
Do you feel more like a man?


04-09-2013, 10:43 AM

Boy, it sure had been a while since he'd been back here. Of course, it was much different than the place he had been born. When Fenrir had traveled here as a yearling he'd discovered the land, but hadn't actually spent time scouting out the land. If Cairo was still leading, then he had to commend the man. He sure did have a knack for picking out territories. This place was far more remarkable than the last territory they'd lived in, and even then it'd been beautiful there.

His dark pelt seemed to soak up the summer sun's rays and he felt a burning sensation on his pelt, but he ignored it. He had grown used to it and his pelt would soon be done shedding. He could suck it up and deal with it for a while longer.

He was an odd colored creature. He resembled his father in a lot of ways. His left eyes was crimson, a similar shade to Thor's and the same red stripe ran from the top of his forehead to tail tip. He even held the brute's incredible structure. He stood at a proud 38 inches and 156 pounds making him a mammoth compared to most of his species. His weight was evenly distributed as well. Legs, neck, chest, and rear haunches were imbued with thick muscle. He could certainly hold his own in a fight when it came to brute strength, but when it came to speed or agility? Well, he was screwed.

He did retain some of his mother's looks. Loki had pitch black fur in which he'd inherited. He'd also received a green eyes giving him hemochromatic eyes. One red and one green that contrasted quite nicely against his face. Some would even go far to say he'd retained some of her good looks.

Now the question was, did anyone remember him? Surely someone would? Then again he hadn't been widely known and he'd left early. Thor had hardly ever been around after a while and left his mother to her defenses. Then Loki herself had been almost clueless as a mother. Could he blame her? Not really. He could certainly blame his father though. If he ever saw the brute again he'd rip him a new one. Then he could go about forgiving him for never being around.

He had enjoyed his time with his old pack, but a terrible hurricane had wiped them out. Now it was time to move on and he had every intention of returning to Valhalla if they would accept him. It was familiar and it would suit him well.

The young man stopped a few feet from the border and threw back his head and let loose a strong howl summoning someone. Hopefully someone who recognized him would come, but a wolf of higher ranks would be acceptable too. For now he would sit back and wait patiently, ready to fight or flee if needed, but for now he rested on his haunches content to wait.


Loki 1


6 Years
04-09-2013, 11:27 AM
The ebony dame twined through the trees. This land was adorned with too much happiness, too much light, she felt it seer her soul. The black and twisted thing was unaccustomed to the light, but the dame strode with purpose, with decision in her paws. Silent and deadly, emerald eyes flickered about her surroundings, the very top of her nose twitching ever so slightly at the various smells that encased and encompassed her. She hated most everything, most everyone. prejudice was not something she maintained. She was a distasteful creature whose lies and falsities had governed her for far too long.

Nothing held her interest for long, nothing made her satisfied and Thor, the miserable bastard, he hoped he was rotting in the lowest layer of hell. He had left her. Nobody betrayed the trickster. He would not receive a loving welcome from his wife if ever he should show his sorry hide. Her lips coiled back over the whites of her teeth and she barred them for only a moment before her maw fell back to neutrality. Today however, she did not allow her thoughts to linger on such things. Bitter and cruel she may have been but she had taken care of her pups, had taught them what they needed to survive. Perhaps not the most loving or affectionate wolf, but she had not left them wanting... its not like Thor had been around to help her.

She had been wandering outside of Tortuga, when the scent, faint as it was, caught her nostrils . Curiosity or so it seemed, would forever be her downfall. She had set off without a word tracking the scent of one of the wolves that had sprung from her womb. Of course they would attend Valhalla, she had been a wolf under there banners for the vast majority of her life, the change had been quite recent, but she had no desire to take orders from a suckling. The long, drawn out howl, snapped the silence and she set off at a sprint. Thick ebony bodice propelling her forward. She burst from the trees like the snake she was and slowed her gait to a halt, a delicious smile coiling her mouth as she brushed up against her son.

"Fenrir... its been a long time love, where have you been my son?" She purred against his ear, emerald eyes gleaming with something sinister. Valhalla was unimportant for the moment, her full attention remained upon her son.


04-09-2013, 11:39 AM

A sounds caught the male's attention, but it wasn't coming from inside the borders. No. It was coming from the outside, from behind him. A silent snarl encompassed his muzzle and eyes turned cold as he leaped to his feet, only to calm himself when he realized who it was. Loki. His mother, but what was she doing here? She didn't smell like Valhalla. No. She smelled like Tortuga. The scent had morphed to their territory, but it still smelled like them. What was she doing with them and when had this change taken place?

