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04-04-2013, 11:27 PM

The monster had been lurking in the shadows of the terrain, with the mud and muck clinging to her pelt as she slithered through the shadows. Her burning ember eyes glared with a trembling sort of ferocity, the unknown power surging from within her causing her pelt to shudder. She was a creature, a monster, of no true purpose or aspirations, but merely survived and excelled in life by relishing in the satisfaction of current desires and impulses. Simple urges that would send her forth, molding each of her days as a new one that could not, and would not ever, be replicated in its exactness ever again. A hefty, gurgling exhale that rumbled through her throat as the she-beast began to wade out of the waters, her paws gripping and thrusting against the shifting mud beneath her. This land that she creeped up upon, the trees and the shrubs and the mere terrain, simply reeked of a desperate, wannabe dominant force. A cluster of mindfucked morons, clinging to the crumbling idea that another, single idiot could somehow secure them a place in life so that they wouldn't have to secure anything for themselves.

A horrible scowl spread on her maw, fangs poking out like snaggleteeth from her blackened gums, eyes narrowing into slivers as they stared across to the boulders and rock formations ahead of her. She could scent them - the inadequate, and she could only hope that they'd find themselves moronic enough to cross her. There was a coarse rhythm in her step, her hefty form slithering up the greenery, thick paws leaving heavy imprints behind her, as if letting any weary wanderers to know she had been there - come find her for a fight.

Noire didn't always go looking for a fight, but she had never turned one down that stumbled upon her.

Snorting in displeasure of her surroundings, the brutish female hoisted herself up the rocks aggressively, a few huffs and puffs sounding with each leap, her bushy tail swishing behind her. Large ears would swivel after each bound, as if waiting for the inevitable encounter. A low rumbling in her throat, a wrinkle itching on her maw, and she'd shake her pelt curtly, turning around as she stood atop one of the higher boulders. Moss and vines creeped over the steady thrones, as if trying to reclaim what had been their conqueror in previous days. But as the overcast in the skies offered no sun, no redemption, they began to slowly shrivel. A soft couple of rain drops, the signs of an oncoming rainstorm, and Noire would sit - never calm, never leisured.

Simply stoic.



04-06-2013, 03:57 PM (This post was last modified: 04-06-2013, 03:58 PM by Rivera.)

Rivera was quick on her feet. She was a moving force driven by the opportunities that awaited her. She was no perfect creature and she was more than aware of it, but fact of the matter was she reached for perfection. Desired it. Wanted to take it as her own. She was a warrior at heart and her only ailment was her inexcusably small size. Though, she did have her methods of dealing with it, and there was no doubt in her mind that should the opportunity come to pass she would rise to the occasion. Such was her lineage. Sovari. A name reeking of power.

Her experiences in Alacritia had so far been rather bland.. She met a moron who thought he actually owned a piece of the land, and another moron who thought he was some hot shot and had the audacity to touch her. She honestly had left the scene unsure as to if she was more irked that he had touched her or more displeased that he had been an idiot. It seemed intellect was not such an easily found thing in the world as it was. Shaking her head and ridding herself of thoughts that seemed to swim in nothing but malice the babe would push onward into the world being forced to dabble with things that were quite irrelevant to her.

Inky lips remained pulled into a bored simper and the steely-eyed svengali turned to the steppes. Her frame would lift, nails landing and clicking as she stepped across the stone. Her features seemed to remain complacent, as though she was pleased with her life, a happy go lucky little whore. Yet, the harpy was none. She was not happy. She was not pleased.. Very rarely did she meet someone of matter, and it had proven that as she had left her litter mates to find a world of interest and adventure she got boredom and morals that were rather pathetically placed. Still, she could not override the hope and interest that soon she would meet someone that would actually give her some point and something to do, so when the small chuff broke the resonance the queen changed her direction.

Her steps here not heavy, and the subtle click of nails was retained, however, unless the other that she had found was sitting in utter silence, there was no way she would have been heard, much to her demise, the harpy would find that the woman did, indeed, sit silently, and her gaze across the soon-to-be-storming Earth seemed to be that of scrutiny. An amused expression pulled over the canine?s face and she waited for a long moment, finding the irony in the girl?s expression. She seemed to look at thing the same way Rivera herself did. Hopefully, the mannish looking female would prove to be as exciting as she appeared. ?Waiting for something interesting to happen? I can assure you it won?t,? she was indeed one of those girls that saw the glass as half empty.



04-07-2013, 04:25 PM

The overcast above her rumbled and billow, gathering strength and speed as the heavy clouds drifted past her overhead. Flickering her ears to the side, the she-beast glanced upwards, maw wrinkling into a displeased scowl as her fangs poked out from her lips. A low growl tickled her throat, brows furrowing over ember eyes in sheer disappointment. The air around her was heavy and mucky, seeming to weigh her down with each passing second. Another tumbling snarl and she's snap her jaws out on the open air, violently shaking her pelt to rid herself of nature's force. She would not be brought down.

