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04-07-2013, 12:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2013, 12:35 PM by Thane.)
The brute had been on his first hunt as Lead Hunter and he had found it exhilarating. Thane had always enjoyed hunting but boy was that a hunt; he looked forward to more in the future. But for now the male just walked aimlessly by the border. Did he want to go explore the foreign lands once more or stay here. White lined ears twitched at the hard decision.

Thane was still shaken up a bit from his experience on death's door a few days ago. Well...he had been unconscious since spring and it was now summer; how weird it was to wake up to something new. The brute shook his handsome head as he walked over to a puddle and stared into it with his aqua blue eyes. What did he see now? the forgotten prince? a gentleman? or just a wolf? It only took a stroke of a dark gray paw to make the surface ripple and the mirrored image blur. Turning away the wolf stood in one of his usual gallant poses and took a deep breath.

What would he do today, it was a nice day after all. Should he hunt some more, go explore, have a chat with a, he would take this day to reflect. White lined ears perked up as a rustle was heard from the bushes nearby. Was it his faithful companion Cyril? The golden eagle had really never sneaked up on him often. The bird just flew on by with his amber wings and usually perched on his shoulder.

Then again how long has he known Cyril? Since thane was a pup they had both been through everything thick and thin. And yet after the war the bird had found his friend.

"Who is there? And state your reason of being here." the brute called in an almost demanding tone.

Thane had realized he was at the border and a trespasser could be just at the edge where he was.

The male kept calm but stood still in his gallant post with his dark tail swaying back and forth.


04-07-2013, 01:32 PM

Sunlight trickled down the vast canopies of the forests, sprinkling the grounds below with varied particles of light. It was a rather glorious mid-afternoon, with the scarce amount of clouds that hovered in the stratosphere and the excess warmth the sun offered its dear earth. Miniature mushrooms stretched up from their roots on the tree trunks, their hoods curling up higher than their counterparts - a race to the sun. Other vines, weeds, and shrubbery followed suit, each of them struggling against their neighbors to kiss the sunlight that radiated just past the treetops. Such was the way of life in the wilderness, survival of the fittest and swiftest. So it had always been, and so it will always be.

The female would make sure of it.

Her golden eyes shimmered brilliantly each time the sun bore down upon her through the cracks in the canopy. The air around her reeked of confidence, of dominance, and she made it so. Ahead she stared, eyebrows arched and pupils narrowed as she sent her focus to the path she prematurely planned. Each step became predetermined, strategically planned a minute in advance, so that she could divert her attention into exuding an extremely suave aura about her. With her cheshire grin plastered wide on her maw, shiny whites shimmering in a welcoming display for the curious, Rita bounced onwards, each leg seeming to dance to its own beat. Her stride appeared to have a skip to it, her carelessness and excitement obvious.

She wore herself down with no worries.

The she-wolf was, after all, a creature of little concern for others.

And when you only thought about yourself, it was relatively easy to keep stress levels down to a minimum. Her ears swiveled, eyes casting wary glances to her left and then to her right, peering down the confines of the forest. Maybe she was looking for potential victims of her womanly charms, or perhaps just keeping an eye out for prospective dangers. Either way she kept her senses on high alert, though they all appeared to be at ease. After all, the wench would rarely grant the elusive predator the satisfaction of knowing their targets were on edge. That would be going against her nature.
Because Rita was always the elusive predator, never the target.

Humming to herself under her breath, she continued her eased stride further along the territory, rubbing herself up against random trees as though to mark them as her own. As though laying down some territorial markers. She was a rogue nearing a pack?s borders; one might consider her actions to be highly unacceptable. A small scoff and she?d chuckle that thought away ? since when was Rita so concerned about abiding to society?s expectations of what was ?standard?? Heavy paws treaded on the moist terrain with elegant confidence, the fluidity of her movements flawless. A grin, so suave and simple, spread gently across her blue-scaled maw. Raising an eyebrow, she turned to her side, looking. No one. And then she turned to her other side, once again finding no subject. A soft 'hmph' escaped her maw, and she shrugged her shoulders in a graceful, rolling motion. Her scruffy tail flickered behind her, giving her the visual appearance of a soft, bouncing stride. Yet it was only an illusion, an attempt to capture the attention of any whose gaze rested upon her figure. Let them come forward now, here. As far as she knew, and for as much as she cared, the mutt could walk further into this territory without any second thoughts. The wavering scent of the past owners grew fainter and fainter with each passing breeze, and so she came to the conclusion that others would, undoubtedly, come to soon enough.

