


04-07-2013, 02:55 AM

Thank you Chesh ♥

Summer had greeted the island with promises of warmth and an abundance of prey, but the coming and going of another season struck the queen with a sense of a vague emptiness rather than bliss in the wonderful and new conditions. Time was a peculiar thing to the girl; it seemed as if it was just yesterday that she had been forcibly removed from Alacritis due to the eruption, but it had almost been an entire year. She was not growing any younger, either; she was almost a woman of five and seemed to have the world eating out of her paws, and yet, the wench still wasn?t satisfied with her life. Aside from the fact that she led a band of haughty mongrels and retained her youthful beauty, she felt as if there was something missing in her life ? something she couldn?t quite pinpoint ? but whatever it was, it was unknowingly keeping her from fully enjoying life. Filling that void with a surge for further power seemed justifiable, but, in reality, it was doing nothing more for the woman as far as happiness went. She could have had the entire island tending to her every whim, yet it still wouldn?t have been the remedy for her discontent. So what was the thing she desired most?

Spending a moment even wondering what she wanted was a waste of valuable time, for it was now impossible for her to read herself. She flipped onto her side, allowing the curiosity to drain from her mind and into the stream that flowed beneath her abdomen and down the hill that she had been perched atop. Metallic eyes flickered to view the rocky expanse that was Tortuga?s domain, illuminated by the full moon that hung overhead. It was a sight to behold to the average canine: the snow that adorned the ground throughout every other season had long since melted due to the summer?s heat and vegetation had sprouted from the crevices between the rocky terrain, but Morphine failed to notice the true beauty of the land and saw a distorted version that only her pupils would ever behold. Nothing piqued her interest; it appeared as if all of Tortuga had bedded down for the night for she witnessed not a disturbance in the premises of the territory before her, but she dearly wished she could find sleep. It seemed as if insomnia now plagued her, for she found herself wasting night after night without a bat of the eyelid and allowed her thoughts and worries to overtake her mind instead and deny her of her beauty rest. Attempting to sleep was a lost cause now; she could only count on the crickets to make her nights worthwhile anymore.

Speech. Thought. 455.

starting posts are the bane of my existence; but they'll get better, i promise D;


04-07-2013, 03:17 AM

The silver figure moved silently along the border of Tortuga picking his way over the mountain. The territory had many differences to it. For one parts of it were rocky and barren and very treacherous which made it harder for trespassers to even make it near Tortuga. Then there was the valley which was full of lush green vegetation, a river, and even a lake in which they had claimed. Then growing on the mountain side and in part of the valley thick groves of trees and other vegetation grew. All of it had bloomed during spring and now the land was fully green once more as summer had come.

The moonlight's rays illuminated whatever it touched, so along with that it made his silver pelt look like it was glowing. Orange eyes burned with an intensity that came from lack of sleep, anger, and worry over a plethora of things at once. For instance Neo, and the lack of members coming to the borders, and then Nnoitra who had randomly passed out on the battlefield. All of it was beyond stressful. It hadn't helped that Morphine had lost her fight against Collision. Now Cyanide was lost. If they ever saw her around Tortuga then she'd be sentences to death.

He accepted his insomnia and continued along with his rounds content to rid his mind of anything save for his duties It was silent out. The rest of Tortuga had resigned to their beds. Or at least he thought they had. The scent of another wafted towards his nostrils and the man soon recognized who it was. It was the second Alpha of the lands, and a wolf he'd sparred with. He found himself growing rather fond of her. She was an interesting friend and a rather intriguing secondary Vecaan.

It didn't take him long to fully track her scent to where she was. Each scent was distinct and her own was fresh so she had been nearby. He came upon her own alabaster form and the brute began to make some noise to alert her of his presence since he was down wind. He stopped a few feet away and remained standing giving her a curious look.

"I'm surprised you're up. Mind if I intrude? Or do you seek solitude?"



