
Kindred ,Calantha


04-07-2013, 06:26 PM
OOC Name: Bamboo
How did you get here?: Lutara showed me
Age: 13
PvP: smei-realistic

Character's Name:Calantha Kindred
Age: 1
Season of birth: Winter
Size: Large: 36" 121lbs
Appearance description: Most of Calantha's marking come purely from her species. Being an Eastern Timber wolf she has the varied colors throughout her body, with the unique markings here and there. Why not start of with the her fur and markings; The femme's fur isn't too unique in the way it is average size being thick, medium length and silk-like to touch. Although this is what it feels like, it seems a whole lot different from just looking at it. Her body is mostly the usual colorings and markings. Her tail is medium brown with a black stripe on the underneath making it look like someone has painted it black. Leading along her spine it remains dark brown and black, and moving horizontally out to her stomach, and chest it becomes a much lighter brown in comparison to the rest of her body. This color continues down her front and hind legs, right down to her daggering claws, which are again black. Up from her leathery black nose is her medium brown muzzle, and stunning blue eyes. Her ice blue eyes are large and stand out against the black mark around her eyes which make it look like she is wearing eye-liner. Between her two front legs is the same color as the chest and stomach, until it reaches the neckline which has a black line in the circumference of her neck, almost identical to a necklace. The outer markings of her ears are black and dark brown and the inner of her ears are cream colored. Hmmm, how about her size and body shape; The young female is actually quite tall. She tends to be much taller than others, and generally towers over them. All round, she would probably be a large sized wolf, mainly because of her height. The accurate measuring of her height is 36 inches and she might grow a tiny bit more from here on out, but she will most likely stay around the same. She has just experienced her second growth spurt; Her first one being at 6 months of age and now another at 1 year of age. Her body length is 52 inches (144 cm), and she weighs around about 121 lbs (48.5 kg). She has well toned muscles throughout her body, and especially her chest, neck, and legs. The skin beneath her fur is purely black.



04-07-2013, 06:39 PM

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