
Let's Call This My Homecoming



04-02-2013, 04:43 PM

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"So this is where you've set yourself, Lentajin? This dried-up speck of dirt? Heh, what has become of you?" said a wolf to the wind as he stood above the nearly drained ravine, that landmark that identified the new home of the she-pack of Alacritis. He laughed heartily at the desolate state the wolves' territory was in before heading forward across the boundary line, into their lands.

But was he really trespassing? This wolf had no scent of the crazed pack on his pelt, but in fact he had once been called a member, and never had he officially been discharged. So he walked so casually towards the heart of the territory, making no warning call, displaying himself with the pride that was his signature. Even if he hadn't an excuse to be allowed in this place, the entitled Frayer always acted as if he owned the land he walked upon, especially if he didn't actually belong!

Many rumors are spread across Alacritis of the madness that turned out this pack, metamorphosing it into another kind of thing that the world hadn't seen, something, he thought, that might change the very face of the continent. But he only knew the basics of the story; about the power struggle between old Sade and Zara, eventually ending with neither holding reign over the pack, but with some monster of a female named Newt wearing the crown. Newt was the being responsible for the revolution of Lentajin, changing so many old traditions with her new - some would say crazy - ideas.

On the subject of crazy, there were also the stories about the new queen's peculiar mental state. Most say she is just a hundred percent insane, in fact, and are astounded that she can function at all! "A massive, maniacal, girl holding an entire faction under her paw... Just the kind of friend a wolf would want! Maybe there is some potential here." thought the black beast. He had come all this way to learn about just what had happened to his once-pack, but all along the way he spent his time thinking of all the possible schemes that could come of this.

Further and further into the territory he walked, smiling and confident as he did. He wouldn't bother calling to summon the girl, it was more his style to appear unannounced. After all, this was by technicality his home, and he could prance strait into the core of it if he so pleased!

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04-02-2013, 07:47 PM

The world had fallen into wreckage. It broke and cracked waiting for the liquid tears of the heavens to revive it to its previous state. Give me life! It screamed to the havens as the mocking sun glared down on the living. A grudge the lady of the heat did hold for the children of the mortal realm. How many days would she linger brooding before them? Did she not know that the children loved her so? Did she care that without her blazing eyes they would know nothing but the bitter darkness? Only time would tell if she would grow soft again and release the envy locked in her amber gaze.

Silence filled the limbs of the voluminous queen. Swiftly she moved across the cracking lands. Easing her paws to ensure nothing was disturbed. She stalking the color of the night and watched him parade like a peacock dancing for its bride. Should she rip his fathers clean off? Offer then to the god of darkness as token to persuade the sun cease her grudge. She followed with the winds in her favor as the stranger moved deeper into her realm of madness. Did the world not reflect the state of her working mind?

Velvet kissed ears pulled back against her skull. She seemed to float across the grounds with a soundless effort. Soon enough she was upon the transgressor. Did he know nothing of proper tidings? A low rumbled pulled from the pit of her diaphragm and slithered its way up to her throat. Her violet eyes sang with her vexation. Her voice had come to cradle his ear. To whisper the nightmares he could face should she deem him worthy of enslavement. These were trying times after all and the drought did nothing to sooth her anger.

?When shadows find their way into the waiting flames of the lady dressed in gold they find themselves eliminated.? She growled. Her words were dark and warning. Regardless if this man had been or hadn?t been before her time it made no difference to her. Trespassing was a crime in any realm and he was a fool for thinking it would go unpunished. Her violet eyes took in his form and she drew in a deep whiff of him. What ever traces of his lineage to this pack were gone and replaced by the soothing smells of freedom. ?Tell me now. Why I shouldn?t cut your balls off with my teeth?? she said darkly. Her violet eyes had filled with her suggestion and seemed to burn with a desire to do just as she had spoken of.




