
Custom Concern


04-07-2013, 10:13 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2013, 10:14 PM by Deteste.)

These lands were enchanting. Laxago,I thought, even in her moodiness would be enchanted by the foreign trees and the moonlit waters. I had left the girl at dusk, an hour or two after I'd lulled her to sleep so that she would not miss my presence. I hoped she would not wake and find me absent. Though I had let her know that I would be about looking for a new home for us. I'd hunted and eaten before entering the territory and the recent meal filled my lanky body a bit. I meant to look as strong and useful as possible. It was necessary to find a pack before the autumn and winter came. I could not tend to Laxago without the help of others.

Beneath the deep shade of a large mangrove I sat and contemplated the conversation I would have with the leader of this land. The shade and night darkness combined I was invisible except for my eyes. I had not yet crossed into what appeared to be the pack line. I found myself increasingly anxious and the worst of scenarios filled my thoughts. It was unlikely, I had to admit to myself, that any alpha would allow wolves such as ourselves into their packs. Laxago was not exactly an asset. In fact she was almost the opposite of that, she did not have much to contribute to pack life. She was certainly not social and in her condition would not be able to fulfill any sort of pack duties, especially hunting. As her caretaker, with her level of need, I would need to find some sort of balance between duties, taking up those Laxago could not fulfill and taking care of the girl herself without making her feel as if I were forgetting about her.

A frustrated whine erupted from my chest and into the silent night. It was deep and it's level of melancholy surprised me. I sat in my dark spot, hoping to remain unseen as I contemplated a return to home. I stared forward, not seeing but thinking of better times, the few that there were, immobilized by the weight of my responsibilities.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-10-2013, 04:24 PM

jupiter illidais

"jupiter speech" ? "mercury speech"

one found that two things happened when something was done endlessly, over and over again; either it became habit and one no longer took notice of it, or one grew bored with the repetitiveness and their will to do it was run into the earth. jupiter was currently pacing across the planes of the middle ground of these two sides of the spectrum, patience growing thin with the vigilance she was having to upkeep and the time-consuming task of patrols, but the lass was certain that it was necessary. it seemed as if a majority of the felines had finally decided to discontinue their terrorizing of her lands but one could never be too sure that it would stay that way. luckily, she had mercury, and the tasmanian devil was turning out to be endlessly useful in ensuring that no cats still lingered. the black fluff ball was one of the main reasons why their pests had high-tailed it out of there; one bite from those powerful jaws tended to get the message across extremely well.

luck happened upon her on this day, for the alpha happened to be located on the same side of the river as the newcomer that lie on her borders beyond her knowledge. she was drawn first by a soft whine, and, interest piqued, she had advanced until she saw him--a midnight bulk whose pelt was nearly invisible against the shadow of the mangrove in which he reclined against. she set her stance neutral and her features affable as she kept relative distance between them, but maintained enough proximity so that she wouldn't have to shout awkwardly to speak with this unknown individual.

"greetings, good sir," she said, settling down on her haunches, celestial gaze unwavering as it remained trained upon this brute. "out for a walk?" came her generally friendly inquiry. she wouldn't necessarily let her guard down, but wouldn't begrudge him the benefit of the doubt, either.

? 324 words ?

[ o o c ; ]
sorry for the wait! :c

prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


04-19-2013, 03:10 PM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2013, 03:11 PM by Deteste.)

The night was warm but a cool breeze bent the mangrooves and above me a canopy of verdis green twinkled in the moonlight and shook in unison against the force. One could hear the creatures stir in their nests, their movements no louder than the whisper of the leaves as they rattled. I detected the girl a short while before she came into sight, yet I remained in the deep shade below the mangroove with the wind tugging at my obsidian pelt and twisting the tendrils where the cool fingers of air caught on. I could have been part of the jungle trunk I rested against would my cerulean eyes not give me away in the moonlit night. I exhaled and allowed the whine that had escaped me to float away into nothing. There was only silence now. Except for the distant foot falls and breaths of the wolf headed my way. Her scent was familiar from scouting the territory but the most prominent of the scents that marked the border. It was likely she was the one who frequented the land's end most.