She whispered in his ear. She seemed to have a knack for sneaking up on another, even his sharp nose hadn't scented her coming. He was more interested in seeing who would be coming from Valhalla. Not someone coming from a completely different direction.

Fenrir's visage didn't change from the calm and cool collected state it was as he turned to look down at the ebony female. She didn't seem to have aged a bit and she was just as he remembered her. Slim, beautiful, and just as sly as always.

"Ah, mother. Been with an island pack down south. Got wiped out by a hurricane."

He rested his haunches to the ground once more and watched his mother. An ear flicked towards the direction from Valhalla keeping an eye out for someone from there. He still intended to join. He was not interested in Tortuga, even if his mother was there. Question was, was it wise for her to be here?

"Mother, You should leave."


Loki 1


6 Years
04-09-2013, 12:02 PM
She smiled at his aggression, she had never felt more proud. Rule number one, trust no one. No one is an ally, everyone has a hidden agenda. The world was cruel and her pups would know that. of course she was stricken with love for her children, a love that even she could not escape from. It was instinctual, habitual. She did lover her pups, wished only the best for them, even if she had a difficult time showing it. He relaxed and he saw her, at least he had recognized her.

She changed little over the years, her age had not yet displayed itself upon her. Slim, elegant, long, beautiful. The dame had a hidden beauty but it was corrupted with her blackened demeanor. Lies and tricks were her nature and many had fallen victim to her over the years. She seated herself beside him, ears swiveling as he answered her. A pack to the South? A hurricane? It did not surprise her that he had been a survivor, she had taught him better than to be swept away by the fury of nature.

" Welcome back love, I have missed you, it seems tales of times past will have to wait since you are so eager to send me away, what have I done to earn your fast dismissal Fenrir?" her tones were as smooth as glass, tail flickering back and forth, green eyes focused upon her son. She often wondered what had become of her litter, but who was she to hold them back? if they wished to leave their place of birth who was she to stop them? The question remained now that he had returned... what would she do?


04-09-2013, 05:04 PM

She seated herself besides him and Fenrir grew a bit more anxious with every passing minute. Was it her intent to stay here and babble with him? He was well aware how packs ran themselves. If she had left Valhalla for Tortuga then he was almost positive Valhalla would attempt to claim Loki as theirs again. It was how the world ran and there was no avoiding it. Surely she did not want to return to her former pack? If she had then she wouldn't have left in the first place.

" Welcome back love, I have missed you, it seems tales of times past will have to wait since you are so eager to send me away, what have I done to earn your fast dismissal Fenrir?"

Though he still felt anxious of her well being, he kept a calm visage and waited patiently. He still kept an ear trained towards Valhalla and an ear on her listening to her speech. He wasn't intending to be rude, he was just looking out for her. She was still his mother after all. He wasn't about to just sit back and not say anything at all.

"Sorry. Wasn't trying to be rude. Was just looking out for you. Was sure you didn't wanna be here."

He spoke in fragmented sentences again. He wasn't quite fond of talking, even to family or someone he knew well. He was the silent sort who let his actions speak for him. If she insisted on staying that was fine. If Valhalla tried to claim her he would argue against it, and fight against it if need be. Simply because he did love her and wanted what was best for her. If she felt Tortuga was best for her, well then he would work towards that goal to keep her there.



04-10-2013, 06:34 AM

Cairo could hear the summons of the young lad, and he had to admit, it was foreign at first. The scent had altered and nowadays the child wore a more masculine scent. He had grown. His parents had been particularly aloof from the rest of the pack. Thor more so than Loki, however. Still facts were facts and the large, graying, brunette male could not simply cast away the past. Loki, had betrayed them, and she would be denied, however, Fenrir had remained perfectly neutral, his departing of Valhalla merely to find himself, and Cairo could find nothing in the child that had malice. He would be welcomed.

Where the scent of the boy was, there was also a certain tincture, a minute difference, and a strong recognition. Loki? Oh what a silly woman! Daring to come so close merely because her son had ventured back? She should know it was not her right, and ultimately she would be denied the child. After all, she should hold Valhalla in strong abhorrence? They had taken not one, but two of Tortuga?s own, and they had usurped the other?s forces. Placing the packs, at worse ends than ever before. It was not something easily forgotten.

A a brisk trot the giant would ascend upon the borders, a neutral expression painted on his visage as he torqued his head in the distance, blue eyes upon Loki. ?Thank you for your assistance, you may go,? Cairo turned his head towards the newly seasoned warrior and a more pleasant expression cleansed him. Body aimed for the boy?s shoulder, his nose touching gently in greeting, ?Ah, Fenrir, how have you been?? Powerful words that more or less ignored Loki, for she was not the concern here. A strong and excited expression remained clean on his features and he waited to be sure the male had come to re-join.

