
Wicked Games.


04-01-2013, 09:59 AM
The depressed lad needed to get away from everything. The pain that burned within him was worse than usual today, making him push others away, making him take off so he could be alone. Even though he had aged a year nothing had changed within him, hell, if anything it had gotten worse. Depression enveloped him on a daily basis, thoughts of suicide clouded his judgement. Scars littered his legs where he had attempted to cut himself and bleed out. Crimson fur covered the battle marks, so unless someone had seen his actions, no one would know how emotionally damaged he truly was. Adette was never around, she had been pretty absent lately. Gerhardt was busy with Maverick and the pack, and Kamala, who knows where she's been. Besides them he didn't know another soul in the world, but that was fine. He had no desire to become attached to anyone. One thing his mother and fathers death had taught him was even the ones you love most will be violently ripped away without warning. Why do it again? Why connect to another soul, just to have them taken away once things got good? The boy breathed heavily, heart pounding, rib cadge rising and falling at an excelled rate. Harmful thoughts clouded his mind, conscious screaming to end it all. That's when he blacked out, mind raging, legs moving him faster than usual. Everything was black, yet his body and mind surged forward.

Somehow he had ended up here, in some mysterious cavern. He found himself plastered against a wall, body leaning against mother earth in an attempt to keep him steady. How he got here he didn't know. With a heavy sigh he tore himself away from the wall, taking a few wobbly steps toward the entrance. But he just wasn't feeling it. He plopped back down, rump hitting the ground forcefully. He decided now would be a good time to let his feelings out, let everything pour out... through song. No one had ever heard him sing, which was a good thing, because he wasn't sure if he was good or not. For some reason singing gave him an outlet for his pain, it made him feel better. With a sigh he raised his muzzle, shut his eyes, and let it free. "Bring your love baby I can bring my shame. Bring the drugs baby I can bring my pain. I got my heart right here, I got my scars right here. Bring the cups baby I can bring the drink. Bring your body baby I can bring you fame. Listen ma, I'll give you all I got, give me all for this, I need confidence in myself. Listen ma, I'll give you all of me, Give me all of it, I need all of it to myself. Oh, oh, oh, woah. So tell me you love me, Only for tonight, Only for tonight, Even though you don't love me. Oh, oh, Just tell me you love me. I'll give you all of me, I'll give you all of me, Even though you don't love me." He finished his verse, lowering his muzzle to its usual height. His eyes remained shut as he listened to his words echo throughout the cave, vibrant sounds bouncing off the walls around him.


04-01-2013, 10:11 AM
he could hear the sounds coming from the mouth of the cave as he came from far wash and nowhere else to be so he decided to explore the cave and the sound of the wonderful voice -now he could be singing in a place like this? it sounds good!- as he walked towards the cave such a myterious place he found himself simce exploring can take him to new places and meet new people and why not here to explore and see who's in the cave.

he came close to the cave and sat at the mouth of it for a moment and listend to how far the voice is in there and for that moment he heard it so on he walked to see who this mysterious singer. it was a bit dark in the forest but no problem for him the place seemed huge full of echos and a good place to hide or stay here for a while but soon he had found the source of the singing a lone wolf against the wall singing out his pain with no one to listen to him seemed a bit of a loner roman asked him -what are you doing in a place like this? did you wander off too far as well? or are you running from something?- hoping the other wolf would reply back he sat there and see what was his troubles


04-01-2013, 10:22 AM
The slender small fea made her way in the direction if the cave. Her ears perked up as the echo of someone signing came in her direction. A smile arose from her maw, it was a lovely sound. The song filled the air all around her, Segolia took a few steps inside of the cave. Putting her nose to the ground two different scents filled her nostrils. Both male, Segolia begun to move silently, and gracefully. Her dark purple eyes scanned the cave until they landed upon two males that seemed they just have meet.