Inhaling deeply, the female smiled as she came to a slow stop, her tail curling behind her torso as she examined her surroundings. She could pick up on the scents that simply screamed of another pack?s presence, not too far away, but she could see no one. How dreary, indeed. Shaking her pelt free, she let loose a wide yawn as she backed up a few steps to her eight o?clock, brushing up against some shrubs as she used their protruding branches to scratch at her hips. Feeling satisfied, she lowered herself to the ground, intending to take a long nap to celebrate her virtual invasion of this pack. With no one to stop her, no one so much as patrolling their treasured borders, she felt they may as well have deserved it.

"Who is there? And state your reason of being here."

Peeking one eye open, an annoyed scowl spreading across her maw, she grumbled underneath her breath. Great, just as her mind was beginning to relax. Groaning as she stretched her forelegs out, she smacked her tongue over her lips as she hoisted herself onto all fours. The voice seemed to stem from behind the shrubbery she?d dubbed her resting spot. Shrugging and rolling her shoulders, Rita set her mode to smooth and suave, duly noting that the voice had been, in fact, male. That sent a little shiver down her spine, her grin widening before she made it disappear.

Let the games begin.

Breaking through the confines of the plants, branches, and leaves, Rita slithered forward with her head held even with her shoulders, exhibiting a fair amount of submissive behavior. Let him believe she means no harm. Her eyes widened, brows furrowed in an apologetic look, the softest of frowns etched onto her maw. Keeping her tail low, though not tucked ? she?d never reduce herself that low ? she took a few meek steps forward. Peering up at the male, she stopped just as soon as she?d started, standing uneasily.
A broken whine slurred, her voice poking through, ?I- I?m sorry, sir. I?ve been lost fer days, trying to find my way back ta the swamps. Been quite hungry, y?see, didn?t mean ta bug ya?? She took another step or two forward, easing up to the side of the male, her eyes never breaking the charming facade as she stared into his, a tender smile slowly peeking onto her muzzle. She dipped her head towards him before approaching another step, this time nuzzling her nose gently into the side of his scruff, taking in his scent and recognizing him as one of the pack she'd noticed earlier.

"I never 'spected ta run into one of you..." Leaning in, she pushed her muzzle further down his nape, stretching down towards his shoulders. Her cold nose against his warm, soft fur. Tender, gentle, and loving... "A pack...?" Of course he was in one, and it'd be his chance to be a Knight in Shining Armor, rescuing a poor damsel in distress. Poor bastard would never realize that this damsel was a beast amongst the sheep, blending in as perfectly as a needle in the haystack. Softly leaning in towards the male, she?d subserviently duck her hind legs into a sitting position, placing herself in front of him, head tucked forward and into his neck. Seeking comfort, answers, reassurance.

The reassurance that everything was working according to plan.

Lifting her head up, she?d turn and look over to him wide, eyes pleading for a response. Verbal, physical, anything. ?My name?s Rita, deary, and yours?? She?d break the remaining boundaries that might allow him to separate himself from her, she?d take away every reason not to trust her. Once those barriers were demolished, obliterated, the Femme Fatale would work in a shy grin, ears flattening themselves back against her cranium. Please, pretty please mister, won?t you rescue me from these feigned flames of hell? Carry me off into the sunset on your chariot while I dismantle the reigns and the wheels.

Sighing deeply, she?d turn and look around her, noting how everything looked the same as it had on her way in. The same thick forests, bountiful greens, and little critters scurrying across all around her. Songbirds whistled their tunes, squirrels hurried about their scavenging, and insects buzzed their heart and soul out. ?So, what is this place here? Your home?? She?d want him to talk, to give him something to brag about. Let him teach her something; let him feel important, smart, more intelligent than she. Not that he was, by any means, but it would help her predicament. If she could give him the impression that she needed him more than he needed her, he would have much less of a reason to distrust her. Build up that trust and you?d have ammunition to tear it down again. Rita was one that always found herself locked and loaded, stocked with ammo for disposal at her desire. A femme fatale in every sense of the title, a wench in ever definition of the word.

Unacceptable by society?s standards, desired by all males, and unobtainable by all hearts. She was, as far as she was concerned, indestructible. And, as far as this unknown male was concerned, she was lost and desperate for some hero?s aid.


04-07-2013, 02:28 PM (This post was last modified: 04-07-2013, 02:30 PM by Thane.)
Thane was flabbergasted when a dame seemed to come out of the bushes in a submissive form. Aqua blue eyes narrowed for the brute was suspicious. He had always been cautious of the company he kept no matter who they were. The femme apologized and stated of how she had been heading to the swamps and how hungry she was. Only withing a few moments did the dame near closer to him and stick her head on his neck.