04-07-2013, 04:24 AM

Thank you Chesh ♥

A cacophony of alerting noises drew Morphine back to the real world, causing her ears to flicker incessantly with each crackling of a twig and each rustle of leaves and caused her to flip back onto her stomach with an air of caution. She scrambled to face in the direction the noises had emanated from, half expecting an intruder, half expecting an idiotic prey animal, but her pupils instead graced fiery depths that she had now been so familiar with. Kaien? she asked, her tones hinting her surprise with the behemoth's presence as her pulse slowed and her breathing returned from its rapid state to a rhythmatic pattern. She hadn't expected him to be out and about this late, and it only aroused curiosity within her as she wondered why he wasn't sleeping like the rest of Tortuga. Perhaps he had been consumed with worries akin to her own -- after all, he had the same issues on his plate that she had. Despite the desire for knowledge, she refrained from asking, and merely nodded at his request, using her muzzle to point to an area near her to offer him a place to rest if he felt inclined to do so. She wasn't about to snub her nose up at his company -- especially if he desired to meet with her to speak of important things that she was unaware of.

Dread crept into her as realization hit her: maybe he had sought her out to chide her on her loss to the Valhallan King. Surely she had felt embarrassment with the loss and bitter resentment towards the entire situation, but she would somehow manage to feel worse if he were to pick fun at her for it or even reprimand her for losing out on the opportunity to kill the traitorous Cyanide. Although an awkward silence followed his set of words, Morphine could not help but fear he would eventually bring it up. She did not want to grant him that opportunity, but a part of her needed to speak along the subject of it. There was the subject of Neo to be discussed, and, even more importantly, Tortuga as a whole.

I fear Tortuga is failing, she voiced her opinion solemnly, allowing her gaze to be brought back to the vast territory below their vantage point before it fell to her own paws. Maybe I should not be thinking too much about a traitor's words.. but Cyanide stated that there is 'discontent in the ranks.' I don't understand why - why there is a decrease in Tortugans all of a sudden, as well. A frown fell across her visage to grant Kaien an insight to her current emotions, a rare sight to behold for the amused smirk she usually retained was missing this time. A lump formed within her throat as another fear slipped into her brain, but she did not voice this one aloud. A part of her believed that it somehow might have been her fault for the drop in numbers, but she would be damned before she gave Kaien that piece of information -- it was too risky. She didn't want him to tell her she was right and to prove her theory correct that everything was falling apart because of her rule. She would have rather suffered in silence than face that humiliation.

Speech. Thought. 561.


04-09-2013, 07:30 PM

She seemed surprised he was awake. All ways well. He would be surprised that anyone else was awake at this hour too. Most slumbered in their dens at this time of night so it was understandable. She nodded her head allowing his company so he took a seat near her and let the silence encompass the air around him. He couldn't help but wonder if it was awkward to her. It wasn't for him, but then again there were times when silence was golden.

Finally she spoke and Kaien had to say he was a little bit surprised. She believed she was the reason for Tortuga's failure. She was wrong though. So wrong. He opened his mouth to speak, he paused for a moment though and eyes averted to the ground as he thought for a moment. Finally he spoke.

"Tortuga's failure and discontent is because of me. They still wish for Nnoitra to be their head. I believe I made a great decision in letting you be the secondary Alpha. Perhaps, in time, things will be better."

[ooc: Sorry it's so short >.> Muse is shot.]



04-11-2013, 02:37 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." ? ? ? Thought. ? ? ? 707.

Her gaze wavered briefly over towards Kaien to catch his reaction to her words, wondering whether or not the message lingering behind her vocals would prove to be distasteful to the male, however, his own gaze resided not on her with shock or anger, but at the ground like hers had before. Perhaps he had felt similar to her over the recent events that racked their pack, for she assumed he also held a twinge of shame for what had occurred and blamed himself as she had put the blame on herself. His next set of words only confirmed her assumptions correct, and as he concluded his speech, she succumbed to silence once more, allowing her pupils to draw back to her forepaws as she mused over her own thoughts. Anger ignited just briefly within her system as she recalled Cyanide?s words again, and the traitor?s undying loyalty to Nnoitra along with all of the other older members of Tortuga. The pallid queen could not help but wonder about the reason for everyone?s disrespect towards Kaien; everything she had offered to Collision on the subject of Kaien and Nnoitra were not lies conjured to appease Kaien, but they were the exact truth. Kaien had managed more than Nnoitra when it came to involvement in other packs; it was a curious thought to wonder why no one else saw it as it was. The mere thought only ticked Morphine off even further as she wasted more time on it and caused her to feel that much more remorse with losing Cyanide to Valhalla ? the girl had been so wrong.

