
Take it all away


04-04-2013, 06:46 PM

She wanted an escape. To forget everything. To make it all go away. Though there was an upside to things. Kaios had taken off with his latest mate, leaving her alone. That is after he mated her. Memories made her pelt bristle. She was now forever tied to the bastard, caring his offspring. But at least he no longer had a claim over her. She was free. Not that he had ever called on her before. She was certain he had his paws full in Lentajin as the new Alpha male and his queen, Newt. She shook her head, clearing the thoughts of their interesting meeting. It was after all only a few days ago and as much as she tried, she could still smell Kaios clinging to her pelt. At least her pups where almost a year old, just a few months shy of it, and practically cared for themselves, but they still hung around. What would they think? She was having another litter, by another man. Though she and Kylar were never mates or anything of the sort, she still knew that they saw them as mom and dad. A soft sigh slipped from her jaws. She currently resided in the valley, relaxing beneath a tree. With the change of spring came summer, and along with it hotter temperatures that didn't get along well with her ebony coat. I should go find them. she mused quietly to herself, it would probably be best to explain things now. Her daughter would react the worst, she just knew it. As for the boys, she had no idea. Holding her seated position for a moment longer, she was about to rise when a familiar smell hit her nose. Kylar? She hadn't seen him in some time. When he vanished it didn't surprise her, she couldn't hold any hard feelings towards him. He was far to young to be a father and be tied down. But he could he possibly be back now?
"Talk here."


04-05-2013, 11:50 AM
The brute had begun to wander more and more as his childern had grown, though he usually stayed close he was finding it harder and harder to remain attached and loyal to Tortuga. His only true loyalties remained with his sister, whom he had not seen since the pack meeting, and Secret who was the mother of his pups. Though they were far from mates and he had no desire to take one he still felt a particular loyalty to her and a need to protect her. So a watchful eye had been cast over the den. Though it seemed that every time he had stopped by for a visit it had been just the pups or Secret had taken the pups off doing something. He hadn't really seen her since the pack meeting either and that was beginning to worry him. He knew that she had come into heat again last season and tried for a while to seek her out to no avail and soon his interest was lost again and he was off in rouge lands. He really needed to speak with Kaien one of these days. He wasn't situating well in Tortuga anymore and though he had no desire to wander to other packs he did have a deep rooted need to explore and do his own thing. He would express that if needed he would come to Kaien's call but would remain a rouge until then. If Vi ever left this pack then his loyalties would follow her...

The day found him sliding through the shadows as usual, head carried low so maw almost trailed on the ground. Mammoth of a beast was moving quietly as he tried absently to pick up Secret's scent. He had visited the childern already, only Vixe had been awake so they had chatted breifly, Ky had teased him some more about his name and then he had set off to find their mother. Today, suprisingly, she wasn't hard to find... Her sent was picked up quickly and followed it to where she law seated. He made no move to hide his approch but stopped as soon as he was in view and purpously shifted his gaze down to her belly. Was she pregnant again? "I thought you worked off all the baby weight already..." he rumbled, trying to be light hearted but somehow the fact that she had bred with another male deeply unsettled him. Maybe there was a reason he hadn't been able to find her. Maybe she had been avoiding him? No that couldnt be it... He could think what he wanted but Secret had been a good mother and tolerante of everything he had done even if it had all be slightly awkward durning it. But where did that leave them with their childern? Had she told them yet? They would be a year in the winter but they still all stuck together and hung out on a regular basis it seemed.


04-05-2013, 08:27 PM

It wasn't long before the massive silver brute came into view, he never made an attempt to hide his approach from her, though he was still quiet. She felt his gaze roam down her frame, pausing before he spoke, questioning her weight. Had she put on weight already? Ears went flat against her skull, gaze dropping to the ground briefly before meeting his, hardening. "I did." his attempt to be light hearted went noticed, but she didn't try to hide the venom that clung to her words. "Kaios, he claimed me as his mate." lyrics came out in a forced matter, her distress becoming more and more clear with every word. It was struggle to force the next few words from her maw. Sapphire eyes looked at him, pleading to make it go away. It would be the only time she showed him any kind of emotion. Pausing, the ebony dame struggled to find the words, to explain, not that really owed him an explanation. "When he left with his latest mate, he released me but on one condition." Now before forced to admit to what happened, she wasn't sure it was such a good idea. Should she have just let him keep his claim over her? Did she let her pride get in the way of things? Once more her gaze dropped to the ground before slowly rising to meet emerald eyes.

"Talk here."


