
What to do[M]


04-07-2013, 07:26 PM
The white and gray dame had barely made it back to Glaciem before anyone had noticed she was missing. The fae had only went out for a walk but had strayed too far away. And Keki had thought that no one would have found her in heat but one did. He found her...and her heat was no more. Tears swelled up at the dame's bi-colored eyes. She felt so violated, her body was her own wasn't it; who gave that brute the right to take it for himself!

Yet through all of this Keki knew she had to stay calm and collected. Should she tell her mother Crusade? should she tell her sister Maka? Should she tell her Uncle Gargoyle? What would they think of her. Keki felt like a slut, yet she didn't have a choice. The dame had been taken advantage of against her own will. Would they mock and jeer at her, calling her a slut, a whore? No, she was not that kind of wolf; the fae had always been the calm and collected one, the serious one. How could this have happened, it was by her own stupidity of venturing out that it did.

She curled herself up into a ball and let the tears fall down her muzzle. Keki felt so alone, more than she had ever been. There was no one to turn to and no one to help her. And the wolf even knew that she had been taken advantage of but the brute had left her a "surprise". The kind of surprise that grew within one's womb. Keki was only three, she was too young to be a mother and yet here she was a pregnant slut. No, she wasn't a slut...she just felt like one at the moment. Had the femme ruined her life ahead of her...surely no brute would ever love a dame who had a litter already.Her life was ruined once more...but she could handle it couldn't she?

Then...she had always been the somewhat responsible one, mature, smart, serious. What lay ahead her would be difficult but for now the dame only needed a friend...someone to bring her spirits up.



04-08-2013, 05:49 PM

Armageddon had only been in Glaciem for a few days. He had accepted Gargoyle's offer to stay in Glaciem and had participated in a few hunts as well as a border patrol or two. He wasn't one to really be lazy. Much like his brothers, he enjoy getting out and performing duties or traveling. It all depended on if he was a nomad or a pack wolf. The majority of his three years of life he had spent traveling, but he'd been in a pack once. They'd appreciated him simply for the fact that he wasn't only friendly, but a hard working wolf as well.

On this day though he just spent the time enjoying Glaciem's territory. He was debating on joining. They had a beautiful territory and it was certainly worth looking into. He had a feeling Gargoyle would have no qualms about accepting him as a warrior. He'd saved Asheni's life and helped escort her home. He was a wank of a wolf too. He was 42 inches and 200 plus pounds. He didn't have much speed, but his stamina was fairly good and he was very powerful. A force to be reckoned with and yet he was as tame as a kitten until you angered him. He was calm of nature and it only took the right buttons being pushed for him to get pissy.

The scent of another reached his nostrils and ebony ears pricked forward in interest. This scent was new. One he hadn't met before. Curiosity killed the cat, but Armageddon had no problem sticking his nose if it meant meeting a new wolf. He was social by nature, like most wolves, and enjoyed the company of others most of the time. It couldn't hurt, right?

It didn't take him long to find her. From the looks of it she had just returned. Her scent was definitely feminine, and he could trace the faintest hint of male on her. He'd been graced with an amazing nose. It made up for his lack of speed and agility. He could track down almost anything. Shrugging it off her continued forward and then paused a little ways away.

"Greetings. I hope I'm not invading your space. My name is Armageddon Rowe. Geddon for short."

He offered the girl a soft smile and red eyes lined with blue studied her curiously. She had interesting looks. It didn't make her ugly though, in fact her unique appearance made her quite beautiful. She seemed upset about something, but he wouldn't question unless she wished to vent to him about it. It wasn't his business and he could respect that.
