
≡ how deep the bullet lies


04-11-2013, 05:50 AM

she feels their illuminating rays, sunlight caressing her flesh; a soothing radiance, she bathes in their mesmeric afterglow. intimately tracing curve, cheekbone, lips; sliding against her silken curls; touching her face with its heat flourishing above her supple, obsidian eyelashes?her violet gaze were seething in its alluring flawlessness, feminine volatility. alive and beautiful, harsh as ice and glistening lavender. she opens her eyes, breathing deeply. tasting the acquiescence of her youth, her freedom. the morning warmth, an abating luminosity, alleviating the loneliness she feels. fore, indeed, despite her intimate desolations and lack of companionship, lucrecia would anticipate the heat; the sun; to accompany her with all the vivacity of a silent, yet adorning lover. she opens her eyes, slow and gentle. feeling a hot breeze slip around her narrowed shoulderblades; descending her neckline?tracing her abdomen, with such heated affection. a sigh leaves her lips, feeling fatigue, exquisitely bed-ridden. she lay across the earth, sweltering and motionless, elegantly curled into the crevasse of a fallen tree. still moist with last night's rain; humidity singed, acrid and hot. its sweet, pacifying warmth?a veiling and serpentine guise?grasped for her flesh, her skin; wrapping her dark curves in a yielding perfume of wet soil, wildflowers.

the lingering aroma of midnight rain seeped into the damp tendrils of her lush, silky fur. lucrecia roused from her slumber, rustling the verdant foliage in a delicate, inaudible hush; her hackles bristling gently, rinsing the dewy rivulets as they ascended her bodice, melting into stagnant air. her body burned, thirsting?writhing?with a famished, animalistic vigor. an insatiable restlessness, as though she were starved of her energy, her vitality. for the past few days, nights, she had slept intensely for hours?remaining discreet, nocturnal?depriving herself the felicitous nourishment of a proper feeding. she moved forward now, crawling with violence; with desire! muscles flexing in sanguine fashion; anticipating, irately, her fangs hotly tracing her lips in a breathy snarl. prowling beneath the woodland fringe, her smooth physique pulsing with a deadly, lethal elegance. she tracked her prey from the darkness, lurid pupils dilating with feral urgency, an intense, labouring excitement. and when she finally emerged from the thickets, a rabbit lay limp within her jaws. her fangs synched into its juicy nape, snapping bone and vertebrae. blood staining her mouth, creaming her breast; soiling her tongue in treads of wet crimson. lucrecia settles into the shade, swathed in her privacy; purring, and hissing in sublime contentment?she begins to eat, to feed. pulling tendons, skinning flesh as she delicately separates tissue from fur; marrow from bone; rib from cartilage. satisfied in her gore, her isolation.