When I saw her I felt my body quiver. She was a being like none I had seen before. Her rust colored pelt was nearly maroon in the night and the pale strip of cream across her brows glowed like a queenly tiara in the night light. I was almost certain that she was not real. But the presence was so strong and so convincing that I was forced to trust myself. I was able to better examine her unique features the nearer she became and I was soon struck by the lavender eyes that stared from her feminine mug. I found myself standing as she approached and moistened my nose with a quick swipe of the tongue and met the alphess at the brim of the shade and dipped in a low bow before her. This was a true leader and I would treat her with respect one deserved.

My name is De. I replied. It was difficult to read what body language was offered. Though the alphess was guarded, she was also friendly and there was no judgment that I could find in her behavior or expressions. You could say that. I addressed the question with a gentle but toothsome smile, the expression almost coy. A slightly exasperated breath stretched and contracted between my ribs as I attempted to find comfortable and confident footing in the conversation. I have traveled for a long time. I found myself saying, balancing myself on my overly calloused pads. For years now I have been searching for a home for myself and my mate. Her hardened personality has made pack life a difficult lifestyle to obtain. Her heart is hard and because if it she has been with sickness for the past couple of years. I will not lie to you. She will not be an asset to your pack. She will not interact with others. She will not hunt. She has nothing to offer. But I know that I am strong and I am willing to take up the responsibilities she will not be able to fulfill as a member, as well as fulfilling my own if you choose to have us. I know we have just met, and that such conversation is serious for two strangers to have but if you will tell me your name, perhaps we can talk and learn more about one another?" Gullible as it seemed, I believed honesty was important. It reflected a responsible and strong character. There had been many hardships in my life but I would not let them sicken me as Laxago did, and I would give her what I could for the role she has played in my life.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.

Jupiter I


7 Years
04-21-2013, 06:46 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2013, 08:58 PM by Jupiter I.)

the lady watched the obsidian beast with great interest and caution, celestial eyes intent on the stranger. her mind remained concentrated on his words as he launched himself into what seemed to be an extremely personal reel of information. a flash of pity snaked across the forefront of her mind, but she didn't allow it to outwardly show, as such an emotion was sometimes regarded as disrespectful in the minds of some. the lad must be desperate at this point to be so forward about a matter--or extremely honest, rather. a flicker of amusement touched jupiter's mind. she was in no place to talk about being desperate, in all honesty. ludicael dwindled in numbers, and the success of the first meeting that she'd initially felt had been greatly diminished since that time, as very few had approached the borders seeking entry since then. the sol had not the disrespect to force those on the battlefield into her affiliation against their will, and vowed to never stoop so low.

her small organization was not picky, and the alpha was in no position to become selective. though she didn't doubt the ability of her members, she had seen the numbers of other packs, and when their numbers were nearly twice and thrice of ludicael's, heart became dangerously low in value. they were also not a legion of warriors--maverick was a healer, and several of their individuals remained unsorted and generally un-ranked. she stored this for later pondering so that she could consider fixing this problem later, and offered a kind smile to the lad that had introduced himself as de.

"it is a pleasure to meet you, de. i am jupiter--the leader of ludicael." she paused, pondering over her next line of dialogue, and then went on, timbre gentle. "i cannot deny you a home, nor can i judge you on what i have not experienced before. should you find the land and its leader appealing--" here she offered a smile, "--i will not begrudge you membership." she paused, and then glanced about at their surroundings. "come; let us walk." she offered, hesitating only briefly to give him ample time to react, and then whether his answer worked in her favor or not, began to stroll in a path that would take them along the edge of the river. he seemed like a decent individual, and the obsidian behemoth was certainly kind to the eyes, though that was definitely the last thing on jupiter's mind at the moment, and with knowing what she did, it would undoubtedly stay that way indefinitely.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-07-2013, 08:35 PM (This post was last modified: 05-07-2013, 08:43 PM by Deteste.)

