foundation of the farm house and the storm cellar that still remained. The young man wandered to the place and stuck his head to the ground as he began to investigate. There really wasn't much left to the place. Most things were well on their way to completely decomposing and the only things he could really find were a few nests here and there or mice scurrying around.

He began to walk within the ruins, head still to the ground, as he observed the place. Creatures used to live here before. They were creatures he had never seen before nor did he ever want to see. Regardless, the structures they made were incredible, but hardly held the grandeur that dens held. Wolf dens, if made properly, were more durable and stable and didn't decompose over time. Not like this at least. Then there were other places far more magnificent than this. Waterfalls, mountains, lush valleys. All were so much more compared to the lump of garbage left behind.

Red and green orbs traveled upwards and ears pricked forward as he listened to his surroundings. He was rather weary of others and didn't appreciate being sneaked up on, so it had become a habit of his to periodically to check his surroundings. All was silent save for a few animals in the distance and birds flying overhead. A soft summer breeze even ruffled his fir slightly, but he was alone. Content with that fact his head lowered once more to the ground as he began to explore a bit more.



04-11-2013, 12:12 PM
Small paws, followed by a small frame entered the ruins that the humans left behind. Her head lowered to the ground as she smelled the strange objects that rested upon the ground. This stuff was surely weird, she had never seen a thing such as this before. Her head rose from the ground as the scent of something else caught her nose. Her ears perked forward as she begun to walk, Who was this other she had never acquired his scent before. Her purple eyes scanned the land hoping to find the one who had caught her attention.

The thing that caught her attention was a foundation of an old farm house. She cocked her head with both confusion and curiosity, something was moving around in the distance.

Could that have been the other that she had smelt earlier? One paw after another Segolia made her way closer to the wolf that stood in front of her. The male was bigger than her twenty-six inches in height. As she got closer to the male his unique coloring had caught her attention.

The red strip ran from the top of his head down his spine, and on his tail. His eyes were something else also, the green and red made her wonder as to how he got that way. Well her eyes weren't that normal either, but his intreged her greatly. As she came closer tot he male she took a deep breath and spoke in her usual, calm, sweet voice.

"Hello, my name is Segolia, and who may you be?" She spoke as she looked at the male. He was indeed taller, and possibly stronger that she was. By his appearance she assumed that a lot of others just took off running at the site of him. He was intimidating, but she could tell he was not that mean, well more like hoped.


04-11-2013, 01:49 PM

All the boy could think about was meeting his mother and sister once more. Valhalla will regret it if they wouldn't let him pass the borders to do so. He will put up a fight and injure someone if needed. His paws wondered aimlessly around the new Alacritis land. He had traveled from the land that is now known as ash and ruble, a no-mans land, somewhere it was almost impossible to survive. Yes, Rumble, a two year old runaway came from the dead island all the wolves used to call home; Alacritis. The musty smell was attached to his pelt for the time being. It would stay there for a while until the new home washed out the dirty scent.

His paws brought him to a foreign structure, a cave made out of trees. But the trees were flat and long, they were half decayed and ready to crumble at the touch. Rocks were hinged to the entrance of the cave, and just outside there was a supply of food growing from the ground. It was only a harvest of fruits and vegetables, something a wolf could barley live on and die at a young age. Rumble eyed to crops but noticed a white tail jump into the entrance and decided to follow.

Rum let the other wolf walk ahead before entering the structure, he was not a social wolf at all, he avoided most others and kept to himself. When he thought the other had a good head start, he slowly tapped into the entrance. Beams stuck out of the hard concrete ground, going all the way up to the roof. This was a very odd cave, there were many usual items in there. Rum looked around and saw a set of steps, but the were also made of trees, not of stone. His eyes then looked for the other being that had wondered in here, but he couldn't find them. His nose twitched to smell the air and he picked up a Valhallan wolf that had come by. The scent was still strong and he was positive that the wolf was still inside the structure.