04-02-2013, 10:26 PM

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Only wonderful thoughts of the schemes ahead and the possible future ahead should they succeed played in the mind of the black wolf while he continued on into Lentajin. So distracting were those thoughts that the world was muted, and only the songs of his impending victory could be heard. Unfortunate for him, as hearing would have been a great idea about now, as massive paws pushed down on dry crackling grass, carrying towards the oblivious one the same mighty beast he searched for. The next sound awoke his consciousness, though, that terrifying sound of the mighty alpha of Lentajin's growl.

Frayer nearly never felt fear, only calculating his moves faster instead, yet the surprising power of that booming voice still put a chill into his spine when she spoke those threats to him. It took an effort and a moment for the red-marked wolf to compose himself, after which he forced the smile back on and turned his head back slowly to face her. "Ah, you must be the famous miss Newt, and you've managed to sneak up on me!" he said most calmly as his trained acting skill caught all stress and eliminated it, Not an easy feat to accomplish, besting my ears, unmatched in their capability, yet apparently not a match at all for the fabled skill of the Queen Slayer!"

The trickster's plan, if it wasn't obvious by now, was to schmooze up Newt and win her favor. After all, it has also been said that the new Queen had many ranks of high importance to hand out, and she was eager to do so... Frayer had to play this out correctly; to not sound like too great a cajoler, and talk up his skills such that she would set him to the right side of her throne in an instant. He had is crimson eyes set upon the beta rank, and he would make her believe that there were no other place for him than there.

"To answer your question, those may better yet serve you left where they are... I am here, because I belong here. I am, after all, a member of Lentajin! Surely Zara has told you about me, the beyond proficient, masterful Frayer. At long last I've managed to return home!"

Frayer paced slowly and casually as he spoke, adding body language to his tone, and he never dropped his grin. Now, as per his plan, a bit of flattery for the amazonian lady, "Hmm, to be honest, I had procrastinated about returning for a time, once I had heard that Sade controlled the pack once again. But now a new, grander Queen leads Lentajin, and the earth itself trembles in terror at the mighty kingdom it knows you will make of the great pack! Far and wide the meek and stout alike shiver at the tales they spread of your strength, your ability, and your power! A woman unlike any other, more stalwart than any male, yet so divine and... may I say sexy... I have returned that I may serve the greatest Queen to exist... and with my skills, I can serve you very well..."

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04-03-2013, 01:35 AM

Nothing passed the features of the mad queen. No flecks of rage or hints of amusement. No the only thing to cross her features was a serious contemplating look as she listened to the trickster roll his words and throw his flatteries at her. What she had done to obtain Lentajin had been nothing more then her following orders. Not that the others of this world knew that Zara had been the mastermind behind the seizure of the kingdom. Sade?s death hadn?t been planned. She had hoped to keep the queen at her side. Hear her whispers in her ear and know the truth of what the kingdom had once been. Perhaps she would keep certain traditions alive if that was what the pack desires. Instead she had simply broken the rules and forfeited her life. It was no honored death and she had made sure her body would rot where the crows could peck her eyes out and feed on the remains she had left behind.

She never made a sound. Never made a twitch to give away her assault. It was simply one moment she was standing still with open ears and the next she had rounded onto the male and pushed him beneath her. Claws pushed into the male?s shoulders as she muzzle lowered towards his ears. Her dark lips parted and her warm breath pulled in as she settled for the deep growl whisper that left her mouth to great his ears. ?Such a pretty tongue you have.? She said with false admiration. ?I should cut it out and wear it as a necklace.? She mused but allowed the darkness, the difference to murder to creep into her voice as she continued, ?You did not belong to me. Your previous claim to this pack has been terminated the moment your previous alpha lost her life. It would have done your words value should you have called your entrance into this realm.? She growled, her voice dripping with suppressed rage. Oh how she wanted to release it. Did he honestly think pretty words were what could win her over? If he heard the rumors then he would know how truly mad she was.