There was a long pause and we could have stood staring at one another endlessly. With my crown dipped slightly I looked up and though I tried to make my expression without judgement I knew there must have been some impression of hope in my stare. In my disposition. The hope was new to me. I had encountered countless packs who would not allow us entry because of Laxago's condition and my appearance. All leaders had considered me as a haggard and dangerous individual in my more severe moods I could understand where such a judgement might be made. I knew I had been sudden in my approach and there must have been a great amount of thought behind those eyes but there was no emotion I could discern from the femme other than coolness and reflection. Perhaps I had invested too much in the vermilion jacket she wore. In the glowing lavender gaze that resembled amethyst in the night. But there had to be fate behind such prominent features.

Jupiter . This was her name and the grandeur of it matched her affect. I had seen the planet many times in the sky, glowing like a large amber star in the night and many times had I indicated it's presence to Laxago who in her dark moods never understood my appreciation. While Laxago had never been unkind to me she had been as distant as any planet or star in the sky since the birth of our first litter. It was eerie to feel the excitement and warmth I had now. I was extremely grateful for the home that Jupiter was offering us but in the depths of my gratitude and joy I felt guilt that Laxago could not share such emotions with me. But most of all I felt guilt that I enjoyed sharing such emotions with another person, one that I had just met. The guilt escaped me and I could feel the emotion slightly contour my expression before I was able to control it again. I looked away. Up towards the night sky hoping that the shadows would dim the expression for the brief second that it was there.

I locked eyes with Jupiter again after her invitation to walk. I'd traveled long distances for the past couple of days. My pads resembled sandpaper and raw. But in her invitation my weariness suddenly left me. As did the guilt. I followed, allowing half a stride between us to acknowledge her leadership. I was excited to explore the land, perhaps Jupiter would give me a short tour. Another lippy smile stretched across my jaws as I approached however as I neared Jupiter there was something in her gaze that reminded me to be guarded. Something within told me to dim my gleeful emotions and to distance myself. I had not had a friend before. Not before or after Laxago. I believed I loved her. Whether sincerely or out of duty I did not know but before this instant I had not believed it mattered for the idea of friendship had been unreal before this instant. I follow. I stated shortly, unsure of what was to come next.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


05-07-2013, 11:25 PM

until the end
that's where we begin

She had awoken, and she had been alone. Abandoned, panicked, uncertain how to react other than to scramble from the den that had been made for her - for them. Where was he? He had left her, and that was the only thing she had come to understand in those few panicked moments. Calmness did not come to her upon emerging from the den, or when she began to trail him, and in fact she was all the more frenzied, hurrying along with the look of a woman who would not bode well to interrupt in her trek. What if something had happened to him? Or perhaps he had found a woman better for him than she was, and that was the greatest fear of all. The very thought pushed her faster, moving into a long-legged lope as the female tracked her mate, hunting him down, determined to find him and figure out where he had been and what he was up to, for she couldn't stand the idea of another minute alone. She moved with powerful strides and muscular limbs that were strong only because Deteste had made them so, had fed and cared for her, and though she was more physically fit than she had been in a long while, Laxago was far from mentally sound. She knew when she was growing near, for she could suddenly hear the rumble of the scarred male's voice, and in the next moment she spotted him. The fact that she had seen him did not slow her progression until she was nearly upon him, and she would have barreled into the male had it not been for her sudden realization that he was not alone. Slamming on the breaks, Laxago skidded to a halt inches before crashing into Deteste, and then she coiled herself possessively under his chest, weaving between his forelegs and staring suspiciously at the other female, her ears twisting back as she muttered a wary, "Who's she?"

