
Rankira awaits you


05-19-2013, 11:38 PM

Here he was again, tripping on the very gems he had harbored all to himself; shrooms. Tripping, oh he was always tripping. The good visions had all faded, and recently, the nightmares had taken over. Things beyond this world were on his tail, beasts from hell arose from their graves as he soared over fallen red woods. He didn't know where he was, what time of day it was, or anything for that matter. All he knew was he needed to get away, and unknowingly, he had stumbled right into Amenti's territory. Heart raced, eyes darted from left to right, mind spiraled out of control. He truly was gone. Left, right, left. He darted in each direction, trying to lose the beasts following so close behind.




05-19-2013, 11:48 PM


Something was up. The ebony beast arose from the earth, ears perked forward, nose lifted toward the air to catch the scents carried by the breeze. An intruder, and from the scent and rapid movement, maybe an attacker. He was quick to act, massive legs propelling him forward and he pinpointed the scent, and tracked it down. He came onto the scene, the odd male running straight into him without a second glance. Was he blind!? He fell over for a split second, but caught himself, pushing his massive frame back into an upright position. His body swung toward the intruder, eyes wide, ears pinned, teeth bared. He looked so familiar, almost identical to that bitch who ruled that goddy pack in the old lands of Alacritis. Could this be her son? He had no time for questions. He needed answers. "Give me a reason why I shouldn't slit your throat right here, right now." Teeth lashed toward the crimson boy, adding an assertive gesture to his words. He waited, tail flagged, defenses on. If he had to, he would indeed slit his throat. He promised Newt he would protect her and everything they had, and if it meant killing this boy, he would do it.


05-19-2013, 11:59 PM

BAM! He ran smack into a large figure, his own tumbling over as he did so. He rolled for a few seconds, but quickly gathered himself up again. He had no time to waste. The demons were after him, and if he stood still for even a split second, they would swallow him whole. He looked up, eyes following the outline of the ebony beast. If it wasn't for his scars he wouldn't see him in the shadows that surrounded the pair. His breaths shortened, his heart rate escalated to and even higher rate. He truly was tripping out. The figure spoke, and when it did, the words boomed so loudly inside his mind it made him scream. He cowered down, tail tucking, eyes staring into those of the devil himself. He was truly terrified. Teeth snapped in his direction before he could reply. It was trying to kill him. He needed to fight back, he needed to defend his life. The crimson boy swallowed his fears, threw away all shreds of terror he had felt moments ago. It was him against the very beast who wanted his soul. Lips curled back to reveal canines as the boy lept from his crouched position. Before the inky blob could move his teeth sunk into its right shoulder, a warm, blood like substance filling his mouth. Was this all he had to do? Keep biting the darkness until it turned to light? He clamped down, trying to get a good grip on the flesh he had gotten. Little did he know, this act would lay him on his death bed.

Attacks: Jumped at Kaios, and before Kaios could move, he bit down on his right shoulder.
Defenses: None, he is sloppy because of the drugs
Injuries: None




05-20-2013, 06:24 PM


He waited for something, anything, and when he got it, he sure wasn't expecting it. Instead of speaking the boy instantly attacked, sending lashing fangs into his right shoulder before he could react. Pain surged through his body, but it wasn't too intense. He was thick skinned, and a few gashes here and there weren't too much trouble. But, this action would certainly make him dish out a dire consequence. Not only had he intruded on his land, but he had intentionally attacked the alpha. How else was he to respond? The only way to do it was to fight back, maybe battle this brute into submission and further question him. If it led to a worse case then so be it, the king would fight to the death if it meant protecting the ones he swore to keep safe. His body jerked, muscles tensing as he gained a good grip on the earth below him. Legs spread, tail flagged. Within a few split seconds he sent his own teeth lashing at the male, jaws seeking the back of his neck while he still had a grip on his shoulder. If he could grab him, and pin him, this all might be over before things got too serious.