Loki 1


6 Years
04-13-2013, 03:01 AM
Loki had no bitterness for Valhalla. She grew tired of its incessant talk of family and the concepts of love and how strong such bonds were... such a load of crap that was, but it was more an irritation than downright hatred. Yes, she had left, but she had not truly left, when the eruption occured and wolves were scattered to the winds, she had merely never come back. It had been a choice and an easy one at that. Tortuga left her the hell alone. She enjoyed the philosophy. She no longer had to deal with those who would preach to her of the beautys of love. She spat in the core of love. Such an idiotic notion did not exist. perhaps the paternal love was something to be noted, but emotions were weakness and lies. Nothing more and nothing less.

"Oh my sweet Fenrir,you still have much knowledge to obtain." She purred in a silken whisper. Of course she got no more time for herself. The ebony dame watched as the familiar visage of Valhalla's king... no... ex-king chanced upon them. He dismissed her like a common dog, but it did little to phase her. Her tail continued to bait behind her senselessly and without missing a beat she responded swiftly. "Oh dear Cairo you must have mistaken me for one of your heat soaked bitches that crawl for the chance to take a command from your larynx." Her silken tones never changed, perfectly relaxed and at ease.

"Do not get your cock in a twist, I have no intention of lingering any longer than I must. Much to common disbelief, I hate the taste of battle and war. A recluse suits me well, but do not forget that Fenrir is my son and despite what thoughts may linger in your mind, I care for my pups greatly. I want only the best for them. If Fenrir wishes to rejoin Valhalla I will not deny him such an opportunity, but I will see that he is happy and well taken care of." Her tones were much more solid and serious. Cairo could dame her to the lowest layer of hell for all she cared but he would not take her son with her.


04-13-2013, 03:18 AM

Perhaps the boy did have so much more knowledge to obtain. Her silky tones that she purred at him certainly did address that much. He'd hardly discovered much of the world. It was quite pathetic actually. He'd been hiding among the southern pack for so long. He hadn't truly explored the wonders and curiosities that it had to offer. Then again Fenrir wasn't one to truly enjoy the beauty. Still, he could accept the fact that there was so much more another could teach him, and by far he was willing to learn if given the chance.

The sound of another caught his attention and the scent that soon followed was enough to realize that perhaps he was remembered. The King came forth carrying himself like the man Fenrir remembered him to be. His pelt had grayed slightly, but the golden and brown hues still suggested the glorious coat he had once held. Azure eyes seemed the same as always and truly the only thing that seemed to have affected the older male was time. Age had caught up to him and he soon realized that Valhalla had a new ruler. Who could it be though? He was unaware of any heir.

Alas, it did not matter at the present time. Cairo dismissed his mother without a second thought and then turned upon him with a more pleasant expression upon his visage. Duo-colored hues looked at him with a curious gleam as the elder pressed a nose to his shoulder. So he did remember him. Fenrir hadn't expected many to, but it was pleasing to know that the ex lord retained some memory, and even seemed to be somewhat pleased by his return. The black and crimson brute attempted to return the gesture by aiming to repeat it, pressing his nose against the mans shoulder. Words soon came as Fenrir broke away from the greeting.

"Been well. Don't seem too bad yourself. Least I hope not."

An ebony ear flicked towards his mother and eyes widened slightly at her words. He'd forgotten what a mouth she had at times. His calm expression returned and eyes glanced towards the former Alpha as he wondered what he would think. Would he have any reaction at all, or would he continue to ignore her as he had before? Surely her words must have struck a nerve. Was she aiming to cause trouble for herself? He truly believed she was looking out for his well being. He had to commend her for that. She wasn't the best mother, but she truly did care, but at such lengths.... her words seemed a bit drastic. Then again, Loki had always had a way with words.



04-19-2013, 11:17 AM


airo would pin his ears against his head as Loki's words resounded through the air. Her blatant lack of respect for anything was the bane of his existence, and regardless of what anyone wanted him to think, he was not gonna succumb to giving her the pleasure of seeing him all riled up. The earthen male would simply allow his attention to lay solely upon Fenrir, and he did not give Loki the benefit of pleasure to take recognition of her existence. A warm smile pressed on his lips as Fenrir spoke and he nodded his head slowly.

"Age has and is the bane of my existence, however, I must admit that it's not been a wretched thing. My children are well, and Valhalla is thriving," He would leave it at that before he torqued his head to the side, "I've got to get back to things, takes enough time for me to hobble around, bid your mother good bye, and come in, make yourself at home, you know the drill,"