Thane almost bristled at the touch, this was highly unexpected. This wolf had only just came out of the forest and touches him? The wolf hardly knew this dame. White lined ears twitched as his mind thought of things to say,a way to react. Nothing like this had happened before; what lessons had he to solve this? Alas there were no lessons in his mind that were of this circumstance.

Before the brute had a moment to reply, once more did the femme before him lower her head to the nape of his neck. The touch was unexplainable, it was comforting in a way but Thane would not give in. Yet still he stood there in shock with his words caught in his throat. Then the dame stated that her name was Rita and asked him of his own name.

The brute shook his head to clear his mind and tried to take a small step back so Rita's head wouldn't be on his neck anymore.

"I figure we all need some space don't we." he said as he was stepping back, using it as an excuse.

"And do pardon my manners Rita, my name is Thane Tsarev." he said in his casual voice.

Then Rita seemed to question him of a pack; what kind of game was this? They were obviously on the border of Valhalla; could she not smell? And yet the brute replied.

"I reside in the pack of Valhalla, which is the one you seem to be trespassing at the moment. And like you have said before about visiting the swamps...aren't they in the opposite direction?We are in the West, the swamps are in the South."

Thane was suspicious indeed but yet he did not brag or give any more information of his pack. This seemed all too ironic in a way. The brute resumed his gallant pose as he stood in front of the dame; yet fur did not touch fur at the moment.The only wolf who would touch him in such a way was his mate and this dame Rita was not his mate.


04-07-2013, 05:17 PM

His gaze welcomed hers, laced with suspicions and discomfort as she approached him, nudging him, nuzzling him. He had his boundaries and she crossed them without a moment's hesitation. While this all seemed to place a dent in her plans, it would never deter her, never cause a backfire. Her sly, soft grin never faltered as she could feel the wave of uncertainty shiver down the brute, his pelt shaking and prickling. Ah, so she had pushed some buttons, had she? Flattening her hears down on her cranium, smooth and eloquent, she slithered and arched her neck to curl out from his grasp. Weasel her way out just as she had weaseled her way in.

He stepped backwards, and Rita would remain still, sitting. Her soft, bushy tail curled around her forepaws, ears still flattened and eyes looking with the warmest and most sincere gazes up at him.

"I figure we all need some space don't we."

She'd tilt her head to her left, glancing absently at the ground to her side as she clicked her tongue. "If you need it..." she said wistfully, making sure to let him know that it was clearly him who was uncomfortable. She had no qualms about the whole situation, it just seemed like it was he who was making it awkward. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, she'd lift her head up again, turning to look at him again, a soft smile offered with the expectation that it'd just as soon be rejected. The simple men, the ones with heavy conscience, they were the ones that didn't know how to handle flamboyant females. Made her all the more intrigued.

"And do pardon my manners Rita, my name is Thane Tsarev."

She'd chuckle light-heartedly in response, lifting herself to all fours casually and flickering her tail gently behind her. "Thane, quite a strong name." His gaze never faltered, cold and inquisitive towards her. He may suspect her, but she didn't care enough to let it affect her. Instead she retained her smile, eyes obliviously turning away to gaze up at the seemingly endless trees, noting how they stretched up into forever, casting the ample shade over the creatures it towered over. Strong, powerful, dominating - oh how she wished to be a tree.

"I reside in the pack of Valhalla, which is the one you seem to be trespassing at the moment. And like you have said before about visiting the swamps...aren't they in the opposite direction? We are in the West, the swamps are in the South."

Dropping her gaze to meet his, she took notes. His posture, his tone, his distance. "Hmph"ing softly to herself, Rita shrugged away his suspicions, she'd prick and poke until something happened.

"Valhalla... an' trespassing? I would never dream o' intentionally squattin' on yer borders, deary." Eyes widening, she'd duck her head a bit, tail drooping solemnly, "An' I toldya I was lost, otherwise I wouldn't have ended up 'ere." That kinda took away from the whole point of being lost, now didn't it? It seemed childish and petty that she'd have to reiterate that point, was he really that thickheaded? Rolling her shoulders, she turned to face the direction she'd come from, ear turned to listen back towards Thane.


"If yer so eager ta get ridda me, just tell me whicha way ta go..."

Make him choose.

Make him decide on the final draw.