A snort breached her leathery nostrils as the onslaught of repetitive thoughts subsided, returning to the real world and escaping her memories and thoughts as she looked back to Kaien. He had complimented her in a way ? probably to pull her as far away from her self-conscious mannerisms as he could ? but it was flattering none the less. A genuine smile flickered momentarily over her countenance as she tore her gaze away from him to rest upon the expanse of territory on the horizon, but it only remained there for a moment, for the wench loathed to even display her own happiness; she had a stoic attitude about her that she preferred to maintain even in Kaien?s company when no others were around. It was something of second nature to the wench and something that kept her from the vulnerability that went hand-in-hand with allowing another an insight to her internal thoughts and feelings. She was a tough creature to crack and desired to keep it that way, only playing the Joker with her infamous smirk and sarcastic jests. No creature would ever be allowed to see her in any other way.

?I sure as hell hope you are right, then?? she started with a sigh, placing her skull on her outstretched forepaws though making no notion to sleep or dismiss the male. She still had other things to discuss with the male, and she was certain he probably had other things on his mind as well that he wished to share with her. ?Neo?? she began as she remembered his verdict, ?They will come for him; I?m sure of it. There is no way in hell that that boy is going to comply to pledging allegiance to Valhalla again, and I think we should use that to our advantage.? She stopped for a moment, allowing the words to sink in before she made any further explanations. ?Perhaps a little bit of acting could go a long way. If we promise prestige within Tortuga and the undying love from the woman who is already fucking with his head, I?m sure we could get him to put on a fa?ade that speaks his gratitude for his family for setting him straight, when, in reality, he still works for us. A little bit of spying, if you will.? Of course, she had already discussed this with the young Adravendi immediately after the fight, but Kaien didn?t need to know of her making decisions like that behind his back. ?If he can gain their trust, he could pass along very interesting information to us??


04-13-2013, 12:44 AM

Both wolves feel into an almost uncomfortable silence. Both wrapped up in the torment of their minds as they warred against their own thoughts. Had he been able to read her thoughts, he would have realized that they were very similar to his own. He was disappointed that Cyanide had been given to Valhalla. He truly did believe that each wolf had a right to come and go as they pleased, but they would suffer consequences for their actions. The fact that she carried valuable information about Tortuga had completely slipped his mind. He felt like a damn fool. Nnoitra would chide at him for such stupidity on his part. Then Nnoitra's loss to Chrysanthe hadn't helped matters at all. Valhalla would come for Neo, and when they did it wasn't going to be a simple matter. The boy would fight with every bone and muscle in his body. He was marred and twisted. Luce had done an exquisite job at making sure the boy's morals were completely changed. He truly loathed Valhalla with every fiber of his tiny being.

Could he say he was upset with Morphine? Hardly. He felt a burning within the depths of his stomach, but it wasn't directed towards the pallid woman who reigned beside him. Had it been towards her then she surely would have seen his anger by now. His long fuse would run thin and once that happened he tended to explode. No. He was angry with himself. He had failed to fight for the traitor, and he had let Nnoitra take his place simply because it was unwise to have two Alphas fighting a battle at the same time. It would leave them vulnerable. Especially with activity so low within Tortuga's ranks. He would have to revamp everything and get more motivation. Perhaps Morphine had some ideas that would help with that.

A snort brought him from his own thoughts and his head jerked upwards to look at the alabaster queen. Orange hues gave her a curious glance as she stared back at him. He couldn't help but briefly wonder what had caused such an action from her. Another curious gaze was given as she gave him a smile, a genuine one, which was odd coming from a girl who seemed to love facades almost as much as his surrogate father did. He offered a small one in return before it faded along with hers. He hardly was in the mood for smiling, but he refused to be rude. She was an odd being to say the least. There was so much more he had to learn about her. He could see why the former king had taken such an interest in her.

