
i'll go so high my f e e t won't touch the ground


04-06-2013, 03:42 PM

The gray and white female had wandered significantly, her paws carrying her where ever they would. She had no destination in mind, no place to go, not really. So when she found herself on an endless plain, Sheylie was not too perturbed by this. Tail wagging slightly, the female bounded forward, leaping through the thick grasses. There didn't seem to be a care in the world on her face, though in all honesty, she was more conflicted than she let on. A lot had changed recently, but she wasn't going to think about that! Not right now. Today was a pleasant enough day, though the wind battered Sheylie occasionally, strong gusts hitting with enough force to make her stumble occasionally.

Still, the female padded along, ears swivelling happily as she made her way through the tall grasses. Today was a nice day, though rather hot. Would she ever be entirely comfortable in these lands? They were very different from her home. Which was another thing she didn't want to think about right thing. Today was going to be a nice, happy, unconflicted day.

With that in mind, the female tilted her head back, letting a short howl escape her, calling to any wolves nearby. The thought that any might have any less than savory intentions was far from her mind; Sheylie just wanted to see if any others were out here as well. These plains were large, after all. They would be an interesting place to explore. Even better with a companion. Though Sheylie would probably not be the most talkative one if any answered her calls. She was quieter, and wasn't feeling particularly talkative. Not in this weather.

A gust of wind surprised her, making the female stumble and nearly fall. Blue eyes blinked as she glanced around, resettling her paws as she listened. Had anyone come to answer her call? The question would only be answered if anyone appeared, padding through the thick grass that limited Sheylie's view of the world.



04-06-2013, 04:06 PM
Roman travels around the plains a quite enjoyable place to be and loves coming here he walks he tuns he plays here but today of all days to his surprise he hears a howl a howl? here well it is expected after the place is great to be here and roam these though it was windy gusty by roman didn't mind he could walk fine against the wind but there was no time to walk soon picked up speed to find the sound of the howl and he ran off to find the sound and happy to hear another was in the area to conversate or play with roman was excited.

upon the travel time passed roman wondered will he ever find a companion permenantely? or be alone forever this was a random fate but for now he focused on the sound of the howl and he was near so he began to sniff the air and the ground and found the scent so he began walking faster and faster till he heard the sound of the other wolf and spoke to the other wolf who are you? and wanna play a game? Im roman.Roman rojo hi he spoke happily to the stranger and waggled his tail to her as in he's happy he waited for a response.


04-07-2013, 05:33 PM

The wolf that appeared was an interesting creature, a large black wolf with . . . Here her thoughts came to a halt as she took in his eyes, head tilting slightly to the side. They were milky, as if he were blind. Ah. Though it wouldn't do to draw attention to it (that would be impolite), Sheylie would try to be careful around him and not do anything that could irritate him. Like stare or anything. Tail twitching slightly, the female was startled when the wolf began to speak.

The barrage of words rushed over her head and Sheylie smiled slightly, amused by the talkative nature of this other wolf. "My name is Sheylie. Just Sheylie." She paused, ears twitching slightly as she took a deep breath of the male's scent. It seemed that he was a loner; he didn't smell of any pack. "What kind of game? The female asked a moment later, tilting her head slightly. Sky blue eyes swept the area as she stretched slightly, loosening her muscles in preparation for a game of . . . well, something.

This would be nice, she figured. A break, a good way to release some tension from her mind. And this wolf seemed interesting enough. So, with a friendly smile that the wolf probably could not see on her features, Sheylie cocked her head in Roman's direction, head tilted slightly and ears pricked towards him, ready to see what he would do.



04-07-2013, 05:49 PM
Roman spoke to sheylieit's ok to stare or look me in my eyes i can't see you doing that anyways haha so i don't mind he said it with a smile on his face and picked up her scent the scrnt of a traveler came off of heri see by youre scent you are a rouge a wanderer like i what brings you here sheylie? he stretched and stood up and shook himself loose and readied himself for the game and told the she wolfI'd Love to get to know you more sheylie and the game is Hide and seek care to play it saying with a wag in his tail a smirk on his face he raised a single paw and patted the female softly on the head then He ran off screaming YOU'RE IT COME AND FIND ME IF YOU CAN!? BE AWARE SILENCE IS MY FRIEND! Roman took off to hide and knew this is what he needed to free his mind from his worries the he had in mind and hoped the female put up a rather interesting challenge and to just have fun with sheylie so the game was on.


04-09-2013, 09:24 AM

The female jumped a little when the black wolf addressed her. He could tell she was looking? Well it was indeed a good thing that Sheylie had not stared for too long. For all of his assurances, she did not wish to be rude. She flicked her tail slightly, flexing her claws a little in the dirt.

A wanderer? Well, yes, she was. But what brought her out here? That, Sheylie wasn't entirely sure that even she knew. "I guess I just wanted to wander a little," The female shrugged a little, "It's a nice change of pace." Sheylie wagged her tail a little as she glanced around. The windy plains were a bit of a change of pace, and that was what she needed.

Hide and seek? Grinning a little, Sheylie waited for a little bit, counting in her head to allow Roman time to get away and hide himself. This was a game that she had not played since she was a pup. It brought back memories of the careless times when she was young; when her biggest worries were whether or not she would be able to track her brother down. Of course, one upside to being grown up was that she could simply place her muzzle to the ground and pad along, each step dainty and as quiet as she could make it.

The female moved quietly through the grasses as she sought out Roman. It didn't seem like there would be many places to hide out here, so after a few moments, she opened her maw, "Found you!" Sheylie sang out brightly, then stopped, head tilted, ears swivelling wildly to see if there would be any reaction from the other wolf. Would he show any signs of his presence? Because Sheylie was utilizing one of her old tricks, one of the tricks that she had learned from playing with her brother; pretend that you'd found a wolf before you had and they would give some sort of reaction.