04-07-2013, 05:56 PM
The trees swayed as a breeze blew by; it was chilling and calming. The black furred brute welcomed the cold, it reminded him of the Russian tundra. Black and gray fur were ruffled by the wind as Thane's aqua blue eyes averted to the sky. The clouds blew by in the sky...and what was beyond that? There were stars weren't there. And those stars carried the souls of his parents, his family, hid friends, his pack. Why was Thane even here in the first place; and why was he thinking of this now? His PTSD had seemed to calm down for a while but sometimes it was just nice to give into it. But somewhere there his kingdom awaits...and they would forgive his mistakes.

What mistakes had the brute made. Could he had saved them...should he have died as well? No, this was his new life now, past was the past and this was the present. The only thing he had to worry about was the future. Yet...for some reason Thane felt as if his mind was living in the past and the present. At heart the brute was of pure heart with the spirit of a gentleman, like a prince. He was raised as one but what had he now. Thane had a great life now, a mate, some friends, a pack. This is why the brute was here in the first place, to reflect.

"If you need it" he heard Rita say in reply to his comment on space.

This dame would not outsmart him, what is it that she wanted.

"Yes, I do need space every once in a while" he said in return to her own smart comment.

Thane's face softened as he felt that this dame would not hurt him. Aqua blue eyes settled on the femme's eyes before him. His eyes did not show bold defense of this land but let her see the soul within; to see the man who he really was.

Yet here he was, in a conversation of the present, with his mind in the past. White lined ears perked up at a compliment of his name, strong?

"My name means free man. By the looks of it I belong to a pack but it is my choice; yet in soul is free. I was raised to be respectful and taught many lessons which sometimes just appear from my mind. But I do say now that I mean no harm and I respect you as we all should to the other, it is of my nature. he said with a small nod

Thane was still calm and a bit relaxed at the moment, he was quite content as well.This dame Rita did not concern him anymore at the moment. It seemed as if she wasn't an intruder anymore but just a passerby.

An ear perked up as she insisted she was lost as she had said before. Then after that she said if he wanted to get rid of her which way should she go. Thane cleared his throat before speaking and sat down on his haunches. His handsome face showed no emotion yet he was not offended.

"I did not say I wanted to get rid of you, that would also be highly rude of me. And I do apologize if I seemed to have turned over the stone more than twice of your presence in these part of the lands. I feel as if I might have overreacted a bit; what can I say I'm a cautious man. This will not be my choice, it will be yours. Only you can control what you do. If you wish to leave then you head South from here through the desert. And if you wish to stay here then we can fix that hunger of yours as you have stated before. It would be a bit rude as well to not show some hospitality." he finished with a slight tilt of his head to the right.

"It is your decision if you would like to go, or stay. he finished before averting his aqua blue eyes focused on Rita's.


04-07-2013, 06:46 PM

She'd stare at him, studying him, as he gazed away reminiscing on something. She couldn't tell what, but there was an obscure sort of longing in his features, maybe some pain? She wasn't sure, and so she'd look closer, narrowing her eyes a bit in curiosity. It was odd how Thane seemed to change from one moment to the next - perhaps he had some sort of attention-maintaining issue? It certainly made keeping up with the whole predicament all the more confusing and difficult. After a few fleeting thoughts, and coming to the conclusion that his distant mental state must be the result of some sort of mental tragedy, Rita backed up a step or two, no longer interested in what was passing through his mind.

"Yes, I do need space every once in a while"

Certainly a decent amount of sass for a respectful brute to dose up on an unknown she-wolf.

Staring at him, reflecting his own suspicions back at him, she pursed her lips, not appreciating how a woman - herself, specifically - was being treated. It was all rather barbaric. Her eyelids drooped over to close, her head turning as faced the outside world, with this "Valhalla" to her back without a care. Without anything to tie her down to a singular place, Rita never found it in herself to take heart to one versus another - she would never sell herself like that. If she were to hold a claim over some place, it'd be under her own regime with her own rules that she'd never have to follow. That was her utopia, and with how Thane was treating her, this could never be it. What made it ring horribly true was that while Thane defied her here, she could not wrestle him into submission - not without him calling on some lackeys.

She'd rather not ruin her lovely up-do with the Valhalla's mud and its members' piss.

"And Ima so special ta be that "once" in yer while, yes?" Oh, now can't I get a pretty ribbon to go with this wonderful lifetime achievement? Though she intended her words to be drenched in sarcasm, she laced them with a soft-spoken whisper, as though she were genuinely upset and saddened by the circumstances. Eyes looking gently at the ground, maw loosened to a faint frown, tail limp and ears pinned back, she'd look like any disappointed she-wolf.