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-08-2013, 09:09 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2013, 09:12 PM by Jupiter I.)

her stride was generally relaxed as she walked, and a bit deceptive in conveying her thoughts. naturally, she was inwardly a bit guarded, but didn't want to come completely across as such. the alpha tried to project a good balance of affability and wariness--to seem reckless in wholly trusting this male wasn't something she wished to portray, but seeming like she had a stick shoved up her ass wasn't on her agenda, either. "we're a family, but you're not bound and grounded to the territory. of course, everyone has their duties, but otherwise, you're mostly free to do as you wish. we're a relatively small pack, but recently there has been an influx of inter--"

her speech was abruptly cut off as a light-pelted fae barreled into de. with a shocked snarl, jupiter jumped back, fur raising with extreme alarm. the lass nearly attacked the other, as some paranoia still lingered from an encounter with a certain individual or two from rival packs, but suppressed the urge thoroughly as the female made herself comfortable with the lad, drawing near and pressing herself against his underside. the sol blinked plaintively at the lady, taking a few deep breaths to flatten the fur and pin the adrenaline surge that had nearly overwhelmed her back down.

the ludicaen pondered over introducing herself, but was uncertain as to whether it was the right thing to do. she didn't quite want to leave de for the sharks should she be hostile toward jupiter's silence, but she didn't want to raise suspicion with excessive speech. she fell quiet, hoping that the male's reply was prompt--the question had, after all, been directed at de, and not herself, and she didn't feel as if it was her place to interfere with their relationship by answering for him. they weren't her pack members quite yet, so she held no authority over them, and this much she realized. with hidden humor inside of her, jupiter couldn't help but think that this was the mate he had spoken of--the one that wouldn't hunt, wouldn't have anything to offer, wouldn't be an asset to her pack. she seemed awful ready to be suspicious of the significant other that was only trying to etch out the best life for her, but she tried her best not to judge.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-09-2013, 05:57 PM (This post was last modified: 05-09-2013, 06:00 PM by Deteste.)

Once the conversation resumed I was able to relax again. Though Jupiter's outward expression was informal her presence and diction was authoritative, though not in a negative way. It was comforting to be around a person who was sure of their selves and such characteristics were especially good in a leader. I watched Jupiter attentively, nodding occasionally at her comments to show that I was invested in what she said. Distracted with my guilt and Jupiter's instruction, and Jupiter's over all presence I did not notice Laxago's arrival until Jupiter's speech broke off and she took a defensive stance. I didn't notice her still when Jupiter reached the height of her reaction, hackles raised and teeth bared. I had no reaction to offer the sudden onslaught of action that surrounded me so I stood, perhaps slightly stiff legged and stared on at Jupiter stupidly until I could feel the warmth of a body beneath me, one that spoke with a familiar voice.

who is she? questioned the voice who I found was Laxago, pearly white, with her long curly locks brushed and neat by my account, once I had craned my neck to find the source of Jupiter's displeasure and the curious warmth at my belly. Still stiff-legged I walked awkwardly off of Laxago, transitioning from staring at Jupiter, who had relaxed by now, to Laxago. who is she? the voice echoed. Who is she. Who is she. Laxago's lips were not moving so I knew that the echo was only in my head. The tone was increasingly demeaning and accusing with each repetition. I found myself suddenly filled with anger. I'd only felt frustration with Laxago before and the new and unpleasant onslaught of the emotion physically resembled acid reflex. The base of my throat burned. My stare and stance remained the same. I offered no honest reaction but found that my throat, burning with the new sensation, did the expressing for me. Who is she? both Laxago's words and tone were mimicked.

Laxago had not come to help Deteste in his search. De did not believe that she had even come to give him company. He knew that she had awoken in the night, forgotten that he told her he would be gone in her sleep, forget that in the morning he would be back with the breakfast that she could not obtain herself. That she would not eat herself. But had come with some fictional and frenzied idea that she had been abandoned and replaced within the span of a couple hours. She is our alpha, the only one that will have us after years of searching Laxago. And you will respect her. The words were spoken slowly and with callous. We had not argued before. At least not since before our litter and I could not remember the last time I had been this upset.
I stood silently for a moment contemplating this plethora of new emotion. Before there had been no hope that we would live normal lives. I thought we would wander forever because of Laxago's condition, that we would die just a couple years from now in a winter I could not outlast. I had accepted that and though I continued to visit pack territories the process was mechanical and I had lost any hope. Laxago would not understand this sudden change. She was unstable under such monotonous and repetitive schedule that any slight difference would tear her apart. I did not know what she would do. I am sorry, Jupiter. The apology was a mere whisper. I found my neck craning closer and closer to the ground until my nose nearly touched the damp sod. A knot of dread sloshed slowly down my throat and into my gut, it's weight wrenching. I would lose either Jupiter or Laxago or both. Whether temporarily or not I was unsure but for now I turned to stone.

Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.


05-09-2013, 07:23 PM

until the end
that's where we begin

Deteste was silent, oddly silent, and as soon as she had moved against him, seeking his comfort, he was gone, untangling himself from her and causing the babe to freeze, more uncertain than before. Her wide-eyed stare shifted between her mate -- the one she would most certainly die without -- and this female who looked on with ice in her stare, a female who was larger and stronger and healthier than her. Better than her. Her ears pulled back against that pallid skull, and her wary expression went from one of suspicion to worry, her brows furrowing, unable to comprehend her mate's silence. He looked detached -- perhaps angry -- and she remained on edge, cautious and uncertain, her muscles bristling with a nervous nature as the ravaged woman expressed the tension coursing through her body. When at last the male spoke, it was mocking, cold, harsh and unwelcoming, and it was almost enough to send Laxago running for cover; seeing none, she instead lowered herself towards the earth, her lean body crouching towards the cool ground and a shudder running down his spine. Who was this man, and where had his kindness gone? He spoke again, and it was no more friendly than before -- it was cold, blank, and without any indication of his love for her. He was upset, she realized, but with good reason. She had never done anything to help them, her chaotic mental state making her nothing more than a burden, and no one that a pack would want among their ranks, for she was little more than useless -- less help to them than a child would be. She accepted her fault in this, and slowly, that pale green stare shifted towards the one dubbed Jupter, the one he had called their alpha, the one who had remained silent all this time that an equally silent war seemed to be raging between the two would-be lovers. She had broken many things, Laxago realized -- she had destroyed their family, had destroyed herself and her mate, and had been a useless soul, a mindless burden to Deteste, and somewhere in that crazed mind of hers, comprehension dawned. As uncertain and unsteady as a child, the babe rose from her crouched position, though still remained hunched as though in shame, her wide wild eyes snapping once to Deteste when he whispered an apology, but her attention was elsewhere now, and she ignored his broken posture, her body slinking closer to the woman who was to be their queen. She had known humility once (and she had known pride, a long time ago), and she drudged it up again now, pausing a few strides from the watchful female and meeting her stare for a long few moments before her eyes dropped, her body following suit in a stiff, awkward bow. It was not pretty, and it was reluctant, but one could not say she hadn't tried, and she puffed a breath from her lips as though to rid herself of the uncomfortable sensation before she shuffled away just as stiffly as she had approached, leaning back on her haunches and glancing furtively towards Deteste, who she steadfastly refused to return to, leaving a gap between them that enticed her to shiver in the odd feeling of momentary freedom.

Jupiter I


7 Years
05-09-2013, 08:19 PM

the silence unnerved the alpha to the farthest of reaches, causing her to stifle the urge to shift uncomfortably and fidget unprofessionally. like the knight he was proving to be, though, the tar-pelted lad rescued her from the unsettling silence with an echo of his mate's question, previously warm timbre nearly shivering from the ice encased within it. such a drastic change drew shock even from jupiter, and she blinked rapidly with surprise at the unexpected tone, which rose once more to defend her with dialogue piercing in its meaning. a sort of pride swelled within her chest, but she straightened only slightly, arrogance or triumph absent in her features so she wouldn't come across as disdainful toward the lass. yes, the sol thought, her gaze training upon the male after a moment of lingering on his significant other, he will make a fine member.

even as his apology was thrown her way, the newly-introduce fae, laxago, crept forth, bodice lowering in a bow severely lacking in grace but mountainous in the message it sent. with a dismissive nod in her direction, as well as a forgiving one in de's, jupiter finally deemed that it had come time for her to speak. her attentions turned first upon laxago, head raised only slightly in a relatively casual display of remote dominance, but also with an inkling of pride shining through.

