
Checking In, Catching Up



3 Years
04-14-2013, 08:00 PM

The gray creature had learned enough about what had been going on between her parents that she was worried. Observant ears had picked up the bits of gossip beginning to flow through the ranks, though it was swiftly hushed when Kamala approached, about her parents fighting and Adette . . . leaving? No, that couldn't be right. Her mother would never leave her. Especially not without saying goodbye. It didn't make sense. It couldn't be true. Her parents arguing was something that happened on a fairly regular basis, but the whispers of Adette leaving had Kamala on edge.

It was this that drew her to a slightly less frequented portion of Seracia's land, leaving behind the places where she might easily be listened in on. There, Kamala found a small clearing, one where she and her family could speak in comfort, and one that was off the beaten trail. Here, they would hopefully be able to speak in private.

It was about noon when the yearling finally tilted her head back and sang out for her family. Valkis, Maverick, Adette, and Gerhardt were summoned to her side. Now, they were not promised to come simply because she had asked for them, but she had questions to ask her father, and stories to tell her brothers. It was high time that they all gathered together and caught up on the things that had been going on within her Kingdom. Had Maverick heard of her betrothal? She had to tell him that, for sure. And she needed to talk to her parents.

Her thoughts came full circle with that, and came to settle once more upon her mother. Adette couldn't have left! She must have heard wrong.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


04-15-2013, 11:22 AM

Too much was happening, he couldn't wrap his head around it. Fur was still thin in the area where Syrinx had torn it away from his cheek, but the bruising had gone. He was thankful for that, as it would not bode well to wander around Seracia with a mysterious wound. He was certain no one would notice the thinner fur, and if they did they'd have to be extremely close to him, and have memorized his face well. His mind circulated around Epiphron, as it almost always did now. It was pitiful, really, how much she bogged down his mind with memories about her face, her fur, the sweet sensation of her touch, of her kiss. He wanted so badly to wrap himself around her, but he knew he could not. Not today. Not for.. what was it.. three more days? They had agreed to meet in the plains near the ravine, hopefully this time her brother wouldn't tag along, and hopefully his wouldn't show up unannounced. The last time Valkis had pledged his desires to kill their father, their father! Syrinx hadn't been much better, practically vowing to rip Maverick apart if he ever saw Epiphron again.

Things were supposed to get easier as you grew up. As you aged, childlike simplicities became complex, but easier to understand. Things changed, wolves changed, and yet.. things only seemed to be getting harder for him, for everyone. He'd heard Gerhardt and Adette arguing last night, but hadn't paid much attention. Frankly, he'd have been surprised if they hadn't been arguing. Lately, it seemed like all they were good at. Still, this time it had been his father yelling, that wasn't like the King. Usually it was his fiery mother that did the hollering, Gerhardt usually just took it with a grain of salt and spent his time trying to quell the Queen's anger. No this was definitely different, but how different.. the boy could not be sure. Thoughts shifted from that line to one that surrounded Epiphron again, this time fueled by frustration and woe at her lack of putting up a decent defense for him. Here he was, risking his life to see her, and she couldn't even attempt to make her brother see how good he was?

The sun told him it was noon, or just before or just past, he wasn't certain. What he was sure of, was that he'd wasted his morning thinking about pointless things, and doing nothing - absolutely nothing - productive. He'd been contemplating calling for Gerhardt, to question him about last night and inform him of Valkis' plans, but he had yet to gain the courage or the will to do so. A howl rang out, Kamala was the caller. Maverick tilted his ears to the sound, relishing in the familiar notes, and finding that they beckoned the entire family. Apparently Kamala had something to address. The Prince rolled from his lying position and pushed himself upward onto his paws, trotting toward his sister's melody which had faded out already. He knew where she was though, he knew every inch of Seracia. She wasn't far off either, and before he knew it he was arriving on the scene, drifting toward her like a phantom. With a smile he would seek to press his muzzle against her cheek gently. "Kamala," Tail flickered behind him peacefully, despite the many things weighing down his heart and mind. "Needing a bit of family time?"




3 Years
04-17-2013, 08:04 PM

The sudden appearance of Maverick had Kamala breathing a sigh of relief. He seemed all right. A little rough around the edges, like something was bothering him, but he was alive and well and he had not left Seracia. He was still there. A weight felt as if it had lifted from her chest and Kamala pressed her muzzle into her brother's rusty fur, breathing his scent in deeply. "Mav." She breathed in greeting, "I guess it's less family time than time to catch up. So much has happened lately and we've barely seen each other. I figured it was time to change that." The words that began flowing moved as if a dam had burst, filling the air with a voice that had rarely spoken so many words in one breath in a lifetime.