"My name means free man. By the looks of it I belong to a pack but it is my choice; yet in soul is free. I was raised to be respectful and taught many lessons which sometimes just appear from my mind. But I do say now that I mean no harm and I respect you as we all should to the other, it is of my nature."

Such an honorable and dignified bastard, wasn't he? She sat down, looking at him in feigned fascination as he spoke, ears perking forward as though eager for each word before it even came. As he finished, she continued to stare at him, as though entranced by what he had said, though she was planning her own response, "My name comes from Margarita, it means Pearl. My 'rents named me afta a beautiful art from nature - priceless and precious. Like me." Each pearl created uniquely different from the last, truly one of nature's greatest treasures.

Just like Rita.

"I did not say I wanted to get rid of you, that would also be highly rude of me. And I do apologize if I seemed to have turned over the stone more than twice of your presence in these part of the lands. I feel as if I might have overreacted a bit; what can I say I'm a cautious man. This will not be my choice, it will be yours. Only you can control what you do. If you wish to leave then you head South from here through the desert. And if you wish to stay here then we can fix that hunger of yours as you have stated before. It would be a bit rude as well to not show some hospitality."

She nodded curtly in agreement, almost to the point of "yeah, i'd say so", but she'd refrain. Looking back at him, still facing the outside, she waited. Food seemed promising enough - she was never one to turn down hand-outs from others. A greedy whore like herself, she'd take anything and everything that was presented to her, whether or not it was offered or for sale. Ambition - that's what it does to you.

"It is your decision if you would like to go, or stay."

It would have been too easy to disprove what he had said earlier - that only she could control what she does. There were always others, mere obstacles, that stood in her way no matter what she sought. Exhaling sharply, she'd flicker her ears as she sonly turned around, walking back up towards Thane and offering him a hipslam in acceptance to his offer. "Ima never one ta turn down free food. Some hosp'tality would be nice..." She'd follow after him, tail twitching as it flopped up.


04-08-2013, 07:48 AM
Thane's features went slack as the conversation continued; a more relaxed yet gallant pose. Perhaps he really had overreacted but the brute didn't want to be on death's door once more. Do any others imagine how weird it would be to be unconscious in spring and wake up in Summer? the brute had to be more cautious...but he did feel bad for being so defensive towards Rita at first. Then she said something about being his once in a while but the male didn't know what that was supposed to mean; Rita even spoke in some sort of accent by the sound of it. Thane wondered how his conversations would be if he spoke in his home tongue. He doubted a handful of wolves spoke Russian at all or understood it.

"I do apologize on behalf of my behavior...if it is quite alright to understand I wish to avoid another situation on death's door. I'm sure we may have all been there...or perhaps only I have as viewed by you but...; I did not mean to mistreat you in any way..." he finished in his usual soft silky voice like the whisper of the wind.

White lined ears perked up at the reply to the explanation of his own name with Rita's own explanation of her name. The wolf nodded as he listened patiently. pearl, beautiful; Rita was a nice name indeed.

"I must be honest and say that you do adhere to your name quite well."

The male's aqua blue gaze settled on the dame as she replied to his option of hospitality; on the inside the brute was glad for some company as well. A smile flashed across the brute's muzzle as Rita walked over and hip bumped him as she agreed. A small chuckle escaped his lips as she did so before Thane stood up and started for the thick of the forest on the border.

Suddenly an eagle's cry was heard as it rang out through the forest. The black wolf tilted his head to the sky as his ears perked up. Aqua blue orbs scanned the tree tops for the bird.

Then a golden eagle appeared as it flew by and eventually perched on the brute's shoulder.

"Master Thane I do apologize for being late." the bird said as he looked at his companion with golden eyes.

"No need to worry Cyril, don't get your feathers ruffled over nothing. I assume you were late on behalf of your stomach again? There are plenty of tasty little mammals in this forest my friend. In fact Rita here and Iwere just about to catch a snack. "

"A pleasure madame Rita, my name is Cyril Tsarev" the bird said with a small bow towards the dame.

"Master Thane should I fly back to the mistress if you do not need my assistance at the moment?"

"I think I am quite alright so yes you may my friend." Thane said with anod towards the golden eagle as it spread it's amber wings.

They all stood there for a moment as the bird waited with it's wings stretched out.

"идти(Go)" the brute said eventually which caused the bird to fly off back into the trees.

Thane turned towards Rita and gave a small smile along with a chuckle.

"So, are you ready to find ourselves a snack? I thought I had heard a rustle in the bushes off to our left before; perhaps it may be a squirrel."