?I should put your balls on display at the border?s for all to see. To know that I do not tolerate trespassing.? She spat at him. ?Sentence for trespassing is enslavement pending judgment.? She snarled, her fangs inches from snapping his ear clean off. She removed herself from him and shook her coat. The youths in her belly were rolling with her rage. Begging her to relax or they would cause her heartburn and further aggravation. She swallowed her animosity away and eyed him. ?I should use you as an example.? She said in mater of fact tone. ?However, I am feeling gracious and since you once called this kingdom home I will forgive your transgression.? She said finally. Though everything screamed for her to listen to her laws. Enslave the male regardless of his previous fealty to the realm.

Examples could be made when the ranks were filled and their kingdom was flourishing, Her violet eyes focused on him and she tilted her head to the side and spoke, ?The heat brings my blood to a boil. Spare me the false blarney what is it you want exactly? I prefer a truth then the drama of leading to what it is you desire. If you believe you have skills that will benefit this realm then speak them.? She was giving him a second try. Perhaps this time he wouldn?t have her desiring to castrate him. He was a cleaver man. She could see it but she was lost to her madness and she knew what false pretenses were. What ever he wanted he wanted for himself but with what little she had it would server her purpose to give him what he wanted for himself.



04-03-2013, 11:36 AM

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Perhaps he was frightened by the hulkish beast, but his expression would not show it. He knew that these warrior types disliked fear so much, so showing that emotion would be a more dangerous thing to do than stretch his grin wider, which is what he did do, even managing to cuckle back up to the domineering woman. He exerted his powerful will to stay still and calm throughout the duration of her menacing speech until her claws released him. He rolled back up to standing as gracefully as he could, proceeding to shrug away the discomfort she put into his shoulders, just listening to the rest of her demands.

?And here I was, thinking we were having fun with this game! But as you insist, I will be straight.? He angled himself now closer to parallel with her, looking directly into her lustrous purple eyes. ?My abilities are not those of a warrior or hunter, Queen Slayer. My bite does not strike as deeply as a veteran warrior, nor do I care for chasing small game. But you are creating a new kind of pack here, one that defies tradition but is capable of such greatness, so I thought you would understand the value of one such as I with untraditional skills!?

Frayer now marched left and right a bit while talking, turning his head away and upwards, lending to the epic tone of his words. ?I can utilize stealth, attrition, persuasion, trickery, sabotage, and espionage! Imagine the armies of your foes falling, dying before ever your warriors are made to lift a claw. Imagine wars won before the enemies knew they were being fought at all. Maybe I would cause a rockfall to flatten a troop, throw them into inescapable holes, or mislead them into barren deadlands to wither away - dozens defeated by a handful! What a powerful weapon I am!?

Now he ceased the pacing around and stepped once closer to his audience, speaking with a slightly more serious tone and looking her in the face again, ?On top of all of that, I am a most clever strategist as well. This entire continent could belong to you, but you?re outnumbered. You can?t defeat the rest of the packs with head-on attacks alone. Q.E.D., you need my skills.? His neck pulled his skull higher now, and he reacquired his smile before saying, ?All I ask of you is a title of importance in your kingdom. I?m sure you still have one open, and you will find no other male as deserving it as I!?

One last line he had prepared before leaving the conversation to her again. He stepped to his right in an arc around her to get a view of her entire majestic figure, her luxurious amaranthine-tinged coat just concealing her powerful and capacious body. In a lower, more sensual voice he told her, ?But it was no ?false blarney? when I told you how stunning you look... That much is truth...?

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04-03-2013, 01:04 PM

(ooc: permission given by Dark to hop in)

Champion was getting to know the lay of the land ? for a long time loner such as her, these things were easy. In her seasons alone she?d had to be adept at finding shelter and water sources, at locating hunting areas and knowing the signs of a predator?s haunts. She?d been in Lentajin only a few weeks and already she was getting to know the place quite well. She could be seen bathing in the shade of trees, surveying a great sweep of land ? or racing through one of the half dry creekbeds. It wasn?t imaginable that the same day she?d first entered the terra she?d done so with half her ribcage splintered and her tail bones broken.

