
house arrest


04-10-2013, 04:38 PM

((I'm... not sure if the river is salt or fresh water. Will ask Lu because from the map it looks salt but for now I'll say it's fresh.))

It had been well over 2 years, almost 3 since he had been a part of a pack and he was more then a bit nervous. The reasons he had run from Aislyn originally plaguing his thoughts at every turn. He had yet to meet any of her pack members to get an accurate judge of what they were like but just the fact that he was never allowed to leave this place without Aislyn made him feel like he was suffocating. Aislyn had gone to her den and had fallen asleep fairly quickly after their most recent talk. He couldn't blame her, that conversation had left him both emotionally and physically drained. But despite his weariness and desire to curl up with Aislyn and sleep it had eluded him. Though he hated to say it he had grown restless fairly quickly and wandered off to further explore this place he was now forced to call home. He could never leave here for as long as he wanted to be with Aislyn. He had been so sure that he would never desire to leave her side but he was a wanderer, a rouge at heart. Wasn't he? But that was only the most recent side of him that he knew... The first 3 years of his life he had never wandered from home, he had been the one child of Lust's that had never felt the call of the wild or held any desire to explore further. He had stayed at his mothers side and accepted and rejected pack members as they needed. At one point in his life a pack was all he had ever known and now he was back to that. Maybe he would eventually adjust and it was just the fact that Aislyn had taken any choice from him was what was making him panic and want to flee.

Though to anyone who saw him he would seem simply deep in thought, sitting at the edge of the river that ran through Valhalla and staring at the small rapids running through it. He had to push all those negative thoughts from his mind, he would give it until spring at least, if these feelings didn't go away by then he would talk to Aislyn. For now they had other things to worry about, he was going to be a dad in what felt like no time at all. He had no doubt that she would be hungry when she awoke and he planned to bring her a meal of fish. Did she even like fish? Arctic char had always been his favorite but trout and salmon was probably all that ran through this river. Maybe he could go the where that big boat was and fish there? He would bring Ais the biggest... He stopped that thought there and downcast eyes returned to the ground and his paws. He couldn't go there without her so there would be no surprise or romance. Just him endangering his pregnant girlfriend but taking her out into the wilderness... He sighed before standing and carrying on further upstream to where there was a small waterfall no more then a foot or two high. But ever so often fish would jump up it then rest in the pools by the river bank.

He moved to one of the larger pools, a section of unmoving water caused by an outcropping of rocks and land that sheltered it from the current. Easily the male lay there, knowing full well that he might be waiting a long time. But as the sun beat down on his dark coat he didn't really mind. It was a lovely summer day and he was fishing for his girlfriend. What more could a man want? Sharp blue eyes were fix on the fish as the hopped up and chose various different pools besides his or choose to swim on. His patience did not waiver, waiting for that one that would be perfect. Two came to his pool before he finally spotted the one he wanted. They were small, maybe a snack but he was looking for something much bigger. Something that they could maybe share. The fish that came over the small waterfall this time was massive, probably weighed the same as Friction himself and was obviously tired from the way it moved towards Friction's pool and the only one large enough to fit the massive fish. Jaws snapped around the back of it's head and the thrashing started. He heaved but couldn't for the life of him do much more then drag the flapping cretin to the earth. Tail craned around and slapped at Friction but the determined male dug his fangs deeper into the spinal area. There wasn't much he could do then let the fish slowly suffocate to death.

Aislyn I


Extra large
04-13-2013, 01:52 PM


"Taking your frustration out on a fish I see?" She purred as she slithered toward him. Her body movement wasn't as graceful as it used to be due to her gained weight, but she still knew a thing or two about seduction. Her icy gaze bounced from the fish and back up to him. It was an enormous fish, she had never seen one that large before, not even in the depths of the ocean. It looked like it could weight just as much as Friction! She studied it for a moment, watching its side rise and fall as it took its very last breaths of life. Oh, what she wouldn't give to go on a hunt right now. She craved the taste of warm blood in her mouth, she wanted to feel tendons ripping between her jaws as she tore a doe apart. She was pretty hungry and parched, so this fish would have to do. She wasn't exactly sure if the prize was hers or not, but either way she would be getting a taste of it. She came closer to him, rubbing her head along his rib cadge as she did so. Her toungue brushed against his cheek a couple times before she pulled herself away a few inches. "May I have some? I can't really hunt for myself and all lately." It was an understatement really, because she couldn't do much of anything anymore, and she hated it. She had always been such an independent woman, and the fact that she couldn't do much for herself put an awful taste in her mouth. She dreaded the day when she was so old she would be in the same situation all over again. Luckily she was only a few days away from her due date, so this would all end soon. Then she would finally have the family she had wished for since she was a pup. Pools of vivid blue looked up to meet his as she waited for his answer. She was real hungry, so she hoped this fish really was for her. She could probably eat it all by herself!


04-18-2013, 01:41 PM

((sorry this took so long, just broke up with the bf and didn't leave me in the lovey ): ah well, ready to get back into it now!!! lay some loving on me XD))

A voice slid towards him, soft and seductive though little more then an ear twitch as jaws remained clasped around the slowly dying fish. For a long moment they stood there, her eying up the fish and him holding it until it's massive sides slowly began to take longer and longer to rise and fall. Finally a lash struggling breath seemed to escape it and he allowed his teeth to slid out of it's neck. His sister had taught him a better way to kill fish, but they had to be small enough to lift, this had been really his only opinion with this one. It had taken almost all his strength just to get it out of the water never mind to hold it. He wasn't quite sure how long it had taken but it had left his legs quivering slightly and tongue lolling over his teeth as he tried to catch his breath. He felt gross and slightly slimy where the fish had touched his coat but it would be fine until he was done eating. Until Aislyn was done eating. He had been planning to call her or attempt to drag it back to the den for her but somehow she had managed to find him before he had needed to do either.

There she was. The embodiment of love. His Venus. His Helen. His Aphrodite. Oh how he hated her...

But even as he thought that he couldn't help but smile as she ran her nose along his rib cage and then finally warm tongue slid along his cheek. He nuzzle his cheek against the top of her head and sat back to continue with the task of catching his breath. When she asked if she could have some he chuckled and nodded. "I was going to call for your or try and take it back to your den but it turned out a bit bigger then planned and you seemed to have beaten me to it" he said with a chuckle, choosing to not answer her first comment. It could lead to saying somethings he did not yet want to say, or feel like he knew her well enough to say. But as he watched her those worries seemed to slide away from him, he lost grasp on why he had had them at all in the first place.