
What A Wonderful Feeling



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-06-2013, 12:14 AM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2013, 12:15 AM by Erani.)

She pawed through her herb stock, checking supply and noting those herbs that she was low on. She needed to stock up on the herbs that were useful for pregnant mothers and whelping. She?d been using them since she?d found that she was expecting, and she?d been sending Preston to Aislyn with a full compliment of herbs that would keep her healthy, up her immune system, keep that life kicking.

Yawning, she turned her eyes toward the back alcove. Currently, it was empty. Nova was out hunting. Preston?s Alcove was empty at the moment as well. She was enjoying having him around, always asking good questions about this or that herb, or a certain method of application, either of a poultice or dosages of a root to help this or that ailment. His bright mind made her teaching of him highly enjoyable. He learned quickly, and his lessons stuck on his brain like a tick in the skin.

She smiled as she felt a kick. And soon, she would have her very own little ones. She was certain now. It would be five. She wasn?t sure at all on the genders, but she hazarded a guess at more girls than boys. The thought of her own litter made her tail sweep the earthen floor. Things were finally looking up for her. She had a mate, and was expecting a Litter. She was a part of the best Pack she had known since Redwood. She was the Lead Healer, and had a wonderful student. ?I wonder what they?ll look like?? Her voice echoed in the large main room, slightly startling her.

Surely one or more would be black. Maybe white would be dominant. The possibilities were endless. It made her head whirl with happiness. She smiled as she went back to sorting. Things were absolutely wonderful.



04-06-2013, 12:41 AM

His leg hurt. It wasn?t bad, really, but it gave him an excuse to force himself to approach his sister. They had so much to catch up on. So much to talk about. He had so much explaining to do that it made his head whirl. He was afraid. He was elated. He was petrified.

He reached the ravine entrance, heavily marked by her and her gigantic mate?s scents, and her paws stalled their movements. His ears flattened to his head as his mismatched eyes stared into the green lit passage. What would he say first? What would he do? His paws started moving again as he forced himself to enter the passage. As the cool green light swallowed him whole, he gazed about. She really did have a knack for choosing the best places to make her den at.

The tinkling bells of water made his head turn. A small waterfall, fed by a natural spring, gurgled and sparkled down the rocky face where the wall of the ravine bulged outward, coming to fall into a deep pool, before the water flowed away into a deep crevice and out of sight. His head turned, eyes taking in the large, sheltered but open area that lay at the base of a set of natural stone stairs that led up into the mouth of the cave.

Cormalin took a deep breath, and started up the stairs. She sat beside a pile of herbs and other plants, and he was struck by a memory of their mother, sitting in the exact same position, paw pushing an herb across the dirt floor of the Healers? den. In the memory, a small white pup, his sister, sat beside Aobhinn, watching her every move. He swallowed as the memory faded, and before him sat his sister, back to him, sorting the tools that she had inherited from their mother. Her Craft.

He couldn?t take his eyes from her. But at length, he forced himself to speak. ?Erani?? Her head turned.