Champion seemed to have a knack for finding her feet quickly. Minutes after the elk had tried to flatten her, she?d been tracking it again. And here, within days of stepping within the boundaries, she was patrolling the borders like she?d been here all her life. Already thoughts buzzed in her head ? ideas of what she could help with to rebuild this splinter cell of a pack. She wasn?t going to let Newt down. The dire wolf with the grey and purple coat ? the Queen of the land ? had invested Champion with purpose?. And more than she knew.

Champion didn?t just see a Queen when she looked at Newt. Of all the things she saw, ?Queen? was probably the last on the list. Firstly, she saw a warrior of build and size to rival her own, but secondly? secondly she saw a she-wolf who?s past had cut her deep. Newt had said things that day they?d met ? said things that she barely even recalled. But Champion had glimpsed at the pain within those violent, violet eyes. When Champion looked on Newt, didn?t just see an intimidating warrior, she saw someone to protect.

From her past, from the traces of damage it had left in her mind, and from anyone who might dare to misuse her ? not to mention threaten the pups that were on the way.

Champion had pledged herself Newt?s sister-in-arms and she meant it.

She was no longer a rogue. She was Lentajin.

And whoever this stranger on the borders was, Champion wanted to eat his ears.

?You aren?t the only wolf who can keep to the shadows when they wish,? said Champion, drawing herself up from where she?d been reclining among the bushes. She hadn?t intended on doing any spying today ? she?d been far away from the border ? this stranger had come to her. At first she?d been worried ? she knew the law about intruders and was almost tempted to step in and limit the rage Newt showed when she first appeared. But then the male had started talking. Champion didn?t know if he just always spoke like that or he was working an angle, but her intuition leaned towards the second. The hunch was increased the more the male prattled. And though Newt spun elegant threats, she had already decided to dismiss the usual punishments for trespassing.

For some reason that put Champion on edge. Normally she?d be the one to treat for clemency? but not this cocky intruder with his silver tongue. He admitted it himself ? he was not a warrior! So what buisness did he have here.

Despite the cold, calculating thoughts behind her devil?s heart eyes, Champion?s words followed one another swiftly. ?Nor are you the only one with mind enough to devise plans. Do you think our Queen unable of subtlety and plots?? Here Champion, glanced at her Queen. Newt had once warned her off against formalities, but the military born she-wolf couldn?t help a slight nod of the head. But just a heartbeat and then she was back after the dark newcomer. ?You talk a fine talk, stranger, but how smart can you be when you haven?t even had the good sense to teach yourself the arts of hunting and combat? What?s more, supposing you are as brilliant and cunning as you claim ? what reason have we to expect your loyalty? Lentajin is not a tool to suit your needs. You?ve done nothing here but cross lines and cut rules. You deserve punishment, not promotion.?

Ambition was a two edged sword. In packs like her birthplace, rank was earned through training and long, long years of hardship, orders and determination. You didn?t reach the top until you?d been beaten down and built back up by your superiors. Obviously, these packs of the south often worked differently. Champion had been offered her place as Chavalier, the day she and Newt had met. But this only made her more thankful for it, more driven to prove herself worthy of it ? and more determined to guard Newt?s position and pack with her life. If she came off as blunt and protective: That?s because she was.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-03-2013, 10:54 PM

She walked the path of duo genders. She knew she was no looker. Her sister had told her often enough how hideous she was. It had been a thing she had accepted about herself. She was a massive monster that looked like male but carried herself like a queen. At least she did now. Her ears twitched as she listened to him prattle on and on about his unique skills. Yes they could use skills like these but what was it he craved? He hadn?t chosen a rank he desired. Nothing had come from his mouth but his on self praises.