Attacks: Aiming to bite the back of Valkis's neck so he can try to pin him in some way
Defenses: Muscles tensed, legs spread for balance, tail flagged, ears pinned back
Injuries: Gash on his right shoulder


05-20-2013, 06:45 PM

Iron tasting liquid filled his mouth as he clamped down harder, teeth digging into flesh and thin layers of muscle. The darkness was surrounding him, and for a moment he hoped it would jerk away. It did the complete opposite of that. Ivory blades came down upon him, pain pumping through his body as they penetrated his flesh. His neck. It had got him. He released the beast, crimson skull shaking from left to right as he tried to squirm his way free. He was locked between the jaws of the devil who was plotting to drag him to the underworld. No, he couldn't allow it. He must keep fighting. His entire body began to jerk, muscles tensing, back legs bucking, front legs rearing up. His neck somehow managed to slip inside the monsters mouth, and now his teeth faces it's chest. It's heart. If he could rip it out, or somehow damage it, he would win. He let the left side of his body limp as he turned the right, teeth lashing toward it's chest while his flailing front paws scratched any flesh he could reach. He let his body go limp to add dead weight, hoping to drag the demon down a bit, and put up a quick distraction while he attacked his chest.

Attack: Kaios bit down on the back of his neck, so he released his shoulder and started flailing in an attempt to get away. Somehow his neck slipped inside Kaios's mouth, and his muzzle is now facing Kaios's chest. He let the left side of his body go limp as he twisted, sending teeth and claws into Kaios's chest. He goes limp in order to add dead weight to his already heavy weight, and to put up some odd distraction. He's on drugs remember!?
Defenses: None, he's on drugs and doesn't know what to do!
Damage: Bite on the back of his neck, deeper than the scurf, but not too deep for fatal damage




05-20-2013, 07:14 PM


Teeth dug into tender flesh, crimson liquid filling his mouth. His attack had worked, and now he could work on pinning this kid and demanding an explanation. But, Valkis did something he was not expecting. He instantly started squirming, the lords teeth digging and ripping deeper into his flesh he did so. His entire body jerked, and Kaios's head swayed along with it as he kept his grip. Somehow the boys head and twisted inside his mouth, and now his muzzle was facing his exposed chest and throat. He quickly tucked his chin, grip loosening on the boys neck, but he'd rather protect his vitals then keep him locked between his jaws. He could always grab him again, but he wouldn't be able to take back a ripped out jugular. Lips curled as he snarled, saliva and blood dripping from the opened corners of his mouth. Suddenly the boy went limp, and since Kaios wasn't expecting this, his head dragged down a foot or so from the dead weight. Before he could pull him back up teeth grazed his chest, and claws dug into his bleeding shoulder. Now that hurt. He snarled a vicious sound as he jerked himself away, releasing his grip around the boys neck. He reared up, powerful back legs supporting his massive frame as he went up and came down on this male. Now he had done it. This was a match to the death, and Kaios would not let him win. The boy fell beneath him, crimson pelt flashing as he tried to regain himself, but Kaios was too quick. He came down, all his weight and momentum put into his front paws. He was hoping to pin the bastard while he was still down on the earth

Attack: Let go of Valkis's neck, reared up, and came down with all his weight put into his front legs. He's hoping to pin him so he can get a lethal grip on something.
Defenses: Ears pinned, teeth bared, legs spread evenly for balance, claws hooked so he can grab onto any flesh his paws touch.
Injuries: Gash on right shoulder, scratches on chest, claw marks around damaged shoulder


05-21-2013, 05:22 PM

His attacks had somewhat worked. His teeth grazed the beast's chest, and his claws dug deep into the wound he had already created. The beast released him and jerked back, making Valkis's body drop toward the earth. He landed on his side, and before he could pick himself back up, the beast came crashing down upon him. 183 pounds of muscle smashed into his side while claws dug into his flesh. CRACK! He screamed, pain surging through his body. Something inside him had broke, and from the feeling of it, it was a rib or two. He tried to squirm away, but it was too late. The weight on him was too heavy to move. His head twisted toward the figures exposed ankle, and he started snapping wildly at it. What else could he do? Water built up in his eyes, moans of pain splitting his snarls as he cried in pain. He had never felt anything like this before, and it was torture.

