
Crimson snow


04-08-2013, 01:21 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2013, 09:16 PM by Awaken.)
?? ? Boreom forced through Awaken's ?mind. Even through all the confusion. He growled jumping up onto a nearby ?boulder then jumping back down into the snow. He was paying no attention to were he was headed and almost walked right into a bears den. He stopped himself seconds before and went to walk the other direction when a loud roar errupted from the cave/hole in the ground. A big brown mass of angry bear came barreling out at Awaken with her teeth showing. Her cubs in the den below.?

?? ?Awaken ducked out of the way and barked at the bear who was now standing about ten feet away from him. Awaken's ebony fur stood off his skin and his tail fully erect in warning. He looked for a way around the bear but the only option was to fight. Awaken's briliant mind started running through scenarios, deleteing hundreds and keeping only two as logical.?

Option 1: attack head on and risk his vitals.
Option 2: attack from the side and risk a shot to the ribs.?

?? ?Another roar interuppted his thought as the she-bear charged. He lept over the bears head, placeing a paw on its forehead and biteing into its back, right behind the shoulderblades then jumping off as the bear turned around. ?Awaken considered running but the bear was too close and hed mostlikely be caught. ?The bear stood swatting her paws out at awaken, revealing its vitals. Awaken considered attacking but if the bear came down on him, it would be all over. What he needed was another wolf. He howled a loud, sharp cry for anyone in the area who might hear.



04-08-2013, 03:27 PM

[Image: KrashTableHeader.png]

The beast of the mountains, he was once called, decided this day to enjoy the weather, relatively good even with the piercing cold that always held the northlands. Beside him walked the black-and-white furred Ocena, one of his new Packmates, a pleasant - if talkative- female who had come along with him on his trip to learn the new lands that he may soon call home. The uneventful and peaceful walk filled with much idle conversation would be interrupted, though, by a terrifying sound.

A horrible, low cry rushed across the land, the sound familiar to the old fighter as a battlecry of a bear. Under normal circumstances, they ought to just ignore it, maybe take a note to avoid that particular spot, but the sounds that followed it altered the situation. It was the call of another wolf from the same location, a cry of desperation and a plea for help! This fellow was in dire trouble, and the heroic-drive in the war-wolf was kick-started and pushed him to make the scene immediately.

"Let's go! We must help him!" commanded Krash to the wolf beside him, forgetting entirely that he held no official position over her and in fact was ranked quite below, but in his mind he may have been at his once-home, calling to action his soldiers to attack the enemy in their lands. Crusade had promised him that there would be danger and a need for a warrior like him to protect others, and he was eager to get started. He couldn't recognize the owner of the howl they had heard to know if it was a member of Glaciem that he was obligated to help (not that he had known any of them long enough to recognize them) but it mattered little.

He didn't wait to see if Ocena would follow, he only sprinted as fast as his bulky body could into the ice fields, adrenaline already peaking, ready to face the enormous predator in this stranger's honor.

Not so great a post, but I thought I'd just make a quick one so everyone else can get into the thread :P

[Image: KrashTableFooter.png]


04-09-2013, 02:31 PM (This post was last modified: 04-09-2013, 02:34 PM by Awaken.)

??Awaken ?perked his ears tward the other wolf, not taking his eyes off the bear... His bead hung low to protect his jugular and ribs. His frontlegs set about one and a half feet apar and his chest was held low. The muscles in his rump rippled like a coiled spring ready to strike. Teh bear charged and he dashed to the side, sidestepping quickly to keep away from the rapidly swatting paws of the bear, thus revealing why hed kept himself so thin, he had the perfect musclemass but almost no fat on his ribs so he would beable to run faster.

Awaken worked like a machine untill his mind started messing with him again. ?

? 'Nexium! Lookout!' ?
?Awaken screeched to a stop, whipping his head around to try and find the source of the warning. The farmiliar fire rose again, a blinding patch of wh-

Awaken yelped when he felt claws make contact with his side and knocking him about 6 feet. He snapped out of his dream useing his claws to stop himself and stand back up. Blood staining the skidmark hed left on the snow.

?The bear began to wait on Awaken to tire out. She knew that the bleeding would take its effects.

? 'NEXIUM PLEASE!' ?The voice screamed again. Awaken tried his best to ignore it and focus.

Code by Azil, image by Souleater. Do not use without permission.

(thankyou azilla!!)