
Rest your head on my shoulder,


04-02-2013, 09:01 PM
Hover over speech for a translation.

Мы вечны. She would whisper to herself for no other reason than the familiarity of the words themselves. Her family's mantra, she'd grown up with those words constantly swimming in her ears and mind. Bi-colored eyes narrowed for focus as she lay still atop one of the taller rocks in the garden. She could see the movement of small prey items all around, but the girl would remain still. Prey were interesting enough to observe, but what she preferred to watch were canines. Black lined lips would lay upon golden paws glimmering in the sunlight as she stared off into the distance. Venetia had recently been reunited with her mother, but she had wandered off yet again. The odds were Magdalene would hunt her down again, or perhaps it would be her father this time. Either way, they always managed to find her - especially when she didn't want to be found. The tiny she wolf let out a growl as a bird chose to alight upon her boulder. The last thing Venetia needed was to have her position given away by an avian. Потеряйтесь, птица! She snorted and prodded at the bird lazily with a paw. Movement would surely give herself away, but her hiding place was already spoiled by this stupid bird.



04-03-2013, 12:43 PM

Orange orbs looked away from the creek she had been staring into, ears swiveling as the sounds of her surroundings brought that of small prey and leaves rustling in the breeze. The sun shone high in the sky, not a single cloud in sight. But even with the sun out, it was cool. A breeze rolling over the land and briefly wrapping around her body, a shiver causing some spots on her to twitch. It was a fine day to explore, maybe meet new people.

She turned her head back down, lapping up some water before licking her lips and lifting it, paws carrying her away and off into the land. She moved slowly, walking and examining her surroundings. She had no place to be and so she didn't have to rush. A swish of her tail, shake of her head. Maybe she would hunt something down to snack on, lay in the sun for a bit until she found something else to do. Yeah, that sounded nice. She came to a stop, sniffing the air carefully and after a few seconds she caught a squirrel. It wasn't much but it would do for now.

After following the scent she finally the small beast, sitting in a patch of flowers, nibbling on a nut. Aminta lowered herself to the ground, as low as she could but still able to move. She had come up from behind him, fluid motion, ears forward and eyes locked one her target. Slowly she approached, stopping whenever the squirrel would stop nibbling, moving when he went back to it. Once she was finally close enough she stopped, legs tensing up before releasing, sending the shewolf forward. Instantly it ran, fluffy tail streaming behind it with the wolf right on him. It went left, she followed, right, she followed. Just as it was about to dart between some large rocks she sprang forward, jaws clamping around it's head and neck, killing it as fast as possible. Dead. She sent it down and touched it with her nose. Спасибо, малышка, может ваш отдых душе и телу предоставить мне питательных веществ.


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04-15-2013, 02:42 PM
ooc, hover for translation.

A squirrel caught her eye, along with a dark shadow that loomed just behind it. A wolf? Suddenly interested, Venetia would lean forward drastically for a better vantage of the scene, knowing already how it would end. The wolf pounced, killing the squirrel with extreme talent. A smile crossed Venetia's features, but a pang of guilt followed. Why was she rejoicing in the death of an innocent creature? Because it was food for a wolf, more importantly, a wolf she was related to. Craning forward even further, Venetia found herself slipping. Falling. From atop the rock she landed in a tiny cinnamon heap upon the earth, wriggling and coughing from the impact. Scrambling to her paws, she would stand, uttering her sister's name in a questioning tone. Aminta? Staggering forward, still unsettled on her paws, Venetia dipped her head to her sister, a smile gracing her features. Сестра! Snaking forth, the girl sought to greet her sister with a warm embrace and a gentle caress.



04-30-2013, 09:14 AM

A noise nearby caused Aminta to lift her head, honey orbs falling upon a pile of cinnmon fur laying below a large rock. Ears perked up and her head tilted to the side as she wondered what the wolf had been doing, maybe slipped from atop the rock? She did not think about it for long for the wolf had scrambled to its paws, standing and uttering a name in a questioning tone. Aminta... Сестра! The shewolf began moving towards her and it was only when she had moved did Aminta realize who this shewolf was.

Venetia, Моя сестра! The earth colored shewolf bounded forward with a bark, closing in on her siblings. Her tail wagged like mad as she bounded to her sister, tongue lolling out the side of her jaws until she finally met Ventia. Aminta immediately pressed into her sister, rubbing her cheek against hers and licking her on the ear. I have missed you Venetia, how have you been? Are you alright? She suddenly dumped on her sibling, moving in fast circles around Venetia, looking over her body to make sure she has been eating well and not injured.


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