"it's a pleasure to meet you, laxago." she paused, allowing for a slight smile to pull the corners of her lips upwards a tad. gaze flickered toward the mate of the now-submissive female, merciful words dropping from her maw. "don't be; you both were forgiven before the apology." what was it, that one had once said? that mercy, not justice, was the trait that gave true power? possibly. though a very small part of her, one tucked deep away and one that stayed there, wished to sneer in laxago's face for her rude assumptions, but her better judgement ruled over the immature possibility. for now, though, she wished not to linger in the world of their marital issues, and wished only for the normalcy of the casual conversation she had been carrying before the emotionally-crippled female's arrival.

"anyway, as i was saying..." she paused, abruptly forgetting where she'd left off at. the alpha blinked for a moment, train of thought having wrecked somewhere far behind her on the tracks that it wandered. "...excuse me, but where was i again?" she inquired a bit sheepishly. her alarm had shocked the very ideas from her mind, and hopefully one of them could recover it, or ask a question that would bring it about once more.


prone to violent reaction. ic actions have ic consequences and she lives and breathes it.

public enemy #1

crawl. crawl more. drag your hands and knees across the destruction left in my wake to the ends of the earth. there's a green light of a shining star in my sky and there will not be an obstacle i will not overcome until i cup that star in my palms. the void in my will has been filled with purpose. so crawl. crawl more, love.
because i like it when you're on your knees.


05-11-2013, 09:15 PM

Regardless of Laxago's unexpected submission my posture remained stiff and it was not until I caught Jupiter's slightly content but sovereign expression that I was able to relax. There had been few that had withstood Laxago's presence. Would be friends and leaders that had abandoned the pair solely for the girl's sake. I had never blamed her before and I did not blame her now but Jupiter meant to me much more than what pack life had meant before. Before Jupiter my restlessness was derived from the need to survive and the desire for a constant and normal environment in which I could care for Laxago. Now I desired, inexorably, to follow Jupiter for in every way she was the definition of a prolific leader. In presence, mind and action Jupiter had won every aspect of my respect and I would not let even Laxago steer me away from following the cream crowned woman. I had been a powerful warrior before and in my service to Jupiter I believed I could find meaning in being once again. Something beyond being Laxago's keeper.

Once Laxago's act of submission had been completed I was able to completely relax again. Her nervous behavior and the distance between them did not go unnoticed, however, for the moment Deteste was content with the formality between them as he found it most appropriate in the presence of Jupiter. My mood softened and for a moment I offered a reflection of the softness to the lass. I appreciated her humility and the extent of understanding that she showed in such an action. But it was only appreciation and the lack of warmth caused me to feel wary. it is a pleasure to meet you Laxago was the voice of the queen. I collected myself now and observed Jupiter with reflection. I swelled with thankfulness for the queen's kindness. A timid smile tugged at my jowls. I straightened myself and resumed a centered posture.
Queen didn't quite seem to fit Jupiter, in my mind. Queens were distant, complicit characters. The idea of kings and queens seemed severely formal to me and the idea that neither title was earned other than in marriage or name was adverse to Jupiter's nature. She was a solitary and self-made ruler and never before had I seen a woman who ruled not because she was widowed but because she was powerful. Unable not to linger in such reflections it took me a moment to acknowledge Jupiter's questions. Ah, I cleared my throat quietly, you were just describing the size of your pack. I had nearly forgotten the unpleasant exchange just moments ago. Jupiter... the tone inquiring and the words spoken after a pause. What do they call you here? You are not a queen. Queens are complicit and insubstantial. You must be something else.
Table by Azil. Do not use without permission.