A sniff of the air revealed no other scents approaching, and Kamala sighed, "I wonder if Valkis will come. I wanted to talk to him too." The female spoke thoughtfully, leaning her body against the comforting bulk of her brother, "But I have so much to tell you, Mav. I missed you!" A pause, and then Kamala found that she couldn't hold it in anymore. It came bursting out of her, rushing like a river. She wanted to tell him everything, but she would settle with the bare bones. They needed to be spoken, however. She needed to figure this out, and quickly, before her father arrived.

It wasn't that she was ashamed of her confusion or wanted to hide it, but she didn't want her father to know that she had any doubts about this. "Did Father tell you that I've been engaged? To Gideon, to be exact. And I don't know, I know I should be happy to do everything that I can for Seracia. He saved my life and I should be willing to do anything, but I'm scared, Mav. Gideon's . . . Gideon. He'll want things that I don't know if I'll be able to do." Well. That was more than she'd said at once in her entire life. The female snorted, shaking her head a little as she pressed herself against her brother, breathing a soft sigh.

"And how are you, Mav?" the light comment seemed out of place against the panic of her words mere moments ago, but she was serious. She wanted to know how her brother was doing. She needed to be able to keep tabs on at least one of them. And Valkis hadn't answered her call yet, as much as she wanted him to. But if wishes were fishes, then none would go hungry.

That was such a weird saying. Where had she even heard it?

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


04-18-2013, 08:08 PM

His sister would press into him, and for a moment his frustrations and anxieties washed away like the tide. He knew they would return - just as the tide did - but for now they were gone, and for this he was thankful. The rusty brother would return his sister's gentle pressure, a genuine sigh slipping from his lips. She breathed his name and a smile graced his features, remaining there as she continued to speak. The family had not spent quality time together in some time, Maverick partly blamed himself for their distance. If he weren't so preoccupied with the Valhallan princess he would surely be closer to his sister. But he couldn't change the past, he could only hope to help the future. And try he would. She wondered about Valkis, and whether or not he'd come. For his sake I hope he doesn't show, a note of dread lingered in his voice. She would certainly question his loathing tongue, but he would wait until she did to explain his reasoning behind it.

I've missed you too, Kam. Nickname would roll off of his tongue with adoration. He loved his sister dearly, probably more than almost anyone else in the world. Gerhardt and Adette might have saved him, but Kamala had survived with him, Valkis too, but he was no longer a brother - at least.. Maverick didn't consider him one as long as he intended to kill their father. Engaged? To... Gideon? Words would spill out of his mouth in a very un-princely manner. Ears flickered back. They'd never been extremely close to Gideon, but Maverick had always considered him an uncle. The man would now be an uncle and his sister's husband? The boy wasn't sure about that. Gideon was hardly a true Seracian, at least.. he didn't act like one. Why on earth would Gerhardt allow such a marriage to take place? And Kamala.. she was certainly worried about what being married meant. Maverick pressed his muzzle into her cheek. Not to worry, sweet sister, I'm certain you'll make a fine wife. It was all he could offer her, the shock still gleaming in his eyes.

I've... been better. He wondered if he could trust her with his secret, and then scolded himself for even wondering. I met a girl, and.. I really think I'm falling for her Kam. She's the most incredible woman I've ever met. Only trouble is.. she's not Seracian. No doubt Kamala already knew that the girl wasn't Seracian, there weren't any Seracian girls near their age. He would hold back the details for now, still wary that Gerhardt or Valkis, or Adette might walk up on them at any second. He still had to keep his guards up from them, even if he trusted Kamala completely.




3 Years
04-22-2013, 06:49 PM

The anger in Maverick's voice was hard to miss. Kamala turned a questioning gaze towards the red male, a frown crossing her features. "What happened, Mav?" She asked softly, leaning towards the other curiously. Valkis and Maverick had never been the best of friends, but Maverick sounded . . . furious. Like he hated the other wolf. Which was not something that he had ever displayed before. Kamala was confused, and worried, to say the least. She just wanted her brothers to love each other. Valkis was complicated and conflicted, but that didn't mean that Maverick should be so angry. Unless something had happened of which she wasn't aware.