Rum's paws hit the ground softly without making a noise, and when he heard a dame talk, he stopped knowing that if he moved another inch he would be spotted. He turned on his hind legs and let his rump sit on the ground with his back against the wall. He listened to the girl, now know there was another wolf in presence.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-13-2013, 01:07 AM

The sound of another got his attention rather quickly. Lips drew back in a warning snarl, yet his vocals remained silent as he waited for whomever it was to show. Crimson and emerald eyes watched the direction the noise was coming from as blackened ears pricked forward and swiveled continuously. Fenrir drew in a breath and wet nostrils took in the feminine scent. He relaxed slightly as the dame came into view. Her pose was non-threatening and he immediately relaxed, letting his fur lie flat and leathery lips curled back over his teeth.

Eyes traveled across her body as he observed her carefully. She was a tiny thing. At least a whole twenty inches shorter, perhaps a bit more. Her frame was svelte and her coat pattern was interesting to say the least. Amethyst colored orbs adorned her body and contrasted nicely against the black and white. She didn't look like much of a fighter, instead, she seemed to be the type of wolf to be a healer, and she even smelled like herbs. He himself had picked up on basic knowledge of herbs. He could heal any wound so long as it was for any body injuries. He had no knowledge of plants as far as illnesses, diseases, and parasites went. Despite that, he was still a strong fighter. A much better one than he was a healer, but it was helpful to know both.

An ear flicked forward as she introduced herself. It had been a while since he'd met another, much less had to introduce himself. Since his pack had been wiped out he'd been alone. Everyone on that island had known everyone and they had been a seclusive bunch. After he'd first moved there, he'd hardly had to do introductions. He'd grown quite used to not speaking much. Words just weren't his thing. He sucked a lips past his nostrils and then let out a deep breath.

"Fenrir. Pleasure to meet."

He watched her with an indifferent expression. It was interesting to meet a new wolf. She had an odd scent to her that suggested she belonged to a pack, but to which one he had no idea. He was unfamiliar with the other packs that resides on the land. He could only hope that she assumed that he wasn't one for talking, instead of assuming that he was rude. His broken speech was only simply because he found that less words meant so much more than spitting out paragraphs of speech that no one hardly ever followed. It was a waste of time and effort to him.

A scent reached his nostrils and broke his thoughts and concentration on the girl. Lips pulled back across ivory incisors and a low and guttural snarl ripped from his chest and into the air. He maintained it as the scent grew stronger. Whomever it was they were clearly male, and they were making sure to hide their footsteps. Fenrir had always excelled in tracking. He was a piss poor hunter when it came to running, and as far as hunting went he could only attempt to hide his bright red on his pelt, and attempt to knock the prey down or stalk it. It was all brute force with him. However, he could clearly smell whomever the hiding wolf was and he didn't appreciate anyone sneaking up on him.

"Show yourself!"

He demanded in between growls. He wasn't normally a hostile wolf, but when it concerned his safety, or the safety of another, he was adamant in his ways and refused to allow another on his watch get hurt because he failed to be vigilant. Gods forbid he allow a wolf to get within a certain radius of him without him knowing about it. That was a major failure on his part and was surely to be frowned upon.



04-13-2013, 06:00 AM

She got closer to him, just a bit more as he introduced himself. Segolia studied him as he studied her, he was something that she had not seen herself. The red upon the black, and complementing those green and red eyes. Sitting upon her haunches she smiled at him a bit. He seemed a bit, how should this be put, well, lonely.

Segolia noticed his body language change rapidly, her ears pinned to her head trying to get a sound from behind her. She stood up and turned in the direction of the wolf that Fenrir had smelt. She raised her head into the sky, the smell of a male wolf filled her nostrils. She turned to Fenrir, "I'll go check this out, please no violence." She spoke in a sweet, calm voice, with matched her appearance perfectly.

Turing her self around Segolia begun to walk in the direction if the other male. He was hidden pretty well, but he was up wind so she followed his scent to him. Her purple eyes scanned the land as she walked in his direction, Coming up upon the male he soon came into view. "You mustn't sneak up on anyone, they might get the wrong idea as to why you are here." She spoke.

Segolia smiled at the other brute, "I am Segolia, and who may you be?" She asked as she stood there looking the other male over. He was many shades of grey with blue eyes. "Would you be as so kind as to follow me. She said as she stood there weighting for a response.