Words began to spill from her jowls once more and Kaien made himself comfortable as she did, letting his form sink to the ground. A silver tail flicked back and forth subconsciously as he listened. He truly did believe things would improve for the both of them, it would just take time. He said nothing more on the matter though, and instead he sat back to just listen as she brought up many valid points that he'd been musing over only moments ago.

Her words were surprising to the brute. He'd known Morphine was intelligent, but a plan such as this was truly brilliant. He cocked his head to the side and eyes drifted off in thought. They would have to talk to the young boy, but the plan could definitely be pulled off so long as Neo could hold his tongue and temper in check. He nodded and his fiery gaze worked its way back to the familiar silver orbs.

"I believe that's a fine idea. Do you think he can pull it off? He has a rather quick temper I've noticed, but he's also willing to please. Do you think that's enough for him to play as spy for Tortuga and play nice with the Valhallans? There is also they possibility of him getting caught. They'll surely keep an eye on him. How will he relate the information to us?"

He paused, thinking over his own questions, before an answer suddenly came to him. It was a long shot, but it would work. She was his 'mate' after all.


His words trailed off and the man wondered if she would pick up on his drifting thought. It wasn't a bad idea, but what did she think?



04-14-2013, 12:20 AM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech."       Thought.       518.

Her pupils remained fixed upon the pallid king beside her, watching his facial features in hopes that they would portray his internal train of thought at the conclusion of her suggestion, but she was refused any sign of acceptance or denial for her malicious idea. Instead, he stared off into the distance, his ruddy eyes losing their flame as they were captivated by vagueness. She assumed he was musing over her ideas, and she immediately sought the source of his hesitance; she had believed there was nothing that Tortuga had to lose that they already hadn?t. Neo had been successfully won back into Valhalla?s ranks already and would retain a Valhallan allegiance by law even if he accepted the challenge Tortuga would pose for him, but his heart and mind would still reside with Tortuga.

Abruptly, the male returned from his daze, the fire in the depths of his eyes igniting once more and his jaws unhinging as words cascaded from them. She listened intently, her ears swiveling forward to fully catch his speech and her metallic eyes glimmering triumphantly as he mentioned the brilliance of the plan she had conjured out of her new spite for Valhalla. Her eyes still shone even as he threw down possible flaws in the plot, but her gears were already churning with each question he directed at her. But she waited until his vocals subsided, her own jaws parting to emit answers to his questions, though they snapped shut as he stirred, muttering a single syllable: Luce. Her infamous smirk returned to claim its rightful spot upon her visage once more as she bobbed her skull in approval, realizing their minds worked more alike than she had previously thought; at least, she believed his idea was similar to her own.

?To have the boy relay information to Tortuga via Luce? Yes, that would work. If he returns to us -- or anywhere near Tortuga, for that matter ? it?d be far too risky. As for your other concerns, I do believe he has the capability to pull off this mission. If you?ll allow me to speak with him privately, I can assure you he will not fail.? She did not mean to sound conceited however much her last statement had been, but she was very confident in the fields of both spying and acting to predict how her pupil would turn out. She would not allow him to return to Valhalla in all smiles ? no, she would allow his temper to run its course for a while to make the process as realistic as possible, but as the time would go on, she?d push him to sluggishly begin to accept the terms and play nice towards his family, and hopefully, in time, they would put more trust in their wayward brother and he would be able to wander freely from Valhalla?s borders. Morphine had faith that they would not house a loathsome attitude towards the adolescent forever, and when they lightened up on him, Tortuga?s plan would fully take its course. She just prayed that Neo possessed a decent amount of patience.


04-22-2013, 03:16 PM

?To have the boy relay information to Tortuga via Luce? Yes, that would work. If he returns to us -- or anywhere near Tortuga, for that matter ? it?d be far too risky. As for your other concerns, I do believe he has the capability to pull off this mission. If you?ll allow me to speak with him privately, I can assure you he will not fail.?

Her words seemed to go along with his own thought process and he nodded idly, thinking to himself. There were still flaws, but if all went according to plan then things would work out alright. They would have to lay low for a while. Despite some of the chaotic wolves among Tortuga the man did not want the pack to have to suffer for a war over something so trivial as this. Valhalla seemed very touchy and rather stuck up when it came to the subject of Tortuga.