Segolia's eyes landed upon the male that was sitting up against the wall of the cave. She could not help but see something was bothering him. His posture, and mostly the song that he had sang a few seconds ago. She continued to walk closer to the two males. She was small compared to most wolves, and she knew that these two were most likely no different. Her ears shifted to the direction of the second male who was standing, she picked up some words. It seems that he is trying to make a conversation. She thought to her self.

Segolia soon came up upon the two males. She spoke in a sweet, soothing voice that was soft on the ears. "I was walking out side of the cave, and i over herd a wonderful singing voice coming from this cave. I was just wondering who was singing." She said as her ears moved from one male to the other, ready to pick up any words.


04-01-2013, 10:43 AM
The crimson boy turned sharply, fiery and emerald eyes meeting the pale whites of another male. He spoke to him, asking him what his troubles were. Ha! As if he would explain anything to this brute. Cheeks burned beneath his pelt as a female came along, but thankfully his pelt was already a bright crimson color, making it unseen. He was a bit embarrassed that not one, but two wolves had caught him singing. Was he even good? He couldn't tell, but the female seemed to think so. Whether the comment was true or not he didn't know, but it was still nice to hear. But he was in no mood to talk, no mood to make friends. He was alone in this world, and these two misfits weren't about to change that. The boy quickly stood up, pelt bristled, ears folded back, head lowered to protect his vitals. He backed up, rump hitting the walls of the cavern as he met its end. He remained silent, eyes bouncing from each figure.


04-01-2013, 11:28 AM
happy that the stranger got up but he spoke no word so that perplexed him a little and wondered why he didn't understand why he wouldn't speak? -cmon friend speak! what's wrong what troubles you i won't leave till i get a wag or word out of you- after asking him that roman turned around felt the presence of another wolf and so he as well asked him -i knew you were walking into here i heard footsteps and wondering who are you? and how did you know we were here?- he asked the other wolf since he couldn't see who's he just continued to ask,sit,and wait to see what both wolves had to say he liked making new friend and meeting people so why not sit here and wait for whatever is going to happen. roman spoke to the wolf who had gotten up and asked him again -cmon speak friend who are you what's the matter and let's play or do something cmon give us something we came here because we enjoyed your singing- he asked and waited patiently for his response and the response from the wolf who had just walked in as well.


04-02-2013, 04:48 AM
The atmosphere had begun to grown weary, and uneasy. Her eyes studied the male that was up against the wall. The male seemed scared, uneasy, and most of all hostile. Segolia could not help but think that the second male was looking for trouble. She knew that provoking the one that was scared will only lead to more trouble. Her eyes looked at the male who spoke to her, she was not that pleased that he was so ignorant of others feelings. She could obviously see that the first male, by how he was acting, that some thing was bothering him.

Segolia walked up to the second male, her eyes looked right at him before she spoke. "My name is Segolia, i am a member of the Seracia pack. My rank is Baroness, a healer. " She paused as she looked from the second male, to the first male, and back. "And i found you guys from his singing, but that is not the important thing here. Can't you tell that he is unease around us, and you saying things like you won't leave till he talked to you will only make things worse."

Segolia turned to the first male, his ears were pinned, fur bristled, and teeth bared. He was indeed unease, but what she did not know.Segolia pinned her ears to her head and got low in a position that read, i will not hurt you, you are alright. She looked at the first male, would he accept her kindness, and ignore the fool that was with them, or will he grow more hostile as the time was to pass. Things she did not know would turn out soon enough with an answer, maybe not right away but an answer will show up, it always dose.