04-13-2013, 10:10 AM

As the words from another male struck him, Rum didn't know what to do. He might have been a little frightened by his brutal tone. Being two years old, this was the age most wolves learned to make their own decisions, the age they could leave home and fend for themselves. But Rum left home a year and a half before, which he should have known the brutal hostile world he lived in. Which he did, but not in this way. He never had to worry about another wolf wanting to take him down, but then again he didn't even have a companion to walk beside him. Rumble knew the harsh and crumbled world of the old Alacritis Land, but this situation was completely different.

As he saw the white tailed girl walk around looking for his presence, which they both know he was there, he settled down just a little. Thank god the brute didn't come looking for him. He closed his eyes and leaned more against wall, and eventually the dame found him.

Her voice was soft and sweet, she spoke to him through angel tones, and almost motherly ones when she spoke to not sneak up on others. I wasn't sneaking... He didn't think he was sneaking on other wolves, bujt of course that was the only explanation to be heard.

"Sorry...I--"I don't mean harm...


He didn't know how to act, of course he didn't want to go meet this male that sounded so violent. But what else could he do besides following the female? He didn't follow close behind her, but he wasn't too far behind. And soon enough she approached the red striped fellow. The male looked only a year older then Rum, and he was. Rumble would turn 3 years old next season, and then he began to notice the male. Definitely someone form Valhalla just as he, but he couldn't find the name. The brute's bright red and green eyes sort of matched up with Rumble's blue and maroon ones. Rum gave him a second of eye contact, and then rushed his eyes to the ground. There was nothing to say, and rum wasn't much of the social or talkative type.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-13-2013, 04:40 PM

Eyes watched as the girl's ears flicked backwards as she seemed to react quite pleasantly to his change in attitude. Most probably would have backed away from him and been worried that he was going to attack. Her mood didn't change. Not once from the happy and calm demeanor she held. Instead she turned to him and spoke sweetly telling him to stay put while she checked it out.

Growls ceased but his snout remained furled in a fearsome snarl and ears continued their backwards position against his skull as she went to explore. Ears finally pricked forward as the girl obviously found the other wolf. Voices soon followed and leathery lips finally covered ivory incisors once more. A wary look was still given in their general direction, but he listened carefully. The boy obviously a timid creature. No doubt he had made him far more than just a little bit nervous. It was obvious he wasn't going to cause any harm to either of them.

Content that this was to be a pleasant and peaceful encounter Fenrir relaxed completely as both wolves made their way back to him. The boy seemed to observe him and Fenrir couldn't help but notice that they both seemed roughly the same age. He was possibly just a little bit older. A set of maroon and blue eyes met his own dual-colored hues before they dropped to the earth again.

"Timid creature, aren't you"

His voice was blunt as he spoke his observation aloud. He wasn't intending to be rude, but if the boy took it as so then there really wasn't much he could do. It really didn't matter too much if the other male took offense to it. Fenrir spoke him mind when he wished to. He did suppose he should give a name for the gray and white brute. He had, after all, stated his name only moments ago to the girl named Segolia.




04-14-2013, 02:05 PM

Walking back to Fenrir her purple eyes went from rum to Fenrir. Her small frame walked up to the larger built male who seemed to be displeased with Rum a bit. She looked at Fenrir he seemed to be calming down a little, but not as much as she would like it. Segolia took a seat in front of the two and listened to them begin to talk. She was happy that they were trying to get along and things seem to be going well.

"So what brings you guys here?"She asked as she looked at the structure. It was indeed a different site, and she was curious as to what could have done a thing like this. Her purple eyes landed upon a small piece of something upon the ground. She stood up and walked over to a piece of see through shiny thing.

She lowered her head and sniffed the item. It was strange, she had never seen a thing like this before. Raising her head she looked at the others. Ina sweet calm voice she said "This place is strange, what type of creatures lived here?" She said as she scanned the land. It was surly a place of wonders and mystery.



04-14-2013, 03:39 PM

Tension was between the two brutes, but the black and red male calmed himself down and let the tension release. He let out a name, his name, Fenrir. And Rumble remembered that name from his time in Valhalla. But he wouldn't come out and say that he knew Fenrir, that would be awkward considering they have never met. It's been almost two years since Run left home, how could he simply remember a face he had never seen?