Attacks: Trying to bite Kaios's ankle
Defenses: None
Injuries: Wound on neck, broken ribs, claw marks on side




05-21-2013, 05:38 PM


He came down on the brute, every bit of inertia he had built up put into his front legs. CRACK! He heard bones grinding, snapping, splinting. He had done serious damage now. His lips curled into a devilish smile. His blood lust, it was coming back with a vengeance, and he wouldn't be able to fight it. It had been a long time since he killed someone, and after he was done, he'd have himself a nice meal. His claws ripped into flesh as he grabbed onto the male, and with a sudden jerk he rolled him over onto his back, pinning him down by his shoulders. Back legs stepped on the boys back legs, that way if he tried to attack his underbelly, he would fail. The only defense the boy had now was his teeth, and if he tried to use them, Kaios would break his jaw. "I hope you're ready for a one way trip to the underworld bitch. Think twice before you decide to attack Satan himself." His head threw back as he cackled, saliva flying in all directions as he did so. His toungue swiped the foam away, lips curling into unnatural proportions as he loomed over the boy, hollow eyes staring into his soul. He wanted this, he wanted to rip his heart out and suck the blood from his veins.

Attacks: Got a grip on him and rolled him onto his back so he could pin him
Defenses: Teeth bared, ears pinned, weight evenly distributed
Injuries: Gash on right shoulder, scratches on chest, claw marks around damaged shoulder


05-21-2013, 06:31 PM

His body jerked as he rolled onto his back, the inky blobs front paws pinning his shoulders down, and his hind legs being crushed beneath the enormous beast above him. It was over. There was nothing he could do now, the only defense he had was his teeth, and that surly wouldn't be enough to fight the monster off. But, he did not give up. Head jerked back and forth as he snapped at whatever pieces of flesh he hoped to grab. Everything was pretty hopeless at this point, but hey, he deserved it. Everything was wearing off, and his mind was becoming a bit more clear. The man before him was another canine, and an alpha. He had attacked him for no reason. He always felt the shrooms would be his downfall. How convenient that they were on this day? He snarled as he snapped, every last bit of effort he had being put into this attack.




05-21-2013, 06:50 PM


Teeth went lashing toward him, but it did no good. There was nothing this boy could do to get away,and he deserved the death he was about to receive. He had attacked him, trespassed on his lands, and endangered everything he had worked for. With a quick strike he grabbed the males soft neck, teeth sinking deeply. He could feel the jugular collapsing, and from the male's shortened gasps he could tell this would be over soon. Blood dripping from the corners of his mouth as he jerked his head from left to right. He wanted to rip this little bitch apart. SNAP. His head jerked back as he ripped away flesh, the boys jugular locked tightly between his jaws. He let it slip out of his mouth, ignoring the chunks that fell onto the forest floor. He looked down, eyes trailing the outline of the gory hole he had opened up. The boy, was dead. Steam arose from his wound, warm crimson liquid seeping from all corners. He could see faint patches of bone where the boys spine started in the back of his neck, and it pleased him. It gave him closure that the bastard truly was dead, and would never be coming back.

He wasted no time. He stepped off the male and went to work, nails and teeth clawing at the breastbone as he tried to open up the chest cavity. He wanted his heart. It took some work, but after some cracking, splinting, and breaking the thick bone, he had done it. Before him lay the jewel he had worked so hard to find; the heart. His face was drenched in the boys blood, legs and paws also covered in the crimson heat. Jaws closed around the fleshy organ as he pulled it from its prison, and with a few chewing motions he had grind it down and swallowed it. It was fucking delicious. With that he turned away from the corpse, a long smile spread across his face as he took off toward Newt to inform her of what had happened.