The shock spilling from Maverick's tongue as he questioned her next words, however, offered the female a small degree of comfort. Then it seemed that she wasn't the only one to have been surprised when she'd been informed of it. "Yeah, Gideon," Perhaps the most casual thing that she had said in her life, the words spilled from Kamala's tongue with barely any effort on her part as she glanced at her brother, "I know I'll do my best, but I'm worried it won't be enough." The female paused and shrugged slightly, "And that I'll let Father down." Gerhardt had saved them, had kept Kamala and her brothers from perishing in the flames, and she adored him and Adette for that. They were her saviors, and she would always do her best to please them. But Maverick understood her better than anyone, and she felt comfortable spilling these worries to him.

It was his next words, however, that drew her attention to the worries of her brother. She listened to him speak with a slight smile unfurling across her maw, "Mav!" She breathed, amusement and shock warring for control of her voice, "I guess I'm not the most amazing wolf you've ever seen anymore?" The female teased lightly, butting her shoulder lightly against his, "Will we get to meet her?" A more serious tone took control of Kamala's voice then as she glanced at her russet brother, tail flicking happily in the air. She adored the wolf before her, and if he was happy, then she wouldn't dream of judging him. But she did want to know a little bit more about this female before anyone else reached them.

Ears swivelled around at the thought, trying to pick up any sounds of her father or mother's approach. Or, for that matter, Valkis' approach. But hopefully, Maverick would have time to tell her a little bit more about this female. Otherwise, she would track him down later and they would speak in a truly private setting.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


04-22-2013, 08:46 PM

A sigh would slip from the Prince's lips. He wished he didn't have to utter such words about his brother, his blood-and-flesh brother, but he could not help but tell Kamala what had happened. He needed someone to confide in, and he knew she would be able to offer advice on how to deal with the situation. Kam he.... he threatened Gerhardt. He told me that he will kill him one day. I know he mouths off a lot, but he was serious this time, I saw it in his eyes. Oh how he wished his brother was just being his usual mouthy, sullen self. But no, he'd meant every word he said, and probably every word he didn't say. Maverick knew him well enough to know this was no joke, it was a serious decision and one that would be hard to sway him from. Why did Valkis have to be so... difficult?

His sister was worried, and he knew despite his best efforts he would not be able to console her as efficiently as he would like. Still, her worries seemed to be not the ones he would have imagined, and so he offered her a sincere reply. Your best is all you can offer, and so it'll have to be enough. I don't think Gideon's ever been married before, so I'm sure he will have very few expectations of you. He didn't know if the last half was absolutely true, but he hoped it might help her anyway. Gideon may very well have an idea of his ideal wife, but Maverick was sure that Kamala would make a good wife, even if it was to someone she hadn't picked herself. And as for father, I don't think he could ever be disappointed with you. He might be frustrated when he heard about Maverick's actions as of late, but frustration was far from disappointment.

He smirked slightly as she grew excited about his news. He knew she'd be the one he could talk to about things like this. Valkis could not be trusted, and Gerhardt wouldn't understand, and anyone else.. well.. they weren't easily trusted either. Besides, who was better to talk to than one's own sister? You will always be beautiful, Kam. He would say with every ounce of brotherly affection he had. She was perhaps the most wonderful thing in his life. He knew not where he and Epiphron might end up, but he'd always have Kamala. I hope so.. one day. Only thing is, father doesn't know about her yet. No one does, except you. He gave her a serious look, almost appraising her for a reaction. Can you keep my secret? It was only a half question, as he was fairly certain the answer would be yes. He turned his head, looking for Gerhardt, Valkis, or anyone else for that matter. He did not want to be overheard in the event that Kamala wanted to know more.