His voice was deep and almost silent. He made eye contact with the wolf when Rum announced his name, showing he wasn't disrespectful that he was more of a shy fellow.

Segolia asked what the two were doing there, rum did nothing but move his eyes toward her. Though Segolia couldn't see his eyes and only a bit of his face, Fenrir could she the male's serious expressions. He didn't answer the girl and he hoped Fenrir would say something. She said the place was strange and she wondered what kind of creatures lived here, Rum just shrugged a little. Who was he to know information, to give it out? His eyes scanned around at all the objects piled on top of each other decaying over the long time it had been there. The structure reeked with an old musty smell, the smells were trapped in this place so long it dug into the floors, the walls. And Rum's eyes continued to search the area as he listened to the two converse.

Walk "Talk" Think


04-18-2013, 03:04 PM

The girl planted herself in front of them and Fenrir watched her for a moment before looking back at the gray male as he introduced himself. Ebony tail flicked as he acknowledged the small greeting. So this man wasn't a man of many words either? It seemed as though he and the other young male would get along just fine. He himself wasn't too fond of speaking, but it wasn't out of shyness, unlike the other male.

The girl spoke up as she asked what they were doing here? Eyes flickered to the other boy giving him the opportunity to speak, but he quickly realized he didn't seem to be in a very talkative. He couldn't blame him. Regardless, he wasn't going to let the question go unanswered so instead he piped up and began to speak.

"Exploring. You?"

She moved away and began to explore and then found something to sniff before thinking aloud to them. Shoulders rolled back in a shrug at her question. He looked over to Rumble to see he had done the same. Both were clueless as to what had been here.

"I dunno. Odd creatures. Structure is unlike anything I've ever seen."



04-19-2013, 09:42 AM

Ookami turned in the direction of the others. Her fur flowed in the wind as she listened to the conversation of the brutes. She was not sure as to what will happen here and now, but she hoped that they all could get along. So far it was doing well, and she was quite pleased with that. Her tail swayed gently as Fenrir spoke. Exploring is what he was doing here, for her at first it was not the intention, but it turned out to be come curiosity which led her here.

Segolia stretched a bit before she spoke once more."At first i came in this direction to collect some herbs, but the strange smells and all this strange structures triggered my curiosity" Her eyes glanced at Rum who seemed to be very quite. Maybe that is who he was, and she did not mind that at all. Walking next to the brutes, who towered over her.

Segolia took a seat upon her haunches, as she looked around at the stones positioned into odd structures. Who, or what ever lived here were very strange as to be making something like this. Her attention drew to Rum,"Were you exploring too Rum?" She asked. Segolia was not much of the type to ask questions, but the odds of three wolves meeting up in a place like this was unlikely. They either were fulfilling there hunger for adventure, looking to find materials, or trying to get into mischive. She was curios as to why Rum was here.



04-19-2013, 06:06 PM

Rumble's eyes continued to search the foreign structure for clues of the past residence. It seemed as though Fenrir had understood the way of which Rum remained silent. Fenrir continued to have a conversation amongst the three wolves, be stayed away from asking questions to Rum. Even though Rum was completely out of the conversation, his mind stayed with the other two. He listened, but nothing processed.

His eyes finally spotted something out of the ordinary. Something that was put together with a strange material; it was a disintegrated quilt.

Rumble walked past Fenrir, completely ignoring anything directed at him, but then when he realized Segolia was talking he responded.

"Oh...Um...Just wondering."

His paws stopped at the pile of unknown objects, covered by dust and dirt. Rum put his nose down to smell the strange material in a way to find out what it was. As his nose inhaled, all the dust and strings flew to his nose making him sneeze. There was no scent to the object, just a musty smell from rotting in the spot it was left.

The strange object was made of many different faded colors, help together by some force. Rum cocked his head a bit and looked at it with curiosity. What is this thing? The thing was piled under rubble and ash. It seemed to have crumbled under Rumble's sneeze. He didn't say anything to the two, but it was obvious at what he had found.

Walk "Talk" Think