Even as the raindrops began to fall down at more regular intervals, the beast was able to notice the presence of another. Ears directed her head to turn towards the darkened she-wolf to her side. Narrowing her deathly gaze, Noire would flex her forelimbs, claws scraping against the solid rock beneath her. Shaggy tail would flicker tentatively behind her torso, whipping up with each twitch, sending warnings to the unsuspecting stranger. It was not often that the whirlwind of a monster found herself in the company of another, but of those few times it was more often than not that said company ended up painting the ground they'd stood on. Such beautiful reds and crimsons, an abstractly wonderful display of brushstrokes and splatter.

Perhaps this unknown female would be her new medium.

The stare-down would continue for another second or two, Noire remaining dangerously stoic and still, her tail drooping - though not tucking - as she held her head high. An odd look of bemusement etched itself onto the face of the unknown female, an untimely and unexpected turn of events. Flickering one of her ears, Noire would cock her head to the side just a tad, lips pulling themselves back wickedly over the front portion of her jowls, revealing an awful set of fangs. She wasn't sure why the other smiled, grinned, spread her lips in such a deceptively cheerful notion, but she didn't like it.

"Waiting for something interesting to happen? I can assure you it won?t,?

She'd wait a second, stare for another. Her scowl faded and her glare reducing itself to a suspicious stare. Pursing her lips - partially in irritation at the rain drops that continued to mat her pelt down - the large female took a step to her side, away from the stranger. Her stride continued, slowly and deliberately, as she glided over the rocks, lowering herself another level of boulders and curling around the front, coming up towards the stranger's front. All the while, her gaze never broke. She'd maintain a dominant post, tail flickering up and twitching as her ears flattened out to the sides, aggressive and assertive. Peeling her lips back into a crooked sneer, off-white teeth poking through, she'd unleash a terrible grin. Hello, child, you've met me. Happy yet?

"Interesting," Her words were hissed, "is a matter of perspective." She had indeed found this other's presence to be rather interesting, and so the moron had already been proven wrong. How pathetic. Letting a thunderous growling erupt from her jowls, parting her jaws with her tongue held back firmly, Noire would generously offer a fair warning of what might come. The rains had begun to pick up, the sky darkening, the forest ambience silencing. The storm was clearly here now, in more ways than one. Noire held herself as the embodiment of the storm's fury, its rage and all its power, and she'd be sure to not disappoint. Time to trigger some reactions...

"You're rather ugly." Such an insult could not have been hissed with a more emotionless and stoic murmur, her eyes wide and invasive, acting like daggers piercing through her company's soul. Her steps would continue, even more slow and ominous, seemingly in tune with the rolling thunders in the distance, as she pulled herself closer up towards the other.

Here, let me invade your personal boundaries.



04-11-2013, 03:24 PM

Rivera would stand in contemplative consideration about her post in the scene unfolding. She had been quite...pervasive upon the stranger's territory and she had refused to back down, however, there was a certain interest she could not help but hold. The woman before her enraptured power like seemingly no one else she had met, including all the silly little wolves she had met. However, would the woman be so quick to make some preemptive strike? Time would tell it all, and to be perfectly clear, she really didn't care which way either of it went. She had her little musings with the world and her little opinions. For one, she lived in a desolate place, for two, she was wrong. This wolf was quite interesting. However, it was not her presence that was daunting. It was their presence that was daunting.

To be clear the woman held not a morsel of fear in her eyes, however, there was a certain stoic readiness. It was as if she was ready to enclose upon the woman and attempt something, and whether it would be a show of dominance, a show of power, or a show that she just needed to touch her supple curves, the woman could not fathom. Her rather masculine lyrics would dance from her tongue and Rivera would torque her ears towards the impressionable demon. First impressions always spoke the loudest and to Rivera, for the moment, the impression was that the encounter at hand was not going to end without a shredding of dignity of both of their parts.

She really didn?t feel the need to add any dialogue to the conversation at hand, or at least she hadn?t, until the other had gotten a bit mouthy. A firm look of amusement crossed the Queen?s inky lips and her head would tilt with something akin to interest. Interesting, interesting. She was a little liar after all, wasn?t she? ?That?s why we aren?t out looking for mates, doll face,? she rumbled before turning her gaze to the side, bemused certainly. She had passive aggressively returned the insult to her features and she was going to make no attempt to digress from her statement, for if things were truly being driven south by the other then she would find herself with quite the adequate opponent.

Her new acquaintance would come forth and she would dance right into Rivera?s personal space. Oh? What was this? Wondering exactly what the game of the girl was she would not hesitate to roll her body forward, jaws parted, and attempt to roll her salmon tongue along the front of the other?s onyx nares. A delighted simper would cross her maw regardless of the outcome. surely, if she had yearned to be so close she wanted a kiss? Laughter rumbled in her mind, and she could only imagine the things that would come her way for performing such a trivial action.