04-03-2013, 05:35 PM
He remained still, the boys words booming in his mind. He would not speak, he would not move, he would not do anything. He was very uneasy, cautious, ready to defend himself from anything. He said he wouldn't leave without Valkis speaking, and to him, that was a threat. What would he do, hold him hostage? No, that wasn't about to happen. A snarl bubbled within his chest, lips curled tightly around his fangs. He was not happy.. and honestly considering jumping this male until the female spoke. She was from his kingdom? He had never seen her before... Did she know who he was? Probably not. What she was saying was right... The black male was making things a lot worse. His eyes landed on her. She was... pretty to say the least. How had he never seen her before? "I'm Valkis." Words slipped out of his mouth before he could stop them. His body tensed in response to her submissive behavior. He wasn't someone to submit to, matter a fact he was a nobody. Just a lost soul in this world.


04-03-2013, 11:32 PM
Roman backed a way a little from the lone wolf as he heard the snarl whoa calm down valkis is it? im just here to talk that is all but if you don't wish to ill back away and just sit and here you sing he turned to the second wolf and talked to heroh? a baroness my apologies i must kneel roman kneeled before the baroness and was very impressed a healer and a baroness now he must ask what was she doing far away from her packwhat are you doing so far away from your pack or family this place seems a bit sketchy to be here alone and do you know this lone wolf? he pondered on both wolves and wonder are they from the same pack? and what was theor business currently? and just then he sat and stayed silent after speaking.


04-04-2013, 05:52 AM
Segolia got up and out of her position when the first male spoke. Valkis, that was a lovely name, and by the scent on his pelt he was apart of Seracia. Segolia smiled at Valkis, then she noticed his uncomfort when she was in the submissive position. "Valkis, what a nice name." She said with a smile. "And you don't need to be on guard around me, i won't hurt you." Her attention went to the second male, who's words that came out of his mouth just seemed to just have no filter. Her ears laid back to listen to the other male once more. She turned her head, and watched the second male kneel before her. Her ears perked up and then lied back down upon her skull, was this male stupid, or just cocky. She did not know but all she knew is that he would make this situation a bit worse.

"Please don't do that, i mean kneel down at me."She said to the second male. Segolia listened to Him speak about what she was doing here away from the pack. Her tail swayed gently as she stood there watching both males. "I was out looking for herbs, there is a herb here that you can only get in the caves." She spoke "And this male is not a loaner, you can clearly tell by the scent on him that he is apart of Seracia Pack, just like i am." She spoke as she stood there. Segolia's eyes caught a sight of a purple flower off in the distance. That was what she was looking for, she gave a slight bow to the two males. "I will be right back" She turned to Roman "Just some words i would like to address, you really need to think a bit before you speak, alot of others might take it the wrong way" She said as she walked over to the flower.

Segolia lowered her head, and picked up the flower from the ground. She picked up a few more also and made her way back to the two males. "Oh by the way, i did not get your name" She said to Roman.


04-04-2013, 08:04 PM
He watched the ebony male, noting how he backed away, then bowed to Segolia because she was a healer. Where in the hell had this guy come from? He was certainly odd, but then again so was Valkis. Maybe he would like this little pair after all. When Segolia spoke to him, he couldn't help but slightly smile. She complimented him, saying he had a nice name. No one had ever complimented him before. He watched her trot away when some odd flower came into sight. He didn't understand anything about healing, so hopefully finding random flowers was normal. He waited for her to come back, and when she did, he glanced toward the violet flowers locked between her jaws. They were really pretty flowers. What could she possibly use them for? He wanted to ask so many questions, but his mute nature repelled him. He remained quiet, waiting for the male to state his name.


04-04-2013, 08:45 PM
He remained seated and a bit quiet then spoke softly to valkis in a clam tone the name is roman valkis do you have any questions for either me or segolia? he remained his same distance and went silent again till valkis or segolia spoke but while roman was seated he could pick up the scent of some herbs and questioned segoliawhat are those herbs for? they smell good but i cannot see there color or at all? he questioned the baroness as to being curious but they themselves the two other wolves seemed curious about him as well did they wonder where did he come from? what was his purpose here? and where was he headed? and were they curious about his blindness? he stayed silent and seated till spoken to.