04-05-2013, 09:23 PM
He remained standing, emerald eyes trained on her as she flattened her eyes to her skull in shame and noticing that she dropped her gaze for a moment before looking at him. He held her gaze unwaveringly as she answered him with two words and he cocked his head curiously. Her mood shifted drastically and as she spoke his lip slowly curled in distaste. Kaios... Kylar had never met the male before but had heard some nasty rumours and whispers about him in his short time here. The black and silver male did not try and hide the distaste on his features as the anger began to boil inside him. Though he and Secret were not mates the fact that someone else had claimed her for their own, against her will for that matter, made him want to rip this males throat out. Seeing her like this, so emotional, made his anger almost boil over. But he didn't know what to do, how to make it go away. One condition? He fought to control his emotions enough to force his next words out. "What was that condition?" he asked slowly, tone even and measured but words clipped and formal. He wasn't sure what else to say but he watched her even as she dropped her gaze and then looked back at him. He wanted to make this better for her...


04-06-2013, 12:09 AM

She watched as his demeanor changed with ever word spoken. His lips curled in distaste, and she couldn't be sure if it was towards her or not. His owns words were forced, formal, void of emotion. Ears remained flat against her skull, eyes now holding his gaze. She was trying to pull herself together, she didn't like the way her emotions were running wildly, it made her feel vulnerable. It didn't sit well with her. A few deep breaths filled the silence, steadying herself. There was no way to beat around the bush, he would find out one way or another. "I'm....." she paused, shifting her weight uncomfortably, "pregnant." It seemed like such a dirty word. She didn't want this or the life that was growing inside her. But of course Kaios could never truly let her go, he had been obsessed since the day they met. And he had forever tied himself to her. And here she was, vulnerable to Kylar, telling him everything. It only made her feel worse. It was one thing for it to happen, but another to have to relive to tell another. The softest whine slipped from her jaws, the noise barely audible, it surprised even her. She could still feel him pressed against her back, his scent mingle with hers. She would never be able to get rid of it.

"Talk here."


04-06-2013, 10:20 PM
She was furious, he could tell that much just by looking at him. He was usually the one devoid of emotions but he was so used to her being so neutral that this was quite the shocker for him. He had no idea what to do, what he could do to help her or say to get her to feel better or more comfortable. The fact was that it had never been comfortable between them. Though they had on occasion joked and fooled around together there was no mutual understanding or common ground between them and they had always held each other at a bit of a distance. She had wanted pups and he had helped her out. When she had had the pups he had inserted himself into their lives but everything between the two adults had been forced to say the least. But her next words still cut through him like a razor and all of a sudden all emotion drained from his face. Features were carefully arranged to appear perfectly neutral and devoid of all emotion much in the same way it had looked the first day they had met. Mind slithered through the many possibilities as he stared at her for a long moment. That silence seemed to fill the space between them like toxic fumes and then finally he averted his gaze. It wasn't her fault, he should have been there for her... "Are you still his mate?" he asked slowly, wanting to clarify that before carrying on with any other conversation that they might have. But his second question welled up his throat and came out before he could do anything to stop it. "Do you want to keep the children?" he asked carefully. His mother had taught him about herbs that could destroy a life before it even began, had told him that she had considered it herself with her first litter after she had been raped. She had considered it again with him and his siblings because she knew she was slowly loosing her mind but both times she hadn't been able to. But he knew if that was an option that Secret wanted.


04-06-2013, 10:35 PM

And just like his face went void of any emotion, much like the day she had first met him. His usual stoic expression, never revealing how he truly felt or what was going through his mind. His words were chosen carefully, spoken with purpose, caution. "No, he's in Lentajin now, ruling beside his queen, Newt." It was a relief to have him gone, but one day he would return. She knew it. It wasn't a matter of if, but when. The young brutes second question caught her briefly off guard. She regarded him carefully for a moment, eyes blank of any emotion. It was almost as though he was presenting her with an escape, another option. But could she take it? That she wasn't sure of. Surely Kaios would hunt her down especially when he found out about her lack of children. And if he got a hold of her, it would be the last time. Putting the brute out of her mind, she refocused on Kylar, still not having of answered him, rather trying to sort out her inner turmoil. "I-I don't know." words softly spoken. She hated feeling so helpless, especially in front of the brute she had no relationship with. She had always put up with him being around, but the two were never close, rather just being civil in each others presence, only ever once showing any kind of affection towards each other. That brought the faintest of smirks to her face before it disappeared once more. She had little time to think of the past, all she focus on was what was happening. So many thoughts ran through her head. Perhaps she should have found a mate sooner, a legit mate. Or even remained a loner? She could feel herself unraveling, coming apart at the seams. She felt like she couldn't take much more this.