04-23-2013, 11:09 PM

His sisters call brought him out of it. He awoke, snails slithering along his mud stained pelt. He had passed out during his bad trip, and had awoken to a new nightmare. Snails, probably 40 or more, slimmed his entire body up. He yelped, rising to his paws and shaking his pelt in an attempt to free himself from their grasp. He loved the mushrooms, but damn the bad trips were horrifying, and lately he was having many more bad than good ones. But, he just couldn't stay away, he couldn't be sober. Well, at least today he would stay sober. His sister was calling for him and their family. He needed to respond, he needed to rebuild their relationship together. She was his only sister after all. He followed her song, ignoring his disgusting pelt. He didn't care what he looked like. It only took a few moments, and once he arrived he saw Kamala, then Maverick. They were already talking, so he stood back, ears swiveling forward so he could hear their conversation. Kamala spoke of her engagement, Maverick stated he wished Valkis wouldn't show, and how he was involved with a woman from Valhalla. He already knew both of these things, so he slithered forward, revealing himself to his siblings. Crimson and emerald eyes searched to meet his sisters. "Sister... Brother." He didn't look toward Maverick, his brother wasn't his favorite person at the moment. But he knew he needed to come to this meeting.





3 Years
04-28-2013, 12:01 PM

Kamala was prepared to respond sharply, to tell her brother that surely whatever had happened had been misread, but his words had her falling silent, lowering her head to gaze at her mismatched paws as Maverick spoke. Valkis . . . wanted to kill their father? The wolf that had raised them, that had saved them from the fiery wrath of the volcano that had claimed their lands and their true parents. How could he? They owed their lives to Gerhardt. He was their savior, and he was a good wolf. "Why?" The question was soft, escaping the young female with an exhalation. "He saved us." She felt lost. Kamala had always tried to understand Valkis, to offer him her support and her love, because he deserved it. As much as Maverick deserved her love, so did Valkis. And then this. How could he hate Gerhardt so much that he wished to kill him? Gerhardt was her father, more than Rancor ever had been, and she couldn't imagine a life where he wasn't there. Even more than that, she could not imagine a life where her own brother had killed him.

Kamala exhaled, shaking her head as she tried to distract herself from those thoughts, ears pricking in Maverick's direction as he spoke of Gideon. "I would imagine that he's had more experience with women than I've had with men, though." He was significantly older than her, and had had more years to experience other wolves, and Kamala was sadly illiterate in terms of love. She had felt no stirrings in her heart for any wolf other than her family. But her family was her life. Maybe she would never fall in love. But that didn't make her any less of a wolf, did it? "I hope you're right, Mav." Kamala shook her head slightly, ears pricking in the other wolf's direction. She still had her doubts, but the confidence in Maverick's words assured the yearling female. She trusted her brother's judgement.

Ears twitching, Kamala found a grin crossing her features at Maverick's compliment. He truly was an amazing brother. He always knew how to make her feel better, and a flick of her tail answered his compliment. "I will always keep your secrets, Mav." Kamala promised solemnly, "I do want to meet her, though..." She paused, trailing off swiftly as the sound of pawsteps reached her ears.

Nostrils flared to scent the air, and it took Kamala a moment to recognize the scent of her other brother. Valkis. She hesitated for a moment as he appeared, his crimson fur a familiar sight to the female, and one that usually made her heart leap in joy. But Valkis, her darling Valkis, wanted to kill her father. Confusion warred with joy in her heart, and it took Kamala a moment to answer him, "Valkis!" Her greeting was happy enough, her confusion well masked (in her opinion). How did she react to this? "Greetings, brother. I've missed you." That much, at least, was true. She did miss her brother. Her brothers were her closest companions. She loved them.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


04-28-2013, 06:50 PM

He'd heard his daughter's call, and had expected it far before it came. He'd just broken things off with Adette, and had lost her to the vagabonds. He was forlorn and rather distraught, but he could not ignore his daughter's call altogether. He loved her too much to do that. She had plainly summoned the family, and Gerhardt would oblige her with his presence - just perhaps not as quickly as she might have liked. He lingered, each step slow and painful, as he thought about his words and answers to questions they might ask. When he'd arrived, Maverick was walking onto the scene. Gerhardt hung back, wondering briefly what the children might know. There was no reason to offer up added information if they weren't already aware of it. Perhaps a bit of spying was warranted, for everyone's sake.

Greetings, exclamations of needing time together, word of the engagement. It all seemed rather innocent. Perhaps he should join them. No, there was more. Maverick didn't want Valkis there, and he had met a girl, a Valhallan. The King held back a snort. He hoped it was nothing serious. Kamala was worried about disappointing him, and the King again held back a snort. Fat chance the girl could ever manage to make him upset, she was an angel! A snarl bubbled in his throat with the last part, as he shifted to make sure he remained invisible and unable to be smelled. There was no way he wanted to be found spying on his children. So, Valkis sought his head on a pike. The King was surprisingly - not surprised. Kamala seemed just as shocked as the King was, but didn't get much time to say more as Valkis strolled onto the scene. Gerhardt saw a fire light in Maverick's eyes, and strutted forth casually - not letting on that he'd been listening the whole time. "Kamala, Valkis, Maverick." He shot a glance at the Prince, silently ordering him to keep himself in line - but was not sure if the boy would catch it between the daggers he was shooting at his own brother. Oh the humanity!