A shade of movement caught her attention. She turned to see her newly acquired Chavalier wandering into their midst. Her violet eyes filled with affection for a moment then returned to their naturally bored appearance. She was anything but bored at the moment. Her mind was twisting and turning. She had many things to consider and her dark lips quirked at Champions words. Her tail flicked as she agreed but these were difficult times. Indeed he hadn?t proven himself worth of any ranks above the norm but she had an idea where he would fit.

?I am not pleased with your disregard for proper curtsies. Regardless if you had once worn the colors of our realm you are still a stranger in my eyes. However, this pack is being rebuilt slowly and we cannot afford to dismiss any useful skills. What you have to offer is indeed useful and I can see you obtaining the rank of Lead Vei?i. The rank of spy.? She said simply. She was certain what he craved would be more but he had yet to prove himself worth of such a rank. She needed combat ready wolves that could train the others to become a force worthy to fear. Wolves that could handle multiple tasks, patrol the borders, accept new wolves into the pack and determine what rank they would be worthy of when bringing them up for judgment.

She looked towards Champion. She knew the female thought it inappropriate to allow a rank to be given to this transgressor. If the pack were larger, more established, then she would have simply enslaved him and called it a day but they needed to use all skills. Her tail flicked behind her as she eyed him. What she was offering was generous enough. If he chose to take the rank then she would give it freely. If not, well he was welcome to walk out and never come back. She wouldn?t be so lenient a second time.



04-04-2013, 01:30 AM

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Frayer regarded the new female intruding on their conversation with the same grin that he regarded everything else with. It would take much more from her than a few blusterous words to affect him visibly in the least. However much she tried to insult and sow distrust in him, he could only find humor in the illogic of her arguments in at least two places. "It's obvious who has a 'mind enough' between the two of us!" he thought, eliciting a chuckle from himself as she finished speaking.

He never got the chance to tell her just what he thought - maybe for the better - as Newt had taken the next chance to talk from him, presenting him with an offer for a different rank. ?Lead Vei?i...? he said while thinking aloud. Lead Spy, basically. It had a good ring to it, and it was... somewhat a position of power, even if it were lower than that he aimed for. Many ideas whirred around in Frayer's mind; he weighed and calculated all possibilities for how this may end. He had several options but they were each a gamble, the outcomes varying from becoming the beta today, as he desired, to becoming dead today...

The safe bet would be to accept the offer. He would at least obtain some status, and it would make future attempts to reach beta more successful... but then it would mean he would have to actually work to achieve his rank, something he never thought he would do! Perhaps it was time for the black wolf to pick up some work ethic, as it may just be worth it in the end. Maybe he could just think of it all as something he would put a lot of effort into, like a good trick.

"I will accept your offer proudly, my alpha..." said Frayer with a bow, for a moment even looking serious, "And when you find you have no more competent a follower than I to be your beta male, I will accept that offer as well."

"And you..." he said while swinging his head towards the other of two females there, "whoever you are, I look forward to proving you wrong." With a low laugh, he added, "I mean that respectfully... of course..."

"So, am I dismissed, my Queen Slayer?"

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04-06-2013, 10:02 AM


Champion?s gaze flickered behind half lidded eyes. From the height of a small bear, she spoke down to her new packmate with a thinly veiled wryness. ?Of course.?

As for who she was and the fact that her rank was the one he wished to ascend to, he?d find that out soon enough. Champion saw no point in saying it now. To seem too much like bragging or lording ? neither of which was familiar to her. Before, she?d spoken in the interests of her pack ? and in distrust of the male?s actions ? but not in open dislike of the male himself. Now however, that line was blurred. A dry, animosity had flickered suddenly to life. Champion didn?t like this male?s cockiness ? as one loner to another she would?ve tolerated it just fine ? but to see him take up a post in a pack she was here to serve and protect? - Here she found his character traits alot harder to swallow.

But perhaps this was the sort of thing she was going to have to get used to. These wolves here in the south were far from the cookie cutter soldiers she was accustomed to. Annoying?.but admittedly interesting.