"Talk with him. It can't hurt. Besides, it's a great way to prove his loyalty. Perhaps he can feed them false information about us as well to throw the Valhallans as well. He and Luce will have to be careful though. They will surely watch him, and having any of them eavesdrop on the conversations between Luce and him could prove disastrous."

He was positive he didn't have to tell her this. She was certainly intelligent enough to figure it out on her own. Regardless, it was nice to reiterate all the details, just to make sure they weren't missing anything.

orange flames traveled back as he tried to contact Morphine's silver ones. The pack wasn't fully aware that she was the other Alpha. They had yet to have a pack meeting about it. He was curious as to how the rest of them were taking it.

"Is the pack treating you with the respect you deserve?"

He had no problems making a few heads roll if they weren't. Then again, she could surely handle herself. He wouldn't need to, regardless, he would do it anyways.

[ooc: I promised you a post so I did one, but my muse is absolutely shit. So I apologize]



04-23-2013, 11:43 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 631.

The thought of war with Valhalla had crossed her mind a couple of times before, and even more frequently as a result of their little claiming spree at the battlefields. There was curiosity that lingered within her on the subject, and as she sat with Kaien, her thoughts swimming about her mind, she pondered over whether or not Valhalla had already decided upon their terms with Tortuga. It was quite obvious that they were highly aware of his betrayal, but if they did already house the information that their adolescent kin had let slip details on their pack (even if they were minimal facts that could have been deciphered by one outside of Valhalla), would they now depict Tortuga as a threat? Surely they were unaware of what information Neo had relayed to his new pack, and surely their own worry on the matter would cause exaggerated thoughts within the family?s cautious minds. This could easily have aroused discontent within Valhalla, and announcing a war would, therefore, become a strong possibility. Tortuga was in no such position to enter a war with a pack so populated as Valhalla; however, Morphine was confident that Tortuga housed seasoned warriors, as many within it claimed they were. Though experience was on Tortuga?s hands, doubt clung to the white witch as she diverged on the subject whilst Kaien mulled over her words.

He spoke again, permitting her the chat that she had already had with Neo on his judgment day. He even offered another idea, and Morphine nodded her approval with it, emitting a soft ?mhm? as she did so just to confirm it in case he hadn?t been looking in her direction. His caution about Neo relaying information through Luce was seen through the woman as well, and she allowed him to finish that portion of his speech before throwing in another idea. ?Talking to Luce is also imperative. Perhaps you could seek out the girl and inform her on this little ? ah ? plan.? Her excitement with their plot caused her smirk to widen her countenance, and a soft chuckle met her leathered lips. It would certainly be time-consuming, but it would be worth it in the end if they could pull it off.

Silence fell upon the duo again, though, this time, the awkward sensation she had felt previously had completely dispersed due to her internal excitement. However, the silence was short-lived as the male beside her piped up again, addressing an entirely different subject that she had not been expecting. Her pupils met Kaien?s own and her ears flicked sideways as she digested his question. She had not met all within Tortuga formerly as the Vecaan, neither had she met them as a lowly Iscarac or Rictaar, but she had received no ill feedback thus far. In fact, she hadn?t received input on her leadership at all since she claimed the crown. ?Yes,? she said simply, her tones light but her response entirely vague. She had an idea that he knew she had not addressed the others as Vecaan, so she did not feel the need to or even want to explain; somehow she?d feel as if she was slacking if she had confirmed his supposed ideas. Not wanting to have the male do all the talking, she continued on, shifting the subject once more. ?And how are they treating you, Kaien? Are you still feeling inadequate with your leadership compared to Nnoitra?? It was an honest question that had been on her mind since the encounter with the Valhallans who had only spoken in disdain towards the male, and it was not intended as a mocking question in the slightest. He already knew her position on the matter; hell, the Valhallans had heard an earful from the woman on it, too.