The King gave not one of them a personal greeting, but instead shifted his gaze to each of them, not lingering long on any particular one. Finally, he settled his eyes upon Kamala. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" Tones held a hollow note, and try as he may he could not hide it. Could he ever explain everything to them?


Image by Ruelle.



3 Years
05-03-2013, 07:05 PM

Kamala was almost beginning to wonder if her father would appear when he padded out of the underbrush. Immediately, Kamala noticed that something seemed to be off about the male that had raised her. She knew this wolf better than she knew anyone but her brothers, and something seemed . . . off. Perhaps the rumors were true, then. But Kamala didn't want to believe that. Not yet, at least. So instead of speaking, she shot a warning glance at Maverick, hoping that he wouldn't say anything about the female that he had fallen for. But luckily for Mav, the male had fallen silent, though he seemed to mostly be consumed with glowering at Valkis.

A sigh escaped the female, and she shook her head as she turned her attention back to her father as he spoke, naming them each in turn. "Hello, Father." Kamala spoke with a flick of her tail, her tone filled with respect for the regal brown wolf who stood before her. She might be worried about her mother, but she loved her father with all of her heart. To this young female, it didn't matter that he hadn't brought her into the world. Adette and Gerhardt were her true parents. Perhaps things might have been different if she had been raised by Rancor and Akira. Things might have been different if the volcano hadn't destroyed the place in which they'd been born.

Shivering slightly at the thought, Kamala turned her attention to her father once more as he spoke, his voice heavy. "Well, Father, I only have one question for you." Kamala flicked her ears slightly as she gazed earnestly up at the male, "What happened to our Mother?" Kamala was not one to beat around the bush. "I heard..." Her voice choked slightly, and Kamala winced as she continued, "I heard that she left us. Permanently. Is that true?" Did the rumors have any truth to them? Was her mother truly no longer a part of their lives?

The thought brought a hint to the panic to Kamala's mind. She adored her father - no, she loved him. But she loved her mother too. And she couldn't imagine a life without her. That combined with the recent knowledge of Valkis' intentions to attack her father had Kamala rocking back on her haunches, gaze flicking towards the ground, which she proceeded to stare at. She was nervous to hear what her father would say. She was terrified that he would say that Adette was truly gone.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


05-03-2013, 07:29 PM

Maverick knew time was running short. His father was anything but tardy, and it would only be a matter of time before Gerhardt arrived on the scene. When he did, Maverick had to be absolutely certain that he would not hear anything about Epiphron or his love affair with her. "I don't know why," he would spout with hushed tones and low notes. He was beginning to feel a bit strange - as if he were being watched. "You know Valkis... he's different." Different was an understatement, but the Prince digressed. He knew despite his own ill feelings toward his brother, Kamala cared a great deal for the other russet boy. Maverick didn't want to ruin her impression of him, even if Valkis had managed to make himself look pretty horrible lately.

She was talking again, this time about Gideon. Maverick shook his head. "Experience isn't everything Kam. You have heart, and that's all that matters." He would offer her a smile and a gentle wiggle of his brow in hopes of lightening the moment. He didn't want his sister fretting over something that wouldn't happen for a while. Conversation would shift once more to Epiphron, and he smiled slightly. "You'll meet her one day, I hope." Though he wanted to confide more in his sibling, he knew that their time was still getting shorter, and soon enough someone was bound to come across them. Sure enough, Valkis sauntered onto the scene with a muttered greeting. Kamala acted normally toward him, with an exclaimed greeting and happy notes. Maverick choked back a snort. Had she not heard what he'd just told her?

"Brother," Maverick would remark with displeasure in his notes. He meant to speak more, but Gerhardt arrived just then and the Prince immediately silenced himself. His father didn't need to hear his adolescent frustrations. "Father," he would respond, voice not yet normal or chipper. Kamala took the reigns on the conversation then, and for once the Prince was content to remain completely silent. Kamala had asked the question on his mind.