04-05-2013, 03:34 AM
Segolia could tell that Valkis was beginning to ease up on his guard, not all the way only a little bit though. Segolia put the flowers in her little bag that was held up by a strap around her neck and under her right leg. She then smiled once more before speaking in her calm soft voice. "Roman, quite and unusual name. I have not herd anyone with that name before." She said as she sat down looking at both valkis and Roman. Her purple eyes fell upon Roman as he asked her about the flower that she grabbed. To her it was obvious as to what the flower was for, but the other two were not healers, and did not know much about the topic. "The flower i use it to make a herbal tea. The tea can help a sore throat, and if you add a little bit of the ever green bark it turns in to a tea that help with fevers." She said with a smile upon her face.

Segolia looked at both males, they were not that close, and something about Roman made her curious about him. Valkis she understood that he was not that in to trusting others. "So what about you both, What job do you hold" She said as she rummaged through her bag. It was full with many different herbs, and items that she needs for helping others. This was not something she was use to, running into such unique characters such as the two males that grace her with there presence.


04-06-2013, 01:51 PM
He listened to them both, attention turning from the male to the female. Yes, he had questions, but he would not ask them. He couldn't. So he remained quiet, listening to the gal talk about plants and such. It really interested him, the fact that with simple plants you could save someones life. Maybe he was meant to be a healer? She turned her attention on him and Roman, asking what rank each of them held. He simply shook his head. He had no rank, as far as he knew he was just a noble in Seracia. He remained quiet, waiting to see what Roman had to say.


04-06-2013, 11:00 PM
Roman remained seat and silent while listening to segolia about what the herbs were for and he was a bit interested and she seemed interested in his name as if it were a mystery thank you my name is a mystery to me but my parents named me in a certian honor of someone but my full name is Roman Rojo its spanish and that very interesting about your herbs id love to learn he went quiet again and wondered about valkis if he wanted to say something or wondered about roman to since he did not belong to a pack just a mere wanderer and simple roughe nothing more so he carried on and listen to both wolves and think what would be nexr whether to leave or still stay.tension was no longer in the air so it seemed a bit safe around the three but not approach just yet so on he stayed seated.


04-07-2013, 01:45 PM
Segolia looked at Valkis who seemed to want to talk, but something is holding him back. She turned her attention to Roman who seemed very interested in learning a bit more about plants, and how they can be used to heal. A smile arose across her face as she stood up and looked at Roman "Well i am glad that you are interested in learning more about herbs. It is great that everyone know the basics of healing, just encase they get hurt and need to keep them selves alive until they can get to a healer." Her eyes landed on Valkis, she smiled at him. She could see he did not want to talk, but he had begun to warm up to them abit.

Segolia sat next to Valkis, but kept a good feet from them to make sure he did not get to nervous. "I hope it is ok if i sit here?'She said in a kind voice. She wanted to learn more about the two males. "So Valkis you never said what rank you hold in the pack. It is ok you don't need to tell me i was just wondering." Her voice was soft and relaxing, she was not a large wolf, and everything about her did not, and was not intimidating at all.


04-09-2013, 05:23 PM
He still remained still, not moving an inch. Not even the muscles twitched beneath his crimson pelt. He was an expert at sitting still, not talking, and listening. It was what he did best, what he had learned to do since he was a pup. He had perfected it growing up, and now it was like an art. "Roman... Interesting name." He thought to himself as he went on about how he didn't really know his name. He was an odd little wolf wasn't he? The dame sat down next to him, and he looked toward her, but not making eye contact. He scooted away just an inch, his ears folding flat against his skull, but perking back forward when she said his name. Valkis... Such an odd name. Why had his mother and father named him that?? Segolia asked him what rank he held. He thought for a moment of what it actually was. He wasn't a healer, or a warrior, or any higher ranking wolf. Was he an Omega? Gerhardt had never officially told him his rank before, so he honestly didn't know. "Noble." He replied hastily. He didn't know what else to say.