04-26-2013, 06:33 PM

Kaien merely nodded at her words. Yes. He would seek Luce out when she had been given enough time to cool down. It was obvious she wouldn't be in any shape to agree to much in her current state of mind. She would be upset and distraught at the loss of her mate. Or son. Both? It was an odd relationship between the two. Extremely fucked up and a part of Kaien didn't even want to try and comprehend it. It was too odd. Too bizarre for his liking. He would no longer mull over the facts and instead pretend to be oblivious to their strange bond.

Her words pleased him. It was a joyful thing to hear that at least one of the two Alphas were being respected. He would have preferred it if it was both, but it was still a work in progress. Something that could take months. Even then he didn't feel liked. He doubted many would ever truly devote themselves to him as they had Nnoitra. The brute shook his head in response.

"No. I no longer feel inadequate, but it seems that they doubt me. They are oblivious to all that I attempt to keep the pack running. No, I am not Nnoitra, but hey are stuck with me until an heir comes into play. If at all."

He sincerely hoped to have an heir. He knew Nnoitra had no desire to pass the pack over to his remaining child, Zarzenova. He deemed her unfit to rule. He doubted the brute would have anymore children either. It was up to him to make sure Tortuga had a future, but with the way things were going it didn't seem likely. It was unfortunate, but he wouldn't do much to change it in his present state.



04-27-2013, 05:14 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 382.

Her brows knit together as he responded to her question, displeasure evident in the form of a scowl that had captivated her pretty countenance; why did they still doubt their king that had sat upon the throne for more than a year? It was a concept the wench still could not grasp and probably would not grasp, however, the only lead she had on the matter was that Tortugans were discontent with change. The white witch, too, had been hesitant to follow the orders of Kaien and loathed the change in leadership, but was able to move past that after both the spar she had participated in with the male as well as being able to lead alongside him. She wanted Tortuga to put faith in their leader as she had done; if they refused Kaien?s superiority and refused to give him a chance, Tortuga would surely fall without the unison between the bulk of the pack and its king. Disloyalty was not an option, but how would Kaien manage to gain the support of Tortuga? Even the self-proclaimed genius hadn?t the slightest clue.

As the pallid behemoth mentioned an heir, the woman?s scowl subsided and the simple quirking of a single brow replaced it. Even if a blood-bound heir was brought to Tortuga?s threshold within the season, it would still take years to train it and for it to grow old enough to take the throne. Did the male even have a mate to provide him with at least one sturdy whelp anyway?

?An heir?? she reiterated what he had stated previously, her skull tilting slightly to the side as she pondered over it. Slowly a smirk crossed her features and her gaze wavered back to her counterpart: ?If at all? Surely any woman within Tortuga would jump at the chance to carry your spawn.? Her tone was sardonic however her words were not entirely, for if there was ever one woman within the ranks that was as power-starved as Morphine, surely she would be ecstatic to supply the pack with a future king or queen of her own blood. If Kaien was unable to provide the pack with an heir, Morphine was entirely capable of it ? so long as she found a male suitable enough for her taste in genes.


04-28-2013, 12:30 PM

To him she seemed a bit skeptical at first at his suggestion. Eyes watched her as she smirked and repeated his words in the form of something akin to a question. He snorted at her words and lips turned upwards into a smile as he shook his head and looked away before returning his fiery gaze to her own metallic one. She was an amusing wolf. He would give her that much.

"Hardly. Lately it seems anyone but you, and perhaps Ulrike, abhors me. Especially after what happened at the battlefield."

It was true. That and he hadn't had time to meet every single wolf in Tortuga privately. Thar was far to strenuous and tedious of a task to accomplish. If he could he would have, but it would take a lot of time. Add that to his current duties and it seemed almost impossible.

"But yes, an heir. It's not like I can spar all of them to prove my worth. Besides, I think it wouldn't work as efficiently as it did with you."

He chuckled softly and then let front legs slide forward so that he was now laying on the ground. Head would remain upwards and ears flicked in her direction as he listened. Occasionally one would flick to the side at tiny sounds. Most animals were asleep, but a few nocturnal creatures would catch his attention time and time again.



04-29-2013, 11:03 PM
[Image: fbdxft.jpg]
"Speech." Thought. 942.