Besides, she didn?t wish to stand in open defiance of Newt?s ruling; certainly not over such a matter as this. At least, for now Frayer would be hold a rank under her. She?d be able to keep an eye on him. If he did prove true to his word, she?d be more than happy to get off his back. But she wouldn?t be apologizing for the words she?d said here. He?d placed himself in the wrong when he?d refused to wait at the borders. Champion was only pointing out what seemed to her all too obvious.

But she?d said her piece. The mammoth she-wolf rolled back onto her haunches. She had no right to say anything further. Rather, she merely glanced at her Queen, awaiting the words that would release the male from their presence.


~I?m now becoming my own S.e.l.f.-.f.u.l.f.i.l.l.e.d. Prophecy ~


04-07-2013, 06:39 AM

Everything about his demeanor as rubbing her the wrong way and her fur seemed to reflect her distaste. It furred around the edges on her shoulder and her tail seemed to puff up with defiance towards her own words. Her dark ears pulled back with aggravation as she swallowed down the words of threat that seemed to eager to escape her jaws. He wanted dismissal then by all means she would be rid of him for the time being. ?Yes you may go..? she thought for a moment, what the fuck was his name again? Aggravating, infuriating, cunt? No, that was not his name. Oh yes, ?Frayer. But be aware. The shadows have eyes and I will not be betrayed. Prove me wrong in giving you my mercy and you will find your head rolling from your body before you have a chance to use that silver tongue of yours.? She said with finality. She wanted no words in return and she pulled away from the male towards her companion. She trusted Champion, this male, not so much but that was the perfect role of a spy.

?A word.? She requested to Champion as she began her departure of the male. She knew the rank displeased Champion and she wanted to let the woman know her words mattered. They all mattered, ever single one of her wolves mattered to her and they would all learn that. They would know she loved them all and would protect every last one of them so long as she remained on the throne. She had earned her rank with blood and death and they would know it.

When the distance was safe enough for the two to converse without worry of others prying ears she let out an exasperated sigh. Her violet gaze filled with frustration as she looked onto her beta. ?I wish it could have gone different. His arrogance is infuriating and I don?t trust him as far as I can throw him.? She said truthfully, ? I trust you?ll keep a watchful eye on him since his ambitions are so high?? she asked, her voice sounded tired. Between the drought and the shit storm of a pack she was attempting to rebuild she felt so tired all of a sudden. Oh and there was the fact that she was carrying pups. Everything felt so exhausting but she wouldn?t fail them. Even if they thought ill of her she would prove to them she was worthy. All of them. Not just a few.



04-07-2013, 10:16 PM

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"Of course, my alpha." said the black wolf, bowing once more, wearing a smile still, though he was less enthused than he let on. He hadn't gotten the beta rank, but that was only temporary. Much work lay ahead of Frayer, and he could foresee sleepless nights and sore muscles, danger and wounds, plots and lies in his future. For now, though, he would rest away this damn heat and begin his labors under better conditions. He turned away from the pair of females and continued calmly in the direction he had been taking, towards the home he had a right to.

Habits tempted the trickster to stay just in earshot and allow his proficient hearing to gather what the two giants would say of him behind his back, but he was sure he knew just that already; like all others they would express their doubt and mistrust of him, and he couldn't be left unwatched to plot within their borders. But they would be disappointed if they were waiting for him to slip up, for a strange devotion had taken hold of him, and he would have the power that he deserved, he would be praised by those mighty beasts who put themselves above him, and he would be exalted by all lower! It was only a matter of time, and nobody would be able to stop him.

Never before had Frayer desired power, always content with being free with none to answer to or to answer him, and should he think about it a moment, he would be confused at just what drove him. Did he even want this for himself, or was he proving himself to another, or even paving the path for a comfortable life for her - Did he just think the word "her"? "The sun is getting to me, surely... I must find some shade." thought the troubled wolf. The speed of his gait doubled, similarly to the efforts of his mind, as he was eager to escape misthoughts.

Exit Frayer

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