"Talk here."


04-09-2013, 04:35 PM
((I'll look up specific plants if needed later, i can picture them but I cant remember names to save my life D:))

Kylar had only just begun showing any emotion, becoming more expressive as his time with Secret had worn on but now there was nothing. There was no point to it, emotions led to getting hurt and he wasn?t going to have any of that. So he was in Lentajin? Ky would have to go have a chat with him one of these days soon? The old man?s time was up for taking advantage of women and using them solely for their bodies. But Ky nodded vaguely, still staring at the ground to his left with no emotion except that of a thoughtful wolf. When had asked her if she wanted the pups he turned her head to meet her gaze carefully, quietly but giving nothing away. She didn?t know? He stood slowly without another word and slithered his way back into the bushes. He knew where the herbs were, Vi had used them a few times the morning after sleeping with a brute and had yet to have any children but he knew it worked for mothers who were already carrying their pups as long as the pups were young. He absent mindedly wandered through the underbrush with his head low; every so often tearing up plants and digging up roots that he thought would help. Some were specific to the task, others would make the bleeding that often came with abortion lighter and a few that would ease any pain and discomfort that she might feel. It was only 10 minutes before he returned; whether she was sitting where she had been or had moved on he came up before her and placed the plants down. Delicately he moved the herbs that would abort the baby to her right, the pain killers in the middle and the ones to help with bleeding to her left. ?If you decide you don?t want it then no one will blame you, these will get rid of it before it?s born. The middle ones will help with any cramps or discomfort and the last will help with any bleeding if you have any.? he said easily. He drew back and looked at her steadily. ?No one will judge you for whatever choice you make. And when you do make it, make it for yourself. If you decide to get rid of the child I, and your pack would protect you from Kaios if needed? words were quiet, calm but powerful none the less, willing her to believe that though they weren?t mates he would never let anything happen to her ever again. She was probably the closest thing he had ever had to a friend after all.


04-09-2013, 07:12 PM

His face was still void of any emotion, the only reaction she got was a vague nod of his head. What did he think of her? Under enough stress, it only added more when he silently turned away from her, slinking off without a word. A soft sigh, eyes dropping. She sat for a moment, wondering if he was coming back. What seemed like hours had passed, she rose to her paws, ready to leave, assuming he had left for good. But the soft thud of his steps reach her ears, keeping her frozen in place. His jaws were full of various plants that she didn't recognize. He placed them before her, organizing them into groups. Skull tilted to the side, mild curiosity sparking in sapphire eyes. A brief explanation of what each plants purpose was was given. His next words where soft, but still held power. Was he really offering her protection? It surprised her. The most he had ever offered he was his help with raising the pups. An easy ghost of a smile flashed across her face. "Thank you." lyrics were spoken softly. It was more than just a thank you for his help now, but all his help with the pups from the time they had been born. The young brute had sacrificed a lot, and it was time that she thanked him for it. Still standing, she took a few steps forward, closing the distance between the two. Before picking up the herbs in her jaws, she offered a soft lick along his jaw, his rough pelt tickling her tongue. Skull dropped as she bent to pick up the herbs. She still didn't know if she was going to take the herbs or not. Either way it felt wrong. She planned on letting him know either way, he was the only one she trusted, for the most part anyway. Sapphire gaze met his once more before turned to leave. She wasn't sure that he had anymore to say judging by his blank stare. Though she would stay if he did. Paws dragged wearily as she walked away, off to find her den to sleep. Hopefully the pups would be out doing something so she could have some quiet time and perhaps sleep. She would have to tell them eventually.

-exit secret unless she's stopped-
"Talk here."


04-10-2013, 12:08 PM
She smiled and he almost mirrored it but decided against the motion. A brief nod was given as she thanked him, though there seemed to be deeper meaning behind the thanks he was given. Eyes closed as she licked his jaw, a strangely intimate gesture between the two and when his eyes opened again his gaze had soften. He held her gaze as she turned to leave and watched her as she went. It was out of his paws now, whatever she did was up to her. She wouldn't make her decision today though, he knew that much. He needed some time to think, figure out what was going on here and what he wanted. Slowly he turned west after she disappeared and headed towards the pack boarders. He would return tomorrow after a bit of wandering and visit their children but for now he had to think.

-exit Kylar-