The sarcastic jest she had directed towards her companion had been met with amusement, metallic eyes shooting towards the brute as he startled with the trace of a snicker; the white witch, however apathetic she normally was to the feelings and worries of others, was satiated with her work for the time being. She had managed to turn a serious conversation ? one that could prove to arouse unease with the male due to his self-doubt ? into something lighter, something to joke about. It was not that she cared about Kaien?s self-conscious attitude and pessimism ? or maybe she did. Perhaps she did wish for the male to prosper with his leadership and have him earn the respect his position demanded that hadn?t thus far been supplied to him from the Tortugans; they had become unified through business and perhaps had breached the level of friendship by now, after all, so perhaps desiring for his success was not so farfetched ? even for one as cold as the ice queen.

As he spoke, she nearly interrupted his speech with a growl that urged to surface from the depths of her throat at the mentioning of what had occurred at the battlefield, the subject which she had attempted to avoid at this point in the conversation. They had touched upon it earlier on, but Morphine had intended for that to be it and matters to have been settled, for the topic was one which encouraged anger within both of them. But she refrained from cutting him off as she had become too absorbed in the information he had offered her: only she and Ulrike ? a male of which she had detested for the simple fact that she had believed him incompetent ? had faith in Kaien? This was not a piece to soothe the wench, for she had been unaware that so many disliked the king. No ? something needed to be done to sway the opinions of Tortuga?s bulk. But what?

He spoke again of their spar, though the words fell upon deaf ears. A smile wavered briefly over her countenance as she noticed the male had allowed another chuckle to slip from his jaws, though she wasn?t exactly aware of the reason for his amusement because she wasn?t paying his words much attention at all. Schemes were formulating within the depths of the ever-plotting mind of Morphine ? schemes which would not breach the surface. Kaien had been exactly correct in suggesting an heir, for Morphine knew that having whelps associated the parents with power among the others as well as it had the potential to prove to Tortuga Kaien?s seriousness about the pack, for what wolf would place their children into a pack they intended to destroy? Perhaps her logic was flawed, but perhaps an heir would change Tortuga. After all, neither she nor Kaien were destined to live forever; another would need to take hold of the reigns at some point and pull Tortuga towards greatness. An heir ? yes -- her heir.

Her skull elevated from its perch atop her petite paws, metallic eyes darting to separate areas of her surroundings as she prepared to leave, though she did not quite return to her paws just yet. Her attention rested back upon Kaien and she offered him a grin: ?In due time, I assure you they will come around. You can?t please everyone, though, and I know you realize that.? The idea had been set in stone by now; not only would an heir of her?s and Kaien?s benefit Kaien, but the idea also appealed to the wench as well. No, the bloating of her dainty abdomen was not an ideal of the woman who prided herself in her appearance, but rather the simple power factor that would accompany children. Besides, she had always desired whelps of her own to train as Spartans ? great warriors to earn great titles and pass along her genes and contribute to her lineage. The fact that Kaien did appeal to her standards was also a plus, for should they have children, they surely would be rather attractive and strong ? perhaps smaller due to their mother?s dwarfish size and perhaps behemoths due to their father?s gargantuan. The only thing blockading the woman from the definitive of whelps with Kaien was the fact that they were not romantically involved, but they didn?t need to be. Sure, if they bred that would be crossing certain boundaries between business and romance, but it was all with good intentions. All she needed to do was seduce the male ? yes ? she could do that. Maybe.

As her vocals concluded, she rose to her paws, making sure to brush the front of her paws along his forelimb as she stretched them before her body. She had been within close enough proximity to act as if it was a mere coincidence, but she wondered if such an action would leave him curious as she desired it to have. She never broke that touch barrier between her and anyone unless they were involved in battle, so perhaps it would, but she would act as if such an action were nothing because it would have been to anyone but the white witch. Once she had been stretched out, she looked down at the male, her trademarked smirk painted across her lovely visage as she pivoted to leave the way the male had entered from. ?I would not worry too much on it right now; it?s quite late. Do sleep, yes?? Regardless of his words, she would nod, and pad off into the distance before turning back to him briefly. ?Do speak with Luce, as well.?

And with that, the